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马金玲 《现代交际》2014,(10):86-87
广告话语建构社会,是一种社会产品和社会现实。本文从巴拉巴拉的广告话语入手,从三个不同的维度揭示了全球本土化在广告话语中的具体体现。  相似文献   

胡全柱 《社会学》2008,(3):5-12
社会学是现代性的科学;现代性逐渐分裂为科学现代性和人文现代性并且日益加剧,导致了社会学的困境;作为走出困境的一种尝试,社会学出现了后现代转向,产生了后现代社会学。后现代社会学是在对现代性和传统社会学理论的反思、传统社会学对自身的反思以及后现代社会学对其自身反思的共同作用下得以建构其话语的,它没有超越现代性的框架,这种多重反思的目的是追求现代性的自我完善。  相似文献   

徐冰 《社会学研究》2012,(1):27-51,243
当前中国社会学中的一个突出问题是,"经验研究"与"理论研究"两个阵营之间相互质疑。然而,从当代诠释学的角度则有"经验"与"理论"一致性的命题:经验是文本的类似物。这一命题原创性地蕴含在社会学和心理学的奠基者詹姆斯、涂尔干、弗洛伊德和韦伯的思想之中,而本文的主体部分即发掘这些古典思想的诠释学意涵。文章指出,基于这一诠释学命题的理论建构,在解决中国社会学中两个阵营对峙问题的同时,将文化自觉置于学科建设的基础位置。  相似文献   

虚拟社区中的规则及其服从——以天涯社区为例   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
一、理论背景与问题从社会学角度研究规则 (rule) ① 和规则的建构、服从问题 ,研究者所关注的焦点之一就是 :对普遍存在于社会中的至少部分独立于行动者的规则 ,人们何以会服从 ?② 基于各自的理论取向和分析角度 ,研究者对此问题大致分为两种解释视角 :一种是工具性视角 (ins  相似文献   

网络媒体报道的内容与"90后"的生活常态不符,且主要呈现的是一种负面形象。这是媒体赚取关注而主动选择的结果。通过将相关调查研究的结果与网络媒体建构的形象相比较,研究发现网络媒体所建构的"90后"形象与现实中的"90后"存在着明显的差距,媒体要从社会责任、社会公平的角度出发,客观全面地去报道"90后"的真实形象。  相似文献   

"90后"群体是当前社会关注的焦点。以中国社会发展进程为纵线,以影响"90后"群体的主要心理因素为横线,从社会化进程、教育化选择、网络化生活以及同一性承诺等四个方面对"90后"群体的多元可能和形成过程进行解析发现:"90后"的天生多元促成了其群体多元的真正实现:"90后"教育选择的多样性加剧了其多元的可能性;"90后"的网络化生存(工作)能力提供了其多元的现实工具;"90后"的自我意识中心反映了其较早的自我觉醒。因此,面对社会给予"90后"的诸多负面评价与"90后"良好自我认同的差异与偏离,我们需要聆听他们对世界的认知。  相似文献   

世纪寄语   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本刊编辑部  我们有幸沐浴21世纪的第一道阳光,有幸目睹走向全球化的世界和迈向现代化的中国的万千气象。值此跨入新世纪之际,我们向本刊广大读者致以新世纪的美好祝福!并以有限的文字及眼光,尝试展望21世纪中国社会学的前景。一、社会学是时代精神的一种独特的自觉意识社会学诞生于一个大变革的时代,是在参与现代社会建构的过程中逐步发展起来的。因此,“社会秩序何以可能”这一命题原本是社会学的初衷。当孔德将社会学划分为社会静力学和社会动力学两大部分时,他不仅是表达了一种纯粹的学术意义,似乎也蕴含了其作为社会学创始人对这门学…  相似文献   

随着互联网的发展,在我国"90后"青少年生活中出现了火星文字这样一种特殊语言符号,且在青少年中间得到越来越广泛的应用.笔者从社会学角度考察了这一文化新现象,指出这在一定程度上反映了文化变迁、社会区分和社会整合,并对如何看待、规范这种社会文化现象提出对策建议.  相似文献   

