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与传统反腐形式相比,微博反腐具有其鲜明特征,它开辟了反腐的新战场,对反腐倡廉产生了积极的影响。但同时我们也应该看到,微博反腐作为一个新生事物,还存在很多的缺陷和问题,它的健康发展还需要进一步的规范和保障。  相似文献   

网络已成为一种新的反腐手段,逐渐受到广大民众的青睐和政府的肯定。我国政府充分认识到网络媒体在监督方面的优势,正在加大力度将网络运用到反腐实践中来,并取得显著的成效。本文旨在通过对网络反腐起源、现状及影响因素分析,探析未来其在反腐倡廉建设中的发展态势。  相似文献   

习近平反腐倡廉思想是立足党和国家的战略发展高度,解决我国反腐败这个重大政治、法治和社会问题的思想宝库和行动指南。通过科学分析当前我国反腐斗争的严峻形势,准确把握反腐倡廉建设的时代定位,鲜明概括反腐工作目标,始终坚定彻底反腐决心,大力推进反腐倡廉制度建设,严肃提出全面从严治党要求,全面促进反腐倡廉机制体制的形成,指导和推动我国的反腐倡廉建设不断走向深入,是我国反腐倡廉建设实践的理论支撑和根本遵循。  相似文献   

要推进反腐倡廉工作.就必须深入推进改革和制度创新、进一步做好治本抓源头工作。反腐倡廉治理之本是什么?如何抓好反腐倡廉的源头工作?国内外经验都证明,建立健全权力运行监督和制约机制是反腐之本。  相似文献   

当前的网络世界是链接交织的意义世界.随着智能手机、电脑、互联网等工具媒介不断便利,广大青年参与到网络社会的运行和发展中,一个为了达到自身目的,通过微信、微博、抖音等互联网媒介,制作、转载和评价链接的"链接青年"群体日渐形成.对此,有必要厘清"链接青年"的意涵和主要行为类型,反思如何避免"链接青年"受到不良链接内容的利诱和控制,形塑具有正能量的链接行为,强化新时代网络的社会治理.  相似文献   

金龙 《现代妇女》2014,(5):101-102
微博作为当前网络上最便捷、高效的沟通平台之一,在网络反腐中发挥着日益巨大的作用,但同时微博反腐也暴露出自身的问题。在厘清微博反腐的概念、产生原因之后,从作用机理的角度分析,能够更好的理解微博反腐的作用,进而在反腐制度涉及上更好的将被动的网络反腐与主动的官方反腐连接起来。  相似文献   

文章从伦理学的视角分析了"网络反腐"的基本涵义和机理,认为网络反腐实质上是一种网络政治参与行为,也是一种社会伦理行为,是社会政治参与主体对社会政治核心价值的追求,作为一种社会伦理参与和舆论监督,网络反腐成败的关键在于反腐信息的阳光透明、及时反馈和长效机制的构建以及政治参与主体的伦理自觉等。通过对网络反腐进行伦理学分析,来了解网络反腐的作用机理、反腐特点以及怎样应对在网络反腐过程中出现的伦理问题。本文通过在伦理学视角下对网络反腐进行深入思考,提出了一些有效的具有可操作性的建议,比如:进行国家权力主体伦理道德建设、社会公民伦理道德建设和政治制度伦理建设等,来使网络反腐伦理化,制度化,使网络反腐建设朝着科学健康的方向发展。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,互联网已成为人们生活中必不可少的组成部分之一,而尤以微信、微博为典型代表,在推出数年内迅速占据大多数年轻人的生活。而对于当代大学生来讲,微信、微博已成为影响当代大学生价值教育的重要传播媒介。本文就微信、微博自身的特点,及微信、微博对于大学生是把双刃剑,和其对大学生价值观的影响讲开阐述,最终得出大学生如何正确对待微信、微博。  相似文献   

反腐倡廉建设是新时期党建的一个热议话题,其中网络反腐作为反腐倡廉工作的一种新形式,在反腐倡廉建设中发挥了越来越重要的作用。网络反腐的兴起和迅速发展是我国政治社会化、政治民主化的重要体现,但目前在网络反腐中也还存在着许多不足之处,必须通过加强对网民的"网德"教育、建立健全网络信息处理机制以及加快相关法律制度建设,才能保证网络反腐朝着有序、健康的方向发展。  相似文献   

