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研究老年人口与子女社会经济地位对同住安排的影响,能够在微观层次上探究代际支持的作用,寻找中国家庭制度变迁的脉络.基于中国健康与养老追踪调查数据库,通过建立包含父辈特征、子女特征以及社会经济地位特征的分析模型解释老年居住安排的主要影响因素.对存在与子女同住偏好样本的进一步分析中,父辈健康、 子女受教育水平对农村老年人口实际居住安排有显著负向作用,而对城镇老年人口实际居住安排却没有显著作用. 相似文献
本研究基于2015年中国教育追踪调查(CEPS)数据,以父母婚姻教育匹配构建的“新型家庭文化资本”为视角,探讨不同婚配模式下“共同养育联盟”的水平与新型家庭文化资本被激活的效率对子女学业表现影响的作用路径。研究表明,与低等教育同质婚家庭的子女相比,向上婚以及高等教育同质婚家庭的子女学业表现更好。其二,父母婚姻教育匹配对子女学业表现的影响存在教育差距效应,随着父母间教育跨层级的增加,向上婚家庭中子女学业表现的优势递增,向下婚家庭中子女学业表现的劣势进一步扩大。其三,父母婚姻教育匹配模式对学业的影响因子女性别而异,向上婚和高等教育同质婚减弱了男孩的学习劣势,向下婚扩大了男孩的学习劣势。最后,家庭中的共同养育联盟对子女学业表现的影响发挥了部分中介作用。向上婚家庭的父亲与母亲在教养分工中建立了更互补的关系,共同养育联盟水平较高,更有效地激活了新型家庭文化资本,促进子女的学业表现。“强强联合”的婚姻教育匹配虽然成为不平等再生产的“温床”,但是,通过建立高水平的共同养育联盟这一中介路径提高新型家庭文化资本被激活的效率,则可能减缓教育不平等的代际传递。 相似文献
随着高校毕业生数量的逐年攀升和经济发展对高端人才需求的增长,越来越多的本科毕业生选择继续接受研究生教育以提高自己在劳动力市场中的竞争优势。本文对首都大学生成长追踪调查数据进行了实证分析,研究发现,2010年和2012年毕业于北京高校的本科生中,约有三分之一的学生选择了继续接受研究生教育,而且读研学生的家庭背景和学业表现都要显著地优于毕业后直接就业的学生。进一步的分析表明,在国内研究生教育机会获得中,家庭背景变量基本上是通过影响本科就读高校的类型和学业表现来发挥作用的,而比较海外留学与国内读研这两种选择,本科就读学校类型和学业表现对此并没有显著的影响,主要是家庭社会经济地位在起作用。上述研究发现对于当前中国的研究生教育招生和培养工作具有重要的政策意涵。 相似文献
青少年犯罪是当今社会的顽疾,它已成为世界各国普遍关注的社会问题。家庭是青少年适应社会的基本媒介,家庭社会资本的影响是决定—个儿童是否成为犯罪者的重要因素。本文主要综述了家庭社会资本与青少年犯罪行为之间的关系,具体分析了决定家庭社会资本的因素以及家庭社会资本的缺乏对青少年犯罪行为产生的可能性影响。研究探索青少年犯罪与家庭社会资本的关系,也是为了制定积极有效的措施,更好地预防和减少青少年犯罪。 相似文献
本文以就读于八年级的流动儿童作为研究对象,考察了方言能力对其学业表现的影响及作用机制。通过对中国教育追踪调查2014—2015学年数据的分析,本研究发现,掌握流入地方言可以显著改善流动儿童的学业表现,但其影响主要体现在语文和英语两个科目上。同时,来自教师和同学的支持是方言能力影响流动儿童学业表现的作用机制。本研究从语言环境的角度揭示了流动儿童人力资本积累的逻辑,为相关部门完善与流动儿童相关的教育政策提供了经验证据。 相似文献
家庭结构是影响青少年学业、行为、认知和身心发展的重要因素,并可能加剧已经存在的性别、城乡和阶层差异从而导致社会不平等的再生产。第一,离散家庭的青少年在考试成绩、认知能力、行为表现、自评健康和心理健康等方面的发展均要劣于聚合家庭;第二,与国外"母权制病理学"的假设不同,在中国,更多的是"父权制病理学"现象,即父亲缺位反而对女孩成长更为不利,推进父亲更多的参与、嵌入和再嵌到孩子成长中,促进平等的家庭性别分工,就显得尤为重要;第三,家庭结构的半脱嵌化所产生的负面效应对女生更为明显,导致离散家庭的女生处于多重劣势地位。鉴于这一消极效应的持续性和传递性,离散家庭的女生在未来发展过程中将处于更为劣势地位,可见家庭结构是性别不平等扩大的机制。 相似文献
教养实践是家庭资本在代际间传递的主要手段。家庭中的教养实践是儿童不断积累文化资本的过程,这个过程与家庭的阶层背景紧密相关。基于2010年中国家庭追踪调查数据,同时考虑祖代和父代的社会阶层,将家庭的阶层背景分为持续上层、新上层、新下层和持续下层。分析显示,不同阶层的家庭拥有不同的教养实践模式,教养实践模式在多代间可以传递,家庭的阶层背景与教养实践又影响着子女的学业成就。相比于祖代,向上流动的父代家庭在教养实践与子女学业成就上更接近持续上层,向下流动的家庭则颇为特殊:教养实践上更接近持续上层,而子女学业表现上则更接近持续下层。由此来看,中国阶层结构及其变化趋势有着更为复杂的面向。 相似文献
近20年来,越来越多的研究者逐渐抛弃过去单独探讨某个或者某些家庭因素的研究范式,转向将家庭看作一个系统来研究。因此,更能反映家庭是一个系统的家庭功能便受到研究者的注意,并日益成为研究的热点。本文拟从家庭功能的定义、家庭因素的分析及其与青少年社会适应的关系对家庭功能相关研究进行综述。 相似文献
Holly Baker Shakya Christina Eisenberg Joanna Weston Sandy Liles 《Journal of gerontological social work》2013,56(1):39-54
This study examined the family well-being concerns of grandparents in skipped-generation families. Co-resident grandparents who are responsible for raising their grandchildren completed surveys, focus groups, or individual interviews. Service providers to skipped-generation families also participated in individual interviews to provide an additional perspective to grandparents' concerns. Results indicated 5 levels of concerns: intrapersonal, interpersonal, organizational or institutional, policy, and societal. Concerns at different levels were interrelated and pointed to the need for multilevel interventions to help these families. Implications of the findings for future interventions with skipped-generation families are discussed. 相似文献
社会保护是缓解儿童贫困最有效的政策工具。本文通过对我国城市低保家庭儿童的社会保护制度进行分析,发现有一些基本要素缺失,贫困儿童的社会保护有很多需要改善的地方。 相似文献
This study explores relationships between the psychological health of grandparents raising grandchildren and grandchildren's social, emotional and behavioural issues. Fifty-two grandparents raising grandchildren (Caregiving) and an age-matched sample (N = 45) of grandparents who were not the primary caregivers of their grandchildren (Non-caregiving) participated in the study. All participants completed the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale Questionnaire (DASS21), and grandparents in the caregiving group completed the Caregiver form of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and a semi-structured telephone interview. Grandparents in the Caregiving group scored higher on all three DASS21 subscales than the Non-caregiving group. Statistically significant associations were found between grandparents' DASS21 scores and grandchildren's SDQ scores. Qualitative analyses of interviews were conducted describing a priori themes of conflict, challenges and rewards, and emergent themes of no choice/option, duty and pride. Clinical implications of this study point to the importance of providing increased levels of psychological support for grandparents and grandchildren. Longitudinal studies are needed. 相似文献
