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Unique dream patterns are related to psychopathological distress in adults. In adolescence, this was investigated almost exclusively regarding nightmares. This longitudinal study examines developmental trajectories of various adolescent‐reported dream patterns, and their associations with parent‐reported psychopathology (internalization and externalization problems) in early adolescence. Ninety‐four 10‐ to 11‐year‐old normally developing children completed a week of sleep, dreaming, and pubertal development assessments. Parents reported behavior problems. Assessments were repeated after 1 and 2 years. Reports of unusual dreams decreased over time, and dream recall decreased among girls. Internalizing symptoms longitudinally predicted an increase in dream recall and unusual dreams. Moreover, unusual dreams longitudinally predicted increased behavior problems (internalization and externalization). Assessing dream patterns during early adolescence may help early detection of covert psychopathological distress.  相似文献   

Two functions of dreams, described but not stressed by Freud—the dream as a way of remembering early childhood experiences and the dream as an attempt to master painful stimuli—are considered in this paper in terms of their significance in the treatment of patients whose preoedipal developmental difficulties have resulted in distortions or deficiencies in psychic structure. By providing access to that period of life before semantic communication a time of profound developmental import, certain dreams can illuminate critical experiences of that period. They may lead to the discovery of positive experiences which can be utilized as a starting point for the fostering of more positive object representations or they may lead to the understanding of early traumatic experiences which can be dealt with retrospectively in the therapeutic situation.  相似文献   

In this article, dreams are seen as stories within a self-narrative. Dream stories, like all other stories, are told in an effort to make sense of experiences. Here, dream content is linked to current concerns, some aspects of which are not given voice in waking. Dreams depict restricting themes but also openings in self-narratives. Several examples are provided of how dreams can be linked to early, middle, and late therapy phases associated with recognizing, challenging, revising, and maintaining a revising stance. It is further suggested that dream stories can be used to trace, facilitate, and evaluate the process of reconstructing self-narratives. Finally, a number of therapeutic interventions are briefly presented to facilitate the work of narrative-informed family therapists working with individuals, families, and groups.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates how the engagement of families and other community members in decision-making processes in a school may prevent early school leaving among vulnerable youth and simultaneously increase their enrolment in secondary education. Based on a large-scale, EU-funded study, this article focuses on the case of one school located in a deprived area inhabited mainly by Roma people – one of the vulnerable populations most affected by early school leaving – where a specific egalitarian participatory process of Roma families was implemented. According to the analysis of the collected data, this participation contributed to a reduction in student dropout rates during primary education, led to the implementation of compulsory secondary education in the same school, and increased the numbers of students who graduated from secondary school. These achievements transformed the educational and social prospects of vulnerable youth who were following the path to failure and who now dream of continuing their studies. Furthermore, these youth are acting as role models for younger children in primary education, helping to prevent school dropout and early school leaving from early ages. The case shows how the community participation in decision-making processes transformed the climate and expectations regarding education in the neighbourhood.  相似文献   

青年梦与"中国梦"是相辅相成的。"中国梦"要靠广大青年的努力奋斗去实现,从近代中国的悲惨命运和新中国成立后的探索与前进,到如今我们终于有了拥有梦想的勇气,靠的是中国共产党的领导,靠的是一代又一代的青年,现在,时代又赋予青年去实现"中国梦"的历史使命。从"中国梦"的内涵可以看出,青年人不仅是"中国梦"的建设者,而且也会成为"中国梦"建设成果的最大受益者。我们可以说,当代青年的价值观及创新精神就是中国未来的希望。同时,青年在实现"中国梦"的过程中能够锻炼成才,实现自身的全面发展。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to address the clinical difficulty of working psychodynamically with black African clients in South Africa. The paper explores the points of convergence and divergence between Jungian dream theory and black African dream theory. In many respects, these two frameworks are remarkably similar, suggesting that Jungian dream work could serve as a basis for psychodynamic therapy with black African clients. The author proposes that this dream work could bridge the historical gulf between white African (clinical social worker) and black African (client). Guidelines for cross-cultural dream analysis are suggested.  相似文献   

大学生是实现"中国梦"的重要后备力量,大学生对"中国梦"的认同状况将深刻影响中华民族伟大复兴的进程。对781名大学生的实证调查发现:"中国梦"得到大学生的广泛认同,但仍有少部分大学生持不赞同态度,高校"中国梦"教育有待加强。大学生对"中国梦"认同指数正影响最大的是命运自我掌控感和亲社会倾向,而负影响最大的是命运受掌控感和个体化程度,因此,加强正向引导非常重要。  相似文献   

青年作为一种社会承前启后、富有生命力和创造力的代群,是未来社会的主干,是推动社会进步的重要力量。"中国梦"和青年梦是相辅相成的,青年梦是"中国梦"的一个重要组成部分。青年一代是实现"中国梦"的重要力量,青年对国家认同度上升是实现"中国梦"的基础。中国特色社会主义事业是面向未来的事业,需要一代又一代青年的努力奋斗。实现"中国梦"应将青年优先发展作为国家重要战略。  相似文献   

吴彬彬 《现代交际》2014,(6):214-215
创新人格是中国和谐社会发展和"中国梦"实现的理想人格,创新人格的塑造成为当今大学教育的一个主要目标。为了推动创新教育的发展,塑造大学生的创新人格,高校辅导员作为直接教育者,需要思考如何寻求更为有效的教育路径。  相似文献   

The dream: Mechanisms and clinical applications   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The clinician's use of client dream reports to promote self-discovery and foster a therapeutic alliance is examined in the context of borderline personality psychodynamics. The mechanisms and operations central to understanding dream processes are explained, using both Freudian and information processing models. This paper's thesis is that the effective, differential use of dream material hinges on the assessment of the client's ego functioning in the object relations sphere and relative to level of cognitive development.  相似文献   

