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在假定产出可以观测的条件下,构造企业与员工之间的委托-代理激励模型,针对企业员工有效劳动时间是时称信息和非对称信息,分别设计包含裁员概率的企业最优激励合同,然后讨论裁员概率如何对激励合同与员工积极性产生影响.  相似文献   

目前我国国有企业员工退出机制基本处于缺位状态,人力资源退出机制的构成对国有企业人力资源管理体系的完善,对人力资源管理实践也具有重大的现实意义,本文探讨了构建企业人力资源退出机制的必要性、标准、程序以及支持体系。  相似文献   

委托-代理下人力资源有效激励模式与退出机制设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在假定产出可以观测的条件下,首先比较员工素质信息是完全信息和非对称信息下不同产出差异,再讨论基于利润分享激励模式下不同激励效应,最后设计出根据员工自愿选择策略而实现的企业存优弃劣的有效退出机制.  相似文献   

在服务外包中,发包商期望通过将自身非核心业务外包,来获得成本的降低。然而,由于信息不对称对发包商应用服务外包带来了诸多不利影响。本文建立了逆向选择下的应用服务外包委托——代理模型,以期能够依据此模型分析签约前信息不对称情况下发包商选择接包商的机制设计问题。  相似文献   

陈尉纲 《中国管理科学》2006,14(Z1):242-246
现代企业投资项目的成功与否,不仅取决于企业所取得的融资量,而且还取决于委托人、代理人关系链的制约,激励机制的有效发挥.由于企业经理作为代理人同委托人存在信息非对称,经理存在逆向选择和道德风险问题,此时,如何配置资金并给予经理人适当激励以使企业获得更高的绩效,经理的最优补偿方案与企业的投资机会特征间的联系,经理补偿方案与企业价值间的联系,便成为我们研究的一些重要课题.本文基于信息经济学和博弈论的基本理论,在对项目盈利水平进行量化的一维空间中,分析委托人,尤其是代理人的行为方式,建立模型,研究委托人的最佳机制(资本配置方案、经理人的激励补偿方案)和代理人的最佳战略.模型的研究结论将项目盈利水平的一维空间由低到高分为了三个区域,分别确立了委托人和代理人的最优策略.  相似文献   

研究了委托人(业务购买方)对于承包人(业务供应方)生产成本具有非对称信息时的最优合约设计问题.基于委托人视角,给出了委托人如何诱导代理人报告自己真实成本信息的逆向选择模型,并刻画了最优合约的特征.结果表明:给出的合约能够达到诱导代理人讲真话的目的;在信息非对称条件下,委托人由于信息缺乏受到了损失,而低成本类型的代理人获得了额外的信息租金;在非对称信息条件下,最优合约的参数配置受到委托人事前信念的影响.  相似文献   

最优网上拍卖机制模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
最优拍卖机制设计问题是拍卖人通过合理的设计一系列规则使得自己的收益最大化的过程,这一过程显然是追求"卖方剩余"最大化的.实际上,在拍卖人追求收益最大化的同时,竞标人同样会通过最优策略的分析,使自己的收益最大化.这种双方博弈的结果自然导致一种均衡状态的出现,这种均衡状态是一种纳什均衡状态,这种状态下的社会资源配置也是最优的.本文试图从传统的网上拍卖模型入手,将原有模型进行扩展研究,得出拍卖品数量和拍卖价值离差等对网上拍卖的影响,从而提出一个现有电子商务环境下的最优拍卖机制模型.  相似文献   

非对称信息下分销渠道中的激励契约设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了信息非对称条件下,制造商如何设计相应契约来激励分销商提高服务水平进而最大化制造商自己的利益的问题.给出了信息非对称下的供应链契约设计模型,并计算了信息价值.模型结果表明,分销商销售能力越强,制造商获益越多;并且,制造商收益与分销商销售能力成平方增长关系.同时,还得到在信息非对称情况下,制造商由于信息的缺乏付出了代价,当分销商的销售能力越强时这种情况表现越为明显,信息价值也就越大,制造商收集分销商有关信息的动机也就越强等结论.  相似文献   