当前反腐倡廉工作形势依然严峻,少数干部严重违法违纪案件时有发生,影响恶劣,反腐倡廉建设依然任务艰巨。习近平总书记在十八界中央纪委二次全会上讲话突出强调了当前反腐工作的决心,"有腐必反、有贪必肃,不断铲除腐败现象滋生蔓延的土壤,以实际成效取信于民",要通过加强反腐倡廉教育、建立严厉的惩戒机制、加强权力制约和监督,形成不敢腐、不易腐的制约监督体系,坚持教育与管理、自律与他律相结合,逐步解决反腐倡廉建设中的深层次矛盾和问题,从源头上防治腐败,不断铲除腐败现象滋生蔓延的土壤,以反腐倡廉的实效取信与民,提高党的执政能力、巩固党的执政地位。  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between the Europeanization process and the anti‐globalization agenda in Europe. Relying on the results of fieldwork research conducted since 2001 on the anti‐globalization demonstrations surrounding the European summits, it argues that these transnational protest movements are of a dual and, in part, contradictory nature. On the one hand, they have an agenda‐setting character, contributing to the formation of European public opinion. On the other hand, their influence in terms of agenda setting of European policy is constrained by their discourse style which bypasses or circumvents official discourse about European integration.  相似文献   

Research has found that teaching people about psychological biases can help counteract biased behavior. On the other hand, due to the innate need for preservation of a positive self-image, it is likely that teaching people about biases they hold, may cause a boomerang effect in cases where being associated with a specific bias implies negative social connotations. In the three studies below we examine situations in which psychological bias implies negatively associated behavior, and show that teaching people about bias in those contexts can be counterproductive.  相似文献   

Taking the movement for the rights of indigenous people in Bangladesh as an example, this article elucidates how recent attempts to institutionalise the concept of indigenous people at the global level relate to local claims. These attempts are intrinsically interlinked to identity politics targeting the national political arena, and by adopting the conceptual offerings provided by the UN system as well as those from other parts of the world, activists seek to promote more inclusive approaches. Contemporary translocal indigenous activism, however, is prone to contradictions. On the one hand, identity politics rely upon old-established images of indigenous people with essentialist connotations. On the other hand, it can be observed that the activist configuration, thought in ethnic terms, becomes increasingly porous, for a variety of reasons. After providing an overview of the way indigenous activism in Bangladesh has unfolded recently, the conditions under which the boundaries of belonging to the activist movement are stretched or confined will be discussed. The final part deliberates the findings in relation to the ways in which the social order of the movement may change over time.  相似文献   

中国最早的网络移民自始至终伴随了中国互联网的发展,他们的网络使用行为形成了一段不长但至少可以追溯的历史。早期的网络社交将个体从现实物理空间局限中解放出来,具有高蹈于日常生活之上的虚拟色彩;随着网络空间中现实好友的增多和移动位置社交的兴起,网络空间的虚拟色彩渐渐褪去;如今,日常生活中的人际交往不再是在某一单一空间中进行,人们不断地在物理空间与网络空间切换,亦或同时在场。  相似文献   

This paper looks at the prevalence of creative activity and sharing in an age when the barriers to disseminating material have been considerably lowered compared with earlier times. The authors use unique data to explore the extent to which young adults create video, music, writing and artistic photography, as well as the prevalence of sharing such material online. Findings suggest that despite new opportunities to engage in such distribution of content, relatively few people are taking advantage of these recent developments. Moreover, neither creation nor sharing is randomly distributed among a diverse group of young adults. Consistent with existing literature, creative activity is related to a person's socioeconomic status as measured by parental schooling. The novel act of sharing online, however, is considerably different by gender with men much more likely to engage in it. However, once internet user skill is controlled for, men and women are equally likely to post their materials on the Web.  相似文献   

