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中央政府、地方政府及政府职能部门作为我国公共服务提供的三类基本行政主体,在纵向治理结构中呈现出不同的行为特征:中央政府在缺乏经济激励的背景下倾向于通过政治施压,形成以人事控制为依托,以会议动员、考核评比为主要手段的政治激励模式;地方政府在自主性、碎片化权威和能力约束等因素影响下,形成选择性政策执行模式;职能部门在部门利益和政绩压力驱动下,形成借上级压力实现权力扩张的行为模式。公共服务纵向治理模式的特点,决定了地方政府和政府部门具有足够的内在激励去扭曲政策目标,使得选择性执行成为基层政府的优势策略,导致公共政策难以落到实处。  相似文献   

政策试点是中国政策实施过程中的一项重要机制。政策试点结果存在差异。对30个政策试点案例进行多值定性比较分析,探索中央政府、试点地区、非试点地区和政策试点方案四大类因素对政策试点结果的影响。研究发现:缺乏中央政府经费支持、政策试点效果差、地方政府行政压力小和学习动力弱是政策试点夭折产生的必要条件,其发生的典型路径有中央动力缺乏型、地方动力缺乏型和试点效果不佳型三种;发布政策试点的机构数量少即中央机构职责清晰、利益协商一致是政策试点局部推广的必要条件,其产生路径有八种;中央推动力强、政策试点效果好、地方政府行政压力大和政策目标单一是政策试点推广至全国的必要条件,其产生的典型路径有"两地一府一案"型和中央强力推动型两种。  相似文献   

麦颖特  徐道稳 《社会工作》2023,(1):87-102+110
乡镇(街道)社工站建设是当前中国社会工作发展的关键任务,各地政策文本为推进社工站建设提供依据、指明方向。文章以省级社工站的综合性政策为样本,采用相似度对比和对应分析法揭示社工站建设政策的扩散过程与内容。研究发现:省级社工站建设政策形成了以湖南政策为主干的水平方向扩散流,扩散受“任务指向”和“模仿学习”两种机制推动,并呈现出非渐近和非邻近的扩散模式,最终分化出两条路径。湖南引领的“先有后好”建设路径因具有普适性得到多数省份借鉴,而以广东为代表的“专业为本”建设路径因采纳门槛高呈现低强度的扩散。研究建议:民政部要继续把握社工站建设政策总体方向,提炼地方政策经验,鼓励和支持政策学习与制度创新;地方政府要针对政策执行中存在制度缺位完善配套措施。  相似文献   

我国多元化、跨层级、条块式的政策制定和执行模式,难以超越地方政绩和部门利益的科层制窠臼,不兼容的政策目标导致以邻为壑的政策指令和行政规章出炉,背道而驰的政策执行引发区域和部门冲突,损害了社会整体利益。政策网络既关注政策过程,注重政策目标协调、政策执行中的沟通互动和政策效果反馈,对政策过程进行全程控制;又侧重结构边界互动,基于平行关系协调多元政府及社团利益,建构各级政府及社团间的伙伴关系模型,减少政策冲突的可能性。政策网络的兼容特质凸显,从整体性治理视野对多个自主政策子系统整合叠加以消除负效应,在尊重信任、信息共享基础上实现各级政府及社团跨地域、超部门、多层级的无障碍互动,促成国家与社会、地方政府及行政部门之间、利益团体及个人价值的整合融通,形成多元伙伴型共同治理格局。  相似文献   

中央宏观政策的调整与地方及企业的策略选择———关于中央提出的“抓大放小”方针及政策的案例分析王幼平在成熟的市场经济条件下,中央政府和地方政府或企业的关系,在本质上是一个搏奕的过程。所谓经济搏奕,即指各经济主体根据对方的政策和策略,及时调整自己的政策、...  相似文献   

