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塔哈·侯赛因博士(1889~1973)被誉为"阿拉伯文学泰斗".他与开罗大学在埃及民族解放运动中,在阿拉伯复兴运动中,相映成辉.塔哈的生平和开罗大学的历程是埃及现代历史画卷之一.他在开罗大学求学的六年,是他一生中最重要的阶段.开罗大学赋予这位盲人青年学子一双明亮锐利的双眸一知识与厚爱,这成为塔哈征服黑暗最有力的武器.  相似文献   

塔哈·侯赛因是现代埃及著名文学家、哲学家,也是享誉阿拉伯世界的教育思想家.1919年塔哈·侯赛因从法国留学归国后,先后担任开罗大学教授、开罗大学文学院院长、亚历山大大学校长、教育部长,毕生从事教育事业和教育管理工作,形成了较为系统的教育思想.他以学校为教育改革基地,全面贯彻实施  相似文献   

1994年10月初,诺贝尔文学奖获得者——埃及著名文学家纳吉布·马哈福兹在开罗遭到暴力袭击,被极端分子刺伤,震惊世界。埃及各界人士对此恶行纷纷予以谴责。 打开阿拉伯文学史册,不难发现对文学家施虐暴并不罕见。如古代文学家麦阿里(973~1057)、贾希兹(775~868),近现代文学家阿卡德(1889~1964)、塔哈·侯赛因(1889~1973)都曾遭到迫害乃至类似的谋杀。本文就中国读者较为熟悉的埃及大文豪塔哈·侯赛因的遭际作一简述。 1925年,塔哈在埃及国立大学(开罗大学前身)讲授贾希利亚时期的诗歌时,运用笛卡尔“怀疑论”的研究方法,率先对该时期的诗歌的原有结论提出疑问,经长期研究和悉心推敲,他得出的结论是:所谓贾希利亚时期诗歌,其绝大部分作品是伊斯兰时期人们杜撰出来的,这些诗歌所反映的内容也是伊斯兰时期阿拉伯人的宗教、思想、政治和经济生活,连贾希利亚时期的语言也没有在诗歌中得到反映。 一石激起千层浪,集中体现塔哈·侯赛因这一新观点的《论贾希利亚诗歌》一出版,迅即引起巨大的社会反响。一时间,塔哈受到各方的无端指责和攻击,有人还通过报刊呼吁立即把他赶下大学讲台。除了不明是非、受蒙蔽而摇旗呐喊的青年人外,反对塔哈最为激烈的有三种人:一  相似文献   

“……教育对于每个人就像吃饭、喝水和呼吸空气一样重要。文化教育应该属于全体人民,就像空气和水一样,人人有权享用……”开罗国家大剧院里传出阵阵话音及掌声,话音铿锵有力、宏亮圆润,掌声犹如雷鸣。那是埃及人民熟悉的声音,那里在放送埃及前教育部长、“阿拉伯文学之柱”塔哈·侯赛因博士生前的讲话录音。 大剧院里正在举行盛大集会,埃及文艺界隆重纪念塔哈·侯赛因博士逝世二十周年庆祝塔哈·侯赛因纪念馆开馆。 塔哈·侯赛因纪念馆馆址在博士故居,位于开罗吉萨区的金字塔大街,名为“拉麦塔”,是阿拉伯语“拉麦”一词的双数词,其原意为“积水塘”或沙漠之中供人歇脚的地方。塔哈·侯赛因博士之所以用双数词为私宅命名,因为那是一座两层小楼,一层供博士夫妇用,另一层住着博士的儿子穆阿尼斯及其妻子。“拉麦塔”落成之初,塔哈·侯赛因博士低声细语地说:“一座房子,一个花园。在开罗,终于有了我们的私有财产。真主啊,一切赞美和感谢都归于你,你是天地之光……”仿佛他早就希望在这个世界上拥有自己的一份东西。1889年11月的一天,塔哈生于上埃及一个偏僻乡村的贫苦农家。幼儿时的塔哈,也曾领略过光明之美。但是,贫困、落后使他染上了眼病。在兄弟姐妹12人中,塔哈排行老七,因家境贫寒,父亲收入低  相似文献   

塔哈·侯赛因(1889~1973)是埃及现代著名作家、文学家、文艺批评家和思想家.他的著述丰富,是多产作家.他不仅对文学,而且对历史、哲学等都有精深研究,成为一代文宗,被誉为"阿拉伯文学之柱".塔哈由一个盲童成长为一流的埃及作家、阿拉伯文豪,这在阿拉伯文学史上实属鲜见.就其全部经历和创作来看,他在阿拉伯古代文学和现代文学之间,阿拉伯文学和世界文学之间起了桥梁作用.他在19世纪末、20世纪初的埃及文化启蒙运动中,在创建埃及乃至阿拉伯新文学运动中,在为使创作反映现实、形成具有鲜明现实主义色彩的"埃及现代派"的活动中,以及在创立新的阿拉伯文艺批评等方面,都做出了可贵的贡献.  相似文献   

