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国际移民研究的跨国主义理论是继强调市场导向的经济理性选择论和注重政治内涵的文明冲突论之后,主要针对伴随着20世纪90年代经济区域化和全球化加速而出现的新一轮跨国移民潮的新特点不断建构和快速发展起来的。跨国主义最重要的理论贡献是它以一种开放性的理论视角和方法,在多样化的跨国移民实践中不断地被反思性建构和重构。  相似文献   

边境地区是中国与沿线和周边国家“互联互通”的关键节点和重要枢纽,在长期的历史交往与演进中所形成的跨国民族性质乃是其基本人文特征。因此,着眼于双边民族的互动交往交流,推进边境区域、跨国民族等研究融入世界民族视野,以满足新时代要求,是民族学人类学面对的主要议题。基于现实考量、学术反思与田野分析,认为在中越边境地区,越南边民的生活、节俗等入境消费习性与跨国熟人关系有着密切的正相关性,其实质是“一带一路”倡议真正惠及沿线国家和地区民众的反映,是国家之间睦邻友好、跨国民族和谐互动的基本表现。在新时代,应不断从理念上创新民族志研究方法,以期在推动民族学人类学发展的同时,为人类发展贡献出真正的学科智慧。  相似文献   

跨国婚姻作为历史上一种边境地区人群的常态化通婚形式,因民族国家边界管理方式的存在而演变成为边境地区亟需解决的社会问题。中国大陆学者在跨国婚姻的动因、身份困境与管理机制等方面做了大量研究,但仍未能形成一种具有社会文化整体观观照的研究范式。其核心原因是未能将边地社会的历史发展脉络、国外学术界关于跨国婚姻的研究及边地社会整体性的社会网络纳入到综合讨论之中,因此显示出了个案研究丰富,而研究深度、广度稍显不足的状况。所以,我们需要结合实证研究,综合三种研究视角推进跨国婚姻研究。  相似文献   

"跨国民族"这一概念在20世纪90年代提出之后即在国内学界产生了较大的影响,在近十多年的研究中,国内学者逐渐建构了一套跨国民族理论体系,形成了一种研究范式,这也推动了马克思主义民族理论的发展。  相似文献   

马曼丽教授在学术上专注国家统一、边疆安全和跨国而居的边疆聚居少数民族等现实问题研究,最早提出了"和平跨居"理论。现代跨国民族已经成为民族生态现象,是一种自然发展现象,是社会发展的必然规律。因此,任何国家必须研究跨国民族及其相关问题。无论什么民族、什么制度的国家、什么文化,其最终都应同归于追求"人的安全发展",同归于"人类的发展"以及"全球的和平发展",当然这还会经过很多曲折,但毕竟,以和平民主为主流的全球化时代是一个在矛盾冲突中寻求和谐发展的时代,所以,只有大家"殊途同归"于追求"人的最大发展"而共同努力,世界各民族才能达到和谐共生,因此"殊途同归"是现实可行的发展道路。  相似文献   

中老跨国民族及其族群关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章论述并分析了老挝民族识别与划分的理论和实践。通过对中老两国不同的民族识别和划分标准进行对比 ,认为中老跨国民族或族群若按中国的划分标准为 11个 ,若按老挝的标准为 16个。根据作者的识别和划分 ,文章进一步论述了中老跨国民族的历史和现实族群关系。最后 ,作者还就中老跨国民族及其族群关系的相关理论和实践问题进行了论述  相似文献   

在早期的移民网络中,人口的流动是单向的,海外华人在侨乡社会生活和地方政治中的影响巨大,在许多方面起着与传统社会中乡绅同样的作用.随着改革开放和第一代海外华人的老去,海外华人对侨乡的经济贡献日益减弱,侨乡从依赖转向独立发展.在新型的跨国网络建构中,祖先崇拜是重要的文化纽带.海外华人与侨乡的关系,从最初以血缘为基础的宗亲互助、以地缘为基础的社会建设和公益传统,发展为文化意义上的“寻根”,宗亲关系也呈现泛化趋势.跨国网络中的人口和资本的流动不再是单向的,归侨和“国内华侨”等现象的出现,表明“侨”的内涵也随之变化.  相似文献   

