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Coaching during the organization of an ambulatory hospiceThe author delineates a coaching process with the manager of an ambulatory hospice. The focus of this counselling was on the change process of the role of a staff member to the manager, the specific problems in the management of volunteers and the position in the whole organisation. Several problems arising during this change process and their solution are presented in detail.  相似文献   

Coaching in school development The author focusses on coaching as a method of school development. In most cases school development is designed as organizational change realized by external experts (change agents). In contrast to this procedure, the author favours a school development by internal persons, especially by the principals of schools. It is argued, that if they are carefully coached during the whole process they are much more likely to succeed in developing the whole system.  相似文献   

When a business partnership becomes a pain With this article, the author illustrates the process of coaching between the two partners of a consulting firm. Due to interpersonal and factual conflicts, there was no common strategy of the two partners. The analysis of the situation showed a different cultural approach towards problem solving, different stakes in their partnership and actual as well as past personal conflicts. All the possible models, which were developed with the two partners, to bridge the gap failed because of the personal interests. The work process was made more transparent. Finally there was positively decided on a plan to split the partnership internally without breaking up the company.  相似文献   

Coaching for executives in social work – an empirical study on consultancy needs. Executives in social work see themselves under special demands to balance the necessity to cope with public cost cutting requirements on the one hand and the design of organization structures which are to master future challenges on the other. In order to adapt coaching to the consultancy needs in this field, 96 executives working in social facilities in Thuringia were interviewed with a view to their potential consultancy needs, in particular with respect to their management functions and leadership challenges. This investigation showed a high degree of acceptance for coaching and differentiated consultancy needs in the dilemma between economization and quality oriented social work. A preliminary competence profile for coaching personnel is derived thereof.  相似文献   

Does coaching need a philosphically substantiated ethics? On the foundation of a systemic value oriented imperative for coachingThe general claim that coaches have to take responsibility for their clients is in contrast to the low interest in scientific discussion about ethics in coaching. One of the reasons for that seems to be the fact that this discussion is dominated by systemic thinking and its conviction that ethical aspects should be discussed as matter of contingency. From a philosophical point of view we can realize that this statement contains many ethical implications. Concerning a further development of coaching theory the author discusses these implications with regard to philosophical concepts of Kant, Habermas, Prange, Heidegger, Bauman and the Dalai Lama leading to the suggestion that systemic thinking should be more based on value orientation. On this theoretical grounds an ethical coaching imperative can be formulated with regard to the “categorical imperative” of Kant.  相似文献   

May coaching be leadership? An analysis of literature on the term coaching. An analysis of the German-speaking literature about coaching shows for what the term Coaching or rather the title coach is used in actual publications dealing with the leading manager as a coach. It becomes apparent, that coaching is not seen as a specialized advisory profession. Instead the term is used as an alternative expression for leadership vocabulary as management style or managerial functions. The elaboration of terms and concepts concludes, that semantically it is meant leadership when it comes to the concept of the coaching manager. To be an exception, the management by systemic approach forms a brand-new perspective about organizations. However, to give respects to the German-speaking coaching community there should be a difference between leadership and coaching as well as notions and titles should be used more accurate among professional management coaches.  相似文献   

The definition of intercultural coaching depends as well on expectations and objectives of the clients as on underlying concepts of culture. To detect the required competencies of the coach we differentiate between coaching as intercultural learning, coaching in inter- and multicultural contexts and transcultural coaching. Taken these perspectives in mind, culture is and cultures are immanent dimensions in all coaching processes. Hence, in a globalized world of hybrid cultures and individuals the coach needs to use culture(s) as reflexive resource for any kind of coaching process and session.  相似文献   

The significance of coaching to the identity development of managers The author discusses the difficulties of managers to conceive their professional identity. Regarding the background of modern organization structures in ?our postmodern times“, they are demanded to define their roles again and again by themselves. Traditional concepts of identity, like those formulated by the psychoanalysis, nowadays are obsolete. The approaches of the symbolic interactionism are much more applying to the actual demands of ?identity work“ of managers. Coaching, that integrates procedures of dramatherapy, is thereby capable to support the development of a suitable management identity.  相似文献   

In this text, the particularities of the situation of executives in expert organizations are discussed. Then four cases are described, in which (1) the problems that bring leaders from expert organizations into coaching are illustrated, (2) the respective coaching interventions are described and (3) the key concepts that were in the coaching helpful are summarized. Finally, some thoughts what is in executive coaching from expert organizations useful are discussed.  相似文献   