风险投资的退出机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
董强华  金国璋 《管理科学》2000,12(1):35-37,38
风险投资的退出机制是风险投资体系的重要一环,发挥着动力机制和安全保障机制的双重作用。要建立我国的风险投资事业,必须利用我国现有条件,为风险投资提供多渠道的出口。  相似文献   

冯锋  刘建华  周英 《管理学报》2010,7(4):537-541
通过调研建立一个比较全面的裁员标准体系,用来计算企业中每个员工对企业的贡献价值,再把这个过程抽象为一个带约束条件的最优化的数学模型,用遗传算法对其求解,进而确定裁减的人员。这样就解决了企业在裁减人员过程中主观地决定裁减人数的问题。该模型能够给管理者提供一个使企业整体利益最大化的精确裁减人数以及被裁的人员清单,提高了决策的科学性,也为管理人员使用计算机提高决策的正确性和高效性提供了参考。  相似文献   

在假定产出可以观测的条件下,构造含裁员概率的企业与员工之间的委托-代理激励模型,把企业的裁员概率与员工的实际业绩结合起来,针对员工素质类型是对称信息和非对称信息,分别探讨含产出-工资合同的企业激励机制设计,比较两种不同信息结构下不同激励效应,分析非对称信息下实施合同的代理成本.  相似文献   

文悦  王勇 《中国管理科学》2022,30(5):248-262
本文研究了面对通过电商平台进行交易的双渠道制造商时,电商平台的最优服务契约设计问题。契约设计过程中,电商平台面同时面临着双渠道制造商成本信息不对称的风险及契约类型的选择问题。因此,本文在“电商平-双渠道制造商”在线平台销售模式中,考虑双渠道制造商拥有私有成本信息,基于电商平台的两个典型的收入模式(广告模式和佣金模式)设计了两种服务契约(广告型和佣金型),得出了信息对称与不对称下的最优契约参数。首先,在两种契约下,考察了双渠道制造商成本信息不对称对电商平台最优契约设计的影响。然后,在两种信息结构下,考察了契约类型对电商平台和制造商收益的影响。研究发现:双渠道制造商成本信息不对称的存在会使最优契约参数发生变化,且总是造成高成本双渠道制造商、电商平台和供应链整体绩效损失,而仅低成本双渠道制造商能够获得额外的信息租金。成本信息对称时,契约类型对双渠道制造商和电商平台的收益没有影响。但成本信息不对称时,高成本双渠道制造商收益在两种契约下绩效相同;对于低成本制造商和供应链整体而言,广告型契约下绩效始终较优;对于电商平台而言,佣金型契约下绩效始终较优;且优势程度均随市场中低成本制造商比例递增、随消费者对线上渠道的接受程度先减后增。  相似文献   

由于企业与员工双方都以自己的收益最大化为目标函数,所以当企业采取对产出按比例分成的报酬机制时,会导致双边道德风险,从而使员工实际的人力资本投资力度和工作努力程度以及企业的实际相关投入力度都低于整个社会福利最大化时的力度.如果企业能够采取另外一种报酬机制,使员工拥有完全剩余索取权,就能够使企业与员工都选择社会福利最大化时人力资本投资力度和工作努力程度以及相关投入力度.  相似文献   

The mixed‐channel model is becoming increasingly popular in the marketplace. In this model, a firm selling through the traditional supply chain of wholesaler and retailer opens a direct channel to the customer through Internet sales. Because both channels have their respective advantages, the manufacturer is attracted to this business model. However, it also leads to channel conflict, with the retailer feeling threatened by direct competition. One way of eliminating the possibility of this channel conflict, where the retailer is allowed to add value to the product to differentiate its offering to the customers, is proposed in this paper. The retailer is also given full authority to make pricing decisions. This paper presents a model, under this scenario, of obtaining optimum pricing decisions by both parties, the amount of value added by the retailer, and the manufacturer's wholesale price to the retailer. Our model incorporates information asymmetry, where the manufacturer has incomplete information about the retailer's cost of adding value. We obtain closed‐form contracts with incomplete information and compare them with those with complete channel coordination. We also develop a number of managerial guidelines and identify future research topics.  相似文献   

