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公共领域内的社会发展离不开正确处理政府与市场的相互关系。民营化只是一种改善公共治理的方式,它是否是一种有效的方式,能否成为有效的方式,都取决与政府的治理和政府对市场的积极作为,政府在民营化中的责任不但不能移交,而更应该强化其责任。 相似文献
公共服务民营化打破了传统公共领域和私人领域之间的平衡,急剧转化为这样一种模式:政府的作用日益缩小,市场力量的发挥越来越重要。然而在现有的理论中迄今为止还没有形成一套完整的关于在公共服务民营化中,政府应当承担什么责任以及如何承担的理论。本文分析了公共服务民营化过程中所出现的问题,并探讨了政府在其过程中承担的责任,以此为基础,探索出了一套适合民营化发展的理论,即民营化的协同规制模式。 相似文献
在西方“新公共管理”范式与思潮的影响下,20世纪90年代以来,我国政府开始在公共服务领域进行民营化探索.本文浅谈政府公共服务民营化存在的问题. 相似文献
十堰市的公交民营化改革持续了五年之久,五年期间,公共交通何去何从始终没有得到解决,其中最核心的问题是:公共服务应该由谁来承担。在多次尝试民营化改革过后,民营公交公司始终没有能力承担起城市公共交通的重担,仍然在于公共服务的非营利性和企业目标利益最大化的矛盾,而解决这个问题的根本方法是政府承担起公共服务,政府的职能向服务型转变。 相似文献
随着市场经济的发展,市场对社会资源的配置作用越来越强;同时,政府供给公共服务时存在的问题也日渐突出,亟待解决。公共服务市场化改革是大势所趋。我国正处于社会主义市场经济转型期,原有的行政管理体制己远远落后于经济体制。因此,在借鉴西方国家公共服务市场化改革的经验基础上,我国政府应着重思考在市场经济体制下如何转变政府职能,推行公共服务市场化改革。 相似文献
我国社会主义经济的发展,促进了我国公共服务均等化。基本公共服务均等化建立在以人为本和谐社会的基础理念上。具体表现在社会公平公正、社会和谐、以及拉近农村与城市的发展距离的科学发展观念。对于经济社会,经济体制与政治体制的进一步改革,政府财政发挥领导作用。本文通过三个层面进行全面解析我国基本公共服务均等化的现状,并提出政府财政改革的基本路线。 相似文献
本文介绍了BOT、PPP和ABS三种民间资本融资方式,并且分析了民营化模式所面临的风险,目的是通过对其风险的识别、评价,能够最终找到合理可行的应对策略,使高速公路民营化模式在我国得到更好的推广和应用。 相似文献
企业社会责任与企业伦理是何关系既是一个理论问题,也是一个现实问题。跳出仅仅从概念视角分析文献中实际采用的定义的局限,提出“3+2”的分析框架,即从三个视角(基本概念、学科领域和社会运动)、两个层面(现实层面和理论层面)分析企业社会责任和企业伦理的关系。分析表明:企业社会责任概念与企业伦理概念之间的关系,不同于企业社会责任领域与企业伦理领域之间的关系,也不同于企业社会责任运动与企业伦理运动之间的关系;同样是企业社会责任和企业伦理概念之间、领域之间和运动之间的关系,现实层面的关系和理论层面的关系也有差异;企业社会责任和企业伦理既非互不相干,亦非完全等同,也不是简单的一个包含另一个的关系,而是既有区别,又有联系的关系。 相似文献
<正>地名是一项重要的公共服务,地名管理工作的根本目的,是通过推行并逐步实现地名标准化,以充分发挥地名的各项功能,为城市自身的建设和发展提供条件、为公民日常生活的便捷提供服务。政府要为公众提供便捷、易记、好找的地名,就要创新提供地名公共服务的方式。地名公共服务的民营化就是完善地名服务的路径之一。新公共管理理论强调充分利用私营部门,以建立一个可靠的、有效 相似文献
转型期经济研究是当前我国经济学界关注的一个热点和前沿课题.转型经济中应如何掌握计划经济向市场经济过渡的进程、如何看待国有企业民营化中的私有化现象是我们在探讨转型经济理论时首先要思考的问题.运用美国学者阿列克西夫等人提出的以劳动力和资本为基础的简化模型分析这一问题,并尝试作出相关的经济解释. 相似文献
Frank Heinemann Rosemarie Nagel Peter Ockenfels 《Econometrica : journal of the Econometric Society》2004,72(5):1583-1599
The theory of global games has shown that coordination games with multiple equilibria may have a unique equilibrium if certain parameters of the payoff function are private information instead of common knowledge. We report the results of an experiment designed to test the predictions of this theory. Comparing sessions with common and private information, we observe only small differences in behavior. For common information, subjects coordinate on threshold strategies that deviate from the global game solution towards the payoff‐dominant equilibrium. For private information, thresholds are closer to the global game solution than for common information. Variations in the payoff function affect behavior as predicted by comparative statics of the global game solution. Predictability of coordination points is about the same for both information conditions. 相似文献
Diverse businesses, such as garbage collection, retail banking, and management consulting are often tied together under the heading of “services”, based on little more than a perception that they are intangible and do not manufacture anything. Such definitions inadequately identify managerial and operational implications common among, and unique to, services. We present a “Unified Services Theory” (UST) to clearly delineate service processes from non‐service processes and to identify key commonalities across seemingly disparate service businesses. The UST defines a service production process as one that relies on