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In this essay, we discuss multimedia story‐making methodologies developed through Re?Vision: The Centre for Art and Social Justice that investigates the power of the arts, especially story, to positively influence decision makers in diverse sectors. Our story‐making methodology brings together majority and minoritized creators to represent previously unattended experiences (e.g., around mind‐body differences, queer sexuality, urban Indigenous identity, and Inuit cultural voice) with an aim to building understanding and shifting policies/practices that create barriers to social inclusion and justice. We analyze our ongoing efforts to rework our storytelling methodology, spotlighting acts of revising carried out by facilitators and researchers as they/we redefine methodological terms for each storytelling context, by researcher‐storytellers as they/we rework material from our lives, and by receivers of the stories as we revise our assumptions about particular embodied histories and how they are defined within dominant cultural narratives and institutional structures. This methodology, we argue, contributes to the existing qualitative lexicon by providing innovative new approaches not only for chronicling marginalized/misrepresented experiences and critically researching selves, but also for scaffolding intersectional alliances and for imagining more just futures.  相似文献   

Whistleblowing is fraught with conceptual dilemmas, including those who may be considered whistleblowers and fundamental concepts associated with the term. Whistleblowing is a dynamic concept, set within and deeply related to culture, yet scholarship has focused primarily on whistleblowing and its ramifications within management and organizational settings, as opposed to engaging with the wrong‐doing disclosed and conceptualizing how we assign meaning to whistleblowers/ing in changing landscapes of societal values and cultural institutions. To grasp the cultural sociological understanding of what constitutes whistleblowing, these themes and how they are shaped need to be drawn out in scholarship. Thus, the purpose of this review is to determine through which disciplines, lenses and discourse whistleblowing has been developed in academia and to identify gaps in disciplines and methods, highlighting how these affect our broader understanding of whistleblowing. This review article offers preliminary insight into how people engage in meaning‐making connected with terms such as whistleblowing, abuse and corruption through the lens of the #MeToo movement. The article encourages further research in disciplines such as sociology, political theory, human rights, socio‐legal studies and particularly, within cultural sociology.  相似文献   

There are no majors, or even minors, in investor relations for undergraduate students in the United States. Yet, the association of investor relations professionals, the National Investor Relations Institute, has 4,300 members. The questions, then, become who works in the investor relations departments and investor relations agencies, where do they come from, and, more important, what does it mean for the status of investor relations as a profession? This study addresses these questions by conducting a random probability sampling of investor relations professionals to investigate their educational backgrounds, organizational structures, reporting relationships, and other variables. The study concludes that investor relations is still primarily a financial function: Investor relations professionals have financial or business backgrounds and report to the financial executives rather than to the communication executives or to the Chief Executive Officer.  相似文献   

An exploratory study of chief executive officers (CEOs) in Florida nonbanking public companies found that top executives do not perceive investor relations to be part of the public relations function. A mail survey (31% response rate) revealed these CEOs favor financial affairs executives and departments to supervise and conduct investor relations, and they perceive both the investor relations and public relations functions to be more technically than managerially oriented. These findings corroborate concerns of encroachment in public relations by those without public relations training or experience. The study also raises the larger question of whether public relations practitioners could be trained in such a way to garner CEO support for a role in the investor relations function.  相似文献   

Although often taken as just a literary device or an aid in communicating ideas, metaphor can be seen to play a central and inescapable role in how we constitute reality. While metaphor pervades our meanings and interactions, we often lose sight of the metaphoric nature of our constructs. This paper focuses particularly on some of the practical therapeutic options which are opened by a greater awareness of metaphor. These options include not only using metaphors in therapy with our clients, but also providing therapy for our clients' metaphors.  相似文献   

Much has been written about the systemic effects of families and culture on individual well‐being. Seldom discussed, however, are the systemic effects of our relationship with the larger ecological system in which all families and cultures are embedded. A case is made for the importance of nature in family therapy. Furthermore, before therapists can effectively address ecological issues in therapy, they need to address various ecological self‐of‐the‐therapist issues that will influence their clinical practice. A series of questions are asked to help guide therapists in this exploration, and practical suggestions for incorporating nature into MFT clinical practice, training, and research are made.  相似文献   

This paper explores a night nursing sub‐culture which is struggling to survive. The context is the NHS in the UK. This exclusively female group within an organization numerically dominated by women evokes hostile reactions from other cultural groups within the NHS, based on its perceived espousal of ‘female’ ways of being. Increasingly threatened by the new managerialism of the NHS, the permanent night shift faces extinction as a group. This paper describes the night nurse culture as it exists in a general hospital and offers some insights into the way that gender relations evolve to sustain male power in an organization where women are numerically dominant.  相似文献   

The basic thesis of this paper is that effective use of therapeutic metaphor can provide a holding environment within which the client can both address and recontextualize clinical issues. The use of therapeutic metaphor can serve to bolster the empathic connection between therapist and client, providing the client with a new feeling of being understood, in part through a new use of language. Therapeutic metaphor is also particularly well-suited to promoting dialectical understanding and analysis of everyday problems in living. The inner edge of possibility is a construct that illustrates the link between the clinical efficacy and structure of therapeutic metaphor.  相似文献   

Consistent with a cognitive sensegiving-sensemaking perspective (Gioia & Chittipeddi, 1991), this study views firms as sensegivers attempting to influence the meaning construction of sensemakers. Following from this interpretivist perspective, this article proposes that cognitive schema theory can be a valuable tool in helping firms to develop more effective public relations strategies for the firm's different stakeholders. As an illustration, this article looks at firm to financial analyst communications following acquisition announcements and shows how schema theory can be used in this context to help develop a more effective public relations strategy.  相似文献   

