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In this article, we use the empirical likelihood method to construct the confidence region for parameters in autoregressive model with martingale difference error. It is shown that the empirical log-likelihood ratio at the true parameter converges to the standard chi-square distribution. The simulation results suggest that the empirical likelihood method outperforms the normal approximation based method in terms of coverage probability.  相似文献   

Estimation and tests for serial correlation in recation and regression models with normal error have been derive from various points of view; for example: Anderson (1948), Durbi for Watson (1950, 1951, 1971), Theil (1965), Durbin (1970), Haq (1970), Kadiyala (1970), Abrahamse & Louter (1971), Levenbac (1972), Berenblut & Webb (1973), Phillips & Harvey (1974), a Sims (1975). In this paper we derive likelihood functions and most powerful tests for serial correclation in Locationa and regression models with arbitrary but specificed error; the methods extend to include the determination of the likelihood for the parameter of the error distribution.

In Section 2, we survey the modthods that have been used in deriving the various tests and estimates in the literature. In Section 2, we introduce the stataistical model that directly describes the error distribution and we obtain the likelihood function for error correlation and determine locally and specifically kost powerful tests for correlation. In Section 3 we consider the case with normal error derive a normal distribution on the sphere by radial projection. The likelihood function and test are then specialized to the case of normal error in Section 4. The computational procedures for the tests and related power functions are examined in Section 5. Power comparisons for the textile data of Theil and Nagar (1961), the consumption data of Kelin (1950), and the plums and the wheat data of Hildreth & Lu (1960) are presented in Section 6, while the likelihood functions for correlation in these data are given in Section 7.  相似文献   

In this paper, we compare three residuals to assess departures from the error assumptions as well as to detect outlying observations in log-Burr XII regression models with censored observations. These residuals can also be used for the log-logistic regression model, which is a special case of the log-Burr XII regression model. For different parameter settings, sample sizes and censoring percentages, various simulation studies are performed and the empirical distribution of each residual is displayed and compared with the standard normal distribution. These studies suggest that the residual analysis usually performed in normal linear regression models can be straightforwardly extended to the modified martingale-type residual in log-Burr XII regression models with censored data.  相似文献   

The measurement error model (MEM) is an important model in statistics because in a regression problem, the measurement error of the explanatory variable will seriously affect the statistical inferences if measurement errors are ignored. In this paper, we revisit the MEM when both the response and explanatory variables are further involved with rounding errors. Additionally, the use of a normal mixture distribution to increase the robustness of model misspecification for the distribution of the explanatory variables in measurement error regression is in line with recent developments. This paper proposes a new method for estimating the model parameters. It can be proved that the estimates obtained by the new method possess the properties of consistency and asymptotic normality.  相似文献   

Newhouse and Oman (1971) identified the orientations with respect to the eigenvectors of X'X of the true coefficient vector of the linear regression model for which the ordinary ridge regression estimator performs best and performs worse when mean squared error is the measure of performance. In this paper the corresponding result is derived for generalized ridge regression for two risk functions: mean squared error and mean squared error of prediction.  相似文献   

The power of the classical .F-test for testing the regression coefficient of a general linear model with elliptic t error variable depends on the degrees of freedom of the t- distribution. In this note it is shown that the power of the F-test based on t-distribution is greater than the normal based test at smaller level of significance.  相似文献   

We consider likelihood and Bayesian inferences for seemingly unrelated (linear) regressions for the joint niultivariate terror (e.g. Zellner, 1976) and the independent t-error (e.g. Maronna, 1976) models. For likelihood inference, the scale matrix and the shape parameter for the joint terror model cannot be consistently estimated because of the lack of adequate information to identify the latter. The joint terror model also yields the same MLEs for the regression coefficients and the scale matrix as for the independent normal error model. which are not robust against outliers. Further, linear hypotheses with respect

to the regression coefficients also give rise to the same mill distributions AS for the independent normal error model, though the MLE has a non-normal limiting distribution. In contrast to the striking similarities between the joint t-error and the independent normal error models, the independent f-error model yields AiLEs that are lubust against uuthers. Since the MLE of the shape parameter reflects the tails of the data distributions, this model extends the independent normal error model for modeling data distributions with relatively t hicker tails. These differences are also discussed with respect to the posterior and predictive distributions for Bayesian inference.  相似文献   