2005—2006年,中央政府为防止经济出现新的过热,继续采取宏观经济调控政策,如多次上调人民币存、贷款基准利率,下调部分商品出口退税,对房地产交易课税实行严格的土地管理政策等。虽然取得了一些效果,但是一些宏观调控政策并没有充分落到实处。地方政府对中央政府的决策度响应不高,甚至逆向行动,是宏观经济调控政策效果不理想的重要原因。其矛盾不是政治上的矛盾,而是经济利益的矛盾,微观经济主体利益与国家行政利益出现矛盾。为正确解决这一矛盾,应继续强调政令畅通,适当调整中央与地方的事权与财权关系,适当减少微观手段和行政手段。  相似文献   

在文献回顾的基础上,提出政策试验的知识生产过程模型,为应对不确定性的挑战,政策系统通过互动交流提出新概念,传递出新愿景、新思路,决策系统在接受了新概念后,构建议题学习网络,鼓励政策专家、地方官员、利益相关者参与,促进议题学习和知识生产。政策试验中的议题学习可分为愿景学习、试点学习、整合学习和规范学习四种类型,分别形成概念知识、项目知识、系统知识、制度知识。在持续的议题学习中,逐渐降低政策议题的不确定性。为促进政策知识的生产与再生产,政策试验需要构建政策知识的共同生产机制,在决策者、政策专家、地方官员、利益相关者之间增进互动与对话,对不同来源的信息进行整合应用。  相似文献   

周民良 《创新》2011,5(2):5-9,126
促进区域经济协调发展,是中央政府的重要决策。2010年,中央政府出台了一系列区域性政策,保持了共同但有差别性的区域发展格局。展望未来,应该推动形成各具特色各展其长的区域发展前景,应该通过政策调整理顺中央与地方的关系,以增强区域科学发展的协调性。  相似文献   

曹正汉  王宁 《社会》2005,40(4):77-110
在中央与地方关系研究上,最近十年发展起来的一种理论视角是从一统体制的内在矛盾出发,探讨此种矛盾引发的应对机制及其形成的国家治理模式和治理逻辑。但是,此种理论视角忽略了条块关系的作用,未能把条块关系纳入理论分析范围。本文试图拓展这种理论视角,把“一统体制的内在矛盾”扩展为“多元化的国家能力建构所包含的冲突”,为解释包括条块关系在内的中央与地方关系提供一般化的理论分析框架。本文认为,条块关系之形成,是中央政府为了建构多元化的国家能力、控制国家能力建构上的冲突所导致的结果。进一步,国家能力建构上的冲突的演变又导致了条块关系的演变。  相似文献   

中央与地方的关系模式直接影响政策执行的过程和效果。为了维护中央权威,保证中央政令畅通,从我国国情和社会转型期的实际情况出发,应该选择有限集权模式来理顺中央与地方的关系。一、单一制国家结构形式是有限集权模式的制度性依据国家结构形式是国家的中央权力机关与地方权力机关、整体与局部之间的关系的构成方式,它是中央权力与地方权力的关系在国家组织结构形式和原则上的体现。按照中央权力与地方权力的不同构成形成.国家结构形式主要可以分为单一制和联邦制。单一制国家的中央权力机关掌握着主要的和统一的政治权力,并统辖着地…  相似文献   

Universal access to China’s social welfare system involves a process of diffusion from localities to the whole country on the basis of social policy innovations in which intergovernmental relations play a key role as a facilitator. The rapid establishment of the urban subsistence allowance system in more than 200 cities throughout the country in seven years (1993-1999) serves as a case for our empirical analysis of the diffusion mechanism of social policy innovations at different levels of government. Our findings show, firstly, that in adopting a new social policy, city governments have to respond to the social desire of local citizens while keeping fiscal constraints in mind; at the same time, they are affected by administrative orders from higher-level governments and the vertical fiscal relations between governments at different levels, and are also subject to competitive pressures from other cities at the same level. Secondly, city governments’ policy innovations offer an opportunity for higher levels of government to learn from their experience. Thirdly, central government orders exert both a direct and indirect influence upon city governments, with provincial orders acting as intermediaries. And lastly, there is a clear difference in the time lag effect of orders from the central government and those at provincial level upon city governments’ policy adoption.  相似文献   