概观2004年已经发表或出版的社会学研究著述与调查文献,我国社会学研究的整体面貌呈现出既有延承又有转折的鲜明特征,具体而言,主要表现在以下几个方面:研究与时政密切结合在2004年的社会学研究中,相当部分的研究在选题上与时政联系紧密,新生主流意识形态话语对学科理论的建构和发展取向影响较大,这体现了社会学研究对社会生活实践的敏感性。党的十六大和去年的十六届四中全会相继提出了“全面建设小康社会”“、构建和谐社会”等重大命题,为社会学研究提出了新任务和新课题。有数篇论文分别就“小康社会”的社会思想史源流“、小康社会”与…  相似文献   

理论研究与经验研究是社会学研究的两个方面,两者如何结合,一直是社会学方法论的一个重要问题。因此,社会学在我国恢复以后,理论研究与经验研究的结合一直是人们关注的问题。在我国社会经济体制改革的实践中,社会学应该扮演更重要的角色,去探索和研究社会发展进程中出现的新情况、新问题,并能够科学地预测社会发展的前景。但是目前社会学的  相似文献   

Relationships are a fundamental element of human and social interactions because they provide us with meanings around physical and abstract objects that allow us to make sense of our reality and identities. There is little Mexican research regarding how gay men construct a sense of identity through their social interactions. This article describes the relationships that gay men in Mexico City have within their families, with their friends, and with their partners. Fifteen in-depth interviews are analyzed through elements of Grounded Theory and Critical Discourse Analysis. Results show that family reproduced homophobia with participants that taught them that their gay identity is socially unaccepted. This is deconstructed through friendships with other gay men. Partner relationships are lived as one of the last milestones in the construction of a gay identity. Some men question hegemonic values around sexuality through polyamorous and polygamous relationships. Conclusions show the importance of these social relationships for gay men's emotional well-being, but that their relationships are often impacted by cultural and interpersonal homophobia.  相似文献   

This article describes a method for creating highly contextual assessments of couples therapy interaction using concepts from Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). According to SFL, talk in interaction serves three primary functions: to mediate social relations, to negotiate representations of reality, and to organize and structure the event as coherent. These concepts are operationalized using observational q-methodology. The Clinical Discourse Q-Sets (CDQS) include three separate q-sets for use by trained observers in rating 12-min segments of couples therapy conversation. Each q-set captures one aspect of the communication process as defined by Systemic Functional theory. Good-to-high reliabilities for the q-set profiles over various (n = 16) couples therapy episodes were found. Preliminary evidence for the conceptual structure and clinical validity of the system was found.  相似文献   

William Blake was a famous English poet in the period of Romantic Age.He paid close attention on the social criticism,exposed the political dictatorship and looked for the freedom of individuals in her works.In order to demonstrate the amazing power of his convincing skill—"voices",this essay picks out some of his poems as the example and analyze them from two parts which are the functions of the"voices".By demonstrate the positive effects,the real role of the"voices"may be clearer and the readers can have a better understanding of the deeper meaning of"voices".  相似文献   

Peter L. Berger's two novels, The Enclaves (1965) and Protocol of a Damnation (1975), are more than mere diversions from his discursive sociological writing. An examination of both his fiction and nonfiction reveals the homology Berger sees between sociology and literature as forms of consciousness, as complementary versions of "the precarious vision." Berger uses his fiction to experiment with the cracks that reveal an "other condition" lying behind the ordered, taken-for-granted reality of everyday life. The novels also serve as suggestive treatises on how one may "cheat" fictive social reality in order to pursue an authentic existence.  相似文献   

Luobo stockaded village,located in Wenchuan County of Sichuan province of China,is a bilingual area,which means people in this area speak both Chinese and Qiang language.With the contact of two languages,a produce called borrowed vocabularies will be exist in language.So there are many Chinese borrowed vocabularies in Qiang language.There are two social reasons in language contact;they are"need"and"prestige".According to the survey,Chinese borrowed vocabularies in Qiang language can be divided into two parts:no borrowed mark and borrowed mark,and each of the two parts contain six small parts.  相似文献   

