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In this study, a research of injuries of passengers in city buses is presented, which are not a consequence of collision of buses with other objects. The number of injured passengers in the territory of Belgrade was registered, during three consecutive years. Most frequently injured body part was the head, while women over the age of 60 are the most vulnerable population of passengers. The most often reason for the appearance of injuries was the effect of acceleration. Also, it is pointed out to the importance of consideration of the problem of multiple injuries. These injuries are more complex than the individual ones, and they may indicate to the existence of greater omissions in the design of the interior of the bus. Proposals for certain system solutions, as well as some recommendations for designing are given, which can improve the safety of passengers who use the city bus as a means of transportation.  相似文献   

孙福庆    智等 《科学发展》2014,(1):17-25
上海全面深化改革的主要思路:1.明确两大战略目标,即:完善中国特色社会主义制度体系;完善社会主义现代化国际大都市治理体系和提升治理能力。2.强化三大核心任务,即:创新中国(上海)自由贸易试验区制度体系;加快转变各级政府的职能;推进新一轮浦东综合配套改革。3.聚焦六大重点领域,即:建立统一开放、竞争有序、公平有效的市场体系;建立事权、财权和支出责任相匹配的现代财税体制;建立开放包容、多元竞争的文化体制机制;建立党委领导、政府主导、多方参与的社会治理体系;建立平等参与、共同分享的城乡发展一体化体制机制;建立系统完整、区域联动的生态文明制度体系。  相似文献   

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) specifies guidelines covering the securement system and environment for wheeled mobility device (WhMD) passengers on the public bus system in the United States, referred to as the wheelchair tiedown and occupant restraint system (WTORS). The misuse or disuse of the WTORS system can be a source of injury for WhMD passengers riding the buses. The purpose of this study was to quantify the risks posed to the bus driver while performing the WTORS procedure using traditional ergonomic analysis methods. Four bus drivers completed the WTORS procedure for a representative passenger seated in three different WhMDs: manual wheelchair (MWC), scooter (SCTR), and power wheelchair (PWC). Potential work-related risks were identified using the four most applicable ergonomic assessment tools: PLIBEL, RULA, REBA, and iLMM. Task evaluation results revealed high levels of risk to be present to drivers during the WTORS procedure. The securement station space design and equipment layout were identified as contributing factors forcing drivers to adopt awkward postures while performing the WTORS task. These risk factors are known contributors to injury and the drivers could opt to improperly secure the passengers to avoid that risk.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国城市基层治理结构经历了以“单位制”为主转向以“街居制”为主的制度变迁。由于“街居制”在运作中面临一些深层矛盾,街道办事处改革的呼声一直很高。推进城市治理结构扁平化,有必要撤销街道办事处,由区政府直接指导社区建设,实行“二级政府、二级管理”体制。撤销街道办事处是一项系统工程,它有待于推进大部门体制、调整行政区划、培育非营利组织、发展公私合作关系等配套改革相支持。  相似文献   

卢道典  蔡喆 《城市观察》2012,(2):110-118
关于我国的城市规划管理权限一直存在"集中"与"放权"的讨论,并且城市规划管理体制也存在差异。通过对全国部分城市的规划管理体制进行梳理,从市、区(县、市)两级分权视角总结出我国城市规划管理体制中的"垂直型"、"半垂直型"和"非垂直型"三种典型模式,分别以南京、北京和上海为案例分析三种规划管理体制典型模式的主要特点和事权划分,并对其各自的优缺点进行比较,最后提出我国城市规划管理体制改革的若干建议,包括将规划决策权"上收"与实施管理重心"下移"、建立"市—区—镇(街)"三级规划管理机构体系、整合市区两级规划部门内部机构设置形成"大处室"和"大科室"以及完善城市规划委员会制度等。  相似文献   

Low-floor buses represent a significant improvement in accessible public transit for passengers with limited mobility. However, there is still a need for research on the inclusive design of transit buses to identify specific low-floor bus design conditions that are either particularly accommodating or challenging for passengers with functional and mobility impairments. These include doorway locations, seating configuration and the large front wheel-well covers that collectively impact boarding, alighting and interior movement of passengers. Findings from a laboratory study using a static full-scale simulation of a lowfloor bus to evaluate the impact of seating configuration and crowding on interior movement and accessibility for individuals with and without walking aids are presented (n=41). Simulated bus journeys that included boarding, fare payment, seating, and alighting were performed. Results from video observations and subjective assessments showed differences in boarding and alighting performance and users' perceptions of task difficulty. The need for assistive design features (e.g. handholds, stanchions), legroom and stowage space for walking aids was evident. These results demonstrate that specific design conditions in low-floor buses can significantly impact design preference among those who use walking aids. Consideration of ergonomics and inclusive design can therefore be used to improve the design of low-floor buses.  相似文献   

