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上海市1010例未婚女性人工流产情况的调查分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
调查结果显示,未婚人流女性以20—24岁年龄组为主,占70.4%,许多未婚人流女性有过人流史,近1/3的人首次性行为及首次人流年龄小于法定结婚年龄,78.6%的人此次人流的原因是没有采取避孕措施。提示24岁及以下年龄组是未婚先孕人流的高发人群,特别是一些不到结婚年龄的女青年正在受到人工流产的威胁,没有采取避孕措施是导致未婚人流的主要原因。因此,有必要在未婚青年中开展生殖健康教育,向她们提供计划生育服务,特别是避孕药具的服务指导。  相似文献   

城市外来青年女工的生殖健康状况与需求   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文利用小组专题讨论会和深入访谈资料对外来青年女工的生殖健康状况和需求进行了分析。流动人口的生活和工作与家乡的同龄人及城市居民都不相同 ,这给他们的健康带来一系列问题。对年轻妇女而言 ,与性和生育相关的问题尤为突出。外来未婚女工发生婚前性行为的可能性较大 ,随意性性行为的比例较高 ,因此人工流产及性病的发生率较高。因为产前保健不足 ,外来人口发生产时并发症的可能性较大。目前迫切需要加强对未婚人群的教育和服务 ,以减少风险行为的发生。应结合计划生育管理和服务加强对已婚妇女的生殖健康服务 ,以提高她们的健康水平  相似文献   

广州流动人口未婚青年女工生殖健康高危因素分析   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
本研究旨在通过与城市外来青年女工的专题小组讨论和个人深入访谈 ,明确影响外来女工生殖健康的高危行为和决定因素 ,以便从中发现带有普遍的、共同的特征 ,并就如何为城市外来女工提供生殖健康教育和服务提出一些建议  相似文献   

为了掌握外来已婚育龄妇女避孕药具需求,浙江省安吉县人口计生局、安吉县计生技术指导站日前组织了县、乡、村(社区)3支调查队伍,在辖区内进行了一次外来已婚育龄妇女避孕药具需求问卷调查,共有2053名外来已婚育龄妇女接受了本次调查。  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济体制改革的进一步深化,城市计划生育工作也面临着许多新情况和新问题。笔者认为,研究当前城市避孕药具管理出现的新问题,做好城市避孕药具管理是抓好城市计生工作的关键。1做好城市避孕药具管理的巨大意义当前城市计划生育工作面临着许多新情况、新问题。城市数量的增多、规模的扩大以及流动人口大量增加,不少企业在转换经营机制的过程中,撤并或削减了计划生育机构和人员;在市场竞争中出现了大批下岗职工;在城市开发建、旧城改造的过程中一大批居民处于人户分离状态。基于以上原因,加强城市计生工作首先必须强…  相似文献   

昆山市未婚青年生殖健康同伴教育研究 --基线调查分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本研究依托我国基层计划生育服务网络,用同伴教育的方法,进一步把生殖保健、避孕节育和性病/艾滋病预防知识传播到未婚青年中去,促进他们的生殖健康.基线调查的研究结果表明,未婚青年的生殖保健知识欠缺,尤其对艾滋病的传播途径有误区.他们的性观念相当开放,婚前性行为已比较普遍,传统性观念正在受到前所未有的挑战和冲击.在未婚青年中有针对性地开展生殖健康教育已是当务之急.  相似文献   

关于青年的生育动机和生育需要问题,国内已有人分别从社会学和社会心理学两个方面进行过研究,但对未婚青年的生育动机和生育需要进行专题研究,国内迄今尚未发现这一方面的报告.我们认为,在当前我国人口年龄特点青年化倾向占优势的情况下,为了抓早、抓好计划生育工作,首先必须使国家的生育计划与广大未婚青年的生育动机和生育需要之间的距离尽可能缩小.这是因为,一方面,如果国家生育计划与未婚青年的生育动机和生育需要过于脱节,就不利于国家生育计划的贯彻执行并招来青年对计划的不满;另一方面,  相似文献   

中国未婚青年的生殖健康状况   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
目前,中国青少年的性成熟已明显提前,未婚青年(包括少年)性行为发生率在不断上升,首次性行为的年龄呈提前趋势。但他们缺乏性和生殖健康知识,有性行为的未婚青年避孕措施的采用率较低,导致未婚妊娠和人工流产的发生率上升。未婚青年性行为、妊娠和人工流产的发生与性观念与社会观念的变化、文化教育、家庭背景、环境因素、国家政策及社会因素等有关。要提高中国未婚青年的生殖健康状况,应满足未婚青年的需求,给未婚青年提供性教育和生殖健康服务。  相似文献   

加强对零售避孕药具的管理孟令权为规范避孕药具零售市场,吉林省辽源市计生委会同市财政局、卫生局、工商局、物价局等有关部门,先后颁布了《避孕药具零售管理暂行办法》和《关于办理零售避孕药具许可证》的通知,对零售避孕药具实行专管、专卖。通知规定,由市计生药具...  相似文献   

由厦门市湖里区工会和厦门仁德医院共同举办的为期三个月的“关爱外来女工、携手迈向健康”湖里区妇女安康工程已经结束,体检结果显示:八成以上的外来女工患有各种疾病,而其中大多数人却不知道自己患病,外来女工的腱康状况不容乐观。  相似文献   

