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A fuller understanding of the child welfare system requires its examination from multiple perspectives, as is demonstrated in this special issue. Until recently, the perspectives of mothers involved in child protection and whose children had been placed in foster care had been particularly neglected. This special issue contributes to progress in the research literature in this regard. Questions are raised about the nature of the interactions between the mothers and the child protection system, and the compatibility of those interactions with effective service delivery. This commentary concludes with the suggestions that we seek better ways to structure the child welfare system, and that a social movement composed of parents involved in that system, children in foster care, caseworkers and administrators, and researchers, all united as allies, might be necessary to effect such change.  相似文献   

Five focus groups substantially agreed about the lack of paternal participation in child welfare services and the reasons for low paternal involvement. The groups had considerable disagreement about whether child welfare professionals should address this issue. Some caseworkers believed that all fathers and mothers should be treated identically with respect to services to be offered and time frames for services; other caseworkers thought that the special circumstances of some fathers, such as lack of child care experience, called for service approaches that differ from those for mothers. Another disagreement was whether more fathers would be more involved if services were gender sensitive, that is, if agencies provided male caseworkers for fathers and had father-only services. Much of the debate focused on pragmatic considerations (would gender-sensitive services improve paternal participation and outcomes?), although some participants were concerned about equity (would such services give fathers an advantage in disputed custody cases?).  相似文献   

Friesen LD 《Child welfare》2001,80(3):309-324
This study reports on the impressions of foster parents following the privatization of family foster care services in Kansas. A randomly selected sample of foster parents from one agency was surveyed to assess their current level of satisfaction, their opinions about privatization, and their experiences with newly established community-based treatment teams. Although overall satisfaction has remained high, opinions vary about specific aspects of foster parenting under managed care. Implications for supporting and enhancing the role of foster parents are discussed.  相似文献   

Child welfare workers and agencies are vulnerable to lawsuits. Recent court rulings have more clearly defined the liability of workers. The distinguishing variable is custody. Children injured while in the custody of the state are entitled to sue for damages. Children injured by their parent, even if under the supervision of a child welfare agency, are not entitled to claim a violation of their 14th Amendment rights. These cases are reviewed and strategies designed to minimize vulnerability are offered.  相似文献   

This paper examines the application of selected concepts from classical psychoanalysis, ego psychology, object relations theory, and self psychology to the assessment and treatment of child abuse. Child maltreatment is conceptualized as deriving, in part, from impaired symbiotic and separation-individuation experiences. The role of certain defense mechanisms employed by the formerly abused parent in perpetuating intergenerational cycles of abuse is explored. Disturbances in the development of the nuclear self (as postulated by Kohut) in abusive parents are considered. Fairbairn's model of the inner object world is used to illuminate scapegoating processes. The concept of protectiveness is discussed in relation to the abused child's use of primitive defenses and inhibition of autonomy. Countertransference issues are viewed in relation to the problem of workers' burnout.This paper was written for completion requirement for the degree of M.S.W. at Hunter College School of Social Work. The auther wishes to express her appreciation to Phyllis Caroff, Richard Gaines, Mary Beth Globenfelt, Arthur Green, Wendy Kamaiko, Jeffrey Seinfeld, and Anna Clare van Dalen for their assistance and generous contributions to this paper.  相似文献   

Mothers of children recently placed in foster care, foster mothers, and child welfare workers participated in semistructured, clinical interviews focusing on the challenges of parent visitation with young children. Mothers described their feelings of grief, trauma, and rage about the forced separation from their children and stressed the importance of emotional expression and communication during visits. Child welfare workers described the complexities of supporting emotionally close parent-child interactions while monitoring and assessing parental behavior during visits. Foster mothers described the importance of preparing children for visits and the difficulties of supporting the children afterward. Implications of understanding mothers', foster mothers', and child welfare workers' perspectives on enhancing the quality of visits with young children are discussed.  相似文献   

A relationship-based theoretical framework for child welfare services is proposed. Research literature is reviewed relative to attachment theory, relationship quality of maltreated child-parent and maltreated child-surrogate parent dyads, and effective child-parent and child-surrogate parent relationship-enhancing interventions. Authors recommend that establishment or repair of a protective, emotionally responsive positive child-parent or child-surrogate parent relationship be the central focus of child welfare services. A model is offered as a conceptual foundation for measures to be used in federal Child and Family Services Reviews.  相似文献   

Data mining is the sifting through of voluminous data to extract knowledge for decision making. This article illustrates the context, concepts, processes, techniques, and tools of data mining, using statistical and neural network analyses on a dataset concerning employee turnover. The resulting models and their predictive capability, advantages and disadvantages, and implications for decision support are highlighted.  相似文献   

This paper observes that PL 96-272 has largely focused on the development of external mechanisms, such as citizen's boards and court reviews, to strengthen accountability in the child welfare system. The paper suggests that we might be reaching the limits of what these mechanisms can accomplish, and that further external regulation might have the unanticipated effects of blurring the lines of accountability and of discouraging skilled workers from entering or staying in the field. Instead, the paper argues for renewed attention to structuring child welfare systems in ways that support skilled casework practice. Only then will real accountability be achieved.  相似文献   

Social and economic inequalities have risen steeply in the UK over the past 20 years. Children and their families have been particularly disadvantaged by this creeping impoverishment, which is associated with negative effects on parenting capacity and developmental outcomes for children. The social capital of communities, which consists of the cultural resources and inter‐personal relationships between members, is also eroded by inequality and social exclusion. Evidence is presented that demonstrates the way in which children's welfare and family functioning are crucially dependent upon the social support available within local communities. It is argued that building social capital in poor communities is a more effective way of promoting children's welfare than the present emphasis on formal child protection and family support services and efforts to increase parenting skills and responsibilities. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Methamphetamine use and production is changing child welfare practice. Methamphetamine is a significant public health threat (National Institute of Justice, 1999) reaching epidemic proportions (Anglin, Burke, Perrochet, Stamper, & Dawud-Nouris, 2000). The manufacturing of methamphetamine is a serious problem for the child welfare system, yet child welfare has not addressed the needs of children living in homes where methamphetamine is manufactured (U.S. Department of Justice, 2002; DOJ, 2003; Altshuler, 2005). This article presents key issues for child welfare workers related to the use, production, and effects of methamphetamine on children and families, and identifies practice principles for child welfare workers in order to ensure safety for victims, parents, and workers themselves.  相似文献   

A statewide qualitative study of personal and organizational factors contributing to employees' decisions to either remain or leave employment in child welfare is described. Of particular interest was identifying factors related to employee retention. Professional staff (n = 369) in a state public child welfare agency, representing all levels of the agency and regions of the state, participated in 58 focus group interviews comprising some 1200 person hours of data collection. Core findings of the results are presented and discussed in view of information from other recent child welfare workforce studies. Recommendations and implications of the results for policy and practice are described.  相似文献   

Overrepresentation of certain racial/ethnic groups in the foster care system is one of the most troubling and challenging issues in child welfare today. In response, many states have started reporting outcomes by race and ethnicity to identify disproportionately high rates of system contact. The identification of disproportional representation is the first step in developing targeted strategies to address disproportionality--highlighting where resources should be directed and guiding future research. However, present and future efforts to address disproportionality must be accompanied by statistically sound and meaningful methods of measurement. In this article, we argue for the adoption of a relative rate measure of representation--a "Disparity Index"--as the primary instrument for assessing racial disparity in child welfare.  相似文献   

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