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Using discrete-time survival models of parity progression and illustrative data from the Philippines, this article develops a multivariate multidimensional life table of nuptiality and fertility, the dimensions of which are age, parity, and duration in parity. The measures calculated from this life table include total fertility rate (TRF), total marital fertility rate (TMFR), parity progression ratios (PPR), age-specific fertility rates, mean and median ages at first marriage, mean and median closed birth intervals, and mean and median ages at childbearing by child’s birth order and for all birth orders combined. These measures are referred to collectively as “TFR and its components.” Because the multidimensional life table is multivariate, all measures derived from it are also multivariate in the sense that they can be tabulated by categories or selected values of one socioeconomic variable while controlling for other socioeconomic variables. The methodology is applied to birth history data, in the form of actual birth histories from a fertility survey or reconstructed birth histories derived from a census or household survey. The methodology yields period estimates as well as cohort estimates of the aforementioned measures.  相似文献   

总和生育率的测算及分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章针对现有人口抽样数据的特点和缺陷,通过对总和生育率指标的分析和改进,测算了1994~2004年中国的总和生育率,探讨了影响该指标变化的各种因素。结果表明,中国的总和生育率从1994~1996年的1.80左右下降到2001~2004年的1.62左右,其中2000年为1.66;影响中国总和生育率的主要因素有经济发展水平、一般生育率、生育年龄和城镇化进程等。  相似文献   

年龄别生育率与总和生育率间接估计方法与应用研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文讨论了人口分析技术与遗传算法相结合的年龄别生育率与总和生育率间接估计方法,并以人口普查数据为例展示年龄别生育率与总和生育率间接估计方法的建模过程与实施步骤,同时指出今后有待深入研究的问题。  相似文献   

通过对总和生育率(TFR)、终身生育率(CFR)与政策生育率(PFR)的概念及相关数据分析,论证总和生育率与政策生育率是完全不同的概念,不可直接比较。在特定条件下TFR、CFR和政策生育率会产生差异,在一个国家生育水平下降的历史时期,TFR必然小于当年49岁组女性的CFR;"超生率"、"未婚率"、"未育率"和"不孕率"的变化,决定了政策生育率与终身生育率的差异。借鉴日本经济与人口发展相关数据,可以相信由平均初婚年龄推迟、女性有偶率下降导致的生育水平下降很可能成为对我国人口均衡发展的最大潜在威胁。因此,当前以及今后相当的时期内,我国的政策生育率应高于1.8。  相似文献   

去进度效应总和生育率指标是由人口学家Bongaarts和Feeney于1998年建立的,它是基于总和生育率容易受到平均生育年龄影响的缺点而提出的,希望它能够剔除进度效应,同时,也是为了更好地反映终身生育率方面的相关信息。然而这一调整指标的设计与计算是否合理、准确呢?这里从该指标计算的前提条件、数据基础和计算方法三个方面进行了相关的讨论,并利用中国近年来的实际数据进行了必要的检验。结果表明:该指标核心调整公式的前提假设在现实中难以满足,指标对于平均生育年龄变化的敏感度高,而平均生育年龄的测量与计算方法使得计算结果产生的误差较大,导致调整指标出现错误的几率增高。对于总和生育率易受平均生育年龄影响的问题我们还需进一步的思考和解决。  相似文献   

We describe a Bayesian projection model to produce country-specific projections of the total fertility rate (TFR) for all countries. The model decomposes the evolution of TFR into three phases: pre-transition high fertility, the fertility transition, and post-transition low fertility. The model for the fertility decline builds on the United Nations Population Division’s current deterministic projection methodology, which assumes that fertility will eventually fall below replacement level. It models the decline in TFR as the sum of two logistic functions that depend on the current TFR level, and a random term. A Bayesian hierarchical model is used to project future TFR based on both the country’s TFR history and the pattern of all countries. It is estimated from United Nations estimates of past TFR in all countries using a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. The post-transition low fertility phase is modeled using an autoregressive model, in which long-term TFR projections converge toward and oscillate around replacement level. The method is evaluated using out-of-sample projections for the period since 1980 and the period since 1995, and is found to be well calibrated.  相似文献   

2000年中国人口总量和妇女生育率水平研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
2000年中国的人口总量和妇女的生育率水平是20多年来人口学界一直关注的课题。2000年普查登记人口为124 261万,比1999年和1998年年度统计公报的人口还要少,说明人口漏报问题已经达到中国人口统计体制无法包容的程度。文章按照中国历年小学招生数计算出2000年普查时0~16岁人口漏报5 378万。据此,2000年中国人口普查时的总人口应是13O 885万(假使存在1.81%漏报率)或者129 889万(不存在1.81%漏报率)。按照2000年普查公报人口126 583万计算,1982~2000年中国妇女平均生育率接近2.3;如果按照文章中提到的13亿左右的人口计算,同期妇女则平均生育了2.3个以上的孩子。  相似文献   