Sojung Park BoRin Kim Eunsun Kwon Hyunjoo Lee 《Journal of gerontological social work》2017,60(5):355-376
ABSTRACTThis study examined how older adults’ living arrangements and poverty status affected their use of in-home health, functional, and out-of-home services over time. Using eight waves of data from the Korea Welfare Panel Study, we employed a logistic mixed-effect model to analyze how poverty and living arrangements affect community-based service use. Living-alone older adults and elder-only couples were more likely than co-residing households to use services. Elder-only couples, when poor, were more likely to use in-home and out-of-home services over time. Understanding predictors of community-based service use over time enables researchers and policymakers to better understand the process of aging-in-place. 相似文献
Jing Guo 《Asian Social Work and Policy Review》2011,5(2):123-137
Analyzing data drawn from the Beijing Migrant Children Compulsory Education Survey (BMCCES), this study examines the impact of child, family and parent factors on migrant Chinese children’s performance in math. The central questions address the differences between the performance of migrant and non‐migrant children in Beijing, the family and parent correlates of education achievement, such as household income and parent education, the impact of social capital based on family relations, norms and interactions, such as educational expectation and parental involvement, and how the results compare to findings in the US literature. The results show some similarities and differences between the family‐related factors that impact achievement in the US and China. 相似文献
本文使用2006年全国社会综合调查的抽样数据,分析了老年人的居住模式、与子女的居住距离和儿女数量对子女赡养行为的影响。研究发现,老人的居住模式和居住距离并不明显影响子女给予的经济支持,但会影响子女在日常照料和情感慰藉方面给予的支持。有同住子女的父母可以得到子女更频繁的关心和照顾,而空巢家庭的父母从子女处获得的日常照料和经济支持则较少;子女居住得离父母越近,则越经常给予父母日常照料和情感慰藉。研究也发现,子女给予父母各方面照料的频繁程度不受兄弟姐妹数量的影响,独生子女并不比非独生子女更频繁地照顾父母。 相似文献
Wendy Mitchell 《Child & Family Social Work》2007,12(1):94-101
The family in late modernity faces demographic change. However, it is still apparent that intergenerational relationships and exchanges of resources are valued. There is a growing literature on the important role that grandparents play in their children’s families. In contrast, there is limited research exploring the support grandparents provide to families with disabled children. This is an important gap in our knowledge, as families with disabled children frequently face additional caring responsibilities and emotional demands. From the studies that do exist, it is clear that grandparents’ support to families with disabled children is generally valued. However, the literature remains partial: past studies are small‐scale, focused upon parents’ perceptions of support (especially mother’s), and frequently based upon North American data. Recognizing these limitations and the fact that grandparents themselves have support needs which require consideration, this paper identifies key areas where important issues remain unanswered and further research is required. It argues that research is needed to begin untangling the different support needs of parents, grandparents and other family members, and the different effects of grandparent support that different family members’ experience. Exploration of grandparents’ own support needs also indicates the need for wider policy and service consideration. 相似文献