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Risk Perception and Social Acceptability of Technologies: The French Case   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The authors present results of a February 1987 survey on judged frequency of mortality causes and risk perception of technologies in a representative sample of the French population. Although the French context is very different, and the impact of public controversies have been very limited on technological choices such as the nuclear energy program, strong similarities in risk perception of technologies are observed with results from U.S. surveys. Results, which could be worthwhile for other countries, suggest that risk perception is influenced by two different types of components. The first influence is the global feeling of "security" that society procures to its members. Such feeling depends on the individual's socioeconomic status, subjective state of health, and personal discomfort in daily life, and explains individual aversion to risk independently of the mortality causes or technologies involved. The second influence is the degree of perceived social legitimization of the activities involving risks. Risks of medical and transportation activities are strongly opposed to illegitimate risky behaviors (smoking, drugs, alcohol); technologies which have been an object of public debate (nuclear plants, the chemical industry, lead in gasoline) have an intermediate position reflecting the remaining uncertainties of public opinion about their risk–benefit balancing. Tentative conclusions for risk communication are proposed.  相似文献   

Emerging technologies are defined by their novelty and thus are accompanied by significant uncertainty in determining appropriate ways to manage risks associated with them. Yet, there is a body of prior knowledge about risk management and oversight policy for other technologies that have already permeated society. Here, we describe two ways in which prospective oversight policy analysis for emerging technologies can draw upon these past experiences. One involves comparing specific products that have already been marketed to similar products of the emerging technology (cognate‐product approach). The other treats the emerging technology as a body of products and methods and relates it to another technological field that has already emerged and penetrated markets (whole‐technology approach). In this article, we describe our work using these approaches to inform risk and oversight policy for nanotechnology and its products. We draw parallels between biotechnology and nanotechnology as whole fields of development and also between genetically engineered organisms in the food supply and agricultural products of nanotechnology. Through these comparisons, we find that both approaches to historical learning have value and present lessons that could be applied to nanotechnology.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on some organizationaldynamics that have characterized the pharmaceuticalindustry in the last thirty years, whenbiotechnology and the development of lifesciences have defined a new technologicalparadigm, reshaping many aspects of theindustry, especially the organization ofinnovative activity. We suggest an original interpretation of someorganizational settings, as the increasedimportance of skilled scientists within firmsand the development of inter-organizationalalliances for the division of scientific labor.Following recent theorizing on corporategovernance issues, which points out theintrinsic organizational and relationaldimensions of the resource allocation processesand strategic decision-making, we propose a roleof the organizational practices mentioned aboveon corporate governance, and, in turn, aninfluence of different governance arrangementson innovative activity. We recall moretraditional approaches to the analysis ofcorporate governance, and give a broaderinterpretation to the relevant variablesproposed. Further, relying on more recenttheories and on literature on firm's boundariesand sectoral systems of innovation, we proposeindustry-specific variables forpharmaceuticals, including internal settings aswell as relations with external actors.Preliminary empirical support is given to ourhypotheses, concerning a panel of large USpharmaceutical companies.  相似文献   

