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丁艳 《职业时空》2004,(3):22-23
资金是企业的血液,是企业发展的第一推动力和持续推动力。资金短缺是各国(地区)中小企业发展过程中普遍存在的问题,融资困难是目前制约我国中小企业发展的瓶颈障碍。中小企业融资难,表面上是一个资金问题,实质上反映出在资源配置机制的转变过程中,政府、银行、企业三者如何有机结合融入到新的市场经济的金融体制中去的问题。解决中小企业融资难的问题,可采用多种方法多管齐下,具体对策有:1.完善银行信贷管理体制,加强对中小企业的金融服务解决中小企业融资难,关键仍要充分发挥金融部门的主渠道作用。目前,国有商业银行已设置专门的中小企业…  相似文献   

中小企业融资难是世界性难题,在金融危机和世界经济走弱情况下,中国要解决好中小企业融资难题对经济增长、促进就业、改善民生、构建和谐社会尤为重要。文中从中小企业融资难的原因剖析切入,提出以优化金融生态环境来破解中小企业融资难题的观点。  相似文献   

在我国,中小企业融资一直是一个热点话题。融资难,则是这一热点话题的中心。中小企业融资难问题的存在由来已久。其持续时间之长也就说明了要靠传统方法解决这一问题十分不易。解决融资难的问题,让中小企业能更好地为我国的经济发展做出贡献,就成了非常重要的问题。文中通过对中小企业融资现状的分析,提出用发行集合债券的方式解决融资难的问题。  相似文献   

从我国中小企业的经营特点出发,分析当前中小企业财务管理上存在的如管理模式僵化、融资难、财务控制薄弱等问题,并针对这些问题从国家政府扶持、企业自身努力,特别是激发社会公众中的潜在投资者对企业融资等方面予以解决。  相似文献   

建立完善的社会信用体系,是改善中小企业融资环境、深化金融改革的前提。征信制度是社会信用体系的核心与关键环节.是市场经济成熟的重要标志。征信体系建设是中小企业融资的核心基础,完善征信体系建设也是优化社会信用环境、扩大金融服务覆盖面、解决中小企业融资难问题的有效手段。  相似文献   

面对中小企业的发展壮大趋势与其现实所面临的融资难的矛盾,出路何在?加大政府对中小企业融资的支持力度,是解决矛盾的一项十分重要的工作。各级政府除了应从地位上给予中小企业与其他经济成分平等的法律地位,消除中小企业在产业准入、银行贷款、上市发债、兼并破产、项目投资、进出口权等方面的诸多限制,消除国民待遇方面存在的歧视现象之外,建立和完善政府融资服务体系显得尤为必要。建立组织支持系统1.设立专门为中小企业服务的管理机构设立专门管理中小企业的行政机构,全面负责中小企业的政策、规划、咨询、协调等工作,是政府对中小企业…  相似文献   

我国中小企业融资难问题的特殊生成原因我国是一个正处于经济转轨时期的大国,面临着改革和发展的双重任务。与其他国家相比,我国中小企业融资难问题的形成有其诸多特殊原因。具体来说,可从以下几个方面来分析。首先,政府主导下的现行银行业市场结构,不利于中小企业进行间接融资。我国银行业的市场结构既不是完全竞争,也不是垄断竞争,而是寡头竞争。这种商业银行数量少,市场准入条件高的寡头结盟市场结构是一种政府主导下的高度非自然垄断,严重地阻碍了中小企业的发展:其一,国有商业银行拥有近70 %的存款资源和65 %左右的贷款份额,在商业金融…  相似文献   

中小企业融资难特别是小企业融资难是一个世界性难题.也是制约我国中小企业发展的关键因素。造成我国中小企业融资难的原因十分复杂,归根到底是由于我们的金融市场结构、金融市场发育程度、金融体制、金融政策、金融环境等与广大中小企业多元化的融资需求有太大差距。破解这一难题也是一个复杂的系统工程,既不是一朝一夕能够解决的,  相似文献   

2009年10月30日是个重要的日子,这一天国内首批28家创业板公司集体上市。作为新生事物,创业板被人们给予了很大的希望,很多人希望创业板成为中国中小企业的救星。然而我们不禁要问的是,创业板能解决中小企业面临的困境?它们的困境仅仅是因为融资难的问题吗?创业板的实质是什么?我们是否对创业板的期望过高?此起彼伏的暴富神话的炒作是否在掩盖着创业板产业扶持的初衷?  相似文献   

目前,各级政府对中小企业的政策扶持存在资源重复配置、覆盖面过窄等问题,对中小企业群体来说作用有限。从国外的实践看,一些发达国家通过设立政策性金融机构专门为中小企业提供金融服务,有力地助推了中小企业的成长与发展。我国目前的经济形势迫切需要专门设立中小企业政策性银行,而设立中国中小企业政策性银行有3条道路可以选择。  相似文献   