customer inputs; customers act as suppliers for all service processes. Non‐services (such as make‐to‐stock manufacturing) rely on customer selection of outputs, payment for outputs, and occasional feedback, but production is not dependent upon inputs from individual customers. The UST reveals principles that are common to the wide range of services and provides a unifying foundation for various theories and models of service operations, such as the traditional “characteristics of services” and Customer Contact Theory. The UST has significant operational corollaries pertaining to capacity and demand management, service quality, services strategy, and so forth. The UST provides a common reference point to which services management researchers can anchor future theory‐building and theory‐testing research. 相似文献
Michihiro Kandori Ichiro Obara 《Econometrica : journal of the Econometric Society》2006,74(2):499-519
Most theoretical or applied research on repeated games with imperfect monitoring has focused on public strategies: strategies that depend solely on the history of publicly observable signals. This paper sheds light on the role of private strategies: strategies that depend not only on public signals, but also on players' own actions in the past. Our main finding is that players can sometimes make better use of information by using private strategies and that efficiency in repeated games can be improved. Our equilibrium private strategy for repeated prisoners' dilemma games consists of two states and has the property that each player's optimal strategy is independent of the other player's state. 相似文献
环境污染与经济增长对居民的公共健康水平有重要影响,但基于面板数据对此问题分区域的研究较少。本文在Grossman健康生产函数的基础上加入环境污染等多重因素,使用中国30个省市区1997年到2010年的面板数据,建立个体固定效应模型,将我国划分为东部、中部和西部三个区域,实证分析了环境污染、经济增长与医疗卫生服务对不同区域居民公共健康的影响及其差异。研究发现:环境污染、经济增长、医疗卫生服务与居民公共健康存在长期均衡的协整关系,经济增长与全国、东部和中部的公共健康关系呈现倒U型的特征;具体而言:东部区域,曲线已达到拐点,中部区域,当人均GDP为3311元时,曲线达到拐点;全国以及东、中、西部区域,工业烟尘排放量与人口死亡率呈正向关关系,工业二氧化硫排放量与人口死亡率只在中部地区显著正相关;全国、东部和中部区域人均医生数与人口死亡率呈显著负相关,西部地区未呈现这一特性;人均医疗保健支出与人口死亡率在中部地区显著负相关,医疗卫生服务可有效减少环境污染对居民的健康威胁。因此,制定差别化的环境污染、经济增长与医疗服务政策等有利于提升全国以及东中西部居民的公共健康水平。 相似文献
Since 1992, the budget deficits of larger German cities increased from less than one billion Euros to more than nine billion in 2005. The reasons for this fiscal collapse were a worsening economic situation partly caused by lower government revenue and higher costs of unemployment benefits. In order to reduce their deficits, the municipalities started privatizing and outsourcing large sectors of public administration. Leipzig rejected the path of privatization and became the pioneer in organizing large-scale municipal companies. This approach brought essential social benefits, most needed revenues, greater efficiency in delivering services and allowed the city to reduce almost by 50% the number of its administrative staff. 相似文献
The New Public Management (NPM) has often been favorably contrasted with European Public Administration (EPA). This paper
attempts to balance this Anglo-American perspective with a relatively new European critique of NPM which its authors call
the Neo-Weberian State (NWS). Despite their differences in some key respects, however, it is argued that the NPM and NWS are
similar in their sweeping paradigmatic character, their ambiguities and internal inconsistencies, their inability to go beyond
