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随着城市化进程的加快和经济的迅速发展,农村房屋拆迁及土地征用面和量也随之增加,然而由此引起的冲突和矛盾也不断增多,暴力事件层出不穷,农民财产权益保护问题成为社会的"热点"。本文从花木王村的拆迁安置问题入手,进而探讨当前整个农村地区存在的普遍问题,以期对解决实际问题有些启示。  相似文献   

正在土地行政诉讼或复议案件中,涉及征地拆迁问题的案件为多数。在征地拆迁行政诉讼或复议案件中,经常遇到一个问题:谁是被诉讼或复议的法定主体?准应当为征地拆迁承担法律责任?为此工作中经常出现推诿踢球的问题,分析原因,这主要源自现行土地管理法律法规规定与实际工作脱节严重。对此,笔者希望通过对征地拆迁实施主体的梳理研究,提出关于征地拆迁实施主体的法律法规修改建议,以期抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

征地拆迁工作难、问题突出、面临许多新的挑战,这已成公认的事实。在积极推行依法、文明、和谐拆迁的今天,征地拆迁工作更需要我们认真研讨,形成有效机制。笔者认为,“十到位”抑或能对征地拆迁工作起到一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

征地拆迁补偿安置工作是一项量大面广、政策性强的土地管理工作,涉及到被征地农民群众的合法权益,依法拆迁,规范操作,十分重要。区(市、县)国土资源部门作为征地拆迁工作的实施主体,应加强对征地拆迁补偿安置工作的监督管理。金堂县在征地拆迁管理工作中探索建立了一些好的制度,可供大家在工作  相似文献   

党的十八大报告明确要求:改革征地制度,提高农民在土地增值收益中的分配比例。促进城乡要素平等交换和公共资源均衡配置。这意味着推进征地制度改革已刻不容缓,是完成全面建成小康社会目标不可逾越的一项重要工作任务。我国现行征地制度暴露出的问题我国实行两种土地所有权制,一种是国家土地的所有权,一种是农村集体土地所有权,而《土地管理法》规定各项建设必须申请使用国家所有  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的加快,土地问题已成为城市发展过程中的关键因素。在城市建设发展过程中,与群众利益最紧密、矛盾最突出、难度最大的就是土地征收和房屋拆迁补偿以及安置善后处置。如何落实科学发展观,切实做好征地拆迁安置工作,是当前一个亟待解决的课题。本文以宜春例,探讨如何以法为准,以人为本妥善做好征地拆迁安置稳定工作。  相似文献   

2010年,德阳市从三个方面认真做好被征地农民安置补偿工作取得实效。2010年6月,八角井镇就在征地拆迁上发生了一起群众集体上访事件,影响恶劣,虽经过与群众面对面讲政策,苦口婆心讲道理,一户一户做家访,一人一人交谈心,最终得到了圆满解决。通过这个事件,暴露出在处理征地拆迁失地农民的安置补偿方面还存在一些瑕疵,为此,德阳市政府于2010年6月26日重新制定并印发了  相似文献   

我国集体土地上房屋拆迁管理政策几乎是空白。城中村房屋拆迁补偿的直接法律依据是《土地管理法》,《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》不是法律依据,不具备直接的参照性。在我国土地二元所有制下,城中村房屋拆迁的过程也就是集体土地所有权被征收的过程,西安市城中村房屋拆迁中,国家征收了农民集体所有的土地,同时政府作为城中村房屋的拆迁人并没有承担补偿义务,而是由房地产开发商对农民进行补偿,宅基地的所有权人农村集体经济组织没有获得补偿。  相似文献   

截至2009年3月31日,叙永县全面完成了川黔高速公路征地补偿落实、房屋拆迁、坟墓搬迁、附着物清除等工作,向施工单位提交了建设用地,圆满完成了省、市下达的3月底完成征地拆迁交地建设的任务.  相似文献   

