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The book Leaves of Grass was written by Walt Whitman (1819-1892). Through Whitman, American poets finally freed themselves from the Old English traditions. Whitman invented a completely new and completely American form of poetrc expression. To him,message was always  相似文献   

Confucius and Official Book System (Ⅱ) :Confucius' Historical Contribution to Book Dissemination
Confucius took six governmental works as private teaching materials. As a result, this turned out to form six kinds of folk books, and was the first important desertion in the ancient system of Official Book. By giving lectures and folk writing, Confucius took a critical first step to end the system of Official Book. Under that sys- tem, Confucianism was not and could not be any personal writings. It was only a collective work of many scholars. Comparing Official Books with other books in Han Dynasty, the author believes that Confucius dicta- ted his ideas to his disciples rather than recording the text. The evolution of Confucianism is a learning of the collective work, which has been affected by the three objective factors of Official Book System. It will provide a new way to rediscover the Pre-qin academics and philosophers in Interpreting Confucius views on ideas of public dissemination.  相似文献   

To use a language properly, we of course have to know the grammatical structures of the language and their meanings,but we also have to know what forms of language are appropriate for given situations,and for this purpose,this thesis briefly explains the social variants of English,such asl (informal English), (written English)and (American English).  相似文献   

Generally, Coleridge's poems are mainly divided into two groups:one is to use common Language to depict commom things and common people; the other is to use unique imagination to describe supernatural things. "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"belongs to the second group. Some critics blame Coleridge for his lack of morals in this poem, but in fact,this poem contains lots of morals, as Coleridge himself said.Coleridge succeeds in exploring the theme of sin and punishment by his rich imagination and by the depicting of supernatural things. In "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner", Coleridge intentionally built a symbolic world of the supernatural wind, the bird, the sun, the moon ,the ship and the sea. All these symbols serve to develop the theme of Fall and Redemption, and play so important a part in the poem that we even can take it as a symbolic poem. In the following pages, I am going to devote to the functions of the supernatural wind in particular. Coleridge bestows the wind with a great deal of supernat  相似文献   

A PMSM speed control algorithm combining disturbance observer compensation and fuzzy integral sliding mode control (DOB+FISMC) was proposed to solve the problems of slow starting response speed and weak anti interference ability of PMSM speed regulation system. The PMSM speed control model with uncertain interference was established, and the equivalent integral sliding mode control of fuzzy switching was proposed. To reduce the switching gain of FISMC and improve the control accuracy, a disturbance observer was designed to compensate the total interference. The effectiveness of the control algorithm was verified based on the PMSM speed regulation system simulation model. The results show that, compared with the traditional proportional integral control (PI) and sliding mode control (SMC), the proposed algorithm has less tracking error, faster response and stronger resistance to interference for a given sinusoidal signal. This algorithm can improve the starting response speed and robustness of permanent magnet synchronous motors.  相似文献   

Prehistoric archaeology has progressed a large step since 1949 and manyquestions were solved after a great number of prehistoric sites had beendiscovered.It is generally accepted that in the neolithic age of China thereexisted two types of culture:the 1st is the well-known“Painted-pottery Culture”in the north-web,tern part,the 2nd is the“Black-pottery Culture”in the easternpart of China;while the 3rd one the“Printed Geometric-designed potteryCulture proposed by other scholars and the writer(In my former papersbeginning from“A Neolithic site in Wuping Fukien”read in the 3rd Congressof Far-eastern Prehistorians held in Singapore Jan.1938)as that of the south-eastern region of China has not yet been determined until now.The recentdiscoveries in this region including that of Hot'ien as dealt with in this paper,however,have provided many valuable evidences to this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Though Frost and Laurence carry some similiar notes in the ar poems,this can not obscure their differenccs. Frist.Frost’s After APPle-picking can be regarded as the exampleof that dominant mode of the oppening 25 years of the century.It is aquietly reflective pome of the actual New England farmer’s life.HereForst takes the mask of a New England farmer and speaks to his  相似文献   

To paraphrase is a helpful method frequently used in English teaching. What does it mean? How to do paraphrase? The writer cites some sentences from textbooks and some teaching materials so as to sum up the way of paraphrasing in several aspects. One is paraphrasing the key words and expressions of a sentence in a paraghaph. The other is paraphrasing the rhetorical device by explaining or revealing the implication of the figure of speech and extending the meaning on the basis of the centural idea or in accordance with the logical coherence of the context.  相似文献   

Confucius took six governmental works as private teaching materials. As a result, this turned out to form six kinds of folk books, and was the first important desertion in the ancient system of Official Book. By giving lectures and folk writing, Confucius took a critical first step to end the system of Official Book. Under that sys- tem, Confucianism was not and could not be any personal writings. It was only a collective work of many schol- ars. Comparing Official Books with other books in Han Dynasty, the author believes that Confucius dictated his ideas to his disciples rather than recording the text. The evolution of Confucianism is a learning of the collective work, which has been affected by the three objective factors of Official Book System. It will provide a new way to rediscover the Pre-qin academics and philosophers in Interpreting Confucius' views on ideas of public dis- semination.  相似文献   

Partial condensation of refrigerant R-11 was experimentally and theoretically studied. The test apparatus consisted of two concentric tubes, with the vapor flowing downward in the inner tube and the cooling water in the annular space in countercurrent direction. By using the available dimensionless correlation, the mean heat transfer coefficient of the cooling water was determined, and then the mean condensationheat transfer coefficient was calculated from the overall heat transfer coefficient.The model of a homogeneous two-phase mixture of liquid and vapor, and Prandtl's principle of analogy between the momentum and heat transfer were used to establish the type of the correlation. Adopting the methods of the gradually linear regression and F-level evidence testing, the present paper proposed the dimensionless correlation to predict the relationship among the mean Nusselt number, Prandtl number, Kutateladze number and the dimensionless tube length.  相似文献   