In this paper four different schools of dream analysis—classical, object relations, modern psychoanalytic, and self-psychological—are described, compared, and contrasted. Each approach is then applied to an analysis of the first dream reported by a patient. As each interpretations is accurate and useful in understanding this patient's psyche, it is concluded that an integrated framework should be used in dream analysis.  相似文献   

Five semi-structured drawing tasks are described which have been helpful in evaluating children who may be incest victims. Such children can be asked to do a kinetic family drawing, a drawing of the alleged perpetrator, a drawing of their house, a drawing of their own body, or a drawing of a dream. In a sample of 19 alleged victims, all children under 12 drew freely and expressed relief at being asked to draw. Children 12 and over tended to accept a drawing task only if it was structured as diagramming. These tasks were also found to be helpful in evaluating brothers of alleged victims to determine how aware the boys were of the incest situation and how critical it was for them to be included in therapy. Such drawings can be collected in pediatric and gynecologic settings as well as in the playroom. Use of drawings allows the physician to respect the child's developmental needs while obtaining the information about the incest complaint necessary for medical, protective, and forensic purposes.  相似文献   

Theoretical and practical aspects of dream analysis in family therapy are explored with case examples. The dream is considered tobe a disguised communication and it is used to aid in diagnosis and treatment. The dream is shown to be of special value with families who block communication or only appear to be cooperative. It is used to explore the unconscious elements of family life. Deciphering the dream helps to open new possibilities of communication within the family.  相似文献   

This psychoanalytically based imaginative inquiry into the role of Freud's sisters in shaping the meanings of Femaleness and gender difference for Freud starts from the author's study of a photograph in the Library of Congress Freud exhibit, “Portrait of the Jakob Freud Family ca. 1876,” which shows Sigmund Freud, age 20, with his live then adolescent sisters. Freud's Dream of the Botanical monograph, especially as reconsidered by Didier Anzieu, is used as a window into Freud's early childhood relations with his sisters and the registration of gender difference in his psychic reality. A peculiarity in the photograph in the presentation of Freud's half-brother, Emmanuel, leads the author's reverie to another dream of Freud's, the “nonvixit dream.” especially as reconsidered by Didier Anzieu and by Max Schur. The non-vixit dream is thought to bear traces of Freud's experience of the death of his infant brother Julius. New suggestions are made with regard to Freud's difficulties with depressive-position anxieties in relation to his mother; it is suggested that these difficulties led to his concept of girls' genitals as “castrated” becoming dominant over another stratum of psychic experience in which girls' genitals, and femininity, were viewed with erotic wonder as intact in their own right. This idea is linked with Freud's difficulties in construing woman as subject.  相似文献   


“What might have been. what could be'. The stuff dreams are made of. However, the longing, searching, and yearning implied are, each in their own way, activities of anguish which shift the golden romantic dream to torment. Being near a child who is pining in this way is uncomfortable and causes us distress - and all the individual ways of dealing with that distress. We've all been children. We all know what it is to loose something, or to be separated from someone important to us. We know how it can consume us and feel as if it's the end of the world. “A child does not know death - only absence; and in absence, the parent may as well be dead, so overwhelming is the child's sense.of loss (Robertson, 1952);'  相似文献   

The intergenerational transmission on of trauma has been examined through the lens of attachment theory, infant studies, and psychoanalytic writings. In the following literature review, I summarize the impact of interpersonal trauma on early attachment patterns and dream content along with the implications for treatment. A case vignette presented to illustrate the intergenerational impact of unresolved loss within a relational treatment framework and the process of reconstruction and integration of intergenerational traumatic loss within a relational treatment paradigm.  相似文献   

This study explored the ways in which family communication facilitated support and persistence for first-generation students during the transition from high school through the first year of college with a specific focus on the first-year experience, a pivotal time when first-generation students often decide whether they will leave or stay in college. Through semistructured interviews, we identified the communication events that first-generation students perceived to be turning points in their interpersonal interactions with their family members. Seventeen participants identified a total of 121 turning points that they experienced from family members spanning from the time they had their first conversation about going to college through the first year of college. Interviews revealed three suprathemes of turning points: (a) coauthoring the dream, (b) experiencing obstacles to the dream, and (c) actualizing the dream.  相似文献   

On my own terms     

Carol Conaway prepared this excerpt from her political memoir-in-progress. She examines her experiences as an African American lesbian living her dream of becoming a Jew. The work focuses on how she navigated her initial naïveté about the prejudices she encountered in response to her combination of gender, race, class, sexual orientation, and mental illness. Conaway’s work to co-found a community of lesbian and gay Jews in Boston marked a defining moment in her history.  相似文献   

Drawing from a survey conducted in Los Angeles, we examine perceptions of achievement and optimism about reaching the American dream among racial, ethnic, and nativity groups. We find blacks and Asian Americans less likely than whites to believe they have reached the American dream. Latinos stand out for their upbeat assessments, with naturalized citizens possessing a stronger sense of achievement and noncitizens generally optimistic that they will eventually fulfill the American dream. We discuss patterns of variation between the racial and ethnic groups as well as variation within each group. Notwithstanding interesting differences along lines of race, ethnicity, and nativity, we find no evidence that the nation’s changing ethnic stew has diluted faith in the American dream.  相似文献   

During the early 1800s, most violence connected with labor disputes was committed spontaneously by unorganized groups of workers. During the twentieth century, the pattern changed and most violence was caused by workers organized into unions. Although no statistics have been completed on how much violence has been committed by labor unions in the United States until recently, some indication may be obtained by examining National Labor Relations Board charges of violence filed against unions. Theories of striking and violence are discussed and an evaluation of theories on future trends in violence is made.  相似文献   

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