张萍 《安家》2006,(12):89-90
北京市银监局紧急叫停北京市未封顶楼盘的个人住房商业贷款业务,既是对于121文件超过两年的一次漫长回音,又是一场很现实的对房地产企业资金链的直接考验.  相似文献   

The way the nation provides for the financing and delivery of long-term care is badly in need of reform. The principal options for change are private insurance, altering Medicaid, and 110 FROM NURSJNG HOMES TO HOME CARE public long-term care insurance. This article uses the Brookings-ICE Long-Term Care Financing Model to evaluate each of these options in terms of affordability, distribution of benefits, and ability to reduce catastrophic out-of-pocket costs. So long as private insurance is aimed at the elderly, its market penetration and ability to finance long-term care will remain scverely limited. Affordability is a major problem. Selling to younger persons could solve the affordability problem, but marketing is extremely difficult. Liberalizing Medicaid could help solve the problems of long-term care, but there is little public support for means-tested programs. Finally, universalistic public insurance programs do well in meeting the goals of longterm care reform, but all social insurance programs are expensive and seem politically infeasible in the current political environment. The way the nation provides for the financing and delivery of long-term care is badly in need of reform. No other part of the health care system generates as much passionate discontent as does long-term care. At the heart of the problem is the absence of any satisfactory way to help people anticipate and pay for long-term care. The disabled elderly find, often to their surprise, that the costs of nursing home and home care are not covered to any significant extent by Medicare or private insurance. Instead, they must rely on their own savings or, failing that, turn to welfare in the form of Medicaid. At a national average cost of $40,000 a year for nursing home care, long-term care is a leading cause of catastrophic out-of-pocket health care costs for the elderly. In addition, despite the strong preferences of the disabled for home and community-based services, current financing is highly skewed toward care in nursing homes. While the debate over long-term care reform has many facets, it is primarily an argument over the relative merits of private- versus publicsector approaches. Differences over how much emphasis to put on each sector partly depend on values that cannot be directly proved or disproved. Some believe that the primary responsibility for care of the elderly belongs with individuals and their families, and that government should act only as a payer of last resort for those unable to provide for themselves. The opposite view is that the government should take the lead in ensuring comprehensive care for all disabled older people, regardless of financial need, by providing comprehensive, compulsory social insurance. In this view, there is little or no role for the private sector. Between these polar positions, many combinations of public and private responsibility are possible.  相似文献   

当前,小微企业难以从商业银行获得贷款支持,这严重制约了小微企业的发展。因此,通过研究构建小微企业信用融资系统,疏通小微企业与商业银行的对接渠道,解决小微企业融资难的问题;通过小微企业、贷款机构、政府园区、金融管理部门网络互联,共同打造信用融资公共平台,以解决小微企业融资难问题的具体实现路径。  相似文献   

Under Connecticut's recently implemented public/private partnership to finance long-term care, individuals will no longer need to impoverish themselves in order to receive Medicaid assistance. To encourage those people who can afford to buy a private long-term care insurance policy to do so, the state promises to shield one dollar in assets from Medicaid "spend-down" rules for every dollar a private policy pays out for Medicaid-covered services. This article describes the Partnership, shows how dwindling resources and budget constraints affected he development of this model, and then contrasts Connecticut's experience with that of other states and describes what can be learned from this demonstration.  相似文献   

论民营企业信用与民营企业融资   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
民营企业对社会主义市场经济的发展起着积极的推动作用。但随着市场经济体制的发展,民营企业的不规范市场行为带来的信用缺失,严重阻碍了其进一步发展。民营企业面临二次创业的危机,其中融资困难是制约民营企业再次发展的一个瓶颈。在对大多数银行调查后发现,银行将对民营企业惜贷归结为其信用低。由此看来,信用在民营企业再次发展中的作用已不能低估。  相似文献   


This paper analyzes the incentive structure contained in traditional fee-for-service and capitated managed care models and finds both to be inadequate in encouraging the attainment of client outcomes. An incentive financing scheme is proposed that links funding to outcomes, and describes the necessary elements of such a system. This framework is then applied to the New Hampshire and Colorado incentive financing systems.  相似文献   

城市未成年人理财教育略论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
今天,理财教育已是城市未成年人养成教育的必修课,也是经济、社会的发展对教育提出的一个新课题.本文探讨了理财教育的内涵,运用社会调查的第一手资料分析了对未成年人进行理财教育的必要性和可能性,提出在大教育视野下整合各学科教育内容、实施理财教育的关键是培养良好的理财习惯,构建一体化的理财教育载体、探索具有中国特色的理财教育体系等适合我国国情的理财教育运作策略.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to examine children’s education financing alternatives among households in rural China. Data on education financing was from a household survey conducted in three poverty villages in Guizhou, China. The difference in financing education by households was verified through non-parametric testing. Findings show that private savings is dominant in financing education of children in school. Formal loans are almost absent even in the highest wealth group examined. The findings implied that the extension of financial services to children’s education could motivate parents to send their children for more education, increase disposable income of rural households by reducing precautionary savings, and provide better-educated labors in rural China.  相似文献   

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