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李颖  孙磊  阚淑锦  郭攀  卞振涛 《公关世界》2022,(17):107-108
新时代背景下,高校学生资助管理工作是发挥资助育人功能的重要载体。通过从政策宣传、名额分配、开展过程和工作重心四个方面分析现阶段高校资助工作存在的主要问题,对资助工作提升路径进行深入探析,形成了丰富宣传形式、完善评审机制和多方齐力协作的有效路径,确保资助政策“应知尽知”、贫困学子“应助尽助”和育人工作卓有成效,从而提升资助育人工作的精准度和时效性。  相似文献   

姜蓉 《金色年华》2005,(4):20-21
目前。跨国公司在中国提交的专利申请越来越多,信息技术、家电、医药等技术领域的国内企业的未来发展空间越来越受限制,被国际巨头的众多专利层层包围。但国际巨头的专利战略对中国企业既是挑战也是机会。关键是企业运用他人的专利和自己的专利来经营企业,  相似文献   

三、构建"学习型企业"与创新研发型企业 以上分析了自主创新是企业的核心竞争力,由此决定着区域产业的素质和区域经济的水平,但目前来看,我国各经济区域的企业自主创新能力普遍较差,这突出地反映在专利的申请上.专利主要是指专利权,这是国家专利审批机关对提出专利申请的发明创造,经依法审查合格后,向专利申请人授予的、在规定时间内对该项发明创造享有的一种独占权.专利是与知识和技术创新联系最密切的一种知识产权保护措施,能较准确地反映出企业自主创新能力.  相似文献   

为提高中职学校资助工作实效性,本文以广州市市政职业学校免费政策实施现状和效果为基点,在调查分析的基础上归纳国家资助政策对本校招生工作、学生流失率和受助学生生活产生的影响,探讨产生这些影响的原因,并提出改进建议.  相似文献   

近几年来,我国的经济发展速度逐渐加快,国家对于职业教育及院校发展也越来越重视。随着高职院校贫困生数量的增加,高职院校对于学生家庭经济情况的认定难度越来越大,影响了认定的准确性。且目前院校对于贫困等级的界定,以及资助名额的分配不够系统和完善,无法贯彻落实"精准资助"这一政策。为了更好地实现"精准资助",高职院校应当建立完善的学生信息共享平台,并优化家庭经济情况认定流程,避免资助工作出现错漏。与此同时,高职院校要注重贫困生心理辅导,引导学生健康成长。  相似文献   

家庭经济困难学生是社会关注的特殊群体,也是高校学生资助工作对象的主体。针对目前高校贫困学生资助工作存在国家奖助学金分配不均、困难生申请认定、勤工助学岗位数量设置、国家助学贷款违约等问题,提高困难生资助工作的思想认识、进一步完善困难生认定机制、加大国家资助政策宣传、注重助学与育人并重,加强困难生心理建设、开展感恩教育和励志教育,是有效提高学生资助工作成效,实现立德树人根本任务的有效对策。  相似文献   

刘文君 《公关世界》2022,(18):70-72
在国家资助政策的大力支持下,高校学生资助工作得以全面铺开,解决了贫困生求学困难的窘境,为帮助学生顺利完成学业奠定了坚实有力的基础。一方面,部分困难学生生活阅历浅显,未明确认识到接受资助完成学业为自身人生带来的积极影响。另一方面,知识教育层面的满足不能兼替精神意识上的需求,致使部分受助生感恩意识薄弱。基于此,高校不仅要保证资助工作的全面开展,更要将提升受助生的感恩意识作为重要的教育内容。  相似文献   

李晶 《职业》2014,(30):47-47
学生资助管理工作是学生工作的重要内容之一。笔者所在学院认真实施国家有关政策,在学生资助管理工作中发现问题,解决问题,更好地发挥学生资助工作的作用。  相似文献   

