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Nowadays the whole world is closely related with the cross-cultural bond.A college student either majoring in the English language or not is supposed to acquire a basic knowledge of English lexicology,especially culture-loaded words,including both its theoretic principles,its influence on other branches of language and its currently social meaning.It has been proved that more and more linguists and students pay increasing attention to this field.  相似文献   

The financial sector is playing a more central role in agriculture. This article analyzes the external provision of finance for farmers in Britain and the Irish Republic, drawing principally on interviews with bankers and specialist providers of agricultural finance. The development of farm credit institutions in the two countries and their subsequent commercialization is discussed. Agriculture is commercially attractive to lenders as part of a balanced portfolio because of its stable, low risk character. Credit selectivity is confirmed as a feature of lender behaviour, although its consequences are likely to be more far reaching in Ireland. Lenders' perceptions of the financial sophistication of farmers is assessed, the more financially sophisticated farmer being more receptive to the logic of the financial sector and hence a more attractive customer. An emphasis on tax avoidance can lead farmers into irrational borrowing decisions. Larger farmers are better placed to take advantage of lending opportunities and new financial instruments.  相似文献   

A sociological practice program has much to offer an undergraduate sociology department that wishes to make itself more relevant to its students, university, and larger community. Reasons are explored for why a department might choose to transform its program from a more traditional liberals arts focus to that of sociological practice. A discussion of the programmatic content of a practice program, including structure, curriculum design, and professional culture, is detailed. The experience of Our Lady of the Lake University in developing its accredited undergraduate sociological practice program is offered as an example of program development.  相似文献   

In this comprehensive analytical overview, the author pays particular attention to the changing structure of China's employment towards more private‐sector jobs in urban areas; its rising wages and widening earnings inequality; the persistence of its hukou system, causing labour market discrimination, an urban labour shortage and a rural labour surplus; its more market‐oriented wage structure, albeit with segmentation between firm ownership types; its relatively low unemployment; and the relatively weak role of its traditional labour market institutions, including minimum wages and trade unions. The aim is to contribute to the development of more suitable, China‐specific theoretical models and sound policy analysis.  相似文献   

海湾合作委员会是中东地区乃至世界上一体化进程取得较大成果的区域组织之一,该组织的决策机制运作和程序规则引起学者越来越多的关注。本文从背景分析入手,梳理海合会主要职能机构的权责分配,并对其决策机制的运行、决策程序和方式进行研究,总结其特征,同时对决策机制存在的缺陷进行分析,力求透过决策机制和程序运行的发展轨迹来研究该组织决策机制的发展进程,以利于中阿双方进一步开展全方位合作。  相似文献   

Cyberpunk's influence upon our understanding of the information revolution is indicated by the fact that its seminal novel, Neuromancer (Gibson 1984), is accredited with the coining of the now widespread non-fictional concept of cyberspace. Beyond providing this resonant concept, however,some of the genre's more recent work known as biopunk is shown to provide fresh insights into the cultural experience of a society increasingly transformed, not only by the extent of technological change in a new informational age, but also its unprecedented pace. This paper reviews cyberpunk to demonstrate the vivid ways in which it uses its fictional licence to catalogue and articulate imaginatively a profoundly ambivalent aspect of contemporary culture in the age of information. We find ourselves interacting more and more closely and rapidly with information, yet at the same time, we feel increasingly run down by the effort demanded of such close and rapid interaction: hence the title-phrases, informational intimacy and futuristic flu. Numerous examples are provided of cyberpunk'szeitgeist-capturing qualities in the face of a profound and rapid information-induced paradigm shift. A mismatch is shown to exist between the conceptual categories we have at our disposal and the qualitatively new scenarios created by the latest information technologies. This paper argues, however, that assuming one maintains a healthy sense of its various deliberate ironies, cyberpunk's fictional exaggerations are seen as potentially instructive elements for a society striving to avoid a bout of techno-influenza.  相似文献   

