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This paper focuses on the direct and interactive influence of leadership attachment styles (secure, anxious, and avoidant) and commitment HR system on two distinct stages of the individual innovation process—idea generation and implementation. We test our hypotheses in two studies. An experimental study of undergraduate students establishes a positive effect of secure attachment on idea implementation. The interplay between commitment HR system and avoidant attachment marginally predict idea generation; commitment HR system and neither secure nor anxious attachment predict implementation. A multisource multi-level field study in three EU-based private firms replicates the direct role of commitment HR system in stimulating idea implementation (but not generation) and suggests that secure attachment fosters both generation and implementation, whereas anxious attachment hinders both. Moderation analyses support only a marginal interaction between commitment HR system and secure attachment in fostering idea generation. We discuss theoretical, practical, and future research implications.  相似文献   

In two studies using both field (165 employees and their 24 direct supervisors from a manufacturing firm in Study 1) and experimental (123 second-year undergraduate student participants in lab Study 2) data, we explore how perceived supervisor support acts as a crucial contingency that enables higher levels of idea implementation from creative-idea generation. First, we suggest that excessive creative-idea generation (in terms of both frequency and creativity of ideas) can lead to diminished returns with regard to idea implementation. Drawing on a resource allocation framework, we hypothesize and find a curvilinear inverse U-shaped relationship between employee creative-idea generation and implementation. Second, we find that higher levels of perceived supervisor support dampen the curvilinear relationship between creative-idea generation and idea implementation. Accordingly, perceived supervisor support seems to provide employees with access to resources and support needed for idea implementation, making highly creative ideas more implementable.  相似文献   

An original equipment manufacturer (OEM) produces new products and often faces a dilemma when determining the level of interchangeability in its product design. The interchangeability is considered as a degree to which the product can be disassembled without force, and thus an increasing degree of interchangeability would decrease the OEM's production cost, but it would also lower a remanufacturer's cost in cannibalizing used items. Decreasing the level of interchangeability to deter the remanufacturer, on the other hand, would simultaneously increase the production costs of the OEM. We thus formulate a two-period supply chain model consisting of two chain members, an OEM and a remanufacturer, to investigate the product design decision of the OEM and both chain members' competitive pricing strategies. We then characterize the equilibrium decisions and profits with regard to costs and consumers' preference for the remanufactured product. We also evaluate a strategic game in which the OEM chooses the degree of interchangeability, and the remanufacturer determines its collection strategy. We find that the product-design strategy is effective for the OEM in competing with the remanufacturer, but it is not necessarily harmful to the remanufacturer.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of online community's recognition on continued participation in idea competitions, and how personal winning record moderates such an influence. We reason that the motivating role of community recognition might either be reinforced or substituted by personal winning record, depending upon whether relational motives (psychological and social bonding) or individualistic motives (personal benefits, such as status and career enhancement) are the primary behavior driver. Through an event history analysis of data obtained from a platform of creative design contests, we find that although community recognition exerts a positive effect on the rate of continued participation for designers who are yet to win any competitions, this effect increasingly turns negative for designers who have won. Such findings indicate that the motivating role of community recognition might be substituted instead of reinforced by personal winning record, lending support to the individualistic view while rejecting the relational view. Although virtual social spaces represent an important means for modern competition platforms to attract and motivate participants, our study informs practitioners about online community's limitation in retaining “star” participants.  相似文献   

The development of a new product is often a sequential-decision process with many available stages at which the product may take any one of a number of alternate courses of action. This paper identifies an efficient algorithm for solving this sequential-decision process. A computer program, involving the algorithm, has been written to solve problems containing up to one thousand stages. Input into the program includes the subjective probabilities of success for each decision branch, the cost associated with each decision stage and level, the rate for discounting all monetary values to the present plus an indicator for each decision stage and level of the desired decision criterion. The algorithm utilizes the dynamic-programming solution approach. The output of the algorithm contains the minimum, or maximum, expected discounted decision values for each stage and level of the network. The algorithm and computer program have been primarily utilized in the pharmaceutical industry. An illustrative, exemplary use of the algorithm in this industry is presented.  相似文献   

