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可持续发展与生态文化建设   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张再生 《南方人口》2001,16(2):48-52
本文在探讨文化的内涵与功能的基础上 ,提出了生态文化建设的内容与方式。作者认为 :转变传统观念 ,树立可持续发展的自然观、发展观、科技观、价值观 ,是生态文化建设的重要前提 ;加强制度文化建设 ,在全社会形成和普及自然环境法制观念和可持续发展伦理道德规范是生态文化建设的必要条件 ;改变传统的生产、消费与生育模式 ,制定与实施可持续发展规划是建设生态文化、实现可持续发展的切入点。  相似文献   

<正> 生育观指导着人们的生育行为。不同的社会制度和不同的阶级都有不同的生育观。生育观的形成有其社会、经济、文化、思想意识、传统习惯等等多方面的复杂因素。它和其它意识形态一样,有其相对的独立性,它并不随着社会制度的消亡而立即退出历史舞台,正如我国长期的封建社会中形成的旧生育观,直到现在仍有相当大的影响,成为贯彻执行现行人口政策的严重障碍。因此,破除旧的封建主义的生育观,树立新的社会主义的生育观,已经成为控制我国人口的一项重要任务。一、我国封建主义生育观的特征及其形成的条件在漫长的封建社会,逐渐形成的封建主义生育观的主要特征:一是主张早婚,  相似文献   

生育观影响因素的经济分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
通过生育意愿和生育文化的比较,界定生育观的范畴及生育观对生育行为的作用方式,探讨经济因素如何具体作用于生育观,从宏观、微观不同层次分析经济因素对生育观的作用路径。  相似文献   

对转变人们生育观的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在计划生育宣传教育工作中,强调要转变人们的生育观已有多年。但生育观的内涵是什么,生育观转变的标准是什么,似乎还处于模糊状态。因此,在这方面作些思考或许对计划生育工作是有益的。 一、生育观的内涵。所谓生育观就是人们对生育问题相对稳定的看法和主张。在我国绝大多数地区,生育观的实质是人们在生  相似文献   

生育文化概念研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
生育文化是人口文化的一部分 ,它本身又分为内涵生育文化和外延生育文化。内涵生育文化是指从受孕至出生后婴儿期的文化现象的总和。它又分为六类 :观念生育文化、科技生育文化、规范生育文化、信息生育文化、行为生育文化、组织生育文化。外延生育文化 ,即内涵生育文化之外 ,而对生育观产生影响的文化现象 ,诸如婚姻文化、妇女文化、养老文化、养育文化、家庭文化、社区文化等等 ,它是一个开放系统  相似文献   

有失偏颇的人口观———评西蒙的《没有极限的增长》雷定安何俊林(西北师范大学经济系兰州730070)迄今为止,人口思想史上产生了三种有代表性的人口观:悲观主义人口观,乐观主义人口观和适度人口观。美国人口学家朱利安·林肯·西蒙就是乐观主义人口观的主要代表...  相似文献   

对生育观转变的标志的反思   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
生育观及其转变有确定的内涵,生育观的转变是一个由量变到质变的动态过程,它包括:生育动机的转变,生育主体范围的转变,生育观转变方式的转变和生育文化环境的转变四个子过程的转变。上述四要素的转变相辅相成,相互制约,其转变形成的四个临界点共同构成了判断生育观转变的综合尺度。以上述单一要素在量变阶段某一个时点发生的转变作为生育观转变的标志,是有失客观、理性的;生育行为方式的转变,仅部分程度上反应生育动机的转变,它具有表面性和不稳定性。笔者建议把它作为判断生育观转变的辅助参数,而非标志来使用。  相似文献   

