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国际社会工作者联合会(InternationalFederationoffortalWorkers,简称IFSW)是一个联系世界各国专业社会工作者的国际性权威组织,其前身为1928年成立于巴黎的国际社会工作者永久秘书处,该机构的活动直到第二次世界大战爆发才终止。在1950年巴黎社会工作者国际大会上,做出了成立社会工作者国际联合舍的决定。经过大量准备工作后,该联合会终于在1956年德国慕尼黑社会工作者国际大会上宣告成立。作为世界性社会工作者的联合组织,对于促进和协调国家、地区和国际间社会工作者协会的交流与合作,推动国际社会工作的发展,宣传社会工作…  相似文献   

1991年初,海湾战争结束后,阿拉伯国家和国际社会纷纷呼吁尽早开始中东和谈,公正解决阿以和巴以问题,以实现中东持久和平与稳定。美国为巩固其在海湾战争中的胜利和维护其在中东的主导权和战略利益,积极扮演阿以冲突调解者的角色,中东和谈再次趋向活跃。经中东地区有关方面和国际社会的共同努力,中东和会第一阶段会议于  相似文献   

布鲁塞尔是比利时的首都,这座古城由于其优越的地理位置和发达的交通与通信,上个世纪50年代以来便已成为西欧文化经济的交会点,有上百个国际组织和办事机构的总部设立在这里,名目繁多的国际会议也经常在这里召开。  相似文献   

全球化与国际秩序的不平等格局 当前,全球化正以迅猛的势头在世界范围内兴起,其影响在社会生活各个领域日益引起人们的普遍关注。全球化是基于资本、高新技术等经济因素的外向扩张,导致世界规模的统一大市场和跨国公司的形成过程。换言之,金融资本的全球流动、经济贸易的自由化、跨国公司的国际扩张、信息技术在各领域的广泛应用,都标志着全球化时代的来临。在这一过程中,  相似文献   

梁萍 《职业时空》2008,4(2):115-116
国际意识有时称为“世界意识”,有时称为“全球意识”,其内涵是一致的,都是适应全球化发展要求而构造一种民族的、国家的思想意识。在全球化时代,高校思想政治教育工作面临的又一个新的教育主题,就是要培养大学生的国际意识。国际意识是一种开放的心态和意识,一种遵守国际规则的意识。培养大学生的国际意识这种情感态度与价值观是社会发展对高校思想政治教育工作提出的客观要求,但这种客观要求能否内化为学生的思想意识,高校思想政治教育的各个层面如教育者、教育内容、教育方法等都显得极为重要。思想政治教育包括马克思主义教育、共产主义理想教育、党和国家重大方针政策教育、国情教育、世界和平与人类进步教育等。公共政治理论课作为高校学生思想政治教育的主渠道和主阵地,对大学生进行国际意识的培养有着不可推卸的责任与义务。  相似文献   

国际广告,是指为了配合国际营销的需要,对出口国或地区所作的广告。其目的是通过各种适应国际市场特点的广告形式,使商品能迅速地进入国际市场,赢得声誉,扩大销售。设计国际广告时,设计者遇到的一个最明显的障碍即语言文字。国际广告与国内广告最主要的区别也就在语言文字方面。因此,精通广告对象所在国语言文字,就成了国际广告促销成功的关键因素。由于不注意这个问题,几乎每个国家都有些公司因语言文字处理不当而造成麻烦。一、语义问题美国营销专家菲利普·凯特奥拉指出,为国际广告撰写广告文字的人,不仅应注意两种语言之间表…  相似文献   

国家利益是任何国家决定其在国际关系行为中的最根本因素。沙特外交政策依赖的其海湾大国地位、丰富的石油资源,宗教地缘政治三大外交资源。其外交指导思想秉承的是国家利益至上,伊斯兰宗教情结和国际环境影响三大外交理念。  相似文献   

李金芑 《现代交际》2011,(12):152-152
联想品牌的电脑产品在国内甚至国际都获得了巨大的成功,然其成功背后,仍需考虑众多的问题。与其他国际知名品牌相比,联想在不断创新的同时,还应注重产品自身内涵的延续。  相似文献   

浅析伊拉克战争对美国软实力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李霞 《现代交际》2010,(3):67-68
伊拉克战争对美国软实力造成了诸多负面的影响:伊拉克战争既损害了美国自身的国际亲和力,又削弱了其对国际规则和文化发展战略国际机制的控制力;虐囚事件、黑水保安亨件重创美国“人权卫士”形象,令美国人向来引以为傲的人权价值观软实力受到强烈的冲击;事与愿违,伊拉克没有成为美国大中东计划的关键第一步,却成为恐怖主义滋生的温床,美国式的民主在伊拉克不仅没有吸引力,反而激起了更多的恐怖主义。  相似文献   

本文以广州国际友好城市洛杉矾、温哥华和悉尼为例,探讨其城市公共交通发展的管理现状,并归纳出这些城市公共交通体系建设的特点和经验。同时,本文分析了广州公共交通体系建设管理现状及其面临的问题,提出了广州借鉴国际友好城市先进经验的对策建议。  相似文献   

Research on the effectiveness of mandatory outpatient treatment, which is court-ordered mental health follow up, supports its use with individuals who have serious mental illness. Many states already have some kind of mandatory outpatient treatment in place, but it is often underused. Much of the criticism of mandatory outpatient treatment is based on the fact that research demonstrating its efficacy is limited and that its implementation infringes on individuals' rights. However, sufficient evidence can be found in the literature to support its use for some individuals with chronic mental illness living in the community. In addition, the ethical principles of beneficence, utilitarianism, and communitarianism support its use in some situations. Mandatory outpatient treatment is an ethical and effective method shown to be helpful with individuals who have mental illness and are nonadherent to treatment. Expanding its use in appropriate situations is in the best interest of those with serious mental illness and society in general.  相似文献   