科技型中小企业是上海技术创新的主要载体和经济增长的重要推动力量,在促进科技成果转化和产业化、以创新带动就业、建设创新型城市等方面发挥着重要作用。上海中小企业转化发明专利,既受到内在因素制约,也面临外部环境障碍。上海应完善专利激励政策,提高专利质量,建立健全知识产权预警机制,组建专业服务机构支持科技金融创新,加快培养专利人才,培育发明专利转化的知识产权服务业,大力促进科技型中小企业技术创新和发明专利转化。  相似文献   

杨长红 《职业》2014,(30):43-44
本文探讨了中职学校学生资助工作的积极意义,指出中职学校的资助工作不仅帮助很多困难家庭的贫困学生完成了学业,帮助想学习技术的年轻人走上了技术工人的岗位,而且国家的资助政策对中等职业学校教育的发展起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

The evolution of strategic management closely parallels that of evaluation in several respects. Each seeks to improve the quality of policy decisions, and the practitioners of each have sought to incorporate both hypothetico-deductive and holistic-inductive methods. Mutual cooperation could enhance prospects for the utilization of evaluation and implementation of strategy, but differences, especially in assumptions about the nature of leadership, could cause conflict. Strategic management theory should be understood if its applications are to be evaluated appropriately.  相似文献   

Basic innovations are often fundamental to the development of applications that may be developed by other innovators. In this setting, we investigate whether patent pools can rectify the lack of incentives for a developer to invest in applications. Following Green and Scotchmer, we wonder whether broad basic patents are necessary to provide enough incentives for basic innovators. We show that patent pools are more likely to be formed with patents of very different breadths, or patents of similarly wide breadths. Furthermore, although patent pools rectify the lack of developer incentives, they may reduce the incentive for doing basic research. (JEL K11, L4, O31)  相似文献   

This study of emigration dynamics opens by noting that emigration is one of the most dynamic economic and social elements in Bangladesh. The history of emigration from Bangladesh is sketched, and the level and trend of emigration is described for various destinations (especially the UK, the Middle East and North Africa, and Japan) and in terms of the socioeconomic background of migrants, channels of migration, occupations, the potential level of emigration, and applications for US Visas. The next section of the report presents the economic and demographic setting in terms of the gross national and domestic products, quality of life, the size and distribution of the population, the labor force, literacy, unemployment and underemployment, urbanization, internal migration, poverty, and income distribution. The discussion then centers on the sociopolitical setting and such factors as unmet basic human needs, the demand for expatriate workers, and emigration policy. It is concluded that the desperate economic situation in Bangladesh has combined with the demand for expatriate workers and the development of institutions to facilitate emigration. The result is increasing interest in emigration, which is fueled by mass communication highlighting the differences between the quality of life in Bangladesh and abroad.  相似文献   


This paper illustrates the potential for Management Information System (MIS) technology to integrate information collection, management and reporting within a single program or network of organizations. Properly devised and created, MIS applications can improve administration, service delivery and practice evaluation. Three strategies are offered to guide the design and development of MIS software. This paper is based on lessons from the production and implementation of MIS software that serves as a management and evaluation tool for a nationwide policy demonstration. Data from the MIS have helped to shape state and federal policy.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen an increased focus on the role of house construction and retrofitting within the broader agenda of sustainable development and climate change. To date this focus has largely targeted middle- and upper-income residential neighborhoods in urban areas. However, in the United States, and in middle developing countries such as Brazil and Mexico, there is growing recognition that urban sustainability will only gain traction if widespread applications are also incorporated into self-help and do-it-yourself housing construction and home improvements, especially those that address lower-income housing markets. Here we explore some of the potential ways in which contemporary sustainable housing applications may be integrated into the existing housing stock in low-income and informal settlements in the United States and in Latin America. We document the range of sustainable housing applications that are increasingly available in the U.S. as a baseline for discussion and evaluation of the potential application to lower-income segments of the housing market in both developed and developing countries. A heuristic model is presented to assess the extent to which policy makers, NGOs and low-income owner households may realistically participate in sustainable home building. Beyond physical development applications we close by emphasizing that sustainable housing agendas must adopt a holistic approach: one that embraces community and social organizational development, as well as fiscal and juridical policy dimensions.  相似文献   

