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Chris De Neubourg Christine Weigand 《Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research》2000,13(4):401-412
With the growing sophistication in social policy instruments and the advances made in the analysis of their impact, it became clear that the analytical separation of social policy and social security policy from other policy areas is increasingly difficult. The paper discusses a new analytical approach based on the social management of risks. It redefines social policy as public interventions to assist individuals and households to cope with their risks. The conceptual framework starts with the notion of main needs and defines and subdivides the risks threatening the satisfaction of these main needs. An important feature of the framework is that social policy is not only linked to the satisfaction of the main needs at a certain moment, but to the risk that, at a certain moment in the life-course of an individual, the needs cannot not be satisfied. Social policy is then no longer solely focussed on the guaranteeing that all individuals in an economy can fulfil their main needs in a static framework. Quite the contrary, social policy is focused on preventing contingencies to materialize, on mitigating the effects before they materialize and on coping with the unfortunate moment bad luck, shocks or unfortunate events strike. The social risk management framework rests on the observation that the satisfaction of main needs and the management of risks, is not the sole responsibility of public authorities. Social welfare is produced by at least three institutions symbolically summarized as the social welfare triangle of which markets, families and public authorities form the corner points. 相似文献
中国城镇化的风险主来自两个方面:一是人为因素,即中国特定的制度和政策背景产生的城市化问题;二是市场因素,是由市场追求效率导致的市场失灵。中国新型城镇化风险及其所带来的区域格局新变化,对上海全球城市崛起将产生重要影响。上海全球城市的推进应建立在健康的城镇化模式基础上,走符合国情、符合上海发展特色的现代化建设道路。 相似文献
Laurie B. Hartjes PhD RN Linda C. Baumann PhD RN FAAN 《Journal of American college health : J of ACH》2013,61(5):403-414
Abstract Objective: Compare feedback strategies in 3 versions of an educational game. Participants: Study abroad students (N = 482) participated by playing the game and completing pregame/postgame surveys January–March 2010. Methods: This study employed an experimental design. Primary outcome measures were knowledge gain, player satisfaction, and risk perception. Results: One-third had previously traveled to a malaria-risk region, and two thirds planned to do so. Baseline malaria knowledge was low. Postgame knowledge and risk perception were significantly higher than pregame, irrespective of past travel status. The group that automatically received explanatory feedback following game decisions scored higher for mean knowledge gain, without differences in player satisfaction. Conclusions: The challenges of designing a feedback strategy to support Web-based learning make these results highly relevant to health educators developing interactive multimedia interventions. The increasing number of students traveling to higher-risk destinations demands attention. Both malaria-naive and malaria-experienced students would benefit from this approach to travel health education. [An appendix to the article is featured as an online supplement at the publisher's Web site.] 相似文献
应用全球城市标准化数据,城市之间就能进行比较、交流、相互学习;有了标准化数据,就能通过分析数据来管理城市,提出发展目标,制定行动计划;建立全球通用数据比较分析模型,可帮助不同国家的同类城市进行横向比较.ISO 37120能够帮助上海预测城市未来的需求,从而制定一个明智的发展战略. 相似文献
纵观世界,伦敦、纽约和东京等综合性全球城市伴随着现代化浪潮而崛起,技术革命、经济全球化、产业引领、制度创新、区域城市群等是其主要驱动因子.回顾历史,上海近30年的持续快速发展得益于改革开放、产业结构调整和区域统筹等驱动要素,但也存在支撑动力不足、瓶颈约束增大等风险和问题.展望未来,上海在迈向全球城市过程中需要大力实施创新驱动发展战略,全方位扩大开放,增强产业竞争力,加大制度创新,促进区域城市群协同发展,为实现2050年愿景目标提供有力支撑. 相似文献
Turner NE 《Journal of gambling studies / co-sponsored by the National Council on Problem Gambling and Institute for the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming》1998,14(4):413-429
Some gamblers use a doubling strategy as a way of improving their chances of coming home a winner. This paper reports on the results of a computer simulation study of the doubling strategy and compares the short term and long term results of doubling to gambling with a constant sized bet. In the short term players using a doubling strategy were more likely to win, then lose, however in the long term, the losses suffered by doublers were much greater than that suffered by constant bettors. It is argued that the use of a doubling strategy is related to an incomplete conceptualization of random events sometimes known as the law of averages. A second simulation examined the fate of doubling in an ideal world in which the law of averages was actually true. In this ideal world, doublers were much better off than constant bettors. The relationship of the results to a naive conceptualization of random events is discussed. 相似文献
《Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work》2013,32(1):47-67
Abstract Following the disclosure of decades of Episcopal cover-ups of child sexual abuse, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) promulgated the Charter for the Protection of Children & Young People(USCCB, 2002). This document requires that all U.S. dioceses and eparchies identify a code of conduct for clergy, employees, and volunteers. The Virtus Model Code of Pastoral Conduct (National Catholic Risk Retention Group, Inc., 2002) has been selected by many dioceses/eparchies. Other dioceses and eparchies have used similar variants. While codes of conduct for priests may seem reasonable, current codes do not distinguish between the functions of mental health providers and priests. As a result significant ministerial implications may effect pastoral service delivery. This paper focuses on risk management strategies, similar to those used by social workers and other mental health practitioners, that will become increasingly necessary for priests who provide pastoral counseling, spiritual direction, or any clinical-type intervention to parishioners and those seeking pastoral services. Specifically, dual relationships, mandated reported, duty to warn/protect, and documentation will be addressed. 相似文献
McLennan Blythe J. 《Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations》2020,31(2):316-332
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - This paper reports on a case study of collective coproduction in an Australian community-based disaster risk management... 相似文献
