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我国经济是建立在公有制基础上的社会主义有计划商品经济,国民经济的发展既要符合计划经济的要求,也要符合商品经济的一般要求,而计划经济与市场调节相结合,是适应这种客观要求的经营管理体制模式。一、实现计划经济与市场调节有机结合,必须构造合理的体制基础,采取多种结合形式计划经济与市场调节相结合需要一个相应的体制基础才能实现。这个体制基础主要是由宏观调控、企业机制和市场体系三个方面所组成。宏观调控体制是实现计划经济与市场调节相结合的关键环节,起着导向作用。 相似文献
当前,我们正处在世纪和千年的交接点上,面对21世纪统计的新实践和新发展,以及知识经济给统计带来的挑战和机遇,如何推动统计知识创新和技术创新,进一步解放和发展统计生产力,这是摆在我们面前的一项全新而艰巨的任务。下面,我围绕统计创新问题谈几点初步思考。 相似文献
回归分析中的异常点和影响点张继歌回归分析中有异常点或影响点存在的情形是一个应该引起注意的问题,因为对此的处理适当与否,将会在很大程度上影响到模型拟合、及参数估计的精确性、稳定性等有关回归的重要特征。因此,回归分析前关于异常点和影响点的数据分析及检查诊... 相似文献
关于政府统计改革的几点思考朱震葆ABSTRACTTheviewpointthatthereformofmanagementsystemisthekeylinkofsta-tisticalreformwasexpressed,thenasetofcom... 相似文献
关于统计科学研究工作的几点意见翟立功一、发动全体会员人人参与科研工作张塞同志指出,中国统计学会作为全国统计系统的最高学术组织,主要任务是搞好科研工作,要对现实工作起到导向作用。中国统计学会现在有近5000名会员,虽然在全国统计工作者中只占有很小的比例... 相似文献
在多指标统计综合评价中,权数是影响评价结论的一个重要因素。不同的权数体系有可能导致不同的评价结论。最近几年来,人们指出了不少构造统计权数的方法。其中行之有效的构权方法当首推AHP构权法与DELPHI构权法。本文拟就AHP构权法谈几点自己的看法。 相似文献
一、简单估计 所谓简单估计就是以样本单位标志值的平均值来直接作为总体标志值的估计值。由于简单估计的方法比较简单,因而在我国目前抽样调查的实践中应用比较普遍。 在多主题系统抽样中,假设有m个主题X_1、X_2、X_3…X_m,多主题总体单位数为N,从这N个总体单位中,按系统抽样的方式抽取n个样本单位,则多主题总体标志值X的简单估计量X为: 相似文献
A general theory for a case where some factors have both fixed and random effect levels is developed under a two-way treatment structure model. This is an extension of a one factor with both fixed and random levels (Njuho and Milliken, 2005). We consider several alternative approaches for estimating the fixed effects and the variance components using mixed models. We propose conducting the analysis in stages depending on the hypothesis being tested. The computational procedures are illustrated using two numerical examples. 相似文献
VICTOR DE OLIVEIRA 《Scandinavian Journal of Statistics》2006,33(3):523-540
Abstract. This work discusses the problems of point and block prediction in log-Gaussian random fields with unknown mean. New point and block predictors are derived that are optimal in mean squared error sense within certain families of predictors that contain the corresponding lognormal kriging point and block predictors, as well as a block predictor originally motivated under the assumption of 'preservation of lognormality', and hence improve upon them. A comparison between the optimal, lognormal kriging and best linear unbiased predictors is provided, as well as between the two new block predictors. Somewhat surprisingly, it is shown that the corresponding optimal and lognormal kriging predictors are almost identical under most scenarios. It is also shown that one of the new block predictors is uniformly better than the other. 相似文献
In this article, the parameter estimators in singular linear model with linear equality restrictions are considered. The restricted root estimator and the generalized restricted root estimator are proposed and some properties of the estimators are also studied. Furthermore, we compare them with the restricted unified least squares estimator and show their sufficient conditions under which their superior over the restricted unified least squares estimator in terms of mean squares error, and discuss the choice of the unknown parameters of the generalized restricted root estimator. 相似文献
In reply to a question raised in the literature, and to settle an argument debated in the last decades, we give the exact closed form expression of the density of X/Y, where X and Y are normal random variables, in terms of Hermite and confluent hypergeometric functions. All cases will be considered: standardized and nonstandardized variables, independent or correlated variables. Examples in applied disciplines are presented, and generalizations to ratios of variables from scale mixtures of bivariate normal distributions show the potential of further new applications in applied statistics and operations research. 相似文献
David P. Chu 《统计学通讯:模拟与计算》2013,42(2):257-276
ABSTRACT The travel distance between two cities of rectangular shape is considered. Two uniformly distributed random points, one from each city, are taken. Their straight path travel distance is then measured. The explicit forms for the probability density function of this distance and its expected value are obtained. Numerical results of calculating the exact expected distance and the estimated distance as well as computer simulation are given for various cases. The integer moments of the distance are also discussed. 相似文献
Carlos Comas 《统计学通讯:模拟与计算》2013,42(2):380-395
This article presents an analysis of space-time interdependencies of spatial point processes considering random and deterministic Gibbsian point motions caused by repulsion effects between particles. Two deterministic models of Gibbsian motions are considered by formulating a constant (i.e., Strauss-like) and a linear interaction motion functions. Given that theoretical development of continuous space-time stochastic processes are mathematically intractable, we have mainly based our analysis on numerical simulations. Our results suggest that to fully understand such complex dynamics, the analysis of purely spatial patterns should be combined with their interactions in the space-time domain. Otherwise, analysis of pure spacial patterns may not fully explain the real mechanism generating such dynamical configurations. We highlight that adding movement to sedentary points opens new areas of application and research to study biological phenomena, where particles not only evolve through time but also can change spatial positions in terms of their neighbor locations. 相似文献
Let X 1,X 2,…,X n be independent exponential random variables such that X i has hazard rate λ for i = 1,…,p and X j has hazard rate λ* for j = p + 1,…,n, where 1 ≤ p < n. Denote by D i:n (λ, λ*) = X i:n ? X i?1:n the ith spacing of the order statistics X 1:n ≤ X 2:n ≤ ··· ≤ X n:n , i = 1,…,n, where X 0:n ≡ 0. It is shown that the spacings (D 1,n ,D 2,n ,…,D n:n ) are MTP2, strengthening one result of Khaledi and Kochar (2000), and that (D 1:n (λ2, λ*),…,D n:n (λ2, λ*)) ≤ lr (D 1:n (λ1, λ*),…,D n:n (λ1, λ*)) for λ1 ≤ λ* ≤ λ2, where ≤ lr denotes the multivariate likelihood ratio order. A counterexample is also given to show that this comparison result is in general not true for λ* < λ1 < λ2. 相似文献