The rise of the internet has tremendous impacts on homosexual communities in Taiwan. The internet has created a medium where homosexual people can form virtual communities to seek for emotional support without fearing the disclosure of their sexual preferences and causing unwanted negative consequences. The internet has become a medium where homosexual communities can share information with each other and voice their concerns to the public. Thus, the internet may become what Ithiel de Sola Pool (1984) called 'the technology of freedom' for homosexual communities. The purposes of this paper are set to discuss whether academic homosexual individuals perceive the internet to be more fair and impartial in terms of news reporting than traditional mass media and to investigate why they use the internet. This paper employs a questionnaire survey method to collect data for the questions. The quantitative analysis of survey data (N=701), from a self-completed questionnaire using modified snowball sampling of gays and lesbians from Taiwan. Principal component analysis with varimax rotation led to seven factors that account for 66.31% of the variance. These factors are social interaction and information, entertainment and relaxation, personal revelation, preference, privacy and escapism, pass time and, novelty-seeking. Correlation analyses also suggested that respondents' demographics, internet usage frequency and, time are associated with their use motivation. As an exploratory study of an academic homosexual population and their internet use behaviour in Taiwan, this study raised more questions than it intended to answer. The use of individual media by this group needs further study.  相似文献   

The article examines the impact of culturally influenced norms and cultural values towards the ideal arrangement due to the transition to retirement on the labor market participation of older people aged 55 to 64 in Europe. Subsequent to a basic definition of retirement cultures, an extended explanatory model for the transition to retirement is developed, which takes cultural norms and values or rather the country-specific-retirement culture explicitly into account. Secondly, the model is empirically validated. The underlying dataset is the third round of the European Social Survey (ESS) which was conducted in 2006. Overall it is found that the impact of societal norms and values on the participation decision of older individuals can be both, theoretically modeled and empirically verified. Within the explanatory model the importance of cultural norms and values for explaining the retirement decisions of older people is twofold. Firstly, like the nation-specific institutional framework of the transition to retirement as well as the material resources of the individuals, this specific transition-to-retirement-culture belongs to the conditional part of the model and limits the number of alternative courses of action. Secondly, as an internalized social norm, the transition-to-retirement-culture is an integral part of the definition of the situation and structures the preference order of the individuals. The theoretical influence can also be validated in the empirical model. Firstly, there is a highly significant (positive) correlation between the attitudes towards the ideal retirement transition on the one hand and the participation decision on the individual level. On the societal level, a significant correlation between the country-specific transition-to-retirement-culture and the employment rate of older people can be seen. In this context, a low labor market participation of older people goes along with a comparatively exit-oriented transition-to-retirement-culture and vice versa.  相似文献   

This article argues that the emergence and growth of internet use in Britain has important implications for the analysis of social policy. It attempts to outline a research agenda for social policy in relation to one particular aspect of internet use, that of on-line self-help and social support - what we term here virtual-community care . The article presents data on patterns of home based internet use in Britain and outlines some contemporary debates in social policy about the importance of self-help and social support. It also considers how the internet is being used for self-help and social support with a particular emphasis on the emerging situation in Britain. Three illustrations of on-line self-help and social support are presented: two from newsgroups, which are part of the 'uk.people.* hierarchy': one concerned with disability and one with parenting issues; and one web based forum concerned with issues surrounding mortgage repossession. Drawing upon this illustrative material the article discusses some emergent issues for contemporary social policy discourse: the rise of self-help groups; the privileging of lay knowledge and experience over the 'expert' knowledge of health and welfare professionals; the nature of professional-client relationships; the quality and legitimacy of advice, information and support; dis/empowerment; and social exclusion.  相似文献   

"微时代"是以微博等为传播媒介,以短小便捷作为文化传播特征的时代。社会主义核心价值体系是社会主义意识形态的本质体现,是全党全国各族人民团结奋斗的共同思想基础。构建面向青年群体的社会主义核心价值体系的传播路径,对于加强青年群体的社会主义核心价值体系教育、增强社会主义意识形态在青年群体中的吸引力和认同感具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

程永佳 《职业时空》2012,(2):163-164,166
庐舍是英文"Loser"的音译,即"失败者"。网络庐舍,指的是在网上耗费大量时间,进行与工作学习无关的事情,对工作学习生活不主动,无进取心的人。在青少年当中,网络庐舍一族为数不少,文章研究分析了各种网络庐舍现象,并探究其心理根源,以探讨相应的对策。  相似文献   

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