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Data from the 1991 General Social Survey and National Organizations Survey are used to assess how organizational commitment is structured by one “demand side,” organizational-based factor, firm internal labor markets, and one “supply side,” individual-based factor, the values/preferences of workers. Findings indicate that organizational commitment is best explained by the joint influence of these two factors rather than by their independent effects. Specifically, firms with internal labor markets are conducive to the development of high levels of organizational commitment to the extent that what they offer, namely, opportunities for career-status and long-term employment “fit” what workers desire: job security and possibilities for promotion with their current employer. We offer directions for future research that may shed additional light on the manner in which internal labor markets and the values/preferences of workers may structure organizational commitment.  相似文献   

This article analyzes historical and interview data on one of the largest steel corporations in the U.S. to determine (1) the effects of financial controls on long-term incremental organizational changes, (2) the effects of the environment on the organization, (3) the degree to which organizations structure their environment, and (4) the conditions that transform the corporate form. Findings demonstrate that transformations emerge from crisis due to contradictions within the corporate form and between the corporate form and its environment. The sources of these contradictions include the long-term irrationality of formally rational financial controls, oligopolistic structures, and the state's tax policies. These findings question efficiency arguments in general, but more specifically do not support Alfred Chandler's conception of the "logic of managerial enterprise," which suggests that oligopolistic corporations are efficient because their size provides capital to realize economies of scale, and market share competition sharpens management's skills.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to answer the question – does the way in which the quantity of money is introduced into the economic system matter or only the amount introduced? The question of the importance of the sources of monetary change has become a key issue between Monetarists and Neo-Keynesians. The approach of the paper is to compare different periods in U. S. monetary history over the time span 1834–1914, which exhibited different sources of monetary change, to see whether the source of monetary change significantly affected the relationship between money and income between these periods, as well as within them. In the majority of cases examined, the income effects of the sources of monetary change were found to be insignificant.  相似文献   

Technological innovations result not just from advances in science, but also social system reorganization. Reorganization is problematic, as various organizations and constituents pursue their interests and causes. Expanding on previous work in the economics and sociology of innovation, three cases from the retail food industry (frozen meat, boxed beef, and scanners) illustrate the process described in a politicized-context model of innovation. Market context, political contingencies, and established social relations all influence innovations. Thus, including these factors in the politicized-context model provides better understanding of the particular paths of innovation.  相似文献   

We study common features in the income velocity of money, income, and interest rates for Canada, the U.S., the U.K., Sweden and Norway using annual data from 1870. The recently developed and refined techniques of testing for cointegration are employed.
The evidence suggests there is a unique long-run relationship in velocity but not in income and interest rates. Moreover, we find that only a model which includes institutional change proxies is properly specified. We argue that the evidence is best interpreted in the context of common historical developments in the respective countries' financial systems.  相似文献   

The largest industrial corporations are changing to a multilayered subsidiary form. Whereas corporations have used subsidiaries to organize their assets since the tum of the century, the number of wholly owned subsidiaries in the 100 largest industrial corporations doubled between 1981 and 1993. The question addressed here is: Why are corporations changing their form now? I suggest that the question is historically contingent and that the answer is, in part, explained by changes in state business policy. A capital dependence framework is elaborated to examine the relationship between state business policy and corporations in the 1970s and 1980s. Business policy changes–resulting in the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and the Revenue Act of 1987–provided corporations with tax-free procedures for parent companies to simultaneously restructure their divisions as subsidiaries and restructure their debt. There are additional incentives for corporations to restructure their divisions as subsidiaries: (1) creating a liability firewall between the parent company and its subsidiary corporations, limiting the financial risk of parent companies, and (2) creating an internal capital market, providing an alternative form of financing thereby reducing corporations’dependence on external capital markets.  相似文献   

