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The present pilot study explored the structure of writer’s blockades under consideration of the theory of subjective imperatives within an educational-psychological trial. The pilot study had two goals: (1) to test if introvision can be applied to writer’s blockades, and (2) to analyze by means of case studies which subjective imperatives respectively imperativic structures can form the basis of writing blockades. Six student subjects (five female, one male) were counseled individually with the objective of bringing an end to imperative processes that impede writing. The counseling interviews were recorded and transcribed first and subsequently analyzed sentence by sentence on the basis of the ‘theory of (subjective) imperatives’ text analysis method with respect to subjective imperatives, conflict dodging strategies (KUS) and core imperatives. The results revealed layers of subjective imperatives, beginning with imperatives related to writing in the topmost layer. Each of the six subjects showed core imperatives in the bottom layer that were linked to some form of fear of death or similar existential negative emotions and that presumably affect other aspects of live and personality as well.  相似文献   

The ability of mental self regulation is becoming more and more important to shape change processes. Change agents often experience, especially in potentially difficult situations, limits of self regulation by volition. Imperating oneself as an effort of self control by unconditional commandments has a blocking impact on mental self regulation. Introvision supports mental self regulation in a mode of calmness, which can be described as operating effortless and deliberately. In an attitude of calmness it is possible not to slide into inner conflicts, even when facing difficult situations. Instead it is possible to make use of one‘s whole action repertoire and include the context of change processes. calmness also has a positive impact on group dynamics. The atmosphere becomes more relaxed, dialog ability and the capability of problem solving is supported.  相似文献   

The following article describes the first empirical study of the effectiveness of Introvision as a pedagogical – psychological intervention for tinnitus. Introvision is based on the theory of subjective imperatives and the theory of mental introference. The intention was to ceace dysfunctional automatical selfregulation- strategies. Studies of the past have shown that dysfunctional selfregulation- strategies are a cause of increased subjective strain of tinnitus. The following pilot study, accomplished within a bigger project was conducted with 13 elder persons suffering from light to moderate tinnitus in a six-week-intervention with Introvision. Comparison to a control group without intervention showed a significant reduction of the tinnitus in the introvision group (STI, p ≤0.022). At the same time the audiometrically measured hearing ability of the Introvisiongroup increased significantly compared to the controlgroup (p≤0.001) while a decrease of the subjective loudness of the tinnitus could be only partially ascertained.  相似文献   

Introvision is a new method of mental self regulation. Its development is the result of a long term research program at the University of Hamburg headed by the author. Introvision aims at resolving inner conflicts and mental blocks and hence regaining equanimity and a clear mind in difficult situations. It is based on the assumption that inner restlessness is the result of cognitive affective introference, a process of overwriting cognitions which entails selectively linking them with increased arousal, tension and inhibition. Introvision aims at extinguishing such automatic introference in two steps. Step 1 entails finding the core conflict by a set procedure which is based on the theory of subjective imperatives. In step 2, the subject is asked to focus his or her attention on this cognition without actively introfering with it awareness of-what-is in order to extinguish the automatic Interference coupled with this cognition. This method needs to be practiced beforehand over a period of several weeks.  相似文献   

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