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试论社会实践与大学生就业力培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生就业力是大学生在校期间通过各种渠道培养和完善起来的适应社会发展和满足用人单位对人才需求的实际能力和素质。社会实践对大学生就业力的培养具有不可替代的作用。以市场和就业为导向,创新大学生社会实践的方式方法,是当前高教改革的重要课题。  相似文献   

大学生就业已经成为全社会关注的焦点。提升大学生的就业力是促进高等教育人才培养与社会人才需求对接的突破口。从《2 0 0 9年山东省高校毕业生就业能力调查报告》分析入手,结合作者的调查和经验,列举了大学生就业力与社会需求之间的差距,分析了造成这种差距的原因,并针对性地提出了消除差距的建议。  相似文献   

普通高校提高大学生就业力的途径与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋广伟 《职业时空》2008,4(10):163-163
目前我国大学生就业形势比较严峻。目前社会各界都在积极探索有效方法和措施来解决大学生就业难的问题,作为大学生培养方的学校,在促进大学生就业过程中,是可以大有作为的。  相似文献   

张耀庭 《职业时空》2012,(3):128-129
当代大学生的社会适应状况不容乐观,社会适应能力参差不齐。探讨大学生社会适应能力的现状,依据社会对大学生社会适应能力的要求,探索大学生社会适应能力的有效培养策略,帮助大学生提高其社会适应能力。  相似文献   

金融危机背景下大学生“渐进式”就业力培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金融危机对实体经济的负面影响加剧了现时期大学生的就业难度,这一严峻事实对我国高等院校教育理念及教学方式提出了新的挑战。坚持能力提升,培养创新能力和实践能力强、综合素质高的优秀人才是做好大学生就业创业工作的长期举措。以市场需求为导向,实施第一层次(课堂教学)、第二层次(校园就业文化)、第三层次(社会实践)渐进式的人才培养模式,不断提升当代大学生就业力,是达到充分就业目的的最佳途径。  相似文献   

大学生社会实践能力的培养,对在校大学生来讲是必不可少的。很多大学生在即将迈入社会时,会迷茫,没有目标,所以学校对大学生社会实践能力的培养显得尤为重要,但前提是学校要做出合理的教学实践安排,给学生提供一个较好的社会实践机会。本文就目前大学教学模式和大学生社会实践能力的现状,进行相关的分析和探究。  相似文献   

谭成才 《现代交际》2014,(7):254-254
探讨当代大学生的社会责任感的培养问题,必须从责任社会责任这些基本概念和基本理论入手。本文在必须理清责任、社会责任感的内涵和外延的基础上,探讨新时期培养大学生社会责任感的重要意义。  相似文献   

大学生就业力现状及其提高   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘学林 《职业时空》2005,(14):18-20
随着我国高等教育大众化、社会化进程的逐步加快,大学生就业中的供需矛盾越来越突出。一是随着我国高等教育招生规模的连续扩大,目前,许多大学毕业生找工作困难,找个理想的工作更难,有的根本就找不到工作,名牌高校的毕业生找个自己满意的工作也不是很容易。二是在大学毕业生数量持续增长的情况下,许多单位对人才的需求却得不  相似文献   

社会实践活动与大学生心理健康   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,学术界和教育界对大学生社会实践的内涵和外延有不同的理解和界定。本文所研究的大学生社会实践,主要是指高等学校和社会有关单位对在校大学生共同实施的一种有目的、有计划、有组织的、融思想教育、专业教育和社会服务于一体的实践教育活动。在世纪之交的社会转型时期,全面审视并科学组织大学生社会实践活动,不仅能使大学生“在实践中受教育、在参与中长才干、在服务中作贡献”,而且对于大学生促进心理发展,预防心理障碍,完善心理素养,维护心理健康具有相当重要的现实意义。为了充分发挥社会实践活动促进大学生心理健康的作用…  相似文献   

沈东海 《城市》2004,(3):7-10
一、科学发展观的理论和实践依据 (一)科学发展观的理论依据 "坚持以人为本,树立全面、协调、可持续的发展观,促进经济社会与人的全面发展",是以胡锦涛同志为总书记的新一届中央领导集体在"三个代表"重要思想指导下,根据新世纪、新形势、新任务的要求确立的一个重要执政理念.  相似文献   


Social work practice faculty have an important role in socializing MSW students to the field and practice of social work. This study, based on interviews with 15 faculty teaching an advanced clinical practice course in the United States, examines how faculty conceptualize teaching and learning. Faculty were asked about the theories or frameworks that guided their teaching, their own journeys to teaching and the resources that support their teaching. The study found that participants drew largely on their own experiences as student learners and social work practitioners and did not have much formal training in teaching and student learning. Furthermore, while half of the participants were able to identify a learning theory that guided their teaching, the other half were not. Finally, while participants articulated the need for support regarding their own teaching, many of the schools did not have formal faculty development opportunities. The paper ends with recommendations for supporting current and new faculty regarding teaching and student learning.  相似文献   