Le phénomène de la migration interne au Canada est considéré comme un facteur important en ce qui a trait à de nombreux aspects de l'organisation sociale. Un échantillon de 453 migrants a fourni des données concernant leurs caracteristiques, les motifs pour lesquels ils se deplacent et l'importance de différents types de relationsà l'endroit de destination. Dans le cadre d'une nouvelle methode touchant à localiser les migrants, on à interrogé les nouveaux arrivés concernant les raisons pour lesquelles ils se sont deplaces ainsi que les expériences vécues au cours de cette période de relocalisation à l'endroit de destination. Bien que leurs réponses aient permis de corroborer l'exactitude de plusieurs tendances décelées au cows de recherches antérieures, il n'en demeure pas moins qu'une analyse approfondie des données a laké entrevoir deux points quelque peu différents. La majorité des gens se déplacent sous certaines auspices et il semble que l'existence et la nature d'un réseau de “relations”à l'endroit de destination influencent la façon dont les nouveaux arrivés se comportent face au déplacement et à la relocalisation. Continuing migration within Canada is seen as an important factor for many aspects of social organization. A sample of 453 internal migrants provides data on the characteristics of migrants, their reasons for moving, and the effects of having different types of connections in the receiving community. By utilizing a new approach to locating migrants, very recent migrants were interviewed about their reasons for moving and their experiences in relocating in the target area. While several patterns established through previous research are corroborated, two apparently discrepant findings appear. These are explained when analysis of the data is refined. Most migrants are found to move under some auspices. The availability and nature of a network of local connections are found to affect the ways in which migrants deal with moving and relocating.  相似文献   

Analyses of the attitudinal origins of political protest thatrely on surveys conducted after the behavior has occurred assumethat the attitudes expressed were also present before the behavioroccurred, and ignore the possibility that postprotest attitudesare the result, rather than the cause, of protest behavior.This article addresses two central questions: (1) How differentlymay the same protest movement be interpreted, depending on whetherthe presumed causal attitudes are obtained before or after theprotest took place? (2) What kinds of attitudinal transformationsare the participants and nonparticipants in protest behaviorlikely to experience? The data derive from a panel study conductedin France, the first wave of which took place in the springof 1967, more than a year before the famous May 1968 mass protestoccurred, and the second wave of which took place in the summerof 1968, soon after the upheaval, at which time reports of protestbehavior were obtained. Identical measures of protest-relatedattitudes were obtained at each wave. Both the methodologicaland substantive implications of the differences between "before"and "after" measures of protest-related attitudes are discussed.  相似文献   

I argue that the study of narrative identity would benefit from more sustained and explicit attention to relationships among cultural, institutional, organizational, and personal narratives of identity. I review what is known about these different types of narrative identity and argue that these narratives are created for different purposes, do different types of work, and are evaluated by different criteria. After exploring the inherently reflexive relationships between and among these various narratives of identity, I conclude with demonstrating how examining these relationships would allow a more complete understanding of the mutual relevance of social problem construction and culture, of the work of social service organizations attempting to change clients' personal narratives, and the possibilities of social change. Exploring relationships between and among different types of narrative identity would yield a better understanding of how narratives work and the work narratives do.  相似文献   

Following Gurman (1981), this study reports on authors and topics of interest in prominent marriage and family therapy journals from 1980 through 1995. Fifteen of the 25 institutions that produced the greatest number of authors prior to 1978 continued to be among the top 25 between 1980 and 1995, and the 25 leading institutions produced 29.5% of articles from 1980 to 1995. Most authors held positions in university settings and taught in programs with a marriage and family therapy focus. Clinical issues were the most common focus of articles (61%), and one-third of all articles were research reports.  相似文献   

Despite the prevalence of corporate change in the last decade, researchers have not examined whether a change occurred in the corporate form. The analysis here presents a historical case study of a large U.S. corporation and quantitative data on the largest 100 U.S. industrial corporations. The case study examines the effects of changing economic conditions and state business policy on the corporate form. This study demonstrates that the corporation changed to a multilayered subsidiary form (MLSF): a corporation with a hierarchy of two or more levels of subsidiary corporations with a parent company at the top of the hierarchy operating as a management company. Whereas rising debt and increasing competition in the 1970s and 1980s undermined corporations' capacity to accumulate capital, changes in state business policy in the mid-1980s provided the political-legal structure for corporations to restructure their assets as subsidiary corporations tax free. Changes in state business policy also provided a means for corporations to merge, acquire, and spin-off subsidiary corporations tax free. Quantitative data on the 100 largest U.S. industrial corporations show that while the multidivisional form decreased, the MLSF increased between 1981 and 1993. Findings support a capital dependence framework. The MLSF constructs liability firewalls among corporate entities and creates internal capital markets, reducing dependence on external capital markets.  相似文献   