这是一段现代阿拉伯文化史上的公案,涉及塔哈·侯赛因和艾哈迈德·爱敏。前者是饮誉世界的盲人文豪,后者是备受推尊的杰出学者,都出生于19世纪末的埃及农村,但塔哈是上埃及人,艾哈迈德是下埃及人。他们童年时代都在各自家乡的村塾中接受启蒙教育。 1902年,双目失明的塔哈由胞兄领着踏进了伊斯兰教最高学府爱资哈尔大学,  相似文献   

阿拉伯历史学家协会主度、埃及开罗大学文学历史首席中世纪史教授赛义德·阿卜杜·法泰哈·阿述尔博士,是研究十字军运动和伊斯兰埃及史的著名专家,在史学界享有很高的声誉。 赛义德·阿述尔1922年7月30日出生于开罗,1944年毕业于开罗大学文学院,1949年以优异成绩获得硕士学位,1954年以一流水平的论文及答辩荣获博士学位,同年担任开罗大学讲师,1960年晋升为副教授,1965年升任教授,自1967年起担任开罗大学文学院首席中世纪史教授。  相似文献   

阿拉伯文学泰斗棗塔哈·侯赛因博士(1889~1973)和中国文化革命主将棗鲁迅先生的思想、观点、创作范围、艺术特点、文学地位与生活年代都有惊人的相似。塔哈终生致力于埃及与阿拉伯民族繁荣,为此,他主张面向欧洲,吸引西方的现代文化与科学技术。他是现代沟通东西方文化的先锋与闯将,被誉为东西方文化合璧的世界文化名人。塔哈终生致力于教育与文学创作,认为教育对于人来讲,如同空气与水。他是20世纪初革新与保守、前进与倒退斗争中涌现出的现代阿拉伯复兴思想家、文学家与教育家。  相似文献   

埃及大文豪塔哈·侯赛因的故乡米尼亚,位于开罗以南二百多公里的尼罗河滨。春色宜人的四月,这座宁静的小城翠荫绕水,花事正繁,来自阿拉伯各国的诗人、作家和译注家,以及美国、英国、法国、意大利、德国、瑞士、荷兰和  相似文献   

阿拉伯文学泰斗-塔哈·侯赛因博士(1889-1973)和中国文化革命主将--鲁迅先生的思想、观点、创作范围、艺术特点、文学地位与生活年代都有惊人的相似.塔哈终生致力于埃及与阿拉伯民族繁荣,为此,他主张面向欧洲,吸引西方的现代文化与科学技术.他是现代沟通东西方文化的先锋与闯将,被誉为东西方文化合璧的世界文化名人.塔哈终生致力于教育与文学创作,认为教育对于人来讲,如同空气与水.他是20世纪初革新与保守、前进与倒退斗争中涌现出的现代阿拉伯复兴思想家、文学家与教育家.  相似文献   

《The aging male》2013,16(1):33-34
Aim.?To develop and to validate an Arabic Aging Male Symptoms (AMS) tool and to clinically assess patients with hypoganadism after hormonal treatment.

Methods.?The tool was translated into Arabic and tested on 15 Saudi men. During a period of 9 months all males presented to the andrology clinic of the main University Hospital, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia with signs and symptoms of hypogonadism, were included in the study. Arabic AMS scale was applied in the base line visit, then 12 weeks after treatment. Testosterone was monitored before treatment, 4 weeks and after 12 weeks.

Results.?Ninety-two subjects were included, Cronbach's α of 0.91 showed a very good internal consistency of the Arabic AMS questionnaire. The corresponding α for the subscales were 0.83, 0.84 and 0.73. There was a significant improvement in the mean level of TT after hormonal therapy (HT), this was reflected on the mean differences of improvement in the total Arabic AMS scores and subscales scores after HT, ranged from 31 to 35%.

Conclusion.?The present study revealed a significant association between testosterone levels and AMS tool manifested by a its good ability to measure the effect of treatment on quality of life for patients with hypogonadism.  相似文献   

从某种意义上说,阿拉伯“百年翻译运动”应当是人类历史上第一次大规模的科技翻译活动。其证据之一是当时的阿拉伯翻译家对希腊科学的兴趣要远大于对希腊文学的兴趣;证据之二是现代科学术语直接源自于阿拉伯语的例证不在少数。因此,在这场科技翻译运动中所形成的“阿拉伯科学”就具有了明显的国际性特点。  相似文献   

《The aging male》2013,16(4):95-99
Background.?It is well documented that testosterone levels decline with age, this decline is associated with symptoms which could be assessed denoting androgen deficiency. We investigated the validity of an Arabic version of the Saint Louis University androgen deficiency in ageing men (ADAM) questionnaire to screen for androgen deficiency in Saudi and non Saudi Arabic speaking men.