中国是一个跨国民族众多的国家,绝大多数跨国民族分布在西部地区。而西部地区又恰恰是我国的边防屏障,其安定关系到整个国家安全。时值西部大开发之际,正确认识和处理中国西部存在的跨国民族问题,无疑成为了当前研究的重要课题之一,是顺利实施西部大开发战略的重要问题所在。  相似文献   

在国际政治、经济发展新格局中,跨国民族及跨国民族问题从边缘向前沿的转变,推动研究范式的转换与创新.现代民族国家的形成发展、跨国民族形成的复杂性、国家利益的驱动、跨国民族问题的尖锐化以及既有研究范式与现实需要之间的差距,从内、外两个方面,共同构成了促使跨国民族研究范式转换的动力机制.  相似文献   

近二十年我国跨国民族研究呈现如下特点:核心概念的界定及表述尚未达成共识,实证与理论研究互为促进,研究内容日益丰富多元;但也有不足:定义及表述的各抒己见有碍研究的纵深发展,理论深度有待加强,较少关注国外同类研究,研究队伍仍显单薄。  相似文献   

A growing literature has examined the prevalence of transnational engagement among children of immigrants. However, few studies have been equipped to analyse underlying dynamics that serve to impede or perpetuate transnational practices among them in the United States. In this article, we compare transnationalism narratives between 1.5- and second-generation children of immigrants to more fully adjudicate enduring transnational ties over time. Our analysis of 134 interviews from the Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Study suggests that children of immigrants from Southern California conceptualise transnational experiences in diverse but remarkably similar ways. The meanings attached to transnational behaviours and identities employ certain patterns, and are often related to strength of kin-based ties, ethnic language fluency, and levels of structural access to the homeland. Moreover, findings indicate that the second-generation is nearly as transnationally engaged as the 1.5-generation. This provides novel but limited evidence in support of claims that transnational ties are sustained across generations.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to review how transnational engagement has been traditionally measured and then offer a proposal for measurements corresponding to how immigrants perceive their transnational practices. Based on the traditional conceptual model of immigrant transnationalism, a system of indicators was developed in accordance with a broad and integral view of the connection with their home societies. This system of indicators was applied to an Andean sample population residing in the Basque Country, Spain, and analysed using factor analysis to produce an empirical model of engagement from the traditional conceptual one. Results show the importance of the private aspect of the relationships with origin and the existence of a continuum in the immigrant connection with their home countries that ranges from the personal to the community. Moreover, two types of intensity of this connection stand out: the first suggests a mere interest in the place of origin while the second implies an active connection with their home countries, both personal and community based.  相似文献   

The increasingly global dispersion of elite athletes pursuing sporting careers is an important aspect of the global flow of sport-capital. Such sport migration lends itself to theorising that considers questions about attachment to place, particularly in relation to citizenship, identity and nationalism. Yet only recently have theoretically valuable concepts such as transnationalism, cosmopolitanism and diaspora been foregrounded in studies of sporting migrants. Based on an analysis of British and New Zealand media coverage of international yachtsman Sir Peter Blake's death, we analyse the overlapping forms of identity attributed to this apparently model transnational citizen. We conclude that this case study raises important questions about the multiplicity of identities in a globalised world and expands our understandings of diaspora beyond the classic focus on forced dispersal and non-dominant racial groups.  相似文献   

This paper explores the sensory misconduct of foreign workers in Singapore as identified by local residents in neighborhoods across the island city. Urban bodies and sensory differentiation form the focal point of discussion, given that complaints about sensory disturbances are sociocultural expressions of rejection which are connected to power relations in the city. I focus on two cases that have been identified from my research on Singapore newspaper archives dating between the 1800s and the present-day context. Employing the notion of transnational urbanism, the paper deliberates upon urban sensory politics in Singapore and shows how urban spaces are sensorially politicized by different groups through content analysis of media reports. By considering both historical and contemporary transnationalism, the paper contributes to further understandings on urbanity, migration, and sensory studies.  相似文献   