An examination of 1970–1980 census data for suburban Chicago indicates that, within the context of persisting inequities, causal links between community characteristics and status change vary by initial status. Individual change in the relative rankings of initially affluent communities is a direct function of housing age and location; residential development and changes in population size have little or no effect on this process. In contrast, cyclical growth is the primary determinant of status change among places of lesser initial affluence. Within the larger context of centrifugal drift and age-related growth cycles, stronger growth and resulting status improvements occur in accessible, underdeveloped newer places that, due to recent suburbanization, have already attained somewhat higher rankings.  相似文献   

Many prior efforts have examined the personal characteristics of workers or the structural features of an organization that impact job satisfaction. By contrast, we examine organizational culture in the context of "high-performance work systems." We analyze the organizational culture of the United States Postal System, as it is presented in key organizational documents and perceived by workers. It is argued that a viable theory of job satisfaction in the modern workplace must treat worker perceptions, which spring from an organizational culture that is both prescribed and lived.  相似文献   

An examination of the 1982 Tylenol poisonings reveals stock market losses to Johnson & Johnson that far exceed direct costs and losses shared with other pain-reliever producers; this evidence provides support for the Klein and Leffler [1981] theory of brand names as quality-assuring mechanisms. Of the subsequent cases, only the 1986 Tylenol poisonings were associated with significant stock market losses. Prior to the 1982 and 1986 Tylenol poisonings, Tylenol was the number one pain reliever, whereas the other pain relievers that were poisoned had a much lower level of brand-name capital to lose.  相似文献   

The cultural and legal meaning of rape has changed dramatically over the past 30 years as the feminist movement has challenged traditional constructions of sexual violence and offered an alternative construction of the meaning of rape. The transformation of rape into a social problem has brought increased attention to the subject in both popular and academic realms. Despite the growing body of research and theory on sexual violence, little inquiry exists into women s everyday constructions of rape and the degree to which such constructions have been influenced by the feminist movement. This article uses a constructionist framework to examine the everyday understandings of rape held by a diverse sample of women. Data gathered through an open-ended survey instrument were analyzed to reveal both interesting similarities and significant differences in the ways women of different ages, races, and personal histories define and interpret the phenomenon of rape. By examining these data, the extent to which the feminist reconstruction of rape has influenced women s everyday assumptions is examined, and the role of differences among women in perceptions of rape is explored. The findings presented in this article have implications for theories of social problems, for feminist discourse, and for the application of research on rape in applied settings.  相似文献   

This paper examines how clients and therapists, together, create impasses or change. First, the general concept of a “therapeutic system” (therapist-plus-client) is briefly reviewed. Second, a model is described that synthesizes systemic and strategic ideas about therapeutic systems. Third, a series of questions based on this model is proposed for analyzing and resolving impasses. Finally, application of this framework is illustrated with a case.  相似文献   

Retrospective narratives of change consistently emphasize the importance of religious devotion and spirituality in initiating sustained behavioral change, but little is known about the process by which religion and spirituality promote desistance from crime. The current project is designed to add to the knowledge of the relationship between religion/spirituality and behavioral change by systematically investigating the ways that men residing in a halfway house define the role of religion/spirituality as an emotion-coping mechanism in their desistance efforts. The qualitative data reveal that religion/spirituality is primarily used by these men currently undergoing behavioral change as a form of emotional comfort, a distraction from current stressors, and as factor demarcating the transition from deviance to a more conventional life. Suggestions for religious programming designed to stimulate behavioral changes are discussed.  相似文献   

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