Methods.?It was a cross sectional study of ambulatory community-based Arabic Saudi men recruited from Volunteers in Riyadh city, Capital of Saudi Arabia, aged 18–80 years. Seven hundred thirty men agreed to fill the Arabic ADAM questionnaire, they were invited to a morning blood sample for total testosterone and sex hormone binding globulin and those who agreed to complete the whole study were only 407 men. Low serum bioavailable testosterone (BT) levels (androgen deficiency) were defined as <10th percentile of serum BT levels in young healthy Saudi men (18–30 years).

Results.?Cronbach's Alpha of 0.71 (n?=?730) showed a good internal consistency of the Arabic ADAM questionnaire. Among participants, 18.2% and 77.6% had low serum BT levels and a positive ADAM questionnaire, respectively. The prevalence of positive ADAM and low serum BT is increasing with age. The Arabic ADAM questionnaire had a high sensitivity of 86.5%, a low specificity of 24.3%, and positive predictive values (+PVs) and negative (?PVs) of 20.3% and 89%, respectively.

Conclusion.?The Arabic ADAM questionnaire has a very good sensitivity but very low specificity for screening of androgen deficiency in Saudi men, therefore biological confirmation is needed especially when clinical symptoms of androgen deficiency are present.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the thorny and vexed relationship between Archie Mafeje, a black South African scholar and the University of Cape Town. Mafeje was appointed on merit in 1968 as Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology at the University of Cape Town. His appointment was rescinded by the University Council acting under pressure from the apartheid state. With the imminent demise of apartheid, Mafeje re-applied in the early 1990s for a position at the University of Cape Town in the early 1990s. His application was turned down. This piece offers a detailed reading and analysis of what became known as the “Mafeje affair” and raises issues about the meaning of transformation at the University of Cape Town.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the collective behavior (CB) approach that dominated studies of social movements from the 1920s to the 1970s. Its roots lie in five scholarly traditions: Durkheim (collective consciousness), Mill (a sum of individual cost‐benefit calculations), Weber (charisma and bureaucracy), Simmel (interaction of individuals), and European mass psychology. CB studies began in Chicago University in the 1920s by Robert E. Park. His pupil Herbert Blumer made the basic classifications in the field. In the interactionist school, Ralph Turner and Lewis Killian stressed the emerging norms that modify CB, and Kurt and Gladys Engel Lang focused on collective processes. In the structure‐functionalistic school, Talcott Parsons stressed the impact of cultural trends in movement emergence, and Neil Smelser developed a value‐added theory of how social movements form. CB tradition was attacked in the 1960s when its theories did not fit into the student movement and there was a paradigm shift to resource mobilization and Marxist approaches. However, with the rise of constructivism, the ideas of CB have been reinvented in new social movement studies.  相似文献   

Theory-bashing and answer-improving in the study of social movements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the 1970s and 1980s, a “theory-bashing” mindset gained popularity among sociologists of social movements and, for a period, overshadowed the alternative mindset of seeking to improve answers to questions about social movements. Now on the wane, theory-bashing nonetheless retains a significant presence. This mindset has a number of attractions and virtues and it is, broadly speaking, legitimate. But, it also has negative features and consequences that I want to point out. I begin by showing how the theory-bashing differs from the answer-improving mindset and I then explain ways in which the former hinders the analysis of social movements even though it can also be helpful. Finally, I offer a sociological account of why theory-bashing has been so popular in movement studies. His most recent book isPolite Protesters: The American Peace Movement of the 1980s (Syracuse University Press, 1993).  相似文献   

To date, most scholarship on Arabic language ideologies has focused on the contentious relationship between Standard Arabic and the spoken vernaculars. This paper, in contrast, draws attention to the hierarchies among the regional varieties of vernacular Arabic. Specifically, it makes visible the workings of what it calls the ‘Maghreb‐Mashreq language ideology’: the hierarchical relationship between Mashreqi (Middle Eastern) and Maghrebi (North African) vernacular Arabic varieties. The paper explores, in particular, the de/authentication of linguistic Arabness through a detailed analysis of a transnational pan‐Arab reality/talent TV show. Drawing on clips of situated interactions from this series, which have been uploaded to YouTube and commented upon by viewers, the paper argues that the new media is a critical site for reworking longstanding language ideologies and the politics of identity in the Arabic‐speaking world.[Arabic]  相似文献   