土非经贸合作近年发展迅速,引起国际社会广泛关注。这在很大程度上源于土耳其自1998年以来的一系列政策改革和相应的机制平台建设。但需要指出的是,尽管土非贸易、投资和援助都增长迅速,但土耳其对非政策改革和机制平台建设的政策效果尚未完全显现,主要因为土非经贸合作起点较低,量的增长并未导致质的变化,特别是土非贸易在土耳其对外贸易中所占的比重变化不大。因此,未来的土非经贸合作还有很大的提升空间,尽管土耳其对非政策的内部逻辑尚有待完善。  相似文献   

Integrated water resources management is one of the major bottom-up alternatives that emerged during the 1980s in North America as part of the trend towards more holistic and participatory styles of environmental governance. It aims to protect surface and groundwater resources by focusing on the integrated and collaborative management of land and water resources and interests on a watershed basis. In this paper, we draw on the policy network perspective on governance to shed light on the strengths and weaknesses of watershed-based processes of collaboration and integration for water quality protection in agricultural areas. The policy network perspective focuses on the interaction of actors, institutions and ideas within and among policy sectors to capture the intricacies of the policy process in increasingly complex and fragmented societies. Empirically, this study is based on the analysis of agro-environmental strategies for water quality protection in the Province of Ontario over the last 15 years. The contamination of a rural municipal well in Ontario in 2000, with its tragic consequences, translated into an ongoing pluralistic debate and strong attempts to fundamentally change the provincial policy style for addressing drinking water threats, especially agricultural pollution. Based on our analysis, we suggest that meaningful scales for collaboration and integration of land and water resources and interests at the local level, from the point of view of Ontario's agricultural policy network, do not currently include the watershed. We conclude that, instead of forcing watershed-based governance structures, the exploration and examination of more creative and flexible ways of linking watershed imperatives to existing socially and politically meaningful scales in agricultural areas of Ontario and elsewhere is warranted.  相似文献   


Objective: College and university administrators have expressed concern that adoption of tobacco-free policies may reduce applications and enrollment. This study examines adoption and implementation of 100% tobacco-free campus policies by institutions of higher education on applications and enrollment. Participants: North Carolina private colleges and universities and public community colleges. Analysis was conducted in 2011. Methods: Student enrollment and application data were analyzed by campus type to determine (a) if there was a difference in student applications and enrollment before and after policy implementation, and (b) if there was a difference in student applications and enrollment for campuses with versus without a policy. Results: No significant differences were found in student enrollment or applications when comparing years prior to and following policy implementation or when comparing with institutions without 100% tobacco-free campus policies. Conclusions: The authors found no evidence that 100% tobacco-free policy adoption had an impact on student enrollment or applications.  相似文献   

Japanese government policies for seniors have long assumed that informal care by their families exists for them. The rapid aging of Japan is eroding the basis for this assumption. It is now necessary to include barrier-free design concepts in the basic requirements for dwellings to be used by everyone, not just seniors, to support independent living. Essential requirements in proposed guidelines are already in effect in the design and construction of publicly operated rental housing. But at this time, only the schemes of the Housing Loan Corporation of Japan for additional loans are being used, in cases where some design requirements for senior users are being met. The Housing Loan Corporation's loan system has long been seen as a policy on the part of government to boost the economy, particularly during recessions, but assistance for construction of higher quality dwellings has been lacking. This article discusses the basic philosophy of design guidelines and practical ideas to be considered in dwelling design and the merit of model dwellings constructed by housing manufacturers in Japan. It also discusses potential strategies to implement the basic ideas of design guidelines. It then proposes some possible methods to realize life-span dwellings, or dwellings designed for everybody.  相似文献   

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