Newly qualified social workers often enter challenging interdisciplinary settings where they need to be able to clearly articulate a distinctive professional identity. To prepare for these realities, this paper discusses how the development of professional identity has become increasingly central to qualifying social work curriculum at an Australian university. Preparation for social work practice has long been the focus of research in a number of countries, with a significant emphasis on knowledge and skill acquisition, rather than on the development of an overarching professional identity that is also underpinned by shared values and sense of professional purpose and expectations. Against this backdrop, the paper describes initial changes that have been made within core social work courses to progressively embed the development of professional identity more consciously across their studies, to be better prepared for contemporary challenges in the workplace. It is concluded that further changes are needed to fully transform the curriculum, and that the impacts of these changes be systematically evaluated in relation to preparedness for practice.  相似文献   

Social work training should equip students with both the knowledge and the skills required for good practice. Although research messages are available through books and papers, they may more easily be conveyed through the repeated use of practice tools which have been developed from research findings. The Looking After Children Assessment and Action Records have been used in formal social work training to help students develop competencies, but their value as a means of conveying a knowledge basis of key issues in child development has yet to be exploited. The Children and Families Assessment Programme has a similar potential, to help practitioners set child protection issues within a developmental framework and further their understanding of those factors that impede children's satisfactory progress. New requirements to provide routine data on children's progress for aggregation and analysis can both improve practitioners' skills and understanding of the purpose of management information, as well as providing evidence of the effectiveness of services.  相似文献   

Three studies were done to examine the social effects of being a tobacco smoker. In Study 1, 135 subjects rated target persons as dating and marriage prospects. All else being equal, the nonsmoker subjects showed consistent preference for nonsmokers. The subjects' personal preference for nonsmokers was significantly greater than their estimates of the preference of people in general. In Study 2, thirty-five subjects who preferred nonsmokers for marriage provided their reasons. All together, they gave eleven different reasons. In Study 3, which involved sixty-two subjects, the belief underlying each of the eleven preference reasons was found to predict degree of preference for nonsmokers. The results of the three studies are discussed as providing potentially useful information for smoking prevention interventions.  相似文献   

Practice wisdom is a form of practical moral reasoning when social workers face the complexity and uncertainty encountered in practice. Following a literature review on practice wisdom in social work, its essential features are discussed, identifying a neglected element in the literature—the element of time. The element of time is found to be implicitly considered in models of social work practice but not in relation to practice wisdom. If the right action has to be taken in the right place, and at the right time, the concept of practice wisdom would be much impoverished if the element of time is not considered in its discussion. Hence, the concepts of kairos—qualitative time, and chronos—quantitative time, are discussed. The relevance and usefulness of kairos in social work practice are pointed out. Social workers need to work with ‘time within time’, be conscious of clients’ sense of time, know what to do as well as what not to do at the appropriate time. Finally, the inextricable link between time and space and the possible emergence of novelty and ingenuity are examined to bring out the creative dimension of practice wisdom.  相似文献   

Spirituality holds an important place in the lives of social workers and their clients. It informs our understanding of the world, our morals and values, and our conduct. Spirituality is a powerful tool of guidance and healing. Recognizing its importance, efforts have been made to integrate spirituality into social work practice. A gap in these efforts is the inclusion of epistemological foundations of key Eastern religions and spiritual practice. Concepts such as yoga and meditation have been adapted as healing methods; however, the knowledge base that informs them has been neglected. This article addresses this gap with an exploration of Vedanta and how it can be integrated into social work practice. Vedanta is the body of knowledge that informs the traditions of yoga, Ayurveda, and Hinduism. This article explains key concepts of Vedanta including Advaita Vedanta, the five sheaths (ways of knowing), pathways to Vedanta (methods of obtaining knowledge), dharma, karma/reincarnation, the nature of reality, and the lineage of Gurus. The second part of the article focuses on the application of Vedanta to social work practice within existing literature and identifies areas for further research.  相似文献   

Issues of values and commitment to children affect social provisions. A brief review of the historical background of the placement of children suggests that many of the current problems of staffing, funding and legal provisions are perpetuation of neglect of the basic needs of children. this neglect often results in a need for placement that might have been prevented by appropriate preventive supports. Lack of money is not considered the problem. Rather, political issues, values, and little commitment to children determine how the nation allocates its money.Editor of the Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal.  相似文献   

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