New food technologies have a high potential to transform the current resource‐consuming food system to a more efficient and sustainable one, but public acceptance of new food technologies is rather low. Such an avoidance might be maintained by a deeply preserved risk avoidance system called disgust. In an online survey, participants (N = 313) received information about a variety of new food technology applications (i.e., genetically modified meat/fish, edible nanotechnology coating film, nanotechnology food box, artificial meat/milk, and a synthetic food additive). Every new food technology application was rated according to the respondent's willingness to eat (WTE) it (i.e., acceptance), risk, benefit, and disgust perceptions. Furthermore, food disgust sensitivity was measured using the Food Disgust Scale. Overall, the WTE both gene‐technology applications and meat coated with an edible nanotechnology film were low and disgust responses toward all three applications were high. In full mediation models, food disgust sensitivity predicted the disgust response toward each new food technology application, which in turn influenced WTE them. Effects of disgust responses on the WTE a synthetic food additive were highest for and lowest for the edible nanotechnology coating film compared to the other technologies. Results indicate that direct disgust responses influence acceptance and risk and benefit perceptions of new food technologies. Beyond the discussion of this study, implications for future research and strategies to increase acceptance of new food technologies are discussed.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the fluid nature of risk problems and the challenges it presents to establishing acceptability in risk governance. It introduces an actor‐network theory (ANT) perspective as a way to deal with the mutable nature of risk controversies and the configuration of stakeholders. To translate this into a practicable framework, the article proposes a hybrid risk governance framework that combines ANT with integrative risk governance, deliberative democracy, and responsive regulation. This addresses a number of the limitations in existing risk governance models, including: (1) the lack of more substantive public participation throughout the lifecycle of a project; (2) hijacking of deliberative forums by particular groups; and (3) the treatment of risk problems and their associated stakeholders as immutable entities. The framework constitutes a five‐stage process of co‐selection, co‐design, co‐planning, and co‐regulation to facilitate the co‐production of collective interests and knowledge, build capacities, and strengthen accountability in the process. The aims of this article are twofold: conceptually, it introduces a framework of risk governance that accounts for the mutable nature of risk problems and configuration of stakeholders. In practice, this article offers risk managers and practitioners of risk governance a set of procedures with which to operationalize this conceptual approach to risk and stakeholder engagement.  相似文献   

Using nanotechnology as a case study, this article explores (1) how people's perceptions of benefits and risks are related to their approval of nanotechnology, (2) which information‐processing factors contribute to public risk/benefit perceptions, and (3) whether individuals’ predispositions (i.e., deference to scientific authority and ideology) may moderate the relationship between cognitive processing and risk perceptions of the technology. Results indicate that benefit perceptions positively affect public support for nanotechnology; perceptions of risk tend to be more influenced by systematic processing than by heuristic cues, whereas both heuristic and systematic processing influence benefit perceptions. People who are more liberal‐minded tend to be more affected by systematic processing when thinking about the benefits of nanotechnology than those who are more conservative. Compared to less deferent individuals, those who are more deferent to scientific authority tend to be less influenced by systematic processing when making judgments about the benefits and risks of nanotechnology. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

提出了服务外包中双方的交易治理机制由客户需要的资源类型以及交易成本共同决定,并建立了需要探究的理论框架。以N公司所实施的4个不同的软件服务外包项目为研究对象,详细分析了各个项目所需求的资源、交易成本情况与项目实施中的具体治理机制之间的关系。根据案例研究结果,提出了在不同资源需求(被操作性资源与操作性资源)以及不同交易成本(交易成本低与交易成本高)时可供选择的交易治理机制。  相似文献   

Terje Aven  Ortwin Renn 《Risk analysis》2012,32(9):1561-1575
In this article, we discuss issues of risk management and risk governance with respect to petroleum operations in the Barents Sea area. We will focus on the decision problems related to whether or not to open the Barents Sea for petroleum activities in special vulnerable areas. We will explore to what extent the International Risk Governance Council risk governance framework provides valuable insights for and assistance to the decisionmaker and other stakeholders (including the industry and NGOs). The study covers issues related to risk assessment and appraisal, risk acceptance and tolerability, the use of the precautionary principle, risk perception, stakeholder involvement, risk communication, and risk management. The overall aim of the article is to point to areas where the risk governance could have been and can be improved for these and similar decision problems.  相似文献   

新产品开发创意新源泉——来自海尔的案例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开发适合市场需求的新产品已经成为企业获得竞争优势的重要来源.通过对海尔三个实践案例的分析,指出零售商是企业获得新产品开发创意的重要源泉,并提出了通过零售商获得新产品开发创意的途径.研究结论不仅丰富了现有的理论成果,同时也为我国企业实践提供了有益的指导.  相似文献   