在新生代农民工的社会关系中,友缘是一种涵盖范围广并具有特殊性的关系形态。以往的研究大多将“朋友”与“亲戚”放在一起并称为“亲友”,但这一概念在日后的演变中逐渐离析。根据问卷调查的数据,友缘(化)关系可以分为三种类型:“友缘化关系”,“初级友缘关系”,“次级友缘关系”。不管何种类型,在新生代农民工融入城市的过程中都会发生友缘社会资本的变动。一方面.个体借助“友缘链”扩展社会资本,通过偶然机会结识朋友的比例很高。另一方面,不可抗的社会事件是造成友缘社会资本流失的重要原因。  相似文献   

This article suggests that American sociology has developed a de facto tradition in the sociology of the marked that devotes greater epistemological attention to "politically salient" and "ontologically uncommon" features of social life. Although the "unmarked" comprises the vast majority of social life, the "marked" commands a disproportionate share of attention from sociologists. Since the marked already draws more attention within the general culture, social scientists contribute to re-marking and the reproduction of common-sense images of social reality. This has important analytic consequences. This article argues for developing a stronger tradition in a sociology of the unmarked that explicitly foregrounds "politically unnoticed" and taken-for-granted elements of social reality. Three strategies are proposed toward this end: (1) reversing conventional patterns of markedness to foreground what typically remains unnamed and implicit, (2) marking everything by filling in all the shades of social continua so that each shares the same degree of epistemological ornamentation, and (3) developing an analytically nomadic perspective that observes social phenomena from multiple vantage points.  相似文献   

This paper examines, both theoretically and empirically, the effect of social networks and belonging to minority groups (or race) on the probability of winning in reality television shows. We develop a theoretical model that studies viewer behavior by presenting a framework of competition between two contestants from two different groups. The results are examined empirically using unique contestant data from the highly popular reality show “A Star Is Born”, the Israeli counterpart of “American Idol”. Our main finding is that social networks and belonging to minority groups play key roles in the contestant's victory. While the effect of belonging to a minority group is positive, the social network effect is U-shaped. Beyond the world of reality TV, this paper sheds light on the general behavior of social networks as well.  相似文献   

Today, the many innovations and the spread of new media and information technologies are bringing new realities to contemporary society. In Japanese sociology, this social transformation is called johoka , or information–oriented transformation. The present study examines two aspects of today's urban environment, concerning this social transformation. One is the phenomenon of "Disneylandization" of the urban environment and the other is the emergence of "cyberspace" or the "cybercity". The former is the proliferation of areas and buildings filled with signs and designs that are quoted from other historical or geographical contexts, and arranged under some "theme" or "concept", such as theme parks. The latter is the emergence of "virtual spaces" and the "virtual city" in computer networks, especially on the Internet. The former is a change in the physical urban environment and the latter is a phenomenon of the non–physical environment, inside computers. However, in spite of this contrast, these phenomena can be considered to result from the same social transformation—that is, the new relationship between space and society. The semantic emptiness, and expectations and desires for a sense of "placeness" in contemporary society are the preconditions of both phenomena. Often these elements are regarded as postmodern phenomena, yet it is of interest to explore Disneylandization and the emergence of the cybercity as the latest versions of the modern urban transformation and the modern urbanism.  相似文献   

Much of what is written by non-disabled authors about living with disabilities does not mirror people’s experiences or opportunities. Literature is often written about people’s abilities (or disabilities) rather than by or with people. Discourse about supervision of social work students can risk assuming that supervisors are people who do not identify as living with disabilities. This research is a co-operative inquiry into the experience of being an Australian social work student supervisor who is living with disabilities. The article extends the literature about being a social work field educator to include ability, and values the practice wisdom of experienced social workers including a current student supervisor who is living with a disability.  相似文献   

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