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蔡元培的"以美育代宗教说"不仅是一个重要的现代美学命题,更是现代中国一个极具诱惑力的文化现代性主张;既是一个启蒙现代性方案,又具有审美现代性的内涵;既深受西方现代思想的影响,又难掩文化保守主义倾向;既包含终极追求精神,又体现出世俗关怀的抱负.这些价值矛盾的生成是同中国社会思想文化的复杂生存形态及其发展路径紧密相关的. 相似文献
科学和宗教之间的冲突有两个来源,一是宗教与超自然主义的关联,一是宗教世界观和科学共同体的世界观的冲突.克服这种冲突是过程哲学的目的之一.怀特海为克服这种冲突提供了一种新形式的、拒斥了超自然主义、把宗教观念和科学观念等同起来的自然主义. 相似文献
由美国核心文化WASP和"公民宗教"所塑造的美国国家特质中的宗教性,尤其是强烈的宗教认同感和宗教信仰在其社会生活中的重要地位,使得宗教的影响力相比别国而言更容易渗透到美国外交政策中。宗教价值观念是"美国例外论"和"天命观"的主要根源,在外交政策上表现为"威尔逊主义"外交理念,进而对美国外交决策者的外交思维和外交行为造成影响,并形成对外输出民主价值观念的政策偏好。国内宗教团体利用广泛的社会资本,通过民主的渠道,将自身的政策主张上升到外交决策中并影响美国对外关系的议事日程。传教士利用自身对对象国的了解,为外交决策者提供情报,并有可能受邀参与决策过程从而影响外交决策。 相似文献
The Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church discusses the role of the church in Russian society and politics, and argues against giving other religions a place in the school curriculum. 相似文献
This article draws on a household survey of giving and volunteering undertaken as part of the Giving Australia project to explore the relationship between religion and the giving behaviour of adult Australians. We find that people who identify themselves as having a religion are more likely to give and to give more on average than people who do not but that this relationship is produced by a subset of this group; namely, people who regularly attend religious services. Indeed, the likelihood of giving and average amounts given by givers over a year increase with levels of attendance at religious services. The relationship holds even after allowing for other factors that affect the likelihood of a person giving and the amount given. It also holds for giving to nonreligious causes (ie when giving to religion is omitted). However, when we also omit giving to charities and look at giving to civic causes alone we find that the frequency of attendance at religious services has an ambiguous relationship with giving. A suggestion in overseas literature that it is participation in religious groups, rather than attendance at religious services that is associated with giving is not supported. 相似文献
This article draws on a household survey of giving and volunteering undertaken as part of the Giving Australia project to explore the relationship between religion and the giving behaviour of adult Australians. We find that people who identify themselves as having a religion are more likely to give and to give more on average than people who do not but that this relationship is produced by a subset of this group; namely, people who regularly attend religious services. Indeed, the likelihood of giving and average amounts given by givers over a year increase with levels of attendance at religious services. The relationship holds even after allowing for other factors that affect the likelihood of a person giving and the amount given. It also holds for giving to nonreligious causes (ie when giving to religion is omitted). However, when we also omit giving to charities and look at giving to civic causes alone we find that the frequency of attendance at religious services has an ambiguous relationship with giving. A suggestion in overseas literature that it is participation in religious groups, rather than attendance at religious services that is associated with giving is not supported. 相似文献
《Russian social science review : a journal of translations》2013,54(4):64-78
