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“宣南”是古都北京宣武门迤南一带地域的泛称。这一泛称在清代诗人墨客的诗词文集中多有所见 ,约定俗成 ,流传至今。谭嗣同生于宣南 ,死于宣南 ,在宣南留下了可歌可泣的感人事迹。本文记述了谭氏与宣南的生死情缘。同时 ,今年是谭嗣同戊戌政变被捕英勇就义 10 5周年 ,谨以此文纪念这位中国近代杰出的改革家、思想家。  相似文献   

北京的近代报刊出现较晚 ,辛亥革命后成为全国报刊发行中心之一。北京近代报刊的发行中心在宣南地区 ,尤其是以琉璃厂为中心的区域。这一分布特征的形成是受到清代形成的宣南士人文化的影响 ,是宣南文化的余波。其内容反映了北京官僚、知识阶层及民众的政治倾向。  相似文献   

康熙年间“宣南”的士人交游   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文人交游本是中国传统士大夫世代相传的生活方式 ,而“宣南”的文人交游 ,又因京师特殊的中心地位 ,格外引人注目。在清代 ,“宣南”的士人交游与有清一代的思想、学术、诗文风气的转变有着千丝万缕的联系。本文借助各种诗文著述中的星散记载 ,以“见之于行事”的方式 ,清理和爬梳康熙年间“宣南”士人交游的实况 ;在立足史料的基础上 ,借许多片断的相互勾连、拼接 ,勾画出虽不尽完整 ,但真实可信的“宣南”士人文学交游图景  相似文献   

5月10日,母亲节的前一天,由《半岛新生活》与凤凰心灵会馆共同举办的亲子心灵舒缓主题沙龙在阳光百货VIP俱乐部举行,《半岛新生活》的20余位读者参加了这次活动,两个小时的沙龙远远不能满足这些父母们的要求,她们纷纷希望以后继续举行类似的沙龙活动。这次主题沙龙源于我参加过的一次亲子心理沙龙,那次在凤凰心灵会馆举  相似文献   

清前期京师宣南士乡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清前期京师宣南士乡吴建雍顺治五年(1648年),根据清廷颁布的谕旨,京师实行“满、汉分城居住”。此后历经一个多世纪,在宣武门外逐渐形成了一个以汉族朝官、京员以及士子为主要人口的社区,人们习惯上将它称为宣南。笔者将宣南称作“士乡”,是沿用春秋时期对士民...  相似文献   

清代宣南因汉族士大夫聚居于此而有“宣南士乡”之称。汉族士大夫聚居宣南缘于清政府“满汉分城而居”的政策 ,而宣南特有的人文环境则是在 10 0多年间经由各方面的演化和积淀逐渐形成的。在这一过程中 ,士人社区的规模及功能、汉族士大夫的趣味与生活方式、人文传统的负载和积淀等几方面因素的作用尤其值得关注。  相似文献   

《士林交游与风气变迁》一书着重研究19世纪北京宣南的文人群体,在两个方面给人以深刻的印象:研究理论与方法的审慎选择及深入思考,既注重对新理论、新方法的运用,又切合古典文学的实际,让传统文论中的"诗可以群"焕发生机;资料丰赡,考订精审,新见纷呈,对方志、笔记、别集等资料充分征引,史料翔实,注重述证与辨证的结合,得出令人信服的结论。  相似文献   

《浙江日报》,为中共浙江省委的机关报,是全省较大的舆论机关之一。《浙江日报》解放之前,是伪《东南日报》;而《东南日报》的前身,则为《杭州民国日报》。因此,若回顾《浙江日报》的历史,不能不从《杭州民国日报》谈起。一《杭州民国日报》创办在民国十六年(一九二七年)北伐军光复浙江之后,历史较短,一九三四年之后便改各为《东南日报》了。《杭州民国日报》当时发行有限,几经战乱破坏,残存报纸已经不多。《杭州民国日报》馆址,起初设在兴无路,后来移到开元路幽冀会馆(亦称奉直会  相似文献   