刘庆斌 《城市》2012,(4):30-32
积极稳妥地推进城市化,提升城市发展质量和水平,是十二五期间的一项重要任务.而征地拆迁是城市化进程中一个不可回避的现实问题,也是当前城市发展建设的难点和社会普遍关注的焦点.新形势下如何有效地做好城市征地拆迁工作,积极稳妥地推进城市建设,是地方政府必须面对和亟待解决的一个重大课题.  相似文献   

Direct applications of remote sensing thermal infrared (TIR) data in landscape ecological research are rare due to limitations in the sensors, calibration, and difficulty in interpretation. Currently there is a general lack of methodology for examining the relationship between land surface temperatures (LST) derived from TIR data and landscape patterns extracted from optical sensors. A separation of landscapes into values directly related to their scale and signature is a key step. In this study, a Landsat ETM+ image of Indianapolis, Unites States, acquired on June 22, 2000, was spectrally unmixed (using spectral mixture analysis, SMA) into fraction endmembers of green vegetation, soil, high albedo, and low albedo. Impervious surface was then computed from the high and low albedo images. A hybrid classification procedure was developed to classify the fraction images into seven land use and land cover (LULC) classes. Using the fractional images, the landscape composition and pattern were examined. Next, pixel-based LST measurements were correlated with the landscape fractional components to investigate LULC based relationships between LST and impervious surface and green vegetation fractions. An examination of the relationship between the LULC and LST maps with landscape metrics was finally conducted to deepen understanding of their interactions. Results indicate that SMA-derived fraction images were effective for quantifying the urban morphology and for providing reliable measurements of biophysical variables. LST was found to be positively correlated with impervious surface fraction but negatively correlated with green vegetation fraction. Each temperature zone was associated with a dominant LULC category. Further research should be directed to the theoretical and applied implications of describing such relationships between LULC patterns and urban thermal conditions.
Dengsheng LuEmail:

There is a broad consensus that the corporate sector has an active role in facilitating community development through corporate-community investment. However, there remains uncertainty as to how much the sector should invest without taking on responsibilities and influencing decisions which are traditionally within the realm of the state. This paper explores the contemporary role of mining companies in regional governance through a case study of housing and residential land use planning and supply within the Bowen Basin coal mining and coal seam gas extraction region in Queensland, Australia. Mining companies were found to have a broad role in planning and development with far-reaching implications for land use and the wider regional community. These arrangements have emerged in response to corporate sensibilities, some recent policy requirements and most importantly, in pragmatic response to the institutional void apparent in many regional communities. In the absence of an effective regional framework with a clear and defined role for governments and corporations, powerful corporate interests risk effectively ‘capturing’ the regional development agenda within a framework that works on short-term paternalism rather than long-term regional partnerships. This also has implications for the efficiency of governance. Stronger institutional arrangements need to be developed to strengthen the capacity of the state to oversee these relationships. Regional governance and planning theory also needs to address this deficit.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the accessibility and mobility consequences of urban land transformation in expanding Chinese cities. It defines transportation–land use connections in China's context and analyzes the accessibility and mobility uncertainties associated with current urban development themes, including the formulation of CBD, the development of satellite communities, and the evolution toward multi-center layout. This article points out that appropriate accessibility and mobility objectives are not well considered in land development, and current development themes tend to lengthen trips and lead to increased congestion in the context of growth and motorization. A strong national leadership is needed to help city governments integrate accessibility and mobility objectives into urban development.  相似文献   

This paper explores the post-handover surge of civic activism in Hong Kong by examining the controversy over the demolition of the Hunghom Estate—a government subsidized housing project that was sold to private developers during a recession in early 2004. In a departure from “business as usual,” the high-profile demolition was stopped 10 months later after a series of protests mobilized by environmental activists. This result was widely hailed as a triumph of corporate responsibility and environmental consciousness. By tracing the competing narratives over the course of the controversy, this paper attempts to elucidate this “success” story by revealing the inherent conflicts between different stakeholders, and how these narratives nevertheless share and sustain a number of long-held myths about Hong Kong's economy and housing market. It argues that these myths obscure the ongoing political choices of an interventionist administration, which maintains legitimacy by tightly controlling urban development and securing support from powerful economic actors. By connecting the various claims of the present case with historic discourses of the territory, the paper aims to shed light on the power relations embedded in the development policies that characterized Hong Kong over the colonial period, and which continues to shape the practices of housing in the present.  相似文献   