Guidelines are offered for following the tortuous trail of new- product development. To succeed, you must first accumulate many likely new-product concepts, rather than just one or two. They all should be subjected to preliminary market research at the same time that they are being investigated for their production feasibility. Feedback-loops must be built in to bridge and reflect results from these simultaneous processes, and the concepts themselves must be allowed to change and undergo a gradual metamorphosis…or they must be allowed to die painlessly at this early stage. Finally, the survivors will achieve commercial success only through the optimism and preseverance of their ‘pilot’.  相似文献   

There exists a joint-cost allocation problem in the public sector, particularly highlighted by the cost-based national pricing of blood products in England, supposedly derived using volume-driven activity-based costing (ABC): an approach criticised by the implementation criteria propounded for ABC within the academic literature. In contrast, we believe that the contributions of quality-associated operations-based drivers, described within ABC, together with the net realisable value method, usually recommended as the optimal joint-cost allocation method, provide the beginnings of a solution. This paper sets out a methodological development from this platform that links allocation decisions with the issue of value. The bipolar nature of the model is based upon the combination of two types of allocation. One allocates joint costs according to the altered value of source material when competing non-joint alternative products exist. The other allocates joint costs according to product outcome values ascertained separately for the physical specification elements that comprise each of the range of joint products. The overall emphases are on academic context, model generalisation, the facilitation of cost-effective choices between joint products and non-joint alternatives, and possible future trends in the application of the method.  相似文献   

A total-[k]-coloring of a graph G is a mapping \(\phi : V (G) \cup E(G)\rightarrow \{1, 2, \ldots , k\}\) such that any two adjacent elements in \(V (G) \cup E(G)\) receive different colors. Let f(v) denote the product of the color of a vertex v and the colors of all edges incident to v. A total-[k]-neighbor product distinguishing-coloring of G is a total-[k]-coloring of G such that \(f(u)\ne f(v)\), where \(uv\in E(G)\). By \(\chi ^{\prime \prime }_{\prod }(G)\), we denote the smallest value k in such a coloring of G. We conjecture that \(\chi _{\prod }^{\prime \prime }(G)\le \Delta (G)+3\) for any simple graph with maximum degree \(\Delta (G)\). In this paper, we prove that the conjecture holds for complete graphs, cycles, trees, bipartite graphs and subcubic graphs. Furthermore, we show that if G is a \(K_4\)-minor free graph with \(\Delta (G)\ge 4\), then \(\chi _{\prod }^{\prime \prime }(G)\le \Delta (G)+2\).  相似文献   

Let \(G=(V, E)\) be a graph. Denote \(d_G(u, v)\) the distance between two vertices \(u\) and \(v\) in \(G\). An \(L(2, 1)\)-labeling of \(G\) is a function \(f: V \rightarrow \{0,1,\cdots \}\) such that for any two vertices \(u\) and \(v\), \(|f(u)-f(v)| \ge 2\) if \(d_G(u, v) = 1\) and \(|f(u)-f(v)| \ge 1\) if \(d_G(u, v) = 2\). The span of \(f\) is the difference between the largest and the smallest number in \(f(V)\). The \(\lambda \)-number of \(G\), denoted \(\lambda (G)\), is the minimum span over all \(L(2,1 )\)-labelings of \(G\). In this article, we confirm Conjecture 6.1 stated in X. Li et al. (J Comb Optim 25:716–736, 2013) in the case when (i) \(\ell \) is even, or (ii) \(\ell \ge 5\) is odd and \(0 \le r \le 8\).  相似文献   


