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刘天琪 《唐都学刊》2009,25(4):34-37
隋唐时期刻有"谶语"的墓志,是丧葬文化史上极为特殊的现象,其为古老的"谶纬"文化在不同事物上的相似表征.是葬家利用巫师、方士等以谶术做的隐语或预言,以其强大的因果祸福的心理影响来保护墓葬不被盗掘的一种方式.从内容上看虽属巫蛊的谶语范围,但其文化内涵却是从防盗墓中逐渐演变而来.  相似文献   

Acculturation and ethnic identity may be associated with Latino/as' educational outcomes and be relevant to their lower levels of academic achievement. This article explores how these relationships might be mediated by considering several empirically supported and theory-based social psychological processes—the self-fulfilling prophecy, stigma consciousness, and stereotype threat. These processes suggest specific mediational mechanisms that remain largely unexamined, thereby offering novel directions for research and the potential to enrich understanding of the relationship between Latino/a ethnicity and academic performance. Consideration of these mediational mechanisms suggests that some groups within the Latino/a population face even greater challenges with regard to educational achievement. Accordingly, the particular difficulties encountered by Latinas and the children of families of migrant workers and new and undocumented immigrants are discussed. In addition, the potential relevance of education policies to the operation of the reviewed processes is explored.  相似文献   

Thomas Malthus and the neo-Malthusians are concerned about exponential growth of the population and the consequences of this growth on the world. Their predictions of doom are often misplaced because they do not take into account changes that may counterbalance population growth. This is the Malthusian fallacy: forecast of doom predicated on one change that does not take other changes into account. This paper examines the root of this fallacy and examines the prophecies of doom that swirl around Social Security as the graying baby boomers move toward their retirement years in record numbers.  相似文献   

Objective. This study examined institutional anomie theory in the context of transitional Russia. Methods. We employed an index of negative socioeconomic change and measures of family, education, and polity to test the hypothesis that institutional strength conditions the effects of poverty and socioeconomic change on homicide rates. Results. As expected, the results of models estimated using negative binomial regression show direct positive effects of poverty and socioeconomic change and direct negative effects of family strength and polity on regional homicide rates. There was no support, however, for the hypothesis that stronger social institutions reduce the effects of poverty and socioeconomic change on violence. Conclusions. We interpret these results in the Russia-specific setting, concluding that Russia is a rich laboratory for examining the effects of social change on crime and that empirical research in other nations is important when assessing the generalizability of theories developed to explain crime and violence in the United States.  相似文献   

村庄民主、村干部角色及其行为模式   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
孙秀林 《社会》2009,29(1):66-88
对于中国乡村精英角色及其行为模式的讨论,一直是社会学的一个非常重要的课题。尤其是在民主制度引入农村地区后,村干部的角色定位是否有所变化?在日常的治理过程中,其行为模式与角色定位是如何实现的?对于这一问题的回答,不仅需要以深入的个案调查为基础,而且也离不开严谨的实证分析。本文试图以6省的数据,来定量化地考察村庄民主对于村干部行为模式与角色定位的影响。实证模型结果显示,村庄民主的实行,可以促使村干部在日常治理过程中减少对于国家任务的关注,而增加对于社区事务的关注,从而使其角色定位更倾向于社区利益代言人。  相似文献   

Appearance‐based rejection sensitivity (appearance‐RS) consists of concerns about, and expectations of, rejection because of one's appearance (Park). This study examined dyadic‐ and group‐level friendship characteristics as correlates of early adolescents' appearance‐RS. Using subgroups of an initial sample of 380 participants, appearance‐RS was examined within best friend relationships (N = 132, Mage = 13.84) and friendship groups (N = 186, Mage = 13.83). Overall, best friends were similar in their appearance‐RS, body dissatisfaction, restrictive dieting, appearance‐conditional self‐worth, appearance values, and self‐rated attractiveness. Similarities between individuals and their friendship groups were consistent with the findings for dyads, except for self‐rated attractiveness and dieting. Appearance‐RS was higher in adolescents whose best friends and friendship groups reported greater restrictive dieting and appearance‐conditional self‐worth. In general, associations did not differ for boys and girls, but having a higher proportion of boys in the friendship group was associated with lowered appearance concerns.  相似文献   

Housing policy and provision in Australia are primarily oriented towards meeting the needs of the traditional nuclear family household. Households who cannot afford to buy their own home and are not eligible for public housing have no alternative but to rent in the private sector. Many of these households are single headed, groups, unemployed or on low-incomes. However, even in the private rental sector family households are favoured by landlords and estate agents and gain access to the better standard accommodation. Flexible and innovative policies in the public sector are urgently needed to meet the housing needs of the growing number of non-nuclear family households.  相似文献   