街道作为城市基层政府及行政管理的末端,街道体制改革实质是我国城市基层治理结构和治理能力建设问题。新世纪以来各地都在探索街道体制的改革,并形成了不尽相同的模式。本文对一些有代表性的街道改革模式进行分析,对各种模式的特点及发展空间进行讨论,从中分析我国城市街道体制改革的发展方向,并就进一步深化和推进街道体制改革提出政策建议,强调街道体制改革必须坚持以人为本、服务优先;坚持社会本位、社区自治;坚持政社分开、各司其职;坚持多方参与、协同治理;坚持立足国情、因地制宜。在街道体制改革的同时必须进一步推进城市宏观体制的改革,为街道体制创造条件,提供空间。  相似文献   

许庆 《科学发展》2013,(5):14-18
现阶段城市户籍实际代表了三项公共服务:以城市最低生活保障为主的社会救助服务,以经济适用房和廉租房实物或租金补贴为主的政府补贴性住房安排,以及迁移人口子女在城市公立学校平等就学的机会。户籍制度改革的关键,就在于如何通过有效的政策改革方案,为外来人口提供可支付的住房,以及为其子女教育建立有效的融资机制,从而使外来务工人员主要是农民工可以在城市定居下来。土地制度改革可以作为突破口,通过城中村政府和村民有效的公私合作,充分利用市场机制为外来人口提供可支付住房,辅以相关财税体制改革,同时可以有效解决外来务工人员子女的教育问题。在通过土地制度改革和相关财税体制改革有效解决了外来人口住房问题和子女教育问题后,户籍制度改革也就完成了实质性突破。  相似文献   

Abstract Food safety governance is shaped by social relationships among the state, the industry, and the public in the food system in a given country. This paper examines the contestation among actors in New Zealand's red meat chain over the implementation of the Animal Product Act of 1999 (APA), which became a cornerstone in the reform of food safety governance. The discussion focuses on the APA's impact on three types of social relations in the red meat chain, those between: (a) the state and the industry; (b) consumers and citizens; and (c) New Zealand and “offshore.” This paper argues that food safety governance is an important element of the moral economy in a given country and poses both policy and ethical challenges in balancing conflicting needs between the global and local agrofood systems.  相似文献   

参照国家相关法规、规范,结合上海市交通统计指标体系、业务应用实际和已建、在建管理信息系统数据库设计,研究并规范了城市交通客货运输行业的经营业户、营运车辆、营运线路、交通设施和从业人员等管理对象及其有关管理内容的基础信息分类与编码。  相似文献   

童潇 《科学发展》2016,(12):45-55
推动社会组织参与治理是完善城市公共治理、提升治理绩效的重要一环.上海应提升对社会组织作用的认识水平,推动社会组织进一步填补城市公共治理漏洞:促进社会组织优化产品和服务,提升精细化水平,改善城市公共治理绩效;积极构建整合社会组织参与城市公共治理的格局体系,促进社会组织广泛参与;完善体制机制、丰富和拓宽参与渠道,提升参与便捷性和有效性;搭建协作平台,促进多主体协作联动,提升治理效率.  相似文献   

Cape Town's buses were the last in South Africa to be segregated forcibly on racial lines. Bus apartheid was not imposed overnight however. In the hostile environment of the late 1950s, it was enforced by degrees only. Organised resistance waned gradually and was deflected. A new norm of bus travel was allowed to take root and social cleavages became accentuated. With a foot in the door, apartheid did its own work and was rewarded by a remarkable surge of white opinion in favour of even more thorough racialism as from the late 1960s. Slow racial desegregation of buses a decade later owed little, if anything, to pressure from individual Capetonians who by then were firmly under the apartheid spell.  相似文献   