The danger in both criminology and risk analysis is that rational choice will be embraced uncritically and without examination of its subtleties, boundaries, and limitations; its dependency on context, its relationship to what is seen (and not seen), what is understood and what is not understood, its embeddedness in both personal and organizational life. That is a challenge worthy of all the social and behavioral sciences.  相似文献   

The structure, capacity, and function of the Hope intergenerational model is examined: its structure around a core paradigm of mutual intergenerational support, its organizational capacity to arrest socio-emotional drift, and its main function, which is to buffer tensions and ensure that its non-traditional view of foster children prevails in a very traditional world of social service.  相似文献   


A group's awareness of its own particular ‘identity (racial, cultural, ethnic, etc.) is heightened when it competes with other groups for power, privilege and resources. It is especially when a group (be it a dominant or subordinate group) perceives its culture threatened that it mobilizes its resources, articulates its beliefs and organizes its followers to assure its cultural survival. When its protective efforts are blocked or stymied, the group is transformed into what Smelser terms a ‘value‐oriented movement’. It becomes a culture under siege, and its development closely follows those characteristics and stages of collective behaviour that Smelser identifies. Continued stress or threats to a siege culture also lead to the transformation of the group's beliefs into what Rokeach identifies as a ‘closed belief system,’ characterized by dogmatic beliefs and, among its members, highly rigid and intolerant forms of behaviour. Where a group's racial beliefs are threatened, the group is readily transformed into a siege culture. This is evident especially in three historical/contemporary cases: White Southerners in the U.S., Afrikaners in South Africa, and White Rhodesians. Their cultural/racial beliefs (based on White superiority and White supremacy) threatened, the three groups became value‐oriented movements, their transformation and characteristics (closely paralleling each other) easily identified in terms of the analyses of Smelser and Rokeach.  相似文献   

Resistance at work can take many forms and be theorised in multiple ways. In this paper, I use postcolonial theorist Homi Bhabha's concepts of mimicry, ambivalence and hybridity to explore non-traditional forms of resistance among Indo-Mauritians working in the hotel industry. I employ a two-stage qualitative research approach by conducting focus groups in eight hotels in Mauritius followed by focused ethnography with 20 Indo-Mauritians. The findings reveal that the Indian diasporic community is actively engaging with its past (India) through the materiality of its home, its sacred space and its use of Bhojpuri to communicate. By unfolding and maintaining its difference, it is constantly demarcating its personal space from that of the Other. As this behaviour extends to the workplace, salient forms of non-traditional resistance surface in rural regions.  相似文献   

Strategic integrated communication in the relationship between an organization, its stakeholders, and the post-2000 business environment is fundamental to ensure that the organization is viewed as unified in its intent. Literature proposes various implementation models of strategic integrated communication but most literature is pertinent to the last century. Consequently there is a need for an integrated communication implementation model for the post-2000 business landscape with its specific challenges and opportunities. The primary objective of this article is to present the model for implementing strategic integrated communication post-2000. This model was developed in a study consisting of three phases: a critical review of existing literature; in-depth qualitative interviews in and phase 3 where the authentic model was conceptualized. As a result, the integration of three levels to promote a united effort in relationship building constitutes the organization itself, its stakeholders, and the environment as a whole.  相似文献   

Through an engagement with James Mittelman’s Implausible Dream: The World Class University and Repurposing Higher Education, this paper tracks the journey of the idea of World Class Universities in India, and its most recent iteration in the form of Institutions of Eminence. The structural crisis of governance in the public university system is related to the overweening role of the state in every aspect of its functioning, with the University Grants Commission failing to perform its role as a buffer between government and university. The paper examines two recent initiatives of the government: the proposed replacement of the University Grants Commission by a Higher Education Commission of India and the initiative to support select Institutions of Eminence to achieve world class status. The core attraction of this initiative is its promise of autonomy, and this idea of autonomy is critically interrogated here, including in its ambivalent relationship to academic freedom.  相似文献   

This article analyses the importance of apprenticeship systems in the current contexts of the UK and Germany. It discusses the policy and practice of apprenticeship in connection with skills formation and vocational learning. It argues that despite its declining popularity, apprenticeship continues to play a role in contemporary education policy with possibilities for progress and improvement. However, its practicality and feasibility is dependent on policies which are influenced by the different national socio-political, economic and educational contexts. Indeed, the reason why the UK’s attempts to revitalise its apprenticeship system has not been successful is not because apprenticeship is becoming irrelevant, but rather because policy objectives are not consistent with national capacities. If an apprenticeship system is based on strong institutional arrangements and is adaptable to the labour market and its evolving demands, it has enormous potential to produce different types of intermediate-level skills.   相似文献   

Beck, individualization and the death of class: a critique   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Cultural capital in an understated nation: the case of Scotland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The concept of cultural capital is rarely used to explore specifically national cultural formations. This paper explores how Scotland, with its distinctive national identity, yet its constitutionally subordinate position within the UK offers an interesting case to explore the relationship between nationality and cultural capital. It examines how the concept can be used to unpick collective national identities, and how devolution might have changed its relationship to matters of identity and culture. It is especially concerned to show how Scotland's position within the UK leads to a form of cultural formation caught between two contradictory assumptions: that Scotland is 'culture-lite'--insufficiently different from the rest of the UK in terms of cultural markers such as language religion etc to be 'national'; and on the other hand that Scotland is 'culture-heavy' in so far as its cultural iconography is so hegemonic and distorted that it generates deformed narratives and discourses.  相似文献   

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