In an era of rising social awareness, both academics and practitioners have been concerned about the effectiveness of pro‐social consumer influence strategies. The main assumption here is that for social marketing to succeed one must first understand the factors underlying pro‐social consumer behavior. Firstly, drawing on two dimensions (i.e. the welfare receiver and restitution intention) the authors first identify four types of social behavior (altruism, compensation, reciprocity, and egoism). Next, the model describes social behavior as a result of preceding social behavior motivation and actual social behavior intention. Norms and economic evaluation have an impact on social behavior motivation, which in turn influences social behavior intention, eventually leading to actual social behavior. Actual control factors, such as the availability of resources and opportunities, decide whether social behavior intention can really translate into actual social behavior. Finally, authors propose message strategies (incorporating message appeal, message frame and central/peripheral processing) for each type of social behavior.  相似文献   

美国社会工作者协会的历史变迁、结构功能与运作模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国是世界上社会工作专业水平和专业组织最发达的国家之一,美国社会工作者协会(Na-tional Association of Social Worker,简称NASW)是世界上人数最多、最著名和影响力最大的专业组织,其历史发展、组织结构、功能作用和运作模式代表世界社会工作专业组织的最高水平和发展方向。中国社会工作专业化、职业化发展进程处于关键时刻,美国经验具有重要的现实意义、理论意义和政策意义。  相似文献   

温室效应造成了对人类生存不利的气候变化,引发的各种自然灾害已经严重制约了人类社会的可持续发展,社会经济发展与社会生活的代价越来越高。以包括气候环境在内的自然生态为前提和依据的生态系统化的社会价值意识为指导,自然科学及其技术与社会科学及其技术相互配合、相互支持,形成合力,才可能有效扭转气候变化与生态变化对人类社会生存和发展的不利趋势,这是实现社会可持续发展的关键。  相似文献   

One topic rarely addressed in the literature on older adults and interpersonal violence is the violence that can be experienced by family carers in relationship with a person living with cognitive impairment. This violence tends to remain hidden and is rarely framed as intimate partner violence. We examine how situations of intimidation and violence invoked fear in family carers and how they interpreted and reacted to these circum- stances. Interview and diary data were collected from family members who had previously or were currently experiencing some form of aggression in caring for someone with cognitive impairment or dementia. Drawing on discussions of fear and applying the analytic lens of defensive strategies, we explore how these carers responded to situations of intimidation and violence.  相似文献   

This study examined the association between relationship styles, coping strategies, and psychological distress among 144 Anglo‐Australian and 250 Hong Kong Chinese undergraduate students. The results indicated that relationship styles (secure, clingy, and fickle) influenced psychological distress through their association with coping strategies (avoidance and self‐punishment). Society of residence was a moderating factor for the association between clingy relationship style and psychological distress. Females also reported higher levels of psychological distress than males. Among participants who had experienced a romantic relationship break up, participants endorsing clingy relationship style and those whose partners initiated the break up expressed more hurt in comparison, whereas those who endorsed avoidance strategy reported less hurt. The results of the present study also suggested that psychosocial variables (relationship styles, coping strategies) were generally more important than demographic factors (e.g., age) in predicting mental health outcomes. However, relationship styles and coping strategies may operate differently under different contexts.  相似文献   

Objective. Fenno (1978), Wright (1989), and other scholars suggest that legislators will be particularly responsive to various subgroups in their constituency, i.e., what might be termed the "core constituency." We explore the degree to which Republican and Democrat House incumbents respond differently to changes in the racial composition of their districts brought about by redistricting. We speculate that (1) Democrat House incumbents will be more responsive in their roll–call behavior to changes in African–American racial composition, since African–American voters are typically a major component of the Democrat core constituency, while (2) Republicans will be less responsive, since African–American voters are typically not part of the Republican coalition. Methods. We utilize data on the roll–call behavior, member characteristics, and constituency characteristics of House members who served during both the 102nd (1991–1992) and 103rd (1993–1994) Congresses. We model roll–call liberalism in 1993 as a function of levels of and changes in district racial composition, along with control variables. To capture the different effects of racial core constituencies, we estimate our models separately for Democratic and Republican House members. Results. Our findings provide strong support for our hypothesis: Democrat incumbents respond strongly both to levels of and changes in the African–American population in their districts, while Republican incumbents respond only modestly to changes in African–American population brought on by redistricting and negatively to African–American population levels. Conclusions. Democrats and Republicans appear to respond differently to constituent groups, depending on whether the groups are part of their core constituency. Our findings suggest the importance of considering core constituencies in studying roll–call behavior and legislative responsiveness.  相似文献   

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