SummaryAfter describing the economic institutions for agriculture and industry in China before 1978, this paper points out the reasons for and the key elements of economic reform. It then discusses the major issues currently being deliberated by the leading economic reform officials regarding reform of the price system, the administrative structure of state-owned enterprises, the banking system and macroeconomic control mechanisms, and foreign trade and investment. Finally future prospects of the reform and of China's economic development will be indicated.The transformation of the economy of the People's Republic of China from a planned to a more market-oriented economy is perhaps the most significant development in world history during the last quarter of the twentieth century what was the Chinese economic system like before 1979? why were reforms introduced? what are their essential elements? what are the important issues currently addressed by the reform officials? what are the future prospects? These are the questions to be answered in this paper. The Chinese economy is a complicated entity with many dimensions. Space permits discussion of only those aspects pertinent to the transition to a more market-oriented economy.  相似文献   

Business correspondence are the indispensable tool in the practical process of business communication and interchange.Especially,as the communicated body of information,their language possesses specific characteristics.Rooted from the "Politeness Principle" and the "Cooperative Principle",the most distinctive epitome of it is the seven "C" principles.Based on the discussion of the seven "C" principles,this paper devotes itself to the analyses of the contradictory characteristics which occur frequently in the concrete business contexts,and then to examine the causes of these features.Ultimately,it will suggest more flexible and more widened perspective towards the creation of business correspondence and the language applied in them.  相似文献   

To understand the status of doctors’ salary satisfaction in county?level public hospitals of Anhui Province, we investigated a total of 1 605 clinicians from 11 county level public hospitals by questionnaire survey ,and the survey data were analyzed by factor analysis and influence factor analysis using SPSS software, exploring the major influencing factors of doctors salary satisfaction. It showed that the overall salary satisfaction score of doctors was 1.94±0.49. Salary satisfaction was summarized into three factors, which are salary level, welfare, salary structure and management according to the influence degree. The score of these factors in order was salary structure and management(2.76±0.83), welfare(1.59±0.88), salary level(1.48±0.83). The influences of gender, age, education attainment, working years, and employment type on salary satisfaction and overall salary satisfaction were different. The overall salary satisfaction of doctors in county?level public hospitals was low. It is suggested to raise the salary level of doctors, enrich the welfare subsidies, adjust and improve the salary structure, establish a reasonable performance appraisal system and attach importance to the influence of education attainment, working years and employment type on salary satisfaction.  相似文献   

Charaterization, in literature, is the presentation of the hero or heroine in order to make them credible to the readers. A book with welldrawn characters is sure to touch its readers. Atticus Finch, an elaboratelyportrayed character in Miss Lee′s book To Kill A Mockingbird is a fineexample. Mainly because of its successful and adroit characterization, the  相似文献   

Communicative language teaching has been in vogue in the past ten years. Being a language teaching method, it is closely related to linguistics, sociology, educeational theories and so on, psycholinguisties, a branch of linguistics focusing on the mental processes involved in human being's language acquisition and production, play a most important role in the study of language teaching, including communicative language teaching (CLT) of course. In this paper the writer will evaluate the CLT with the consideration of psycholinguistics to what extent CLT is helpful for second language teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Zhai Yongming, the herald of feminine poem writing in Mainland China, cheering for her consciousness of dark, blazed a trail for the poems of confessional style, which could be described as crazy and unscrupulous. Later, this style was transformed into a style of drama in which one can find intercourses and dialogues. The two different poetic styles imply two specific paradigms for the history of Chinese contemporary poems. The author adheres to the method called "the few is the numerous", with which she exposes many different aspects of life. Her works, mosf of which are both reserved and uncommunicative, and tempt the audience to thinking deeply of them. For these reasons, she can be recognized as one of the poets with both inner powers to write and outstanding profundity.  相似文献   

Perhaps the readers might wonder why the writer would like to choose the topic "The Teaching and Study of Scientific Prose" for his writing today. The rcason. for this is not far to seek. It is twofold: First, we are teachers of technical English or students majoring in science and  相似文献   

In this paper,three sets of higher order nonlocal Olver symmetriesare reobtained from a special nonlocal Lie-Backlund symmetry ofthe variable coefficient KdV and MKdV eguations.The soliton solutionof these models can be also obtained from the The finite Lie-Backlundtransformations.  相似文献   

As time goes by.Liaoning University is going to celebrate her 60th anniversary.To carry forward the spirit of our school motto-"Have moral integrity and learn what is best.Live up to our cause and make China strong  相似文献   

The exact solution for the combined KS and KdV equation is obtained via introducing a simple and effective nonlinear transformations.This method is very concise and primary and can be applied to other unintegrable nonlinear evolution equations. It is common knowledge that the Korteweg de Vries(KdV) equation [1] (1) has been proposed as model equation for the weakly nonlinear long waves which occur in many different physical systems; the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky (KS) equation is one of the simplest nonliaear partial differential equations that exhibit Chaotic behavior frequently encounted in the study of continous media [2-4] . Many interesting mathematical and physical properties of eqs. (1) and (2) have been studied widely. But, in several problems where a lonq wavelength oscilatory instability is found, the noulineai evolution of the perturbations near rriticality is governed by the dispersion modified Kuramoto-Sivashi nsky equation(3)ft is clear that this equation is a combination of the KdV and KS  相似文献   

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