陈龙江 《城市观察》2014,34(6):155-165
一方面,城市经济国际化表现为生产、交易和消费的国际化,另一方面,城市经济国际化又可分为内向和外向国际化。因此,可同时从生产、交易、消费三个维度和内向、外向两个维度评估广州近年的经济国际化进程。结果表明,总体而言,从国际化进程看,广州经济国际化程度呈下降态势;从国际化程度来看,经济国际化程度总体仍较低;从国际化的内外向比较看,广州经济的内向国际化强于外向国际化;从国际化的城际比较看,广州经济国际化总体略强于北京。基于以上结论,广州应从最薄弱环节入手,以推进生产要素国际化为重点提升广州生产国际化水平,以扩大服务贸易为重点提升广州交易国际化水平,以扩大消费品进口为重点提升广州消费的国际化水平。  相似文献   

Two different roles for mental health professionals in contested custody cases are presented. The first, the evaluator of competence model, is the more traditional one; its underpinnings are individually-oriented concepts: the clinician is a diagnostician and evaluator, making a recommendation to the court, and the family's input in the decision-making is minimal. The second role, a facilitator of change, comes out of family therapy theory; its focus is on helping the family to change and resolve their issues so that custody can be decided fairly: it is evaluative only secondarily, that is, if the family is unable to resolve the dilemma themselves. When working with contested custody cases, which are really unresolved family problems, the second approach is more promising.  相似文献   

The economic forces underlying Brexit—and the election of Donald Trump in the US—are similar, but they are also well advanced in many European countries, where much of the population faces similar material insecurity and stagnation. These frustrations can easily be channelled by right-wing xenophobic forces. To combat this, the EU needs to undo some of its design flaws and particularly its adherence to fiscal austerity rules. Only a more progressive and more flexible union based on solidarity of peoples is likely to survive.  相似文献   

The developmental perspective is attracting more attention today as conventional residual and institutional approaches to social welfare lose appeal. This article explains the need to adopt a developmental perspective, traces its history, describes its key features, and outlines implications for social work education with reference to the educational needs of a new century.  相似文献   

This article is a case study of an ongoing singing protest in Wisconsin, the group that calls itself Solidarity Sing Along (SSA). An offshoot of the 2011 Wisconsin Uprising, for the first 15 months of its existence SSA was an important nexus of local activists working to recall Republican state senators and the governor. After the recall's failure the group not only continued to carry on but quite effortlessly reoriented its claim making and centered its protests on the freedom to assemble and petition the government, which had been an important cause from early on. Maintaining its pro-labor orientation, SSA has become part of a broader movement for democratic citizenship rights. Situating the group in musical practices of the Wisconsin protests and social movements more generally, I show that how SSA makes and performs its music makes it a part of the citizenship movement. This case study reveals a novel form of claim making within the repertoire of contention practiced by social movements: SSA is a ‘part-time occupation’ and as such has potential to be more resilient and durable than ‘permanent’ occupations à la Occupy Wall Street.  相似文献   

The World Social Forum (WSF) is the world’s largest activist network to date. Its global, regional, national, and thematic events have gathered since 2001 millions of participants and thousands of civil society and social movement organisations. Its cosmopolitan vision is built on resistance to the planetary domination by neo-liberal globalisation. This paper unpacks WSF’s cosmopolitan project and reflects on its vision of emancipated individuals, convivial communities, and a just planetary society in harmony with the environment. In its open organisational space, WSF’s cosmopolitan project develops while in the process of political action rather than prior to that. At the same time, power dynamics, ideological cleavages, and pragmatic concerns about organisation and strategy challenge WSF’s ability to pursue its goals. However, it is these internal tensions that make WSF’s cosmopolitan project both more difficult to achieve and more realistic than claims of universal unity among all its participants.  相似文献   

Policy Linkage and Uncertainty in International Agreements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article uses noncooperative game theory to analyze the potential benefits of linking trade agreements to agreements covering domestic policies in a world of uncertainty. I show that nonlinkage is more desirable if there is a positive probability that a country will erroneously believe that its trading partner is cheating on the agreement (triggering an unnecessary punishment phase). In contrast, linkage is more desirable if there is a positive probability that cheating will go unnoticed.  相似文献   