A problem of estimating regression coefficients is considered when the distribution of error terms is unknown but symmetric. We propose the use of reference distributions having various kurtosis values. It is assumed that the true error distribution is one of the reference distributions, but the indicator variable for the true distribution is missing. The generalized expectation–maximization algorithm combined with a line search is developed for estimating regression coefficients. Simulation experiments are carried out to compare the performance of the proposed approach with some existing robust regression methods including least absolute deviation, Lp, Huber M regression and an approximation using normal mixtures under various error distributions. As the error distribution is far from a normal distribution, the proposed method is observed to show better performance than other methods.  相似文献   

In this article, the parametric robust regression approaches are proposed for making inferences about regression parameters in the setting of generalized linear models (GLMs). The proposed methods are able to test hypotheses on the regression coefficients in the misspecified GLMs. More specifically, it is demonstrated that with large samples, the normal and gamma regression models can be properly adjusted to become asymptotically valid for inferences about regression parameters under model misspecification. These adjusted regression models can provide the correct type I and II error probabilities and the correct coverage probability for continuous data, as long as the true underlying distributions have finite second moments.  相似文献   

In this paper, a regression semi-parametric model is considered where responses are assumed to be missing at random. From the empirical likelihood function defined based on the rank-based estimating equation, robust confidence intervals/regions of the true regression coefficient are derived. Monte Carlo simulation experiments show that the proposed approach provides more accurate confidence intervals/regions compared to its normal approximation counterpart under different model error structure. The approach is also compared with the least squares approach, and its superiority is shown whenever the error distribution in the simulation study is heavy tailed or contaminated. Finally, a real data example is given to illustrate our proposed method.  相似文献   

The prediction problem is considered for the multivariate regression model with an elliptically contoured error distribution. We show that the predictive distribution under elliptical errors assumption is the same as that obtained under normally distributed error in both the Bayesian approach using an im-proper prior and the classical approach. This gives inference robustness with respect to departures from the reference case of independent sampling from the normal distribution.  相似文献   

In survival analysis, time-dependent covariates are usually present as longitudinal data collected periodically and measured with error. The longitudinal data can be assumed to follow a linear mixed effect model and Cox regression models may be used for modelling of survival events. The hazard rate of survival times depends on the underlying time-dependent covariate measured with error, which may be described by random effects. Most existing methods proposed for such models assume a parametric distribution assumption on the random effects and specify a normally distributed error term for the linear mixed effect model. These assumptions may not be always valid in practice. In this article, we propose a new likelihood method for Cox regression models with error-contaminated time-dependent covariates. The proposed method does not require any parametric distribution assumption on random effects and random errors. Asymptotic properties for parameter estimators are provided. Simulation results show that under certain situations the proposed methods are more efficient than the existing methods.  相似文献   

The risk properties of estimators of the scale parameter after a pre-test for homogeneity of the error variances in the two sample linear regression model has received quite an amount of attention in the literature. This literature typically assumes normal disturbances and a properly specified model. In this paper we consider that both equations may be mis-specified by the omission of relevant regressors and that the error distributions may belong to a wider class than the normal distribution. We derive and analyse the exact risk (under quadratic loss) of the pre-test estimator of the scale parameter for the first sub-sample.  相似文献   

Variance estimation is a fundamental yet important problem in statistical modelling. In this paper, we propose jackknife empirical likelihood (JEL) methods for the error variance in a linear regression model. We prove that the JEL ratio converges to the standard chi-squared distribution. The asymptotic chi-squared properties for the adjusted JEL and extended JEL estimators are also established. Extensive simulation studies to compare the new JEL methods with the standard method in terms of coverage probability and interval length are conducted, and the simulation results show that our proposed JEL methods perform better than the standard method. We also illustrate the proposed methods using two real data sets.  相似文献   