从创业者人力资本激励和组织公平理论视角,基于313个创业团队问卷调研的数据,探讨创业团队关系治理对决策承诺的影响,以及分配公平感和程序公平感在二者间的中介效应。研究显示:创业团队关系治理对团队决策承诺有显著的正向作用,分配公平感和程序公平感分别部分中介了创业团队关系治理与决策承诺间的关系;而在同时考虑分配公平感和程序公平感的双中介模型中,分配公平感的中介效应不再显著。  相似文献   

公交服务效益不佳而引发了国有化回潮的现象,其关键在于政府、公交企业和社会群体三方主体在合作中控制权配置不合理.针对此问题,基于合作治理的背景,运用非对称信息条件下的委托代理理论构建公交服务合作的效益模型,探讨公交服务各主体控制权配置及其对效益的影响,并以上海市公交服务的数据进行实证检验.结果表明:公交企业控制权配置受其自身产出水平的影响,产出水平越高的企业,其获得的控制权也就更大;公交企业控制权与效益是“倒U型”关系,只有控制权在合理范围内时才有利于效益的增加;各方主体在自身控制权范围内,其努力水平与效益是“倒U型”关系,表明政府过度干预、社会群体无效参与均不利于效益的提高.据此提出在合作中的战略、战术和执行层级中合理安排各主体控制权.  相似文献   

《Risk analysis》2018,38(7):1321-1331
Societies worldwide are investing considerable resources into the safe development and use of nanomaterials. Although each of these protective efforts is crucial for governing the risks of nanomaterials, they are insufficient in isolation. What is missing is a more integrative governance approach that goes beyond legislation. Development of this approach must be evidence based and involve key stakeholders to ensure acceptance by end users. The challenge is to develop a framework that coordinates the variety of actors involved in nanotechnology and civil society to facilitate consideration of the complex issues that occur in this rapidly evolving research and development area. Here, we propose three sets of essential elements required to generate an effective risk governance framework for nanomaterials. (1) Advanced tools to facilitate risk‐based decision making, including an assessment of the needs of users regarding risk assessment, mitigation, and transfer. (2) An integrated model of predicted human behavior and decision making concerning nanomaterial risks. (3) Legal and other (nano‐specific and general) regulatory requirements to ensure compliance and to stimulate proactive approaches to safety. The implementation of such an approach should facilitate and motivate good practice for the various stakeholders to allow the safe and sustainable future development of nanotechnology.  相似文献   

公司治理机制互动的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周建  刘小元  于伟 《管理科学》2008,21(1):2-13
解决公司中的委托代理问题和有效监督管理层需要各种治理机制共同发挥作用.利用2002年~2005年中国上市公司的平衡面板数据,研究大股东股权竞争、董事会构成、经营者股权激励和监事会行为4种公司治理机制的互动关系.实证结果显示,大股东股权竞争与董事会构成之间存在替代效应,大股东股权竞争与经营者股权激励、董事会构成与监事会行为之间存在互补效应,这表明中国上市公司的治理机制关系呈现出复杂的特性.这一研究结论为继续深化中国的公司治理改革提供了经验证据,提高公司治理水平需要理顺各种公司治理机制的关系.实现治理机制的协同发展.  相似文献   

基于中国上市公司的CEO更替与公司治理有效性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周建  刘小元  方刚 《管理学报》2009,6(7):918-923
以中国上市公司为样本,采用2002~2005年的数据,从CEO更替的视角检验了中国公司治理的有效性.实证结果表明:中国的公司治理是有效的,即企业绩效差的CEO更可能被更换,但是这种有效性与正式制度安排的公司治理机制并不相关,这可能是非正式制度的公司治理机制发挥了重要作用.  相似文献   