Mandating that employers provide job-related benefits is not a free lunch for employees. Despite the claims of some advocates of mandated benofts, economists have long recognized that much of the cost of those benefifs is passed on to employees in lower wages. What has gone unrecognized is that the more employees pay fir a mandated bentefit relative to its cost the more they gain from having the benefit provided.  相似文献   

Building the next generation of leaders in the disabilities movement   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The results from this study highlight ways that the disabilities community within the USA can begin to further promote the numbers and qualities of its leaders. Twenty-one grassroots and statewide leaders of the disabilities movement in one state described how they became a leader and identified ways that the disabilities movement can more effectively promote leadership within its ranks. Overall, our informants highlighted the need for the disabilities movement to re-examine its current definitions of and approaches to leadership development. They described the need for a more collective, versus individualistic, approach to leadership within the disabilities movement and the adoption of a more integrated, action learning approach to leadership development. Implications for the disabilities movement are discussed.  相似文献   

Visual framing is a popular paradigm for media research around the world but its conceptualisation remains vague and often neglects the richness of images. Just as with framing theory generally, its definition and operationalisation are matters of considerable debate. Visual framing’s many applications may be advantageous for their bridging properties but at the same time demand theoretical refinement. Based on a review of 165 scholarly publications from the humanities and social sciences, this essay first argues that media research tends to emphasise literal depictions more than visual conventions or production, falling short of its interrogative and critical potential. The essay then proposes a model of visual framing that attends more carefully to the contingency and materiality of images in order to strengthen the paradigm’s explanatory and critical value.  相似文献   

中东地区一直是国际社会关注的焦点,一个重要原因是该地区有持续不断的恐怖主义活动。中东恐怖主义的危害越来越严重、广泛,几乎没有地区和大国幸免。分析中东恐怖主义外在的一些特点有助于探究其内在和本质的因素。本文主要分析了中东地区恐怖主义的持续性、国际性、宗教性、巴以冲突为核心、三大目标、与战乱相伴生、现代化等几个特点。  相似文献   

The article argues that the Stalinist state in post-war Hungary aimed to use the wage relation as a central component of its policies to rationalise the organisation of production in industry. It attempted this by trying to discipline workers through the introduction of a form of "payment by results" which subordinated the workforce to the discipline of "clock time." In complete contrast to state intentions, the planned economy developed its own rhythms and it was to these that the workforce came to respond. These responses led to a high degree of informal conflict on Hungarian shop floors, a process which re-shaped worker identity, making it more particular in its nature. The implication behind this argument is that the Stalinist state was less powerful than many have suggested, and that research should focus more on the economy if the roots of social change under state socialism are to be found.  相似文献   

Schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) is considered to be a “schizophrenia spectrum disorder” as evidenced in part by its cross-listing in that chapter of the DSM-5. SPD is considered to be a condition with limited potential for positive change because one of its major features is the presence of a biologically based cognitive deficit. This assumption, however, is an example of the medical model’s creating a bias against psychosocial features that are always involved in character development. The social work profession’s bio-psycho-social perspectives focus more comprehensively on all features of the condition and promote a more optimistic view of clients’ change potentials. The purposes of this paper are to examine SPD from a social work perspective and to demonstrate, with a case example, how effective intervention can be organized and delivered.  相似文献   

This article reviews a range of new and established writing on deindustrialisation. It traces the origins of the concept from its popularisation in the early 1980s with the onset of large scale loss in the industrial regions of North America and Europe. We argue that with the passage of time, the academic field of deindustrialisation has matured as the scale and consequences of industrial loss become more apparent. We suggest here that sociology has not made the contribution it could have in this debate and that one of the key strengths of the area is its interdisciplinary nature; especially from disciplines such as geography, anthropology, and social history. Its key aim is to explain why this is the case and suggest that by fully engaging with the issue of deindustrialisation and the range of new material available, the sociology of economic life can develop a more rounded account both of work and its absence.  相似文献   

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