董琳 《人口学刊》2005,(6):56-59
信息素质是科技工作者获取科技信息、拓展知识范围、提高自身素质和科研技术服务能力的内在要求。信息素质指信息意识和信息能力,在人口和计划生育科技人员中要开展有效的信息素质教育。  相似文献   

The demographic aging of the older population itself has turned out as an issue of great scope, accumulating a large amount of research in recent years. In this context, the prediction or explanation is of much interest. However, little research has studied this prediction when some factors, such as age, gender, and perceived health are controlled, and also few studies have compared these effects in young old and oldest old populations. Thus, the purpose of this study is to test, in a multivariate context, the predictive effects of variables measuring social support, dependence/active perceptions, and generativity on satisfaction with life, while controlling for age, marital status, educational level, gender, and perceived health; examining young old and oldest old similitudes and differences in a little studied population, the Angolan elderly. The sample was formed by 1,003 participants, 737 were young old and 266 were oldest old. To test for the effects, a hierarchical regression was built up, in which age and predictor’s interactions were included. Results provide support for some differences in the pattern of relationships hold by young old and oldest old, with social support emerging as the major predictor of life satisfaction during the old age.  相似文献   

BackgroundThere has been a rise in induction of labour over recent decades. There is some tension in the literature in relation to when induction is warranted and when not, with variability between guidelines and practice. Given these tensions, the importance of shared decision-making between clinicians and women is increasingly highlighted as paramount, but it remains unclear to what extent this occurs in routine care.MethodUsing a scoping review methodology, quantitative and qualitative evidence were considered to answer the research question “What are the views, preferences and experiences of women and clinicians in relation to induction of labour more broadly, and practices of decision-making specifically?” To identify studies, the databases PubMed, Maternity and Infant Care, CINAHL and EMBASE were searched from 2008 to 2018, and reference lists of included studies were examined.Findings20 papers met inclusion criteria, in relation to (a) women’s preferences, experiences and satisfaction with IOL; (b) women’s experience of shared-decision making in relation to induction; (c) interventions that improve shared decision-making and (d) factors that influence decision-making from the perspective of clinicians. Synthesis of the included studies indicates that decision-making in relation to induction of labour is largely informed by medical considerations. Women are not routinely engaged in the decision making process with expectations and preferences largely unmet.ConclusionThere is a need to develop strategies such as decision aids, the redesign of antenatal classes, and clinician communication training to improve the quality of information available to women and their capacity for informed decision-making.  相似文献   

人口计生宣传教育为“先导”的重心和支点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宣传教育为先导的战略决策,是国家人口计生委党组书记、主任李斌同志2007年年底在河南召开全国农村人口文化建设工作现场会和在宁波市召开全国婚育新风进万家活动经验交流会上提出的重大战略思想。宣传教育为先导战略决策的提出,是在科学发展观指引下尊重思想政治工作、精神文明建设和人口计生工作客观规律,总结正反两方面工作经验教训的必然产物,是今后做好人口计生工作的元点工程。本文主要论述了为什么要先导,先什么、导什么,如何先导三个重大问题。  相似文献   

Employment and earnings of foreign-born scientists and engineers   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Population Research and Policy Review -  相似文献   

统筹城乡的动态人口预测与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对未来城乡人口进行科学详细的预测,是统筹城乡发展的基本依据。文章以浙江省为例,简要介绍了以人口普查资料和抽样调查资料为基本依据,考虑城市化进程和城乡、省际人口机械变动参数动态变化的城乡人口预测的方法。并以浙江省为例,说明如何充分利用这些人口预测结果,为统筹城乡发展提供决策依据。  相似文献   

农村劳动力流动的特征、规律与农民增收   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
农村劳动力流动具有地域特征、就业手段特征、流动性质特征。农村劳动力流动体现着三大规律,即动力规律、流动规模有限规律、推拉“双反”规律。这些特征和规律直接影响着农民收入的增加。推动农村劳动力流动、实现农民增收的途径:一是拓宽农业发展思路;二是加快乡镇企业发展;三是提高城镇化水平;四是鼓励农村外流劳动力回流创业。  相似文献   

The vast majority of measures have, at their core, a purpose of personal and social change. If test developers and users want measures to have personal and social consequences and impact, then it is critical to consider the consequences and side effects of measurement in the validation process itself. The consequential basis of test interpretation and use, as introduced in Messick’s (Educational measurement, Macmillan, New York, pp. 13–103, 1989) progressive matrix model of unified validity theory, has been misunderstood by many measurement experts, test developers, researchers, and practitioners. The purposes of this paper were to (a) review Messick’s unified view of validity and clarify his consequential basis of test interpretation and use, (b) discuss the kinds of questions evoked by value implications and social consequences and their role in construct validity and score meaning, (c) present a reframing of Messick’s model and a new model of unified validity and validation, (d) bring the concept of multilevel measures under the same validation umbrella as individual differences measures, and (e) offer some thoughts and directions for more explicit consideration of value implications, intended social consequences, and unintended side effects of legitimate test interpretation and use. This paper has implications for the interpretation, use, and validation of both individual differences and multilevel measures in education, psychology, and health contexts.  相似文献   

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