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▲我国三年内将投资 190 0亿改造农村电网。经过去年的努力 ,中国农村电网“两改一同价”工作取得重大进展。到目前为止全国农网建设与改造累计已完成投资 550亿元 ,已有 4 0 0多个县完成了全部改造任务。全国已有 30 %的乡镇电管站改为县级供电企业的派出机构 ,实行收支两条线管理。乱收费、乱加价、乱摊派和人情电、关系电、权力电等问题得到了有效控制。通过农村电网改造和农电管理体制改革 ,农村电价明显下降 ,减轻了农民负担 ,促进了市场消费和经济增长。今年我国将继续加强对农网建设与改造的投资 ,初步计划安排投资 550亿元 ,要求完…  相似文献   

农村电网改造,是一九九八年国家实施拉动内需工作以来,农村基础设施建设中资金投入最多、覆盖面最大、涉及面最广的一项重要工程。从政治角度看,农网改造是一项“民心工程,德政工程”。从经济角度看,农网改造是一项提高农民生活质量和促进农村经济发展的基础工程。农网改造的最终目的,就是要提高农民的生活质量,减轻农民负担,促进农村经济发展。同时,在优质低价的前提下,通过用电量的大量增加,提高电力部门的经济效益。  相似文献   

据悉,在广西田东县祥周镇中平村的“蜘蛛网”消失了,取而代之的是屋檐下整齐规范的崭新电线,电力灭虫器、电力自动喷淋灌溉系统等电力助农设施遍布田间地头,呈现出一派电气化新农村的景象。原来,这是广西电网公司今年着力打造的“新农村、新配电、新生活”的电气化示范新农村之一。今年,该公司将投入28亿巨资,对广西的农村电网进行改造升级,重点解决农村用电卡脖子问题,满足“农村电气化”和“家电下乡”的用电需求。  相似文献   

一是加快建设保障性安居工程。加大对廉租住房建设支持力度,加快棚户区改造,实施游牧民定居工程,扩大农村危房改造试点。  相似文献   

农电体制改革以来,由于很多地市级供电公司所属各个县级供电企业通过农网建设与改造工程的实施,这些电网供电能力和供电可靠性有了较大提高,初步满足了不断增长的县域电力供应需求,有力地促进了县域经济发展和城乡生活水平的提高。目前,用电客户对县级公司的优质服务水平提出了新的更高的要求;国家税务、  相似文献   

青海省今年首批校安工程启动,6.1亿元将46所学校装扮成最漂亮的建筑。去年,青海省共下达了包括中小学布局调整暨校安工程、农村初中校舍改造(二期)项目、三江源地区教师周转房项目、农村学前教育项目等工程建设资金,规划建设学校303所,规划建设面积229.66万平方米。  相似文献   

党的十六大提出了建设全面小康社会的宏伟目标,其难点和重点在农村。为全面分析和监测我区农村全面小康建设进程,我们依国家统计局农村全面小康标准和监测方法,对我区农村全面小康实现程度进行了监测与评价,并针对存在的难点和问题进行了深入剖析,在此基础上,提出了加快我区农村全面小康建设进程应遵循的原则和对策建议。  相似文献   

近日,四川省国省干线公路改造实施方案和农村断头公路建设实施方案出炉。根据方案,从2009年到2012年要改造8327公里国省干线,新建农村断头路17355公里。  相似文献   

年底前再改造7万户农村危房 日前从四川省住房和城乡建设厅获悉,继去年在54个县(市、区)完成改造3.4万户农村危房后,四川今年继续扩大农村危房改造试点工程,共有167个县(市、区)纳入其中,将在年底前再完成改造7万户。据悉,农村危房改造要在满足基本居住功能和安全的前提下,严格控制建筑面积和总造价。省住房和城乡建设厅日前已下发扩大农村危房改造试点工程的实施方案,符合危房改造条件的家庭可提出申请。  相似文献   

山东是一个人口大省,2005年末常住人口为9248万,居全国第二位;山东也是一个农业大省,2005年农业增加值为1927亿元,居全国首位;山东又是一个农民大省,2005年农村居民为5086万.占总人口的55%。由于山东是人口大省、农业大省和农民大省,所以山东农村全面小康建设的任务特别繁重,同时在很大程度上影响和制约着全国的全面小康建设进程。为了科学评价我省农村建设全面小康社会的进程,反映社会主义新农村建设和社会主义和谐社会建设的成果,山东省统计局根据国家统计局下发的全国农村全面小康标准,对山东全省和17个市农村全面小康实现程度进行了监测和评估。从监测的结果看,山东农村全面小康社会建设取得了重大进展。2005年山东农村全面小康社会实现程度达到50.1%,也就是说,从2000年开始,山东农村全面小康建设进程走了一半;恩格尔系数降到39.8%,农村居民的总体生活开始向更加宽裕的小康迈进。  相似文献   

We consider the problem of constructing good two-level nonregular fractional factorial designs. The criteria of minimum G and G2 aberration are used to rank designs. A general design structure is utilized to provide a solution to this practical, yet challenging, problem. With the help of this design structure, we develop an efficient algorithm for obtaining a collection of good designs based on the aforementioned two criteria. Finally, we present some results for designs of 32 and 40 runs obtained from applying this algorithmic approach.  相似文献   