商业银行信息披露监控机制的构建研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
商业银行充分有效的信息披露是进一步完善市场经济机制、强化对银行的市场约束,提高金融透明度的必然要求,也是国际银行监管发展的趋势。运用博弈论与信息经济学的原理,研究商业银行信息披露监控中的一阶段博弈和多阶段的重复博弈问题。根据博弈结果,认为按既定的行为规则下设计信息披露监控机制,可以构成稳定的均衡,博弈的双方都有遵守机制的内在动力。  相似文献   

We study mechanism design in dynamic quasilinear environments where private information arrives over time and decisions are made over multiple periods. We make three contributions. First, we provide a necessary condition for incentive compatibility that takes the form of an envelope formula for the derivative of an agent's equilibrium expected payoff with respect to his current type. It combines the familiar marginal effect of types on payoffs with novel marginal effects of the current type on future ones that are captured by “impulse response functions.” The formula yields an expression for dynamic virtual surplus that is instrumental to the design of optimal mechanisms and to the study of distortions under such mechanisms. Second, we characterize the transfers that satisfy the envelope formula and establish a sense in which they are pinned down by the allocation rule (“revenue equivalence”). Third, we characterize perfect Bayesian equilibrium‐implementable allocation rules in Markov environments, which yields tractable sufficient conditions that facilitate novel applications. We illustrate the results by applying them to the design of optimal mechanisms for the sale of experience goods (“bandit auctions”).  相似文献   

We study a decentralized assembly supply chain in which an assembler (she) assembles a set of n components, each produced by a different supplier (he), into a final product to satisfy an uncertain market demand. Each supplier holds private cost information to himself, for which the assembler only has a subjective estimate. Furthermore, the assembler believes that the suppliers' costs follow a joint discrete probability distribution. The assembler aims to design an optimal menu of contracts to maximize her own expected profit. The assembler's problem is a complex multi‐dimensional constrained optimization problem. We prove that there exists a unique optimal menu of contracts for the assembler, and we further develop an efficient algorithm with a complexity of O(n) to compute the optimal contract. In addition, we conduct a comprehensive sensitivity analysis to analyze how environmental parameters affect individual firm's performance and the value of information to the assembler, to each supplier, and to the supply chain. Our results suggest that each supplier's private cost information becomes more valuable to the assembler and each supplier when the average market demand increases or when the final product unit revenue increases. Surprisingly, when a supplier's cost volatility increases and its mean remains the same, the value of information to the assembler or to each supplier does not necessarily increase. Furthermore, we show that when the suppliers' cost distributions become more positively correlated, the suppliers are always worse off, but the assembler is better off. However, the value of information for the assembler might increase or decrease.  相似文献   

Weng Kee Wong 《Risk analysis》2011,31(12):1949-1960
Hormesis is a widely observed phenomenon in many branches of life sciences, ranging from toxicology studies to agronomy, with obvious public health and risk assessment implications. We address optimal experimental design strategies for determining the presence of hormesis in a controlled environment using the recently proposed Hunt‐Bowman model. We propose alternative models that have an implicit hormetic threshold, discuss their advantages over current models, and construct and study properties of optimal designs for (i) estimating model parameters, (ii) estimating the threshold dose, and (iii) testing for the presence of hormesis. We also determine maximin optimal designs that maximize the minimum of the design efficiencies when we have multiple design criteria or there is model uncertainty where we have a few plausible models of interest. We apply these optimal design strategies to a teratology study and show that the proposed designs outperform the implemented design by a wide margin for many situations.  相似文献   

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