It has become a banal statement (one that does not elicit objections) that we are living in "troubled" times. This is not the place to talk about the causes of such a situation; what we have to deal with here are the consequences. The breakdown of dogmas in the social consciousness in a period of instability is primarily a threat to young people. We are faced with the danger of producing a generation of "children of perestroika," who have lost their faith in everything and everyone, who are filled with negativism, total denial, and quiet desperation, who carry in themselves, at best, moral deafness and fierce egotism. The crisis of worldview in society may produce a generation of "lukewarm" people who are not capable of any personal or social creativity and service. At the same time, however, the crisis opens possibilities for a genuine rebirth of culture, for reactivation of the quest for "self" on the part of every person and of society as a whole. This active striving on the part of the healthy portion of young people must be met by today's intellectual elite with full knowledge and understanding of the situation, with a readiness and ability to satisfy the needs for a worldview of their fellow citizens, drawing upon all the values of our native and world culture. These needs must be truly satisfied, not by pumping out the latest current "lies" or by manufacturing the "most progressive doctrines of modern times" atthe request of this or that social body, because our society cannot stand to be deceived one more time. 相似文献
《Russian social science review : a journal of translations》2013,54(7):41-56
The authors of this article attempt to define the religious person in the USSR, including such aspects as degree of faith, age, sex and nationality. They examine various social forces tending to produce religious belief and describe the efforts of churches on the one hand, and of atheist organizations on the other, to win adherents to their respective viewpoints. "Concreteness in the Study and Overcoming of Religion," Voprosy Filosofii, 1961, No. 3 — slightly abridged. 相似文献
20 0 3年 ,两位学兄朱明忠和尚会鹏的大作《印度教 :宗教与社会》由世界知识出版社出版了。作为同行、同事和友人 ,他们自然要赠书与我。他们赠送的目的 ,不仅仅是为了纪念 ,更主要的是让我分享他们的感受 (苦与乐 ) ,分享他们的成果 (苦乐果 )。他们出版的书已经不少 ,我读他们的书也已经不少 ,从中获益当然也就不少。这一次 ,我想把读这本书的体会写出来。印度是神秘的 ,大家都这么说。但印度神秘在哪里 ?最简单最直接的答复是 :印度的神秘主要来自印度教。一旦走进印度 ,要想真正比较深入地了解印度 ,就必须对印度教有一个较全面和较系统… 相似文献
Links between religion and prejudice have been interpreted to suggest that religion can both reduce and exacerbate prejudice. Here, the analysis of religion as a meaning system illuminates how religion can affect intergroup attitudes. Traditional psychological perspectives on religion and prejudice are summarized, followed by a discussion of religion and prejudice in cross-cultural and cross-religious contexts, involving varying target groups. Next, we explore possible explanatory mechanisms by proposing how four levels of meaning associated with religion—cognitive, motivational, societal, and intergroup—may both promote and attenuate prejudice. Finally, additional factors that might facilitate the paradoxical coexistence of religious egalitarian intentions with prejudiced attitudes are considered, and we speculate about the potential for religious groups to reduce prejudice within their adherents. 相似文献
通过对祝村调查,本文指出:(1)尽管在许多正式的制度安排上,个体已成为首要的权责承担者,但在实际的社会生活和政治行为中,当代农民尚处于从"村民"、"族人"等等走向以个体为本位的"公民"的途中;(2)在利益关系是约束农民政治参与的最根本、最重要的因素的情况下,宗族对于农民的政治参与、特别是对于宏观政治的参与,实际上已没有太大的影响;(3)从祝村调查还可以进一步看出,不能仅仅将宗族作为"自变量"来看它对农民政治参与的影响,还应该将宗族对政治参与、政治发展的影响本身看作是经济、政治、文化等宏观变化的"因变量". 相似文献
信奉的原始宗教慕容鲜卑人和生活在中国北方的古代其他民族一样,在对世间万物崇拜的过程中逐渐产生出原始宗教观念。他们崇拜的对象很单纯,主要是自然。自然崇拜是以万物有灵为思想基础 相似文献
S. D. Lebedev 《Russian social science review : a journal of translations》2013,54(5):81-100
A study of the value structure of students investigates correlations of value hierarchies with religious/secular orientations and exposure to school curricula incorporating a course in Orthodox culture. 相似文献
《社区工作》课程是社会工作专业的十大主干课程之一,如何上好本门课程,笔者进行了很多探索,本文在实验的基础上,主要分析了分组教学在《社区工作》课程教学中的意义,希望对其他课程的教学改革有所启发. 相似文献