instrumental rationality and incorporate forms of hermeneutic and critical reason, and in their advocacy of bureaucracy via
participation under certain historical conditions, hence consistent with Weber’s characterization of modern organization and
management. The paper, based on the authors’ rendering of critical social theory, provides a fresh means for bridging the
two perspectives.
David Y. Miller (Corresponding author)Email: |
通过剖析企业软实力的内涵和构成要素,发现企业软实力和企业竞争力两者高度关联,共同构成企业能力.企业通过履行社会责任,影响不同的利益相关者,从而获得利益相关者的价值认同,有助于形成企业软实力.通过对民营企业经营实践正反两方面典型案例的讨论,证实了具有社会责任意识的企业有助于企业软实力的提升,揭示了企业履行社会责任与企业软实力的传导关系. 相似文献
This paper explores how large UK financial institutions (FIs) pursued a private corporate governance agenda with their portfolio companies. It also investigates the role of financial reporting in private and public corporate governance. The case financial institutions argued that the limited quality of public information, especially in financial reports, was a major constraint on their ability to act in fund management and corporate governance roles. However, the financial reporting cycle determined a private institutional and company meeting cycle and this created opportunities for private information collection and for governance influence by FIs. In addition, the perceived limitations of public governance mechanisms such as voting encouraged private governance approaches. As a result, the case financial institutions had the incentive and the means to improve the quality of their sources of corporate information and to obtain a competitive edge over other financial institutions and the market through their direct contact with companies. Despite the limitations of public information, the paper reveals how public disclosure in financial statements and the financial reporting cycle played a central role in corporate governance. Public sources of information were combined with private sources to create a financial institutional knowledge advantage. The institutions used this knowledge to diagnose problem areas in strategy, management quality, and the effectiveness of the board, and their impact on financial performance. The financial reporting cycle meant that the quasi insider financial institution had the access opportunity and the joint public/private insight to influence companies across a wide corporate governance agenda and in a range of corporate circumstances. The case institutions exploited these private access and knowledge advantages for investment purposes and for Cadbury style corporate governance purposes. Thus, the private governance process was critically dependent on the FI knowledge advantage, which in turn relied on both financial reports and private disclosure. This wide ranging governance behaviour by institutions corresponds to recommendations subsequently made by the Hampel report in 1998 concerning UK corporate governance. The paper ends by exploring how the private institutional and company meeting agenda can suggest new directions for financial reporting and public disclosure and how this can further improve public and private corporate governance. 相似文献
基于中国情境,运用经典扎根理论研究方法,以广州、深圳城市基层政府的环卫服务外包为样本,研究了中国城市基层政府公共服务外包的动因。中国城市基层政府公共服务外包的动因同时来自内部与外部,受政治和经济两方面因素的影响。政治压力强化是中国城市基层政府的公共服务职能的不完全外包现象的动因。同时,采用经典扎根理论研究方法进行政府公共服务外包研究也具有方法论的创新。 相似文献