Satellite broadcasting technologies contribute a great deal to interaction across national boundaries, and in this regard satellite television is significant in the construction of a transnational public sphere for the Alevi community in Turkey and abroad. This paper addresses the role of television in the making of that transnational Alevi identity. In particular, it focuses on the flow and the programme contents of Cem TV and Yol TV, two leading Alevi channels, to demonstrate how the transnational imagination of Alevi identity corresponds to different political understandings of Aleviness.  相似文献   

This article draws on substantial ethnographic data among Ugandans in Britain and Uganda. It takes a migrant-centred approach to its discussion to reflect the relationship between assumptions of integration and institutional, socio-cultural and socio-economic dimensions. This highlights colonial transnational practices that continue to inform migrants' everyday lives. The article shows how migrants' understanding of education as a vital component of social mobility and status is attributed to the legacy of British colonial administration. This means that, for Ugandans, the process of adaptation in the UK comes with a different set of connotations, as this heritage remains of key significance to migrants' expectations. Important dimensions to the interfaces between transnationalism and integration are shown to be labour-market participation and immigration status. Place and identity emerge as points of intersectionality where the negotiated nature of transnationalism and integration processes is revealed.  相似文献   

This article examines the phenomenon of transnationalism among retired immigrants living in border areas of northern Mexico. Using in-depth interviews conducted with US retirees residing in Baja California, Mexico, we seek to examine how transnational aging is constructed through different practices, relationships, networks and exchanges between both cultures and countries. We analyse several analytical dimensions of transnationalism including social, economic, cultural, identity and belonging conditions. In particular, networks and exchanges among these elderly migrants are most frequently constructed across social and family networks, economic transfers, access to healthcare, and culture. Additionally, we find that these maintained transnational practices in northern Mexico parallel those of international retired migrants living in other parts of the world. However, we argue that the proximity to the US border enables and encourages many types of connections of varying intensities. Finally, we discuss the implications for future research linking transnationalism with international retirement migration.  相似文献   


Based on a doctoral study of Polish migrant mothers living in Germany and the United Kingdom, this paper examines women's narratives pertinent to ethnicity, gender and social class, as well as the mutual entanglements of these dimensions. While the ethnic identity matrix often evokes dimensions of transnationalism and integration, the addition of the femininity component illustrates the diversity among contemporary Polish migrant women in Western Europe with regard to their identity practices. The analyses of transnational, translocal and cosmopolitan orientations highlight their binding to a contextualized understanding of femininity – its various markers and corollary epitome of motherhood, particularly in the Polish context. The main findings comprise an ideal-type based typology of migrant mothering, which sheds light on how mobility and gender intersect. The discussions adopt the social class lens in an attempt to focus on the implications of certain maternal and migrant identities among Polish women. By underscoring the value of both integration and transnationalism perspectives, the paper calls for additional aspects of translocality and hybridization, seeing them as noticeable social markers of the Polish female migrants’ biographies.  相似文献   

文章从国际政治的视角探讨了跨界民族的社会认同问题,指出跨界民族的社会认同的主要情形如和(和谐)而不同、由合(融合)而同、因同而合(融合)与不和(和谐)不同产生的条件与影响,认为跨界民族问题的解决,首先要促使跨界民族实现本土化的转型,实现"适应-认同一融合",并在此基础上形成和谐的族群关系.  相似文献   

While remittances have come to play an important part in debates about migration and development, the link between religion, migration and transnational financial flows has yet to be understood in its full complexity. Drawing upon a multi-sited ethnography of a transnational African church, this article addresses this overlooked dimension of migrant transnationalism by analysing how religious donations converted into ‘sacred remittances’ produce a moral economy of religious life shaped by a politics of belongings at various scales. The article discusses the social meaning that diasporic actors attach to religious donations sent to the homeland (the Congo) and how this compares to the practice of sending remittances to family members. The article also argues that transnational circulation of sacralised money operates within a field of meanings and practices associated with moral expectations, entitlements and differentiated regimes of value. Sacred remittances, as ‘global money’, may generate a diversity of transnational linkages between donors and recipients but they remain embedded in landscapes of status and power.  相似文献   

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