How do rural communities manage the challenge of local governance and community capacity‐building, given the policy choices of central government (both state and national) in favour of global resource‐development industries? Central government policy choices expose rural communities to the vagaries of the global economy, even as the Australian government's stated intent vis‐à‐vis rural Australia is the exact opposite: to encourage locally driven economic and community sustainability. Rural development policy in Australia often has the effect of denying the very outcomes it hopes to achieve. On the one hand, government policies encourage rural communities to be independent, to build ‘social capital’, and to add value to their local produce; on the other hand, macroeconomic policies change the contexts within which these communities function, creating a tension which is difficult to reconcile. In the case of the Western District of Victoria, an established agricultural and pastoral region, the cycles of economic activity have been disrupted in recent years by new and exciting global industries whose trajectories sit largely outside local control. This paper questions whether governments have a systemic view of the impact of these competing demands on rural communities, and calls for a more informed, whole‐of‐government policy‐making for the development of Australia's rural regions.  相似文献   

Those who develop or influence Australian public policy impacting on the nonprofit sector rarely have adequate empirical research upon which to base their judgments. Giving Australia research evidence relevant to strengthening giving and volunteering is brought together in this article to inform policy options for government, nonprofit and philanthropic entities. It begins with consideration of research findings related to the capacity of those that give or volunteer and the implications these findings have for policy. Three key criteria are developed for assessing policies to strengthening giving and volunteering, behaviours that primarily assist nonprofit organisations – policies that build trust between those that give and the recipients of their gifts, policies that strengthen affiliation and policies that encourage planned giving.  相似文献   

Those who develop or influence Australian public policy impacting on the nonprofit sector rarely have adequate empirical research upon which to base their judgments. Giving Australia research evidence relevant to strengthening giving and volunteering is brought together in this article to inform policy options for government, nonprofit and philanthropic entities. It begins with consideration of research findings related to the capacity of those that give or volunteer and the implications these findings have for policy. Three key criteria are developed for assessing policies to strengthening giving and volunteering, behaviours that primarily assist nonprofit organisations – policies that build trust between those that give and the recipients of their gifts, policies that strengthen affiliation and policies that encourage planned giving.  相似文献   

This article examines the diffusion of “Sport for Development and Peace” (SDP) across sub-Saharan Africa following global policy impetus provided by international organizations, including the United Nations, since the start of the twenty-first century. In so doing, the article centres on a geographical region that has been unconsidered in the policy diffusion literature and, particularly, responds to calls for research into the effects of policy characteristics on diffusion mechanisms and patterns. This rationale beget methods that differed from the predominant use of quantitative, dichotomous indicators of policy diffusion, instead integrating data from global, international and national policy documents, from a review of SDP literature, and from stakeholder interviews in Ghana and Tanzania. Patterns of increasing governmental engagement with, but limited implementation of, SDP policies contrasted with the significant expansion of SDP provision by diverse NGOs. In turn, these patterns represented the varying influence of different diffusion mechanisms on state and non-state actors. Compared with the diffusion of other types of policies, these findings indicated the effects of an instrumental, malleable but complex global policy model for SDP diffusion. There is, therefore, significant value in further research that examines how policy diffusion may depend on the configuration of particular policy characteristics, mechanisms and actors.  相似文献   

