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从第一例克隆绵羊诞生之日起,关于克隆人的争论就从未停止过。随着克隆技术的不断完善,已经有十多种哺乳动物相继被成功克隆,可以说现在从技术角度来看,克隆人已无多大障碍,克隆人已成为我们不得不面对的问题。目前,世界上虽然已有三十个国家明确禁止克隆人的研究,但与此同时,尽管没有得到证实,克隆人却多次被宣布诞生于世。笔者认为,克隆人的研究是难以绝对禁止的,应该理性面对离我们只有一步之遥的克隆人。  相似文献   

This paper seeks mainly to contribute to the debate on how the relative degree of development of a country should be measured by proposing an indicator to build on the valuable starting point provided by the Human Development Index (HDI). The indicator proposed is called the “Composite, Dynamic Human Development Index”. It incorporates in a simple way additional points which are significant for the current concept of human development and provides a dynamic factor that distinguishes between countries on the basis of achievements attained. It helps ensure that the static average data on which the HDI is based does not conceal wide-ranging economic, social and political differences within countries, lack of sustainability in current levels of development or effective development strategies drawn up by governments.  相似文献   

The rise in human life expectancy has involved declines in intrinsic and extrinsic mortality processes associated, respectively, with senescence and environmental challenges. To better understand the factors driving this rise, we apply a two-process vitality model to data from the Human Mortality Database. Model parameters yield intrinsic and extrinsic cumulative survival curves from which we derive intrinsic and extrinsic expected life spans (ELS). Intrinsic ELS, a measure of longevity acted on by intrinsic, physiological factors, changed slowly over two centuries and then entered a second phase of increasing longevity ostensibly brought on by improvements in old-age death reduction technologies and cumulative health behaviors throughout life. The model partitions the majority of the increase in life expectancy before 1950 to increasing extrinsic ELS driven by reductions in environmental, event-based health challenges in both childhood and adulthood. In the post-1950 era, the extrinsic ELS of females appears to be converging to the intrinsic ELS, whereas the extrinsic ELS of males is approximately 20 years lower than the intrinsic ELS.  相似文献   

从人口大国到人力资本大国:1980~2000年   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
过去20年(1980~2000年)中国总人力资本存量翻了一番,占世界总人力资本存量的比重高达1/4,已经从世界人口大国成为人力资本大国,这是中国21世纪成为世界经济强国最具竞争优势和最重要的战略资产。未来20年是中国教育发展的“黄金时期”,最重要的发展机遇就是全面建立世界上最大的学习型社会,进一步提高全体人民的人力资本。这也是全面建立小康社会、提高人民生活质量的重要内容。  相似文献   

论人力资本对中国农村经济增长的作用   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
文章从基本经济理论出发,首先使用微观调查数据,计算各种层次教育的回报率,在此基础上测量农村人力资本的存量。然后使用1989~1995年29个省的宏观数据,将人力资本引入到生产函数中,研究人力资本对农村地区产出的作用。计量经济学回归结果表明,人力资本的投入对中国农村经济增长具有重要的促进作用,这种作用在经济较发达的沿海地区特别明显。  相似文献   

Although there is adequate literature on the topic of state-employer collusion, this literature is barely underpinned in any theoretical framework. This article attempts to fill this theoretical lacuna by revisiting Gouldner’s (Patterns of industrial bureaucracy: a case study of modern factory administration, The Free Press, New York, 1954a) pioneering theoretical framework on patterns of bureaucracy, and extends his concept of mock bureaucracy to develop a new concept called ‘mock state bureaucracy’ to illustrate state-employer collusion in controlling workers in plants in developing third world economies. The article revisits and extends Gouldner’s (1954a) unit of analysis from the ‘firm’ level to the ‘state’ level and argues that the new concept mock state bureaucracy provides a better illustration of the state-employer collusion. The article argues that both ‘state’ and ‘employer’ are important units of analysis and they should be brought back to the centre stage of any discourse on employment relations of developing countries.  相似文献   

A new form of composition of the indicators employed to generate the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI) is presented here. This form of composition is based on the assumption that random errors affect the measurement of each indicator. This assumption allows for replacing the vector of evaluations according to each indicator by vectors of probabilities of being the best or the worst according to such attribute. The probabilistic composition of such probabilities of preference according to each indicator into probabilities of being the best or the worst according to all of them generates indices that may unveil, on one hand, performances to be followed and, on the other hand, extreme conditions that an additive composition would hide. Differences between the results of application of the diverse forms of composition are examined in the case of the HDI and in the case of the districts version of the HDI employed to compare Brazilian municipalities. It is verified that the smallest correlation between the education enrolment rate and the other indicators in the Brazilian case enlarges such differences.  相似文献   