本文利用全国2 357个县(市、区、旗等)第六次人口普查数据,运用四分位图法归纳总结我国县域总和生育率的整体空间分布规律:东北、东部沿海最低,华中、华北、青藏地区次之,西南、华南地区最高。运用空间探索性分析方法对我国县域总和生育率进行空间相关性分析,在此基础上,利用空间误差模型分析县域总和生育率差异产生的原因,结果表明:经济越发达、妇女受教育程度越高、离婚率越高,县域总和生育率越低;享有适当宽松的生育政策或传统生育观念越强的地区,县域总和生育率越高。文章分析了东北、东部、中部、西部四大区域内部造成县域总和生育率差异的原因。  相似文献   

中国省级2000年育龄妇女总和生育率评估   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
本研究构造了人口流动强度和城镇化指数分布法对全国漏报的 5 38 65万多 0岁人口进行地区 (省、直辖市、自治区 )分配 ,将漏报出生回填后 ,估计得出各地区 2 0 0 0年妇女总和生育率。估计结果显示通过漏报回填可以基本展现各地区妇女真实生育水平 ;各地区生育水平差异较大 ,还有1 3个省区超过更替水平。  相似文献   

文章基于5490份有效问卷的调查数据对湖北省总和生育率(TFR)进行分析。结论表明,自1985年以来年龄别生育率下降主要原因是计生政策严格控制生育数量,而非生育行为的推迟。TFR呈现先快速下降后缓慢上升的趋势,其变化与高生育水平育龄妇女占比无关。与政策生育率变化有关。通过对湖北省总出生人数进行估算和分析,结论表明1985—2008年总和生育率对总出生人数的影响程度要大于高生育水平育龄妇女占比的影响;外推预测表明2009~2014年出生人数趋势稳定,2015年以后呈下降趋势。利用Logit模型对实际生育水平的影响因素进行分析,发现有显著影响的因素为:受访者文化程度、户口性质、出生年代、工作状态、丈夫工作状态、放宽的计生政策和奖励少生的计生政策。  相似文献   

The measurement of multidimensional gender inequality is an increasingly important topic that has very relevant policy applications and implications but which has not received much attention from the academic literature. In this paper I make a comprehensive and critical review of the indices proposed in recent years in order to systematise the different underlying ideas. I also present new gender inequality indices that overcome some limitations of the preceding ones. Using United Nations data, empirical results for the new indicators are provided, suggesting that the choice of one indicator or another can make an important difference for the ranking of those countries that have achieved high levels of gender equality.  相似文献   

本文以时期育龄妇女年龄别生育率为基础,提出真实队列年龄别生育率估算方法,并通过1950~1981年全国妇女分孩次年龄别生育率数据验证其可行性和可靠性。在实际应用中,可用该估算方法研究递进生育模式及其相关问题,尤其是在调整生育政策的时间窗口,估算生育一孩的育龄妇女规模和结构,以及符合生育政策但尚未生育二孩的育龄妇女规模和结构,为政府制定生育政策和人口规划提供决策依据。  相似文献   

Event history models, also known as hazard models, are commonly used in analyses of fertility. One drawback of event history models is that the conditional probabilities (hazards) estimated by event history models do not readily translate into summary measures, particularly for models of repeatable events, like childbirth. In this paper, we describe how to translate the results of discrete-time event history models of all births into well-known summary fertility measures: simulated age- and parity-specific fertility rates, parity progression ratios, and the total fertility rate. The method incorporates all birth intervals, but permits the hazard functions to vary across parities. It can also simulate values for groups defined by both fixed and time-varying covariates, such as marital or employment life histories. We demonstrate the method using an example from the National Survey of Family Growth and provide an accompanying data file and Stata program.  相似文献   

With the recent emphasis on human development, development researchers are making frequent use of aggregate demographic measures in describing development experiences and more so while linking health and development. And it is often seen that comparison of these demographic aggregates across space and time is naïve given their complex construct on one hand and the implied meaning on the other. Are these comparisons across the board valid for the meanings ascribed to them? Or are the stated achievements as well as projected trends based on them reliable? This paper attempts to illustrate these concerns taking the twin aggregate measures frequently in use namely the life expectancy and Total fertility Rates. The primary focus here has been to link additional dimension of the same phenomenon (referring to survival or fertility here) which does not follow the principle of matched ordering while read along with these aggregates. Taking into account these additional dimensions, the magnitude of the differences in these aggregate measures gets moderated and their comparison across levels (between lower and higher) becomes more consistent.  相似文献   

本文讨论了终寿年成数的意义和它的一般特征 ,提出了确定终寿年成数的精确方法 ,计算了中国生命表中终寿年成数的经验值  相似文献   

QOL researchers have primarily focusedtheir attention on adults. The purpose of thispresentation is to describe the rationale,development, and psychometric properties of amultidimensional life satisfaction scaleappropriate for children and youth, theMultidimensional Students' Life SatisfactionScale (MSLSS: Huebner, 1994; Huebner et al.,1998). This multidimensional self-report scalewas designed for use with students from thirdthrough the twelfth grades. The currentversion of the MSLSS includes 40 items intendedto assess satisfaction with five specificdomains (School, Self, Family, Friends, andLiving Environment). The presentation willsummarize a series of recent studies assessingits reliability, factor structure, andconvergent and discriminant validity. Additionally, the potential usefulness ofchildren's life satisfaction scales forresearch and clinical applications werediscussed.  相似文献   

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