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高校辅导员专业化和职业化的制约因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高校辅导员专业化培养和职业化发展既是高校提高大学生思想政治教育有效性和辅导员队伍适应高校教育改革的要求,也是辅导员自身发展的需要。面对当前辅导员队伍呈现管理强而教育弱、工作范畴的全职型而非专业型和缺乏相关学科专业背景知识的实际状况,高校应明确辅导员工作职责、对辅导员工作进行专业划分、建立以综合能力为主的高校辅导员提升内容及评价体系、开展学生工作的学科建设和科学研究、制定切实可行的辅导员专业技术职务评定体系,为辅导员专业化和职业化铺平道路。  相似文献   

The study examined whether differences in gender and family status affect parental caregiving disposition and acceptance of children among parents of children in mid-childhood. The number of participants were 122 divorced-custodial fathers, 107 married fathers, 85 divorced-custodial mothers, and 82 married mothers (n?=?398). A comparison among four groups of parents revealed the following gender differences: mothers scored higher on anxious caregiving and parental acceptance than fathers, and lower on avoidant caregiving. Regression analysis indicated that the higher the caregiving avoidance or anxiety, the lower the parental acceptance. Family status moderated parental acceptance, as avoidant caregiving was associated with reduced parental acceptance among married parents, but not among divorced custodial parents. The finding that avoidant caregiving was not associated with reduced acceptance among divorced custodial parents implies that their parental acceptance behaviors toward their children are affected by their parental status as sole custodial parent, and the associated responsibilities, rather than by gender.  相似文献   

Background: As conventional cigarette use is declining, electronic cigarette (“e-cigarette”) use is rising and is especially high among college students. Few studies examine dual use of e-cigarettes and cigarettes among this population. This study explores the relationship between dual and exclusive e-cigarette / cigarette use and perceptions of harm and addictiveness of both products. Methods: This is a cross-sectional analysis of data from students attending 24 colleges in Texas (n=5,482). Multinomial logistic regression was employed to test the association between current e-cigarette / cigarette use and perceived harm and addictiveness of both products. Three tobacco groups were included: cigarette only users, e-cigarette only users, and dual users. Results: Dual users reported lower perceived harm of e-cigarettes most consistently (p<0.001, all comparisons). Perceived harm of cigarettes was significantly lower among cigarette only and dual users only, compared to non-users (p<0.001, all comparisons). Compared to non-users, all three groups reported significantly lower perceived addictiveness of e-cigarettes (p<0.001, all comparisons). The same finding was observed for perceived addictiveness of cigarettes, though findings were less consistent for the e-cigarette only group (p<0.02, all comparisons except one). Conclusion: Findings demonstrate that among college students, perceptions of harm and addictiveness of e-cigarettes are lower than those for conventional cigarettes. For both products, perceptions of harm and addictiveness were lower among exclusive and dual users, compared to non-users.  相似文献   

This study investigated different types of friendships and the behavioral profiles of different types of friends in relation to individual adjustment. In 102 classes with preadolescents (mean age 11), 737 independent friendship dyads, and in 149 classes with adolescents (mean age 14), 1,102 friendship dyads were identified. At each age group, cluster analyses on the behavioral profiles of the dyads yielded three friendship types, with two types of friends within each friendship type: Socially Withdrawn friendship (Victimized Withdrawn and Prosocial Withdrawn friends), Prosocial friendship (High Prosocial and Less Prosocial friends), and Antisocial friendship (Bullying Antisocial and Antisocial friends). The behavioral profiles of the two friends in Prosocial friendships were marked by similarity and in the other two types by complementarity. Both Victimized Withdrawn and Bullying Antisocial friends were less adjusted than participants without friends while Prosocial friends were more adjusted.  相似文献   


Historically, federal and state legislation placed different conditions on same- and opposite-sex couples' ability to marry, adopt, or exercise their parental rights. Given the historical intertwining of marriage and parenting, legal issues remain hinged on differing conceptions of marriage and what constitutes a legal family in the United States, especially for same-sex partners compared to their different-sexed couple counterparts. This article provides a historical review of decisions that serve as the foundation for queer parenting rights in the United States. A key focus is on the impact of the U.S. Supreme Court Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) marriage decision on queer parenting and its relevance to researchers and practitioners whose work involves queer families. State discrepancies continue to exist for the treatment of parental rights in spite of the legalization of same-sex marriage. Finally, suggestions are provided for future directions for the field.  相似文献   

We extended on previous work by examining the contextual nature of parenting goals in mothers and fathers of adolescents. We also examined dyadic parenting similarity in parenting responses and parenting goals. Participants were 285 primarily professional (48.6%), White (82.7%) parents of adolescents aged 14 to 17 years old (mothers n = 213, fathers n = 68, dyads n = 43). Results of a 2 × 2 × 6 MANCOVA indicated that parenting goals were influenced by characteristics of the situation but not by parent or adolescent gender. There was dyadic parenting similarity for parenting responses and dyadic similarity for parenting goals. The implications of these findings for parenting interventions and future parenting research using within family comparisons are discussed.  相似文献   


This article is a qualitative study which addresses the interacting relationship between the environmental context of care giving and abuse and neglect of older adults. These are examined through a thematic content analysis of risk factors identified in sixteen ‘in depth’ interviews of abused and neglected victims including two of their abusers. The interviews provide a portrait of their past and present situations, their roles and relationships and the process through which the interviewees move into their described process of powerlessness.