以人的全面发展统筹解决人口问题   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
进入21世纪以来,我国人口发展面临着前所未有的复杂局面,稳定低生育水平的基础还不牢固,人口素质、结构、分布与经济社会发展的矛盾日益显现,人口发展越来越多地受到各种因素的综合影响。采取综合措施,以人的全面发展统筹解决人口问题,已经成为新时期我国人口和计划生育工作新的指导方针。  相似文献   

A questionnaire-survey of public perception of the desirability, risks, and benefits associated with current and potential applications of genetic engineering techniques to manipulate the outcome of human reproduction was conducted on 111 male and 135 female respondents. The proportion (63%) of male respondents who hold a positive impression that genetic engineering is a socially beneficial field of scientific research was significantly higher than the corresponding proportion (46%) of female respondents (p = 0.008). Similarly, in comparing somatic (non-reproductive cells) and germ-line (reproductive cells) gene therapy, most males (58%) foresaw no detrimental impacts of somatic cell gene therapy, but most females (60%, including 49% who opted for case-by-case evaluation) disapprove of even this form of therapy (p = 0.04). Most people remain fearful of germ-line therapy, but significantly more men (23%) than women (16%) support the development of genetic engineering for manipulating human germ-line cells (p = 0.04). There are no significant differences between male and female respondents with respect to genetic manipulation to correct inborn errors of metabolism or fetal deformity. The results of this study support the view that women tend to be more cautious than men with respect to acceptance of novel genetically-based procedures aimed at altering pregnancy outcome and offspring phenotype. Gender-based educational programs regarding the human genome project and human genetic engineering may be warranted to promote concordant decision-making in family planning and counseling.  相似文献   

中国入世条件下女性人力资源面临的挑战及对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从阐述入世对中国行业和产业的影响入手 ,分析了中国女性在就业方面所面临的三大挑战。同时 ,在揭示中国女性人力资源素质存在问题的基础上 ,提出了提高女性人力资源素质的对策  相似文献   

台湾经济增长中人力资本作用的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在现代经济中,人力资本已成为经济增长的内生要素和重要源泉。本文以人力资本相关理论为基础,通过合理地选取和度量有关变量数据,构建台湾人力资本外部性增长模型,并对模型进行计量检验和要素分析,从而揭示台湾人力资本投资与经济增长的关系,以及人力资本要素在经济增长中的作用。  相似文献   

如何提高人力资源管理水平 ,增强竞争优势是摆在商业银行人力资源管理者面前的一个严峻而重大的课题。本文认为商业银行应重塑人力资源管理理念 ,认清所面临的风险和挑战 ,结合商业银行的实际情况和人力资源国际化的要求 ,建立起充满生机与活力的人力资源管理体制  相似文献   

在有关中国经济转型时期制度变革与经济增长关系的研究中,主要关注点是市场化改革的优化资源配置作用。文章的论点是,制度变迁不仅改善资本、劳动等生产要素的配置,还通过提升人力资本的经济回报来提高其激励效率。作者利用47个城市的制度变迁、教育收益率、经济增长率等数据,研究城市经济增长差异,对制度变革的人力资本激励效应进行了检验,初步证实了“制度变革—人力资本回报提高—经济增长”这一假设。  相似文献   

This article explores new methods for gathering and analyzing spatially rich demographic data using mobile phones. It describes a pilot study (the Human Mobility Project) in which volunteers around the world were successfully recruited to share GPS and cellular tower information on their trajectories and respond to dynamic, location-based surveys using an open-source Android application. The pilot study illustrates the great potential of mobile phone methodology for moving spatial measures beyond residential census units and investigating a range of important social phenomena, including the heterogeneity of activity spaces, the dynamic nature of spatial segregation, and the contextual dependence of subjective well-being.  相似文献   

开发人力资本 提高我国农村人力资源质量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在现代经济学中,完整的“资本”有两种形式:一种是物质资本,另一种形式是人力资本。在现代经济的众多场合,人力资本甚至发挥着比物质资本更为重要的作用。我国农村人力资源存在着量多质低的现状,根据人力资本理论,以提高农村人力资源质量为目标,探讨农村人力资源开发的途径。  相似文献   

李杰  左仁淑 《人口研究》2002,26(1):67-70
进入新经济时代 ,人力资本对经济发展的作用越来越明显 ,有人提出人力资本是组织的第一资本。在此对人力资本概念进行了重新界定 ,提出人力资本的作用具有阶段性特征 ,并用“四小龙”的成功经验证明发展中国家不能照搬现有发达国家的经验 ,过分重视人力资本的作用 ,而应根据本国、本地区经济发展所处的阶段选择相应的资本动力策略。  相似文献   

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