P.J. Huber 《Statistics》2013,47(1):41-53
Recently, cumulative residual entropy (CRE) has been found to be a new measure of information that parallels Shannon's entropy (see Rao et al. [Cumulative residual entropy: A new measure of information, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory. 50(6) (2004), pp. 1220–1228] and Asadi and Zohrevand [On the dynamic cumulative residual entropy, J. Stat. Plann. Inference 137 (2007), pp. 1931–1941]). Motivated by this finding, in this paper, we introduce a generalized measure of it, namely cumulative residual Renyi's entropy, and study its properties. We also examine it in relation to some applied problems such as weighted and equilibrium models. Finally, we extend this measure into the bivariate set-up and prove certain characterizing relationships to identify different bivariate lifetime models.  相似文献   

Suppose that Z1 …Zn are independent and normally distributed with common mean u and variance σ2.When σ2 = λμ2with given λ> 0, it is well known that the minimal sufficient statistic is not complete for μ if n ≥ 2. The question of completeness seems to be unresolved when n = 1. In this note, we consider this case and, by using the heat equation, establish the second moment completeness of the minimal sufficient statistic, a property which is weaker than completeness but stronger than bounded completeness. Finally, we apply this result to a linear calibration problem.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to include the Two-Sided Power (TSP) distribution in the PERT methodology making use of the advantages that this four-parameter distribution offers. In order to be completely determined, a distribution of this type needs, the same as the beta distribution, a new datum apart from the three usual values a (pessimistic), m (most likely) and b (optimistic). To solve this question, when using the beta distribution in the PERT context, we are looking for the maximum similarity with the normal and so it is required that the distribution has the same variance as the normal or its same kurtosis, giving rise to the constant variance and mesokurtic families, respectively. Nevertheless, while this approach can be only applied to the beta distribution for some values in the range of the standardized mode, in the case of the TSP distribution this methodology leads always to a solution. A detailed analysis comparing the beta and TSP distribution based on their PERT means and variances is presented indicating better results for the second. We are very grateful for the comments and suggestions of two anonymous referees.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is obtaining the amount of information there exists in the Pareto distribution in the presence of outliers. For the sake of this purpose, Shannon entropy, ?-entropy, Fisher information, and Kullback–Leibler distance are computed. Furthermore, a section has been devoted to compare these quantities in these two cases of the Pareto distribution (with outliers and the homogenous case). At the end of this paper, two actual examples, which are related to insurance companies, are brought. A brief summary of which is done in this work is also reported.  相似文献   

Contours may be viewed as the 2D outline of the image of an object. This type of data arises in medical imaging as well as in computer vision and can be modeled as data on a manifold and can be studied using statistical shape analysis. Practically speaking, each observed contour, while theoretically infinite dimensional, must be discretized for computations. As such, the coordinates for each contour as obtained at k sampling times, resulting in the contour being represented as a k-dimensional complex vector. While choosing large values of k will result in closer approximations to the original contour, this will also result in higher computational costs in the subsequent analysis. The goal of this study is to determine reasonable values for k so as to keep the computational cost low while maintaining accuracy. To do this, we consider two methods for selecting sample points and determine lower bounds for k for obtaining a desired level of approximation error using two different criteria. Because this process is computationally inefficient to perform on a large scale, we then develop models for predicting the lower bounds for k based on simple characteristics of the contours.  相似文献   

It is often desirable to test non-nested hypotheses. Cox (1961, 1962) proposed forming a log-likelihood ratio from their maxima and then comparing this value to its expected value under the null hypothesis. Pitfalls exists when we apply Cox's test to the special case of testing normality versus lognormality. Pesaran (1981) and Kotz (1973) pointed out the slow convergence rate of the Cox's test. In this paper, this fact has been reemphasized; moreover, we propose an alternative likelihood ratio test which remedies problems arising from negative estimates of the asymptotic variance of Cox's test statistic and is uniformly more powerful than most commonly used tests.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the problem of estimating a function g(p), where p is the probability of success in a sequential sample of independent identically Bernoulli distributed random variables. As a loss associated with estimation we introduce a generalized LINEX loss function. We construct a sequential procedure possessing some asymptotically optimal properties in the case when p tends to zero. In this approach to the problem, the conditions are given, under which the stopping time is asymptotically efficient and normal, and the corresponding sequential estimator is asymptotically normal. The procedure constructed guarantees that its sequential risk is asymptotically equal to a prescribed constant.  相似文献   

Maximum-likelihood estimation is interpreted as a procedure for generating approximate pivotal quantities, that is, functions u(X;θ) of the data X and parameter θ that have distributions not involving θ. Further, these pivotals should be efficient in the sense of reproducing approximately the likelihood function of θ based on X, and they should be approximately linear in θ. To this end the effect of replacing θ by a parameter ϕ = ϕ(θ) is examined. The relationship of maximum-likelihood estimation interpreted in this way to conditional inference is discussed. Examples illustrating this use of maximum-likelihood estimation on small samples are given.  相似文献   

In several cases the same measurement is used as a marker for two or more population features, and it is useful to test whether this measurement has the same diagnostic effectiveness with respect to different features. In this paper we use the area under receiver operating characteristic curve as index for the discriminatory power among continuous variables and population features (eventuality, two or more diseases), and we propose a test to contrast the equality of the diagnostic effectiveness of this measurement.  相似文献   

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