Bien que les Néo‐Ecossais n'aient pas encore été soumis au type de réformes d'aide sociale édictées dans d'autres provinces, certains programmes visant à promouvoir la participation de la main‐d'?uvre par les bénéficiaires de paiements de transfert gouvernementaux ont récemment été mis en place à l'île du Cap‐Breton, la région de la province la plus marginale sur le plan économique. Cet article étudie la structure de l'un de ces programmes, parrainé par le gouvernement fédéral. L'analyse présentée ici avance l'idée que, en dépit du discours public officiel, la conception du programme n'apporte que peu d'avantages à la collectivité locale et à ses citoyens le plus dans le besoin, mais véhicule des avantages idéologiques importants pour l'état. Même si le programme ne peut être appelé un programme de travail obligatoire, au sens strict de l'expression, il reflète la même idéologie néo‐libérale que celle qui a inspiré des réformes sociales plus draconiennes. Though Nova Scotians have not yet been subjected to the type of provincial welfare “reforms” enacted in other provinces, some programs aimed at promoting work‐force participation by recipients of government transfer payments have recently been introduced to Cape Breton, the province's most economically marginal region. This paper examines the structure of one such program, sponsored by the federal government. The analysis presented here suggests that, despite public rhetoric, the program's design delivers limited benefits to the local community and to its neediest citizens, but carries major ideological benefits for the state. While the program cannot be called workfare, in the strict sense of the term, it does reflect the same neo‐liberal ideology that has inspired more Draconian social reforms.  相似文献   

Social class is not often discussed or examined in‐depth in couple and family therapy research and literature even though social class shapes familial relationships and is considered an important variable in marital satisfaction. In this qualitative study, we explored the perceptions of eight couples who made lasting commitments across class lines by asking them about the impact of their social class backgrounds on their relationships. Three categories of themes emerged including: (a) differences and similarities in values and attitudes toward education, work, money, and class awareness/classism, (b) relationship issues involving families of origin, friends, and class‐based couple conflict, and (c) differences in economic resources, social capital and privileges/opportunities. Implications for assessment and treatment of couples are included.  相似文献   

Many families come to treatment with concerns about attention‐seeking children. This paper examines the dominant socio‐cultural and biological influences on individual parent and child narratives about attention‐seeking behaviour and explores the misalignment between the two. A case study illustrates the reconstruction of the dominant problem‐saturated story through the hungry‐for‐attention metaphor. Finally, the author proposes an integrative approach to combining narrative practices with behavioural interventions for families and professional caregivers.  相似文献   

In this article we report patterns of task‐to‐task vagal tone change across multiple language and play tasks as well as associations between these patterns of task‐to‐task vagal tone change and language and play performance in 20‐month‐old girls and boys. Although initially different in vagal tone suppression during solitary play, girls and boys exhibited similar group patterns of vagal reengagement during successive language and play tasks with their mothers and with an experimenter. In terms of individual differences, vagal suppression during solitary play and vagal reengagement during social interactive tasks predicted language and play performance. Gender differences emerged in patterns of predictive relations: Task‐to‐task vagal changes predicted primarily play performance in girls and language performance in boys. These findings expose the effects of social context on directional changes in task‐to‐task vagal tone and speak to the functional role of appropriate vagal regulation in young children's language and play performance.  相似文献   

Although discussion of parents’ school involvement generally surrounds academic success, there are also emotional motivations for parents’ school interventions. In this exploratory analysis, based on interviews with 21 parents and teachers, I show how these middle‐class parents’ concerns for children extend beyond grades and academic success to the children’s own emotional comfort with schooling. I discuss examples of emotional safeguarding, a parental practice to protect children’s happiness at school. Results also suggest that emotional and academic concerns for children at school are interrelated, and parents often approach the emotional with the academic in mind. Parents focus on reducing children’s anxiety or discomfort at school with the ultimate goal of instilling a love of learning. The parents in this study perceive an emotional route to achieving academic success for their middle‐class children. Unlike parents, teachers in the study identify parents’ concerns as academic or a product of parents’ anxiety. This research introduces the possibility that while parents’ academic concerns are very real, they are also accompanied by equal and occasionally greater concerns for children’s happiness and well‐being at school.  相似文献   

Recent work has suggested the value of electroencephalographic (EEG) measures in the study of infants' processing of human action. Studies in this area have investigated desynchronization of the sensorimotor mu rhythm during action execution and action observation in infancy. Untested but critical to theory is whether the mu rhythm shows a differential response to actions which share similar goals but have different motor requirements or sensory outcomes. By varying the invisible property of object weight, we controlled for the abstract goal (reach, grasp, and lift the object), while allowing other aspects of the action to vary. The mu response during 14‐month‐old infants' own executed actions showed a differential hemispheric response between acting on heavier and lighter objects. EEG responses also showed sensitivity to “expected object weight” when infants simply observed an experimenter reach for objects that the infants' prior experience indicated were heavier vs. lighter. Crucially, this neural reactivity was predictive—during the observation of the other reaching toward the object, before lifting occurred. This suggests that infants' own self‐experience with a particular object's weight influences their processing of others' actions on the object, with implications for developmental social‐cognitive neuroscience.  相似文献   

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