While simulation has been used in manufacturing for many years, predominantly for facility design, it is within the last few years, that simulation languages have been developed to a point where they can be used on a day-to-day basis to generate schedules and predict their performance. This paper describes our use of different modelling techniques to develop a production schedule generation system. An example describing a system for a small- to medium-sized order producing company using SIMAN/CINEMA is included. While addressing the shortcomings of existing scheduling systems it is shown how the approach taken is a feasible way of creating a dynamic goal-driven simulation-based production scheduler. The paper does not aim to describe an ‘off the shelf’ scheduling system product, but rather to give an overview to methods, techniques and experiences which enable us rapidly to tailor a simulation-based scheduling system to the specific needs of a company.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether product complexity moderates the impact of integration programs in both new product development (NPD) and supply chain (SC) management on operational performance. Results are based on statistical analyses of data collected from an international sample of manufacturing firms through the fifth edition of the International Manufacturing Strategy Survey (IMSS 5). The main findings are that NPD and SC integration do have an impact on performance, while product complexity alone has not. When considering the moderating effect, complexity has no impact on NPD integration, while there is a negative moderating impact on SC integration. This study bridges together different streams of research, showing how both NPD and SC integration allow managing product complexity while improving performance.  相似文献   

Automated guided vehicle (AGV) systems provide the flexibility and integration required for flexible manufacturing systems. Previous AGV system studies have attempted to reduce the controlling complexities commonly encountered in these systems. However, this has not been accomplished without additional resources (e.g., automated guided vehicles) and lower system flexibility. The primary objective of this study is to compare the performance of AGV system configurations that reduce controlling and modification complexities (i.e., tandem configurations) to traditional AGV system configuration. Three AGV system configurations were tested under 16 experimental conditions. Performance metrics considered were AGV utilization, mean flowtime, mean tardiness, and percent tardy. The results of this study extend the findings of the previous studies in demonstrating the viability of tandem configurations, in that the tandem configurations match the performance of traditional configuration across all performance metrics, without sacrificing ease of control and system flexibility. Finally, the cost tradeoffs inherent in selecting a particular configuration are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstraction is an essential element in data modelling that appears mainly in one of the following forms: generalisation, classification or aggregation. In the design of complex products classification hierarchies can be found product families that are viewed as classes of product types, while product types are seen as classes of product instances. So far data models, if they support levels of classification, do not support the inheritance of product properties the way product family hierarchies are supposed to. This paper proposes an interpretation of the member of construct that enables one to define inheritance in classification hierarchies. Unified modelling language (UML) static structures are used as data modelling language. A textual notation is added that enables the introduction of data structures and corresponding data contents in the course of an analysis.  相似文献   

Fast-Track corporations take strategic initiatives in responding quickly even to weak signals from their external environments. Implementation of this strategic intent demands an effective mobilization of the organization's internal resources and configuration. This paper begins by discussing the evolving micro-economic relationship between producers and consumers of goods and services in globalized economy, and explores the origins of organizations' product development programmes. Then classical and current approaches to product development are reviewed with respect to understanding the anatomy of a concurrent approach. Three different modes of integration, with stress on hardware, humanware and software, are discussed. A portfolio of alternative routes to achieving concurrence is proposed.  相似文献   

兼并效应与产品覆盖策略   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
在行业寡头垄断竞争中, 引入产品覆盖策略竞争的变量, 把企业兼并时的竞争假定为两 个阶段两种变量: 先是产品覆盖策略竞争, 后是产品产量竞争, 并设计了一个描述这种兼并竞 争的模型. 在此基础上, 分析了参与和未参与兼并的企业的产品覆盖策略变化对各企业利润和 价格的影响, 在一定程度上解释了兼并悖论. 我们赞成适度的兼并控制政策, 但在经济萧条时 期可适当放宽.  相似文献   

We consider the batch production of hierarchical product lines in raw material industry where the whole or parts of multiple customer orders may be consolidated and processed in the same batch if their product specifications are compatible. The objective of the problem is to find maximum possible number of batches completely filled up to their capacity. The compatibility relationship among product specifications is represented by a graph called the compatibility graph. If the compatibility graph is an arbitrary graph, the problem is proven to be NP-hard and belongs to Max SNP-hard class. We develop an optimum algorithm for an important subclass of the problem where the graph is a quasi-threshold graph which in fact is the case for producing hierarchical product lines that are often found in raw materials industry.  相似文献   

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