Coaching for the carrying out of outplacement talksThis paper describes a coaching process with an executive, who has to carry out outplacement talks. The aim of the consulting process is to prepare the coachee in a way, that he is able to accept his role as executive and to carry out the order of the company. Further on, the coachee is encouraged to use his own potential to design the outplacement talks. Finally he is invited to develop arrangements in order to support his personal physical and social wellbeing as well as his fitness in respect of the extreme situation of the outplacement management.  相似文献   

The ?Achieve Coaching Model“®. A systematic approach to greater effectiveness in executive coaching The article describes some of the results of an international best practice study that aimed to identify what successful coaches do to achieve consistent tangible coaching results. The analysis of the primary and secondary data resulted in a new coaching model, that has received international recognition and proved to be successful and valuable in practice — the Achieve Coaching Model®. The article describes the seven steps of the model, underpins it with information from the study and the authors international coaching practice and concrete behaviours of coaches that yielded continuously positive results in a coaching setting.  相似文献   

In this article I describe aspects of coaching concerning dual leadership in public administration. I will discuss organisational culture in public administration. Afterwards I emphasize on challenges for leaders and managers who will deal with change of corporate culture. At last I present a map of concepts dealing with coaching of dual leadership which will create insight for the clients for the challenges of their daily work.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the requirements analysis of an internal coaching concept in the organisation of a merchandising company and its following implementation. The aim is to offer the advantages of coaching to the middle and lower management as the top management already receives benefit from individual coaching. The requirements analysis was based on interviews with nine department managers using a pre-structured questionnaire. Based on these interviews a customised coaching concept for this company was defined: coaching is an optional, temporary, individual, method conducted, trust-based, internal consulting service for new leaders.  相似文献   

Quo vadis — Coaching and career counseling as guidance. A case study The individual case study presents coaching and career counseling as effective and efficient strategies for personnel development, particularly as it regards its ?exclusive“ potential: Contents, methods and counseling process can be adapted to the executive’s concern, person and background, adjustable in time and with precision. Public administrations and private enterprises, both in ?profit“ and ?non-profit“ areas, will therefore increasingly (have to) make use of this professional form of management counseling, since successful personnel management has established itself as a decisive factor for business success a long time ago.  相似文献   

In this study coaching culture is defined as a part of organizational culture that reflects the patterns of assumptions and actions concerning coaching, as well as the perception and evaluation of results and modes of effects. A qualitative study with 15 experts from six large companies revealed that positive and negative cultures concerning coaching can be differentiated. The results show a trend towards a positive culture, which needs active support. It is assumed that the coaching culture is a relevant impact factor for the efficacy of coaching.  相似文献   

The economic psychological article describes an online study of health-oriented self-management of managers with implications for corporate practice. Resilience and personality factors, subjective leadership success and self-management skills are examined variables. The most important outcome of the study with high relevance for modern working world is that self-confidence and conscience are the best pedictors for the experience of success, but managers still take care too little of their own health.  相似文献   

Coaching the head physician of a surgical department The author presents an individual coaching of a female head physician, who is leading the surgical department of a hospital for half a year. The motive were conflicts in the relationship to the colleagues, mainly an interactional conflict with the assistant medical director, caused by dysfunctional patterns of understanding and behaviour. Together with the coach objectives were developed to find a more planning, structuring and communicative leading style. Further more, interventions were prepared and the interactions with the assistant analyzed. Finally, as a first conflict intervention a team discussion is prepared and successfully supported.  相似文献   

Annihilation through communication — the case of mobbingThere is sufficient clarity about the forms, the processes and the consequences of mobbing. Nevertheless, there is still a lack of theoretical explanations of this phenomenon. Based on a newly developed understanding of community and its expression in interpersonal communication the author sees mobbing as a case of extremely incongruent communication over a longer period of time among more than two individuals, with the aim of excluding individuals from the process of communication. Mobbing is thus an abuse of communication for the purpose of excommunication. Drawing on these arguments the author finally discusses means of prevention and intervention.  相似文献   

After a review of four new books, which address the matter of happiness from sociological, economic, psychological and philosophical point of view, the importance of leisure in today’s working society for being happy is pointed out, especially for professionals. This has a consequence for consulting: Id needs to integrate both styles of life so that its addressees can fully use their opportunities to their happiness.  相似文献   

Vivid presentation as a coaching task? At first glance, this topic certainly is a classical training subject. This case report shows that in particular cases, however, coaching may be indicated: When training measures do not succeed and it can be suspected that mental barriers are the reason for this failure. In the actual coaching process, imaginative methods as well as a constellation of the “Inner Team” have been used in order to approach the more psychological dimensions of insufficient presentation competence.  相似文献   

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