我国是一个人口众多的发展中国家,人们的生育观受社会经济、文化教育和宗教信仰等因素的制约,以“传宗接代”“多子多福”为代表的传统生育观根深蒂固。要使计划生育真正成为人们的自觉行动,首先要转变人们的生育观。我国的计划生育宣传教育活动就是通过各种干预手段改变广大育龄夫妇的生育观和生育行为,使他们自觉采取节育措施,从而达到计划生育,控制人口过快增长的目的。很明显,宣传教育是做好计划  相似文献   

许传新  张登国 《西北人口》2010,31(5):97-102
本文根据较大规模问卷抽样调查的结果,分析比较西部农村留守妇女与非留守妇女的社会性别观念。结果发现,留守妇女自身能力意识和事业价值观要强于非留守妇女,而非留守妇女在忠贞观、生育观方面要比留守妇女更加传统保守。回归分析结果表明,在对农村妇女自身特征如文化程度、年龄、家庭年收入等变量进行控制之后,留守对农村妇女的社会性别观念仍然有独立影响,这种影响主要表现在留守促进了农村妇女事业能力观、婚育贞节观以及总体社会性别观念从传统到现代的转变。  相似文献   

唯生育功能的女性观及其对人口控制的影响叶晗一、唯生育功能的女性观长期占据统治地位女性观简单地说就是对“女性是什么?”,“女性应该是什么”问题的回答。在人类的长期发展中,扮演生育者角色几乎就是女性生活的全部内容。社会以生育使命的实现程度作为女性价值评判...  相似文献   

First, the article is a speech for theoretical ambitious and applied oriented gender research. However, the transfer between scientific knowledge and praxis-oriented knowledge is an independent step, which might be based on gender trainings and gender expertise. Second, the complex processes of knowledge transfer and communication and its impacts on the scientific order of knowledge in the gender arena forms part of the debate. The paper discusses these issues and challenges for scientific gender knowledge from the perspective of gender studies and the sociology of professions, scientific discourses, and sociology of science.  相似文献   

预防艾滋病的知识、态度、行为状况的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据 2 0 0 0年末国家计生委关于预防艾滋病宣传教育的调查资料 ,文章从社会、文化、经济的视角 ,分析人们在预防艾滋病知识、态度方面的差别 ,从而提高我国预防艾滋病宣传教育计划的科学性 ,并促进未来对预防艾滋病资金的投入发挥更大效益。本文还指出习惯于计划生育采取长效措施的我国广大农村 ,应通过科技创新 ,解决“防艾”问题  相似文献   

This study tests theoretical arguments about gender differences in scientific knowledge and environmental concern using 8 years of Gallup data on climate change knowledge and concern in the US general public. Contrary to expectations from scientific literacy research, women convey greater assessed scientific knowledge of climate change than do men. Consistent with much existing sociology of science research, women underestimate their climate change knowledge more than do men. Also, women express slightly greater concern about climate change than do men, and this gender divide is not accounted for by differences in key values and beliefs or in the social roles that men and women differentially perform in society. Modest yet enduring gender differences on climate change knowledge and concern within the US general public suggest several avenues for future research, which are explored in the conclusion.  相似文献   

Population quality is an undeniable fact. It means people's scientific and cultural literacy, their ability to work, and their physical health condition. Population quality is influenced by sociological and physiological factors. Population quality improves as society and production power improve. Industrialization and rapid development in science and technology in western countries required workers with higher levels of education and physical concentration. In order to change the poor economic situation and achieve the "Four Modernizations" in China, a great number of people possessing knowledge of modern science and technology to manage modern production is needed. Agricultural and meat production need to be improved, thereby improving the people's physical health condition. The importance of population quantity control must be realized. In order to lower the population growth rate we can increase the economic development and improve people's educational level and physical health. To improve population quality we should continue nationwide family planning programs, change our educational structure (increase vocational training and utilize the electronic media and correspondence courses), improve the physical health of children and youth, expand our social welfare system, and emphasize research on genetics and eugenics.  相似文献   