为了正确了解美国的情况,究竟有哪些书值得一读?现由各方面的专家加以选介,并经本刊编辑部整理汇集成文如下。一、日本国际文化会馆理事长松本重治评介有关研究美国历史和民主主义的名著。他认为,要想知道美国民主主义思想的原始模式,仍然应当向古典著作中去探索。他从中选择了富兰克林的《自传》、杰弗逊的《独立宣言》、汉密尔顿等人的《联邦主义派》及托克维尔的《美国民主制度论》。富兰克林的《自传》,把当时这个典型美国人的前半生描绘得栩栩如生,就是在今天的文  相似文献   

本文通过考证近代以来尤其是清末会馆的发展和变迁,分析了市场化进程对会馆功能、地位的影响,得出清末会馆的三个显著特点:一是会馆作为市场组织的功能日益突出,二是作为市场经营主体的功能日益突出,三是作为商业资本集团的功能日益突出。  相似文献   

Taking a nomadic community in Inner Mongolia autonomous region of China as an example, this paper analyzes the local characteristics of chronic diseases suffered by families and nomads in the nomadic area of Inner Mongolia and puts forward the problem of ignoring the local cultural and ecological factors in the social welfare system dealing with the chronic diseases of nomadic area. The paper describes disregard of the welfare system, institutions, communities, families, and individuals of chronic diseases in the nomadic area and points out that social work practice research should be carried out based on the cultural and ecological relevance and local knowledge of the nomadic area. It is believed that the family healthcare model suitable for nomadic area has practical significance for effectively dealing with chronic diseases in the nomadic area.  相似文献   

Summary This paper critically examines assumptions underlying the beliefthat the organization of service delivery through a system ofarea teams has major advantages in the field of social work.It is generally felt that area teams are accompanied: (1) byimproved client access to service provision, (2) by a closeridentification with the local area on the part of social workers,(3) by decentralized organizational decision-making, and (4)by an increased sense of colleague support amongst professionalstaff. A review of some relevant literature casts doubt on thevalidity of these assumptions and reveals that the operationalacceptance of the area team principle has not been complementedby thorough investigations of organizational and other influenceson service delivery. In outline a programme of further researchis proposed. The paper attempts to broaden discussion on thissubject and place the basic philosophy of area teams for comparisonagainst a body of empirical research material.  相似文献   

This paper aims to analyse the relationship between the euro/dollar exchange rate and oil prices and examine what effect this relationship had on the transmission of oil price fluctuations to headline inflation in the euro area since the currency’s creation. We estimate an augmented Phillips curve including changes in oil price, through which we study the role of the exchange rate in oil price pass-through by using different specifications. The main findings reveal a positive relationship between the euro/dollar exchange rate and oil prices, such that an increase in the price of oil is followed by an appreciation in the euro. We also find that the transmission of oil price fluctuations to headline inflation in the euro area has been partially dampened by this appreciation in the euro/dollar exchange rate. These results do not hold for other economies with internationally relevant currencies, such as Japan and the United Kingdom. These findings have important implications for the implementation of monetary policy in the euro area in the face of oil price shocks.  相似文献   

农村"空心化"已成为中国社会经济发展过程中中西部地区的一种普遍现象,年轻人的流失突显了农村的养老问题。在年轻人回乡事亲孝亲和农村社会化养老服务在短时间内都难以做到的情况下,加强农村社区社会资本建设,以协助老年人解决日常生活中的困难,成为破解"空心化"农村养老困境的现实选择和可行之路。  相似文献   

《Journal of Policy Modeling》2021,43(6):1344-1353
This study examines the effects of the announcement of a prudential rule introducing the framework for other systemically important institutions (O-SII) in euro area countries. Following the announcement of the framework, there has been some slowdown in balance sheet expansion for O-SIIs relative to other banks. O-SII banks have altered their balance sheet structure, consistent with the incentive given by the O-SII buffer to reduce complexity and interconnectedness. This has been accompanied by somewhat weaker pricing power of O-SII banks, which along with higher capital requirements seem not to have led to higher risk-taking by O-SII banks. No discernible change in risk-taking strategies along with the reduction in the funding cost advantage may have contributed to a decline in profitability of O-SIIs. Overall, the introduction of the structural, non-cyclical higher capital buffers for the key nodes of the euro area banking sector seems to have helped strengthen the resilience of these banks, and, by extension, of the financial system.  相似文献   