张彦 《科学发展》2010,(1):47-59
本文主要内容有两个:一要说明在目前我国社会转型期,城镇劳动力的就业出路必须扩展到非正规就业空间;二要探讨如何通过政府政策调整和社会制度创新,促使我国城镇劳动力的就业出路扩展到非正规就业空间。本文着眼于操作层面,重点讨论相关举措和对策。  相似文献   

“城中村”作为城市化的一种特有现象,已逐渐演化为影响城市品质和居住品质的巨大障碍,同时制约着城市土地的集约利用水平的提高。在上海市城市化进程加速、人口日益膨胀、中心城区土地资源供应越来越少的背景下,“城中村”所贮存土地的战略重要性越加明显。上海可通过健全现有土地储备制度、完善土地出让办法、完善安置补偿政策、加大规划政策支持力度等举措,全面推进“城中村”改造。  相似文献   

Given the historical development of land tenure in South Africa, the aim of this article is to examine the best routes to alleviate poverty and retain sustainable agriculture in the country. First, a theoretical framework is presented that relates land tenure to sustainability, and three historical periods (pre‐colonial, colonial, and apartheid) are then considered to explain the changes in land tenure and their consequences. The progress and main limitations of post‐apartheid land reform to approach agricultural sustainability and alleviate poverty are discussed. Based on the analysis, different possibilities for future land reform are elaborated, followed by some recommendations for future land‐reform policies in South Africa.  相似文献   

The state of Oregon’s (USA) land use planning framework has long been characterized by tensions between state and local authority, between traditionally-defined “urban” and “rural” concerns, and between the competing interests of various landowners. An examination of Wallowa County, Oregon’s implementation of House Bill 3326, a 2001 law giving counties the power to define certain agricultural lands as “marginal,” and therefore exempt from restrictions on subdivision and development, illustrates the ways in which these tensions become magnified as rural communities attempt to govern private land use in the context of rural restructuring. Implementation of HB3326 highlighted the tensions between landowners interested in capitalizing on development opportunities afforded by HB3326, neighboring producers concerned about interference from future amenity migrants, and existing amenity migrants with interests in protecting their rural idyll. Contestations over nonfarm development took place in the context of a strong agricultural community identity, concerns about the effects of economic restructuring on producers, and local resistance to the rural gentrification process. The process of defining marginality came to encompass not only technical issues of land productivity, but also broader community contestations over the continuation of traditional land uses and the legitimacy of various actors to govern private land.  相似文献   


Increasing employment and reducing child poverty are two central goals of current government welfare reform policy in the UK, and single parentswith their relatively low employment rates and relatively high poverty ratesare one of the key target groups for both. This article outlines welfare reform policies in the UK with particular reference to single parents, and discusses the impact of these. In doing so, it highlights some key differences compared with the US.  相似文献   

In the current debate on the world city network and inter‐city connectivity, a large number of cities, particularly in developing countries, have received limited attention. Despite a growing interest in emerging market cities, many scholars still focus on the more affluent parts of the global economy. In an attempt to redress this imbalance, I present an assessment for use on cities that are not at the centre of the network; but what we consider ‘end nodes’. I build my argument on Taylor's interlocking model for assessing city connectivity and zoom in on the types of networks that non‐hub cities create through their inter‐linkages with so‐called peer cities in the same economic sector. I take these ego networks as a starting point and then lead the argument on to view city networks from a non‐hub perspective. This allows me to identify the existing linkages between different peer cities within as well as between selected city networks. The renewable energy business in India puts this argument to an empirical test. My findings confirm that this way of looking at city connectivity allows one to assess specifically for city end nodes and thereby contribute to a more nuanced understanding of the world city network.  相似文献   

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