Increasing attention is being given to problems involving binary outcomes with covariates subject to measurement error. Here, we consider the two group normal discriminant model where a subset of the continuous variates are subject to error and will typically be replaced by a vector of surrogates, perhaps of different dimension. Correcting for the measurement error is made possible by a double sampling scheme in which the surrogates are collected on all units and true values are obtained on a random subset of units. Such a scheme allows us to consider a rich set of measurement error models which extend the traditional additive error model. Maximum likelihood estimators and their asymptotic properties are derived under a variety of models for the relationship between true values and the surrogates. Specific attention is given to the coefficients in the resulting logistic regression model. Optimal allocations are derived which minimize the variance of the estimated slope subject to cost constraints for the case where there is a univariate covariate but a possibly multivariate surrogate.  相似文献   

The Birnbaum-Saunders regression model is becoming increasingly popular in lifetime analyses and reliability studies. In this model, the signed likelihood ratio statistic provides the basis for testing inference and construction of confidence limits for a single parameter of interest. We focus on the small sample case, where the standard normal distribution gives a poor approximation to the true distribution of the statistic. We derive three adjusted signed likelihood ratio statistics that lead to very accurate inference even for very small samples. Two empirical applications are presented.  相似文献   

When counting the number of chemical parts in air pollution studies or when comparing the occurrence of congenital malformations between a uranium mining town and a control population, we often assume Poisson distribution for the number of these rare events. Some discussions on sample size calculation under Poisson model appear elsewhere, but all these focus on the case of testing equality rather than testing equivalence. We discuss sample size and power calculation on the basis of exact distribution under Poisson models for testing non-inferiority and equivalence with respect to the mean incidence rate ratio. On the basis of large sample theory, we further develop an approximate sample size calculation formula using the normal approximation of a proposed test statistic for testing non-inferiority and an approximate power calculation formula for testing equivalence. We find that using these approximation formulae tends to produce an underestimate of the minimum required sample size calculated from using the exact test procedure. On the other hand, we find that the power corresponding to the approximate sample sizes can be actually accurate (with respect to Type I error and power) when we apply the asymptotic test procedure based on the normal distribution. We tabulate in a variety of situations the minimum mean incidence needed in the standard (or the control) population, that can easily be employed to calculate the minimum required sample size from each comparison group for testing non-inferiority and equivalence between two Poisson populations.  相似文献   

In this paper, a penalized weighted composite quantile regression estimation procedure is proposed to estimate unknown regression parameters and autoregression coefficients in the linear regression model with heavy-tailed autoregressive errors. Under some conditions, we show that the proposed estimator possesses the oracle properties. In addition, we introduce an iterative algorithm to achieve the proposed optimization problem, and use a data-driven method to choose the tuning parameters. Simulation studies demonstrate that the proposed new estimation method is robust and works much better than the least squares based method when there are outliers in the dataset or the autoregressive error distribution follows heavy-tailed distributions. Moreover, the proposed estimator works comparably to the least squares based estimator when there are no outliers and the error is normal. Finally, we apply the proposed methodology to analyze the electricity demand dataset.  相似文献   

We use what we call the bent-cable model to describe potential change-point phenomena. The class of bent cables includes the commonly used broken stick (a bent cable without a bend segment). Theory for least-squares (LS) estimation is developed for the basic bent cable, whose incoming and outgoing linear phases have slopes 0 and 1, respectively, and are joined smoothly by a quadratic bend. Conditions on the design are given to ensure regularity of the estimation problem, despite non-differentiability of the model's first partial derivatives (with respect to the covariate and model parameters). Under such conditions, we show that the LS estimators (i) are consistent, regardless of a zero or positive true bend width; and (ii) asymptotically follow a bivariate normal distribution, if the underlying cable has all three segments. In the latter case, we show that the deviance statistic has an asymptotic chi-squared distribution with two degrees of freedom.  相似文献   

The theory of acceptance sampling by variables is well known when the underlying distribution is normal. When the normality assumption is not true, using the usual normal case method can be quite misleading. In this paper we deal with the Laplace distribution for both the standard deviation known and then unknown. We establish a decision rule for accepting a lot of product containing a defective proportion p. We determine the density function of the decision rule statistic, for small and large sample sizes. We give some practical ways to choose the sample size and the acceptance constant to obtain a desired operating characteristic curve  相似文献   

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