The deinstitutionalization of mental health care has changed the responsibilities of involved authorities and has led to a continuous need for new treatment forms and interventions. This article describes this development in Europe, and in particular how these new conditions have been handled in Sweden over the past 20 years at the level of governmental policy‐making. Three major policy documents from 1994, 2009 and 2012 were included in this study. To increase our understanding of the policies' contents, we have used theoretical concepts concerning governance, implementation and political risk management. Although our main interest was to find out how the government handles interventions for users of the mental health care system, we found that the policy work is progressing stepwise. The first document, from the deinstitutionalization era, did not discuss interventions clearly. Instead, it was mainly concerned with both practical and economical areas of responsibility. The second document, from the post‐deinstitutionalization era, was more focused on what services should be delivered to the users, while the most recently published document to a greater extent addressed the question of how the support is supposed to be designed. The trend in European community mental health policy has been to advocate services in open forms that are integrated into the society's other care systems. This is also the case in Sweden, and continuous work is being done by the government to find strategies to support the development, and to meet the needs at both political and local levels.  相似文献   

Background: market reforms in England have been identified as making a clear distinction between English health policy and health policy in the devolved systems in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Patient choice is a high profile policy in the English National Health Service that constitutes significant changes to the demand side of health care. It is not clear what national differences this has led to regarding implementation of policy. This article presents the findings from a large UK‐wide study on the development and implementation of policies related to patient choice of provider. The findings reported here relate specifically to the policy development and organizational implementation of choice in order to examine the impact of devolution on health care policy. Aim: this study examines patient choice of provider across all four countries of the UK to understand the effect of differences in national policies on the organization and service how choice of provider presented to patients. Methods: at the macro‐level, we interviewed policymakers and examined policy and guidance documents to analyze the provenance and determinants of national policy in each UK nation. At the Primary Care Trust or Health Board level, we interviewed a range of public and private health service providers to identify the range of referral pathways and where and when choices might be made. Finally, we interviewed ear, nose and throat, and orthopaedics patients to understand how such choices were experienced. Findings: while we found that distinct rhetorical differences were identifiable at a national policy level, these were less visible at the level of service organization and the way choices were provided to patients. Conclusion: historical similarities in both the structure and operation of health care, coupled with common operational objectives around efficient resource use and waiting times, mediate how strategic policy is implemented and experienced in the devolved nations of the UK.  相似文献   

冯猛 《社会》2017,37(3):215-241
讨价还价是中国上下级政府互动关系中很重要的一种形式。本文详细记述了四东县草原休禁牧政策实施过程中上下级政府的多轮讨价还价,县政府制定政策,政策严格落实导致政府与民众的冲突频发,乡镇政府以冲突为策略与县政府讨价还价,最终获得了相对宽松的执行空间。本文使用实施成本分析框架解释了讨价还价行为的发生机制,执行过程成本、上级施加成本、民众施加成本高昂,致使乡镇政府只能选择与上级讨价还价。随着社会冲突的加剧,乡镇政府的讨价还价能力相对提高,使得双方的协议点从严格执行端向宽松执行端移动。执行无僵局、协议点左右摆动、短期均衡与讨价还价的交替发生是政策执行中上下级政府讨价还价的基本特征。  相似文献   

Recent contributions to the policy implementation literature have applied Kingdon's model of ‘policy windows’ to the implementation of policy on health inequalities in the UK, and have identified the key role played by ‘policy entrepreneurs’ at local as well as national level. Despite this, the picture that emerges is of frustration of central policy intentions at the local level, alongside frustration of local aspirations by the centre. This article explores the relationship between central policy and local implementation in the context of a Lottery‐funded initiative to develop community cancer care in the UK. We examine the relationships: between the BIG Lottery Fund and central government; between BIG and the cancer care projects it funded; and between the projects and their local economy of cancer care. We found evidence of success both in vertical cascading of policy and in local policy innovation; 83 per cent of projects succeeded in obtaining continuation funding at the end of their Lottery funding. We suggest that this was due, in part, to two features of Lottery funding and accountability that combined to differentiate it from the other policy initiatives studied. They meant that projects were ‘buffered’ not just from national policy churn, but also from competing local priorities. In the ‘protected space’ that was thus formed, ‘street‐level policy entrepreneurs’ played a key role in developing cancer care innovations for adoption by mainstream funding agencies.  相似文献   

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