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背 景20 0 2年 1 1月 1日本来是一个不会引起新闻界注意的日子。但是 ,从这一天开始正式实施的《吉林省人口与计划生育条例》却一石激起千层浪 ,引发了全国各地媒体热烈“炒作”。几十家报纸 ,包括《北京青年报》、《中国日报》等全国性的报纸 ,都在显著位置拨出大量版面专门讨论 ,更恰当地说是争论这个条例的内容。网上的辩论也是热火朝天 ,几乎所有的大网站都开辟了专栏。参加争论的人物范围更广 ,从亲身参加过全国《人口与计划生育法》立法过程的著名法律专家到普通的育龄妇女 ,从计划生育干部到也想要孩子的未婚大龄男青年 ,从中国人到…  相似文献   

生育法律规范中若干重要问题的立法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生育权以及生育调节的技术措施,利益导向机制问题,在中外生育立法中受到相当的重视。对有的问题,中外的认识较为接近,但有的则存在较为明显的差异。就此进行比较分析,对明了哪些是我们所要坚持的,哪些是需要借鉴吸收的,对我国相关立法的完善无疑会有帮助。一、关于生育权生育后代不仅是个人生命延续,家庭生活的需要,也是民族、种族和国家发展的需要,因此任何一个现代国家的法律都必须承认和保障人的生育权。无论是否实行计划生育并为此立法,生育权都是生育法律规范的基点,而且被认为是基本人权之一。生育权在法律上的这种定位应…  相似文献   

生育意愿是指人们对待生育行为的态度和看法,它决定着一个国家和地区的生育水平和人口发展状况。在过去几十年时间里,中国人口出生率明显下降了,生育模式发生了变化。生育观念转变可以说是中国人口生育模式转变的重要因素。关于城市人口的生育意愿,80年代对北京等城市的调查发现,平均理想子女数超过2人,如北京市年平均理想子女数为2.10人,希望有2个孩子者占77.0%,天津市1985年平均理想子女数为2.10,理想2个孩子者占80.0%;上海市1984年平均理想子女数为2.49,理想2个孩子者占50.0%,3个孩子者占36.0%(辜胜阻,1989)。进入90年代,中国城市人口生育模式已达到了一个非常理想的程度,社会经济的发展是生育模式转变的重要因素,但根本的原因在于人们自身生育观念的转变。关于城市生育意愿的  相似文献   

生育控制的法律分析——兼论单身女性的生育权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
最近关于确认单身女性可以通过医疗辅助技术受孕生育的问题,引起了社会各界的广泛关注和讨论。各方分别从不同的角度对此进行了分析,综合这些争论,我们不难发现对于生育权理解上的分歧是形成上述争论的根本原因。为了全面准确地把握生育权的内涵,澄清模糊认识,解决实际工作中遇到的问题,本文拟从生育权基本概念入手,对确认生育主体、生育权利能力、生育行为能力以及生育控制理论等基本法律问题进行初步分析,进而讨论单身女性是否拥有生育权。  相似文献   

高度集中的婚姻挤压最令人担忧   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
王宗萍 《人口研究》2003,27(5):43-44
所谓婚姻挤压,是指由于婚姻市场上可供选择的男性与可供选择的女性之间比例失调并导致部分男性或者部分女性不能按照传统的偏好和习惯择偶的现象.婚姻挤压有时也被称为婚姻拥挤.  相似文献   

基于2008年安徽省CH市JC区的调查数据,通过与同年龄段已婚男性的对比,对性别失衡背景下中国农村大龄未婚男性的商业性行为、安全套使用情况及其影响因素进行分析。研究发现,在中国性别失衡背景下,男性婚姻挤压导致大龄未婚男性难以获取正常、稳定的性行为,商业性行为作为一种有效的替代和弥补方式,其发生率在农村地区的大龄未婚男性当中存在显著升高的可能性;相对于较高的商业性行为发生率而言,大龄未婚男性的安全套使用率处于较低的水平,使得大龄未婚男性的商业性行为具有高风险特征。  相似文献   