Data about health and educational services were collected from 187 families with young children (under two years) who have chronic illnesses and disabilities. The purpose was to assess parents' satisfaction with services their families received and to identify families' unmet service needs as well as the reasons for these unmet needs. Although families' ratings of the adequacy of services are relatively high, 28% of the families report unmet service needs. The unmet needs most often reported are occupational, physical, or speech therapy; respite care/child care; and special education. Lack of funding is the most commonly given reason for unmet needs. Children with multiple impairments are at highest risk for unmet needs. Only 22% of unmet needs reported at the initial interview have been met by the time of the six-month follow-up. Increased coordination and monitoring of services across service sectors are indicated. Her research interests include the effects of disability on family identity and families' responses to minority stress. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. She gratefully acknowledges Shelley Blazis and Nadav Casuto for statistical consulting. Her research interests focus on the impact of chronic illness and disability on families. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. Her research interests include families and health and chronic illness and disability in children. She received her Ph.D. in Family Social Science at the University of Minnesota. His areas of interest include neurodevelopmental outcomes of low birth weight infants and training in developmental pediatrics. He was graduated from the University of Minnesota Medical School. His areas of interest include adolescents with chronic illness and disabilities, adolescent sexual decision making, and international adolescent health care issues. He was graduated from Howard University College of Medicine was awarded his earned doctorate in Health Policy from the University of Minnesota. Preparation of this article was supported by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research Grant #H133890012.  相似文献   

Through qualitative analyses of 50 in-depth interviews with Catholics in three Midwestern cities, I investigate the role of religious movement organizations in the formation of Catholic identities. I find that movement organizations and elites tend to have little direct impact on the formation of Catholic parishioners’ identities in my sample. While movements’ disruptions and interactions with media are useful for generating debate and wider recognition of religious disagreements, my respondents are not usually socialized by nor do they identify with familiar movements when they call themselves traditional, moderate, and liberal. Most are uninterested in and unacquainted with movement organizations and publications. Instead, their religious identification is a form of religious mapping, which reflects their self-understood position vis-à-vis recognized cultural conflicts within the larger religious community. While movements play a limited role, I argue that we should be wary of conceptualizing Catholic identities as products of movement groups or parachurch networks since most Catholic identity-work occurs within families and parishes, as opposed to movements or parachurch organizations.
Brian StarksEmail:

Brian Starks   is Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at Florida State University. His previous research has examined religion’s role in shaping parental values towards autonomy and obedience over the past two decades. He has also explored the effects of downsizing and layoffs on belief in the American Dream and the importance of significant others in understanding racial differences in educational expectations. Broadly understood, his research highlights the ways that people’s outer lives shape their inner selves, and he has focused on historical shifts within American life pertinent to discussions of American exceptionalism. His most recent research is centered on understanding the religious and political divisions that have arisen within the U.S. over the past quarter century.  相似文献   

Popular commentaries suggest that the movement against genetic engineering in agriculture (anti-GE movement) was born in Europe, rooted in European cultural approaches to food, and sparked by recent food-safety scares such as “mad cow” disease. Yet few realize that the anti-GE movement's origins date back thirty years, that opposition to agricultural biotechnology emerged with the technology itself, and that the movement originated in the United States rather than Europe. We argue here that neither the explosion of the GE food issue in the late 1990s nor the concomitant expansion of the movement can be understood without recognizing the importance of the intellectual work carried out by a “critical community” of activists during the two-decade-long period prior to the 1990s. We show how these early critics forged an oppositional ideology and concrete set of grievances upon which a movement could later be built. Our analysis advances social movement theory by establishing the importance of the intellectual work that activists engage in during the “proto-mobilizational” phase of collective action, and by identifying the cognitive and social processes by which activists develop a critical, analytical framework. Our elaboration of four specific dimensions of idea/ideology formation pushes the literature toward a more complete understanding of the role of ideas and idea-makers in social movements, and suggests a process of grievance construction that is more “organic” than strategic (pace the framing literature). Rachel Schurman is Associate Professor of Sociology and Global Studies at the University of Minnesota. Her research interests lie in the areas of international political economy of food and agriculture, environmental sociology, and social movements. She is co-editor of Engineering Trouble: Biotechnology and Its Discontents (University of California Press, 2003) and several articles and book chapters on the anti-genetic engineering movement. Her current book project, with William Munro, explores how organized social resistance to GMOs has shaped the trajectory of agricultural biotechnology. William Munro is Associate Professor of Political Science and Director, International Studies Program, at Illinois Wesleyan University. His research and writing focuses on the politics of agrarian change and state formation in Africa, as well as post-conflict development. He is the author of The Moral Economy of the State: Conservation, Community Development and State-Making in Zimbabwe (Ohio University Press,1998). He is currently collaborating with Rachel Schurman on a book about social resistance to agricultural biotechnology.  相似文献   

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