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Suzhou is located in the eastern part of China,and has a relatively developed economy. Based on local conditions,the local population and family planning department explored a new focus in the reform of family planning work,based on the goal of providing legalized,personalized, socialized and market-oriented family planning services.The reform employed the following practices.  相似文献   

China Population Today Jimo is a county-level city located in east China抯 Shandong Province with a population of 1.07 million. It抯 one of the pilots in China for implementing the QoC in family planning. In the past two years, local government made a move that was so welcomed by local people. That was: returned family planning deposit in full. Collection of family planning deposit in Jimo could be dated back to 1993, when administrative directives were needed in urging couples of …  相似文献   

According to the 12th National People’s Congress,China has newly founded the National Health and Family Planning Commission by merging former Ministry of Health and National Population and Family Planning Commission.The restructuring has clearly indicated the end of the"family planning comprehensive reform"and the reform of overall plan to solve the population problem,as the State Council is repositioning the population and family planning work.Under the new institution,we have opportunities together with challenges,that is,the resource allocation of medical care and public health services and that of family planning services can be optimized,but there are still contradictions and problems in the service concept and method.Besides,some typical areas of family planning work may face embarrassment,namely,full population information technology,FP system of rewards and assistance,research and consultation of floating population,etc.  相似文献   

Population and family planning is the biggest issue concerning people’ s livelihood.The 11th Five-year Plan period is a period,during which major progress was made in China’ s population and family planning understaking and the masses benefited the most.Final Assessment of the implementation of the 11th Five-  相似文献   

In 2012, in accordance with the decisions and plans of the Party .Central Committee and the StateCouncil, health and family planning departments at all levels had accelerated the establishment and improvement of national medical insurance system, reinforced and improved the basic drug system and the new operational mechanism for grass-roots; orderly promoted reform on public hospitals and made efforts to improve medical and health services; put forth efforts to strengthen the prevention and control of major diseases and food safety monitoring, and made solid progress in promoting family planning. The health and family planning undertakings had developed steadily.  相似文献   

On September 25, 1980, the CPC Central Committee issued "An Open Letter to All CPC Members and All Members of China Communist Youth League on the issue of Controlling Population Growth". The "Open Letter" is a milestone in the history of population and family planning in China, as it encouraged that one couple had one child in the 30 to 40 years that followed. To commemorate the 30th anniversary of the "Open Letter",  相似文献   

The government family planning department provides financial support to rural households that implement family planning policies. Rural households having only one child or two girls which implement family planning policies are financially supported by special funds from central and local governments when  相似文献   

In line with the requirements of the National Population and Family Planning Commission to reform the existing population and family planning system,in recent years,Dalian has focused on realizing the public functions of the family planning system and the“people first”notion in order to set up a new population and family planning work mechanism.Thanks to their efforts,the population and family planning work in Dalian has made a great leap forward.  相似文献   

In recent years, the local family planning authorities in Nan an have taken a series of effective measures to improve the management of and services for local residents working outside the city. The actions they have taken include the implementation of five concrete measures, the establishment of four service platforms and the opening of three information exchange channels.  相似文献   

With the promotion of the population and family planning committee in the district and local family planning association, the "True-Feelings Interaction Society" was founded on August 23, 2005 as one part of th"eConsolation and Assistance Action for Rural  相似文献   

China will further the reform of the population andfamily planning financial investment system byincluding the population and family planning fund in the government budget, said Zhang Weiqing,Minister of the National Population and FamilyPlanning Commission, at a July teleconference onRewarding Outstanding Organizations andIndividuals in the Anti-SARS War. As one of its ten objectives for the year 2003, theNPFPC is working closely with the financialdepartment to draft a concrete pla…  相似文献   

A Revolutionary Change Reform by nature is a complicated undertaking;the most important thing is to develop a modern spirit and vision first.After more than 30 years of arduous efforts,China achieved a stable,low fertility rate in the late-1990s,an impressive feat.However,the country s population and family planning sector still retained many remnants of the planned-economy era, which is increasingly incompatible with socioeconomic reform.It has become imperative that the family planning sector catch up with the pace of overall reform in China. Reform against such a backdrop has therefore assumed a special importance and urgency.It is not a piecemeal fix of the original system, but rather a revolutionary change. The basic starting point is putting people first and letting people be the greatest beneficiary of reform.  相似文献   

Attitude change toward marriage and childbearing on the part of the married reproductive-age population is a key component of the family planning program and an effective way to reduce and stabilize the fertility rate. To understand how people view marriage and childbearing, the Zhejiang Family Planning Commission conducted a survey in August 2000 in 45 villages and urban residential communities in five county-level administrative units, Zhejiang province. The five places were Gongshu distr…  相似文献   

We must take hold of the historical opportunity of China's third reform in rural areas to intensify the implementation of the rural population and family planning programs at the grassroots level.Family planning departments must keep up with the requirements set forth by the central government to reduce the staff and improve the qualifications of family planning workers. By doing so, the population and family planning management and service network can better meet the needs for economic develo…  相似文献   

For 30 years, the family planning workers have made great efforts to promote the cause of family planning by carrying out the principles proposed in the "Open Letter" by CPC Central Committee, thus making an important contribution to effectively alleviating the pressure of population on environment and improving prenatal and postnatal care. However, it must be noted that China's population problem has always been a major economic and social development issue,  相似文献   

In 2013, in accordance with the decisions and plans of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, health and thmily planning departments at all levels continuously deepened the reform of medical and health system; reinforced and improved the basic drug systeln and the new operation mechanism for grass-roots medical institutions; actively promoted re/bnn of public hospitals: did well in prevention and control of majo,- diseases and medical and health services: enhanced food safety; and achieved breakthroughs in family planning retbnn, The development of health and thmily planning undertakings progressed steadily and made a good start.  相似文献   

According to Xinhua News Agency, Haikou government will release education vouchers worth RMB 400 per person per year to children aged 3 to 6 who possess the household registration of the city and comply with family planning policies.The vouchers can be used in all the registered public and private kindergartens in the city.  相似文献   

By the end of 2005, Suzhou had a migrant population of nearly four million, accounting for 62.7% of the permanent population, according to local statistics. This group of people has become critical to the local socioeconomic development, and family planning management and services among these people has also constituted an important component of the work of local family planning authorities.  相似文献   

In late 1999 and early 2000, the China PopulationInformation and Research Center conducted asituation analysis survey in Yingshan County ofHubei Province and Lipu County of Guangxi ZhuangAutonomous Region. The purpose of the survey was toexplore the feasibility of applying the experiences ofthe eastern provinces in implementing the Quality ofCare program to the vast and relatively backwardcentral and western regions.The survey in the two counties included twodiscussions with local FP of…  相似文献   

ince its inception in the late 1970s and along with the reform and opening-up drive, the family planning program in China has brought significant changes to the national economy as well as people抯 lives. During the two decades, the central government and the State Council issued a series of documents guiding the national family planning work. These include the Open Letter to All Party and Youth League Members on Controlling Population Growth in China issued in 1980, the Decision on Stre…  相似文献   

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