杨建毅 《西北人口》2008,29(4):125-128
依据恩格斯《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》与以人为本的理念,认识到婚姻、家庭关系是建立在人的社会属性之上,并赋予和表达着人的精神追求;自由、平等的一夫一妻制婚姻、家庭是以人为本的本质需要。探索建立以人为本的婚姻、家庭关系的有效途径,对促进社会和谐具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Previous psychological and public health research has highlighted the impact of legal recognition of same-sex relationships on individual identity and mental health. Using a sample of U.S. sexual minority (N = 313) and heterosexual (N = 214) adults, participants completed a battery of mental health inventories prior to the nationwide legalization of same-sex marriage. Analyses of covariance (ANCOVAs) examining identity revealed sexual minority participants living in states where same-sex marriage was banned experienced significantly higher levels of internalized homonegativity than sexual minority participants living in states where same-sex marriage was legal, even after controlling for state-level political climate. Mental health ANCOVAs revealed sexual minority participants residing in states without same-sex marriage experienced greater anxiety and lower subjective wellbeing compared to sexual minority participants residing in states with same-sex marriage and heterosexual participants residing in states with or without same-sex marriage. Implications for public policy and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

In research and policy discourse, conceptualizations of fertility decision-making often assume that people only consider circumstances within national borders. In an integrated Europe, citizens may know about and compare conditions across countries. Such comparisons may influence the way people think about and respond to childrearing costs. To explore this possibility and its implications, we present evidence from 44 in-depth interviews with Polish parents in the United Kingdom and Poland. Explanations of childbearing decisions involved comparisons of policy packages and living standards across countries. Individuals in Poland used richer European countries as an important reference point, rather than recent conditions in Poland. In contrast, migrants often positively assessed their relatively disadvantaged circumstances by using the Polish setting as a reference. The findings could help explain why, despite substantial policy efforts, fertility has remained at very low levels in poorer European countries, while migrants from those countries often have higher fertility abroad.  相似文献   

Thirty-eight lesbian and 38 heterosexual women in Singapore (ages 21 to 35) discussed relationships, sex, and virginity in focus groups. Views were mostly similar between the two groups, although there were differences. All participants defined relationships as romantic involvement. However, while heterosexual participants equated commitment with monogamy, lesbian participants distinguished them. All participants differentiated between having sex (for thrill and fun) and making love (for expressing love), although there were differences in the purposes of making love. Primacy of penetration was found in defining virginity loss, but for many participants, virginity was important only insofar as it indicated sexual permissiveness.  相似文献   

Many studies over the last decade provide strong evidence of elevated rates of suicidality among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender populations compared to heterosexual populations. The aim of the current study was to investigate suicidal ideation and attempts and related factors among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Estonia. We conducted a nationwide Internet-based study among MSM with 265 eligible participants. Our results reveal high rates of self-reported suicidal ideation (lifetime prevalence 45%) and attempts (lifetime prevalence 11%) as well as a high rate of problem drinking (33%) and depressive symptoms (32%) among MSM. Recent suicidal ideation (14% had thought about suicide in the last 12 months) was related to depressive symptoms and lower socioeconomic situation. There is a need to develop specific interventions to address these issues among MSM and to provide gay-friendly mental health services.  相似文献   


Young Black Men Who Have Sex With Men (BMSM) have been the subject of much research focused on health disparities in HIV occurrence, stigma, and mental health. Although such research is important, fewer studies focus on other equally salient areas of their lives such as spirituality, religious practices, and social support. Informed by literature on social support, this research endeavors to better understand these dynamics for a group of young BMSM who reside in a metropolitan city in Tennessee. Focus group results and content analysis uncover themes related to religion and resilience; queering Christianity; and virtual spirituality. Participants expressed an overarching need for support, safe spaces, genuine relationships, and godly instruction, conveyed through traditional Black Church involvement and nontraditional Internet usage. Findings are important for strategic, proactive, cross-generational collaboration with young BMSM to holistically meet their varied needs.  相似文献   

屯堡婚姻与家庭的变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨旭 《西北人口》2008,29(2):90-93,97
屯堡,自明朝屯军而在贵州西部兴起。六百年的沧桑巨变,却没有改变屯堡人独特的文化,至今仍保留着六百年前祖先的装束与习俗。是什么使得屯堡文化没有被周边的少数民族同化。而保留至今。本文试图通过屯堡人的婚姻、家庭及屯堡家庭的职能和结构的变迁对这一问题进行初步的探究。  相似文献   

使用在安徽省和县农村的调查数据,本文从“父母离世”的独特视角分析了丧亲家庭子女在经济、社会交往、健康状况、性格和教育程度上的弱势性,并分析了他们在性别失衡背景下的婚姻状况。研究发现父母去世对未成年子女未来的经济状况、社会交往状况、健康状况、性格状况和教育程度都有显著的影响,同时也会在性别失衡的背景下产生成婚困难的后果,在男性群体中尤为严重。从生命历程的视角看,父母去世对子女生计的影响,不仅仅体现在当时对这个丧亲家庭的经济社会生活的影响上.更重要的是,这一影响将在未来生活的各个关键点上都有着显著的影响。  相似文献   

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