徐细雄  刘星 《管理学报》2012,(3):459-465
通过在职消费、过度投资、自由现金流和现金股利支付4个变量间接测度管理者攫取的控制权私有收益,并运用中国A股市场数据实证检验权益、债务和可转债3种不同融资方式下(横向比较)以及可转债发行前后(纵向比较)企业控制权私有收益的差异。研究结果表明,可转债发行将导致在职消费和自由现金流的降低以及现金股利支付的增加;但在抑制管理者过度投资中可转债并未发挥积极作用。研究结果为优化我国企业融资结构,完善内部公司治理提供了理论支持;同时,也将为促进我国资本市场金融创新提供新的证据。  相似文献   

本文以我国资本市场上中小股东首次在董事会选举中击败控股股东并成功控制董事会的上市公司"深康佳"为例,探讨中小股东参与公司治理的动因、途径及局限性。主要发现和结论是:首先,互联网时代下,随着法制环境的改善和信息渠道的日益畅通,中小股东的维权意识更强,更容易了解和辨识控股股东对上市公司利益的侵害行为,也更可能借助网络等新媒体渠道沟通协作并联合制衡大股东;其次,股东网络投票制度降低了中小股东投票的成本,而累积投票制则大大提高了中小股东选派董事代表的可能性,成为中小股东制约控股股东、参与公司治理的有效渠道;最后,由于中小股东利益联盟脆弱、治理角色定位不当、短期偏好等局限,中小股东掌握控制权可能造成公司在治理和经营管理等方面的混乱。因此,我们需要客观全面地评价中小股东参与公司治理的积极意义及其局限性。本文提供了一个中小股东参与治理的完整分析框架,丰富了现有中小股东治理的相关文献,也对有关当局完善投资者保护制度尤其是股东投票机制有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

回顾了国家杰出青年基金资助项目"企业理论"(70525005)的研究情况,分析了该项目的研究背景及意义,介绍了该项目的主要研究内容与主要成果,列举了该项目的代表性论文和著作.  相似文献   

传统中国式治理的几个特点   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
章迪诚 《管理学报》2006,3(3):258-261,282
传统中国式治理的特点,表现为以群体利益为本位的人本思想,以伦常道德为核心的伦理治理,以血缘、乡谊为纽带的治理组织。在当代中国,传统中国式治理仍然显示出强大的生命力。结合中国文化特点和现代化社会的要求对传统的中国式治理加以改造,对构建中国特色的公司治理模式无疑具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

张文辉  陈荣秋 《管理学报》2007,4(4):431-435
通过顾客参与公司治理与公司相互持股的比较研究,从企业战略联盟的角度,得出了顾客参与公司治理实质上是代表了一种新型的企业战略联盟类型——治理权战略联盟——的结论,它与现有的包括公司相互持股在内的股权型战略联盟和契约型战略联盟相比更具生命力和优越性。在当前经济总体上由短缺经济过渡到过剩经济、卖方市场变成买方市场的背景下,通过顾客参与公司治理的形式在供需双方间建立治理权的战略联盟必将成为越来越多企业的现实选择。  相似文献   

董事会治理评价、治理指数与公司绩效实证研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在优化中国上市公司董事会治理评价指标体系的基础上,对上市公司董事会治理状况进行指数化评价,并对董事会治理评价指数及其与公司绩效的关系进行实证分析.实证结果显示,董事会治理质量趋于改善,独立性有所增强,但整体治理指数仍然较低;行业因素、控股股东性质对董事会治理产生重要影响,即行业的竞争性越强董事会治理质量越高,当控股股东为职工持股会和民营企业时董事会治理指数较高;不同董事会治理机制间存在替代效应,董事会治理水平的提高对公司绩效产生显著的正向效应,由于替代效应的存在,单一董事会治理机制与公司绩效间的关系缺乏显著性和一致性,但作为一个整体,董事会治理质量的改善显著地提高公司绩效.据此提出改善中国上市公司董事会治理的政策建议.  相似文献   

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