Summary Monitoring one year's referrals to an area office of a socialservices department, we found that of the 2,436 referrals representing2,057 cases, about half were already known to the area office.Demographically the clientele fell largely into three groups—theelderly, young families and children. The main problem groupingsconsisted of those with physical disabilities or suffering fromfrailty in old age, those with financial and environmental problems,and families with disturbed relationships and child care problems.Most of the clients had short-term help and at the end of sixmonths only 11% of the referrals were still open. Distinctive profiles emerged when comparing the routes by whichclients with different types of problems reached the area officeand the help they got once they had passed its threshold: (a) The elderly and disabled, mainly referred by the healthservices, received predominantly practical help. (b) Those with financial and material problems, largely self-referred,received information, advice and referral to other agencies. (c) The disturbed families, referred by many different sources,received detailed exploration, assessment and casework. Those clients who were passed on for more extended help to thelong-term teams—some 10% of the intake—were mainlythe very vulnerable elderly and disabled persons, and childrenwho had been taken into care or who were in need of surveillanceand protection for other reasons. The study raises questions about the methods of service deliveryin response to the demands made on the area office and discussespossible changes in approach towards more community-orientedpreventive work.  相似文献   

"中国南海"作为地理概念的产生与命名经过漫长的发展过程,反映了中国历代政府对南海作为国家海洋领土长期占有与实际控制的事实,并在近现代民族国家形成过程中得到国际社会广泛承认。民国时期在维护国家海洋国土的斗争中,以"南海断续线"标注于我国地图,既是对"中国南海"传统海疆范畴的考订与昭示,也是遵守当时国际法前提下的主权宣誓,更是依托当时国际习惯法维权的具体手段。本文认为,"南海断续线"具有"中国传统海疆线"的法理地位,符合《联合国海洋法公约》相应条款所规定的历史性权利要件,是不容否定的,这应作为我国与南海周边诸声索国就南海问题磋商与谈判的关键性法理支撑。  相似文献   

The ECB’s target was recently revised, specifying that the 2%-inflation-rate threshold must be applied symmetrically and with a medium-term orientation. In the current phase, characterized by high inflation rates and a growing risk of stagnation in the euro area, this revision of the monetary policy strategy is crucial for explaining the recent decisions of the ECB and forecasting their possible evolution. However, monetary policy can only become one of many policy tools in the euro area. Therefore, there is room for a compelling policy mix necessary to control excessive inflation and to support the medium-term sustainable growth of the European economy.  相似文献   

《Journal of Policy Modeling》2020,42(6):1310-1333
This paper investigates the effects of a euro area monetary policy shock on Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe (CESEE). We use shadow rates as a proxy for the monetary policy stance and propose a novel way of treating euro area countries in a multi-country framework. More specifically, our approach allows to place sign restrictions on both euro area aggregate and single member states’ quantities. This procedure fully takes cross-country heterogeneity within the euro area into account and leads to shocks that are economically consistent between both layers of aggregation. Our results show that prices and output fall in response to the euro area monetary tightening, both within the euro area and the CESEE region but to a varying degree. The revealed cross-country heterogeneity in the size of the effects emphasizes the usefulness and importance of our empirical approach.  相似文献   

科学发展观是同马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想既一脉相承又与时俱进的科学理论,是我国经济社会发展的重要指导方针,是发展中国特色社会主义必须坚持和贯彻的重大战略思想。在新的历史时期要以科学发展观为指导,促进民族地区农村基层党建工作,为实现民族地区新农村建设和社会主义和谐社会目标提供坚强的组织保证。  相似文献   

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