Juvenile delinquency and high risk behaviors have been linked to disturbances in attachment. The present study examined parent and peer attachment in 67 African American males and 97 Latinos (ages 12–17, M = 14.7 ± 1.3) attending an alternative school. The Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment was used to identify 3 attachment style groups: “Isolated,” “Disconnected,” and “Connected.” Controlling for age, attachment group membership predicted differences in delinquent behaviors, as did ethnicity. Further, on the Youth Self-Report of the Child Behavior Checklist, attachment group membership predicted differences in both the Internalizing and Externalizing Scales. Implications for interventions with each identified attachment group are discussed. 相似文献
现代城市愈来愈庞大、复杂,城市成为社会的核心和主体。在各种资源要素高度密集在城市、城市架构愈益精巧化的同时,城市脱离并悖逆自然界的倾向性加大,由城市自身增长所导致的内在风险因素却与日俱增。城市风险不同于城市问题,具有突发性、危害的全面性以及难以预测等特征,对城市的生存和发展构成根本威胁。为了保持城市健康、良性、长期发展,应从思想上深化对城市风险的认识,从组织、技术等方面采取必要的应对。 相似文献
Ruth Driscoll Alison Evans 《Development policy review : the journal of the Overseas Development Institute》2005,23(1):5-25
The poverty reduction strategy paper (PRSP) approach has taken centre stage in development asssistance over the past five years. International endorsement of the approach has led to important gains in government focus on poverty reduction, civil society participation and donor behaviour. Yet PRSPs also potentially offer a much greater contribution to aid effectiveness, good governance and poverty reduction in developing countries. With a second generation of PRSPs now set to appear, this article examines the technical and political challenges that need addressing to realise their potential over time. Emerging issues include how to respond to political transitions, alternative design approaches, how to assess financing needs, and ways of enhancing the predictability of aid. 相似文献
Rountree MA 《Clinical Social Work Journal》2010,38(2):207-216
A growing body of literature highlights the association between women who have experienced intimate partner abuse (IPA) and their heightened risk for HIV/AIDS (human immune deficiency syndrome/ acquired immune deficiency syndrome) infection. Finding HIV risk reduction strategies that are contextually relevant for this population is an important public policy priority. This qualitative study researched women who have experienced intimate partner abuse in order to develop a HIV/AIDS risk reduction intervention unique to their circumstances. This pilot study explored the critical components of such an intervention among a racially/ethnically stratified (African-American, Mexican-American and Anglo) sample of women (n=43) who have experienced IPA. Focus groups were conducted and transcribed, and a content analysis was used to identify major themes. In all five focus groups, participants viewed the research as interesting, good, beneficial, and/or important based on their perceptions of risk for infection. Respondents felt that they knew of ways to protect themselves from infection in non-abusive relationships; however, acknowledged the difficulties of doing so given the context of their abusive relationships. Examining the racial/ethnic differences across focus groups showed that the language used by women is quite variable. The ways in which survivors define rape, sexual abuse, and their own experiences are all unique; however, their actual experiences have many similarities. Discussed at length are the topics participants shared as critical in informing the design of an intervention and the relevance of the findings to social work clinical practice is explained. 相似文献
Picou J. Steven Marshall Brent K. 《Sociological Practice: A Journal of Clinical and Applied Sociology》2002,4(4):293-313
Recent theoretical development in environmental sociology has focused on the concept of risk. Macro- and middle-range theoretical conceptualizations relevant to understanding environmental risk and resource depletion have emerged from Europe and the United States. We review five theoretical approaches to the environment–society relationship and identify convergent characteristics relevant for resource management in the modern world. These characteristics suggest goals for resource management should include expanded discursive systems, a more informed public and building institutional trust. 相似文献
This article examines the golf industry's evolving responses to environment‐related problems since the mid‐1960s. Drawing from an analysis of golf superintendent trade publications, the article shows how golf industry members initially denied that their work could have negative impacts, but eventually acknowledged potential golf‐related environmental problems—and ultimately positioned themselves as environmental leaders through various forms of professionalization. The analysis also reveals contradictions in superintendents' messaging about their environmental expertise and about the safety of turfgrass chemicals. The article concludes with reflections on why these contradictions should inspire concerns about golf's nascent environmental leadership, and on corporate environmentalism generally. 相似文献
《Journal of child sexual abuse》2013,22(3-4):83-105
SUMMARY Clinicians and other professionals evaluating, managing, and treating sexually abusive youth are frequently called upon to offer judgments regarding risk for sexual reoffense. There are currently no empirically validated methods for accurately classifying risk among this population. Therefore, those faced with this task have an obligation to consider the research on the assessment of risk and recidivism. Five methods of risk assessment are reviewed, and four scales are discussed, with directions on how to obtain them. These include the Juvenile Sex Offender Assessment Protocol (JSOAP), the Protective Factors Scale (PFS), and Estimate of Risk of Adolescent Sex Offender Recidivism (ERASOR). 相似文献
AbstractObjective: The object of this study is to extend prior evaluations of Elemental, a sexual assault protection program that combines primary prevention and risk reduction strategies within a single program. Participants and Methods: During 2012 and 2013, program group and control group students completed pretest, posttest, and 6-week and 6-month follow-up surveys assessing sexual attitudes and knowledge as well as experiences with assault. Results: The results reinforce previous findings that Elemental is effective in reducing sexual assault risk. Program effects were both direct, in that participation was associated with lower risk of assault, and mediated, in that participation impacted attitudes and beliefs that are empirically linked to risk of later assault. Conclusions: By combining both primary prevention and risk reduction approaches, Elemental is not only effective at reducing incidences of assault, it is also consistent with a number of recent recommendations for directions in sexual assault prevention programming. 相似文献