An interdisciplinary debate emerged in the 1990s about the nature of homeless governance in neoliberal cities. Contributions to this discussion have interrogated the form, function, and legitimacy of contemporary homeless management. Urban scholars have differentiated three techniques of homeless governance: punishment, support, and discipline. A subset of scholarship has defined punitive governance as an illegitimate act of repression that promotes urban revitalization by excluding the homeless from urban political economies, supportive governance as a legitimate act of voluntary or coercive care that helps the homeless survive a traumatic life experience, and disciplinary governance as an illegitimate act of production that fortifies urban political economies by including rather than excluding homeless individuals into bourgeois institutions. An emerging body of research demonstrates frontline workers coordinate these techniques of governance to pursue the aims of institutional elites. This article outlines the main points of contention in this debate, examines significant empirical findings that scholars have reported, and identifies salient knowledge gaps to be addressed in future research.  相似文献   

街道作为城市基层政府及行政管理的末端,街道体制改革实质是我国城市基层治理结构和治理能力建设问题。本文在梳理学界关于街道体制的争论及其有待澄清的地方的基础上,以湖北省黄石市街道体制的改革为例,讨论改革的源起与作为,发现其改革的效果并不乐观,但在后续的改革政策中,也在逐步调整。对街道体制改革进行思考,撤销街道办的改革应坚持推进大部门体制改革,逐步规范社区组织架构,完善社区治理结构等等。在城市基层治理体制改革的实践中,对于是否撤销街道办事处,更要探索适合本地实际的改革方法,真正做到因地渐进改革。  相似文献   

根据上海目前商业化示范运营的CNG公交客车和超级电容公交客车,与国产柴油公交客车和无轨电车的运行实际状况从车辆的环保性、可靠性及全生命周期综合经济成本等方面进行对比分析,并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

At present, Many countries have attach great importance to the governance of society. Community, the most basic unit in the governance of urban society, is a vital content to promote the development of the national governance system and the modern management capacity. This paperanalyzes the main problems and causes of urban community governance, and tries to provide a new way of governance for China's urban community governance through the Corporatism.  相似文献   

Managing urban green space as part of an ongoing social-ecological transformation poses novel governance issues, particularly in post-industrial settings. Urban green spaces operate as small-scale nodes in larger networks of ecological reserves that provide and maintain key ecosystem services such as pollination, water retention and infiltration, and sustainable food production. In an urban mosaic, a myriad of social and ecological components factor into aggregating and managing land to maintain or increase the flow of ecosystem services associated with green spaces. Vacant lots (a form of urban green space) are being repurposed for multiple functions, such as habitat for biodiversity, including arthropods that provide pollination services to other green areas; to capture urban runoff that eases the burden on ageing wastewater systems and other civic infrastructure; and to reduce urban heat island effects. Because of the uncertainty and complexities of managing for ecosystem services in urban settings, we advocate for a governance approach that is adaptive and iterative in nature—adaptive governance—to address the ever changing social order underlying post-industrial cities and offer the rise of land banks as an example of governance innovation.  相似文献   

Although e-government initiatives have been credited as enginesof government reform, empirical evidence is insufficient todetermine their effects on public sector performance. To explorethe impact of e-government on local governance, this articleexamines how e-government initiatives influence the perceivedperformance of environmental decision making in an urban contextand what organizational and contextual factors affect Web-aideddecision performance. Data were collected from the content analysisof city government Web sites and a nationwide survey of cityofficials in Korea. Findings from path analysis show that (1)information technology leadership of senior management and Website quality are key to decision intelligence, quality, andspeed and (2) e-government Web divide, a gap in the capabilityof city Web sites to support public service delivery and democraticinteraction, translates into disparities in environmental decisionperformance across cities. Additionally, environmental activismis a significant factor shaping the impact of e-government onenvironmental decision making. E-government initiatives contributeto local governance performance, but their impacts vary, dependingon Web site quality and the entrepreneurial leadership of publicmanagers.  相似文献   

分析国外城市公用事业市场化进程中的规制改革路径,梳理合同规制在城市公用事业规制中的明显优势,并结合我国城市公用事业市场化方式的特点和所暴露的问题,提出在我国城市公用事业规制改革中尝试实施合同规制。  相似文献   

Prior to 2007, two systems of bus driver compensation coexisted in Santiago, Chile: one paid drivers per passenger transported, while the other paid a fixed wage. Per‐passenger drivers engaged in “The War for the Fare,” altering their driving patterns to compete for passengers. Examining these systems on similar routes in Santiago, we observed two key findings. Compared with the fixed‐wage system, the per‐passenger system leads to (1) 13% shorter passenger wait times, via reduced bunching of buses and (2) 67% more accidents per kilometer driven, via more aggressive driving. We discuss implications for the design of incentives in public transit. (JEL L92, M52, R41)  相似文献   

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