The interviewees are analysed through a critical, systemic, ecological analysis of the historical, gender and cultural perspectives of the interviewees. Through the relationships of the victims and their abusers in the macro, meso, exo and micro systems, questions are raised about the growing debate regarding changes in family patterns and demographics that affect how societies define the provision of care to their dependent adults. They demonstrate that violence is produced by complex interacting systems and significant events, that impact on the life courses of some older adults and some care givers leading them into powerless positions and resulting in abuse and neglect.  相似文献   

This paper examines the problem of how institutions and the phenomena called formal or large-scale organization exist—the problem of the ontology of organizations and institutions. It addresses this problem using an approach that has been developed as part of a sociology exploring the social from women's standpoint, from which standpoint the extra-locality and objectification of these forms of organization are problematized. For the most part, sociology formulates the phenomena of organizations and institutions in lexical forms of organization, institution, information, communication and the like, which suppress the presence of subjects and the local practices that produce the extra-local and objective. This paper argues that texts (or documents) are essential to the objectification of organizations and institutions and to how they exist as such. It suggests that exploring how texts mediate, regulate and authorize people's activities expands the scope of ethnographic method beyond the limits of observation; texts are to be seen as they enter into people's local practices of wrking, drawing, reading, looking and so on. They must be examined as they coordinate people's activities.  相似文献   

On croit généralement que l'lslamisme est une confession religieuse égalitaire et qu'il en découle que les sociétés où l'on est de cette religion n'ont pas un systéme rigide de stratification. A la suite d'une recherche effectuée auprès de paysans musulmans dans le nord de l'lnde et dans les régions orientale et occidentale du Pakistan, l'auteur indique au contraire que des classes rigides existent dans des sociétés de religion islamique. II tente de démontrer que la rigidité de cette stratification tient en partie à la tradition islamique même et pas seule-ment à rinfluence des castes hindoues.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to highlight the voices and lived experiences of four families and their transgender children (male to female). The methodology consists of a qualitative case study approach and ethnographic research methods over the course of 1 year. With a focus on mezzo and macro-level issues, the results of this article illustrate some of the ways that these families navigate their child’s transition, the social challenges that they experience from a society that adheres to the gender binary, and institutional challenges that this community faces in the realms of education, religion, medicine, and mental health. A discussion follows of the ways in which social workers can promote the health, happiness and the well-being of gender-variant children and their families within the community. We conclude with advocating for re-conceptualizing rigid and binary definitions of gender and challenging institutions that perpetuate oppression against trans children and their families.  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which women as a group have a distinctive understanding of politics and power. Using the theoretical framework of the perceptual-representational system and the Associative Group Analysis (AGA) methodology, the study examines the subjective differences in political meanings of 148 male and female delegates attending their respective Democratic and Republican national conventions in 1984. The data do not indicate that a unique male or female subjective political culture exists. Both Republican men and Democratic women comprehend a politics of connectedness. They differ in terms of the nature, purposes, and type of connectedness.  相似文献   

Depression and maladaptive coping styles are important components of theories of pathological gambling and are frequently foci of treatment with individuals with gambling problems. The present study aimed to improve understanding and treatment of pathological gambling by comparing levels of depression and styles of coping in male and female members of Gamblers Anonymous (GA) to a group of non-pathological gambling controls matched according to gender, age, education, and income. Pathological gambling was measured by the South Oaks Gambling Scale, depression by the Beck Depression Inventory, and coping styles by the Problem-Focused Styles of Coping inventory. Results showed that GA members reported significantly higher levels of depression and more maladaptive styles of coping than controls. Pathological gamblers' greater use of maladaptive coping was evident even when variance attributable to depression was removed, suggesting that their coping deficits may be pervasive. Female subjects reported significantly greater levels of depression and maladaptive coping thantheir male counterparts. Implications for treating depression and coping styles in pathological gamblers are discussed.  相似文献   

经济要发展离不开科技,科技要进步离不开人才,开发人才必须以人为本。经济发展、科技发展、人才发展三个方面政策措施配套、有机结合,才能形成人才资源开发资本化、持续化。  相似文献   

纪崴 《职业时空》2002,(6):36-37
根据《合同法》中《融资租赁合同》的规定,融资租赁是出租人根据承租人对出卖人、租赁物的选择,向出卖人购买租赁物,提供给承租人使用,承租人支付租金的租赁形式。它是一种融通资金和融通物资相结合的筹集资本设备的方式。承租人通过融资租赁,既获得了设备的使用权,又解决了筹措资金的困难。  相似文献   

《思想道德修养与法律基础》是一门多学科交织融合的课程,融思想性、政治性、知识性、综合性、实践性于一体。以教学目标为基础,构建超越教材内容体系的教学体系,实施专题式教学,是适应该课程特点、符合"学马列要精、要管用"要求、吻合大学生的心理倾向、实现课程组成员优势互补,增强教学实效性的有效途径。专题式教学的有效实施,不仅要求科学地重构和设计教学内容,使之具有针对性、深入性、前瞻性、实践性,要求教师具有过硬的理论功底、渊博的学科知识、与时俱进的精神,还需要多元化考核方式综合评定学生成绩。  相似文献   

陈滨 《职业时空》2004,(5):42-43
管理的目的是“激活”人,而非“管死”人。在区域经济一体化和经济全球化的今天,人力资源的开发与管理,不仅关系到一个企业的成败,更影响到一个国家综合国力的强弱。据报载,美国某大公司A想以丰厚的条件聘用荷兰公司的技术骨干C,但C觉得B公司对自己一直不错而舍不得离开,最后A公司为了得到C,而将B公司整个买下。无独有偶,目前互联网上流行着这样一个现代寓言:上帝对比尔·盖茨说,因为你是世界首富,所以我允许你离开地球,到另一个星球去生活,但你只能带走一样东西,你想带走你的财富还是亲人呢?比尔·盖茨回答道:不!我将带走我公司里最优秀…  相似文献   

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