董琳 《人口学刊》2005,(6):56-59
信息素质是科技工作者获取科技信息、拓展知识范围、提高自身素质和科研技术服务能力的内在要求。信息素质指信息意识和信息能力,在人口和计划生育科技人员中要开展有效的信息素质教育。  相似文献   

During the early 1960's, in Sweden as in other countries, GNP was taken as an indicator of scientific growth. Today the science policy discussion is more centered around the question of political direction of science in accordance with social goals defined along sectoral lines. This change of science policy doctrine reflects important modifications in the social conditions for the production of scientific knowledge. The paper traces some of the changes in the dominant science policy doctrine in Sweden during the period 1965–1975, and an attempt is made to throw them into relief against the background of a wider perspective. In particular three factors indicative of the changes are taken up, viz., the role of futures studies, the issue of the controversy between established interests and radical critics, and finally the emergence recently of trade union interest in science policy issues. At a more fundamental level of analysis the events reviewed can be understood with reference to a concept of scientific-technical revolution.  相似文献   

知识经济与人口发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识经济将是经济发展的主流 ,它要求社会对科技有巨大的投入 ,而这种投入对经济和社会有更大的回馈 ;知识产业将成为经济结构中的主导产业 ;知识经济以知识价值为核心 ;在知识经济时代世界经济将形成全球化的新格局 ,并对传统产业进行技术改造。知识经济时代对人口数量的制约因素将主要是环境的和空间的适度 ;对提高人口素质的要求更为迫切 ;人口的经济结构将发生重要变化 ,知识工人将成为社会的主导力量 ;人口分布与迁移也将出现集中化分散化的新特点。知识经济对人口学研究提出了更高要求 ,人口学研究手段要实现现代化和信息化 ;人口学要开放化  相似文献   

Advances in biotechnology have important applications to the core demographic concerns of human reproduction and longevity, raising a number of difficult ethical issues. In the debate over those issues, however, the voices of demographers and other social scientists are nearly silent. In the United States the dominant bioethical arguments currently heard come from a conservative political and ideological position, represented, for example, by the President's Council on Bioethics and in particular by its chairman, Leon Kass. A critical discussion of Kass's writings identifies the philosophical roots of that position and highlights its logic and limits. Kass's specific arguments on cloning can be challenged by applying them to an earlier and revolutionary technology, birth control; his views on death and dying would argue for curtailing investment in life‐extending technology. Conservatism of this kind ignores social science perspectives and forecloses opportunities for social change.  相似文献   

姚凤民 《西北人口》2009,30(3):120-124
现代竞争经济的关键是科学技术的竞争。实践证明。科学技术水平是加强和提高区域能力和促进区域经济协调发展的重要路径。本文从科技支出竞争导致各地区的科技竞争力、R&D支出、专利的空间分布以及工业发展水平的差距等方面分析了科技支出竞争对区域经济协调发展影响.并从科学规划各地区科技支出的重点和领域及中央政府应逐步加大对中西部地区的科技支出等方面提出促进区域经济协调发展的对策。  相似文献   

A shortage of scientifically trained manpower in India today is largely due to the fact that fewer and fewer students are being attracted to pursue higher studies in basic science, as current science enrolment data reveal. Ultimately, because of this shortage, developments in science and technology and science-based industry are slowing down, and the basic qualities of material life are continually being compromised. Several other countries are also contending with this problem, but India’s case has largely remained underrepresented in current research. To improve the situation, a number of competitive scholarship programs have been started in India to attract young students to pursue higher studies in science in greater numbers. For one such program, using a sample of more than 8,600 high-school students, we examine how a number of socioeconomic factors govern students’ decision to pursue science higher studies in the country. We find that student age, gender, family income, exam scores, use of computers and the internet, travels, and possession of modern consumer goods at home contribute to students’ increased mobility in search of better educational facilities needed for the preparation of a career in science. Our results have implications for schools and teachers, globalization, scientific literacy, and the general prosperity of life in the country.  相似文献   

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