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非参数计量经济联立模型的变窗宽估计理论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
联立方程模型在经济政策制定、经济结构分析和经济预测方面起重要作用. 文章将非参 数回归模型的局部线性估计方法与传统联立方程模型估计方法相结合,在随机设计(模型中所 有变量为随机变量) 下,提出了非参数计量经济联立模型的局部线性工具变量变窗宽估计并利 用概率论中大数定理和中心极限定理等在内点处研究了它的大样本性质,证明了它的一致性 和渐近正态性,它在内点处的收敛速度达到了非参数函数估计的最优收敛速度  相似文献   

非参数计量经济联立模型的局部线性广义矩估计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
联立方程模型在经济政策制定、经济结构分析和经济预测方面起重要作用。本文在随机设计(模型中所有变量为随机变量)下,提出了非参数计量经济联立模型的局部线性广义矩估计并利用概率论中大数定理和中心极限定理在内点处研究了它的大样本性质,证明了它的一致性和渐近正态性。它在内点处的收敛速度达到了非参数函数估计的最优收敛速度。  相似文献   

我国宏观经济非参数联立模型的局部线性广义矩估计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
联立方程模型在经济政策制定、经济结构分析和经济预测方面起重要作用,但以往的线性或非线性联立方程模型容易造成单方程的设定误差,致使联立方程的累积误差很大,不能很好地反映现实中的经济现象.本文将非参数回归模型的局部线性估计方法与传统联立方程模型估计方法相结合,首次提出了非参数计量经济联立模型的局部线性GMM估计并应用于我国宏观经济非参数联立模型且与线性联立模型进行了比较,结果表明:我国宏观经济非参数联立模型优于线性联立模型.  相似文献   

宏观经济领域中存在严重的结构突变性,模型估计量的优劣对估计样本规模是敏感的。本文针对时变参数模型,建立了滚动窗宽选择标准,通过最小化估计量的近似二次损失函数及最大化各子样本估计量间的曼哈顿距离选择窗宽大小,权衡了模型估计量的准确性和时变性两个相悖目标。蒙特卡罗模拟实验表明,本文所提出的方法在各种结构突变情形下均适用,能够应用于线性关系和非线性关系的时变参数模型中,且均具有稳健性。将该方法应用于我国金融网络的结构突变识别过程,显著改善了传统窗宽选择方法的结果。  相似文献   

在瞬时波动率的各种估计量中,非参数估计量因其能准确地度量瞬时波动率,一直是学者们的研究热点。然而,这类估计量在实际应用中都面临着最优窗宽的确定问题。由于最优窗宽中往往携带一些难以估计的未知参数,使得在实际应用过程中确定最优窗宽的具体数值存在困难。本文以瞬时波动率的核估计量为例,借鉴非参数回归分析中窗宽选择的思想,构建了一种能从数据中准确计算出最优窗宽具体值的算法。理论的分析和数值上的验证表明:文中所构建的算法具有良好的稳定性、适应性和收敛速度。算法的提出为瞬时波动率的后续应用研究铺平道路。  相似文献   

为了研究诸如在收入差距和健康关系中某些解释变量的影响效应可能依赖于其他解释变量的状况,降低可能存在的模型设定和遗漏变量偏误,本文提出了随机效应半参数二值响应模型,其中非参数的设定还可用于数据的初探性分析.随后本文探讨了模型非参数和参数部分的估计.由于似然函数中随机效应和非参数的存在加大了估计难度,为此本文采用B样条方法逼近非参数部分,同时将随机效应视为缺失数据,利用EM算法和MCMC方法建立了模型参数的估计,并研究了其一致性.模拟研究结果表明估计量在有限样本下的表现良好,最后将模型运用于收入差距与健康关系的实例研究中,结果表明数据支持收入差距弱假说.  相似文献   

李庆  张虎 《中国管理科学》2020,28(10):43-53
本文建立一种改进的非参数期权定价模型,称为单指标非参数期权定价模型。相比现有非参数回归期权定价模型是期权价格关于各个因素的多元回归函数,本模型通过变量变换把期权价格多个因素指标转换为一个综合变量——单指标,得到期权价格关于单指标的一元非参数回归方程。改进的模型实现了多元非参数期权定价模型的降维和简化了模型计算;还通过多个期限期权的单指标组合解决了非参数估计的样本数量问题;以及通过期限平滑解决了现有非参数定价模型中的日历效应问题。选取上证50ETF期权数据实证分析表明,无论是样本内的估计结果还是样本外的预测结果都比传统的Black-Scholes模型、半参数Black-Scholes模型和多元非参数回归期权定价模型估计效果有提高。  相似文献   

文章考虑风险与收益的时变性,提出了变系数市场模型以便更好的捕获市场风险变化因素,建立了半参数alpha策略模型,并以沪深300指数及其成分股为研究对象,利用该半参数模型构建可以取得alpha策略反转效应的股票组合,文章还对半参数alpha策略的反转效应的持有期长短、股票稳定性对反转效应的影响进行了研究。实证结果表明所提出的模型可以作为较为理想的预测工具,同时也为提高投资收益和管理投资风险提供了一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

研究了流动性与上证综合指数收益率之间的时间序列动态关系,并利用状态空间模型对流动性与上证综指收益率的动态关系进行了变参数分析。结论是:上证综指收益率对宏观流动性变动的时变弹性系数在近几年流动性过剩的背景下,呈现上升趋势。其中,能源、钢铁和金融行业时变弹性系数波动比较剧烈,而医药行业的时变弹性系数波动较小。证券市场(微观)流动性变动的时变弹性系数随着我国股票市场发展的逐步健全、完善而趋于平稳。  相似文献   

针对非正态响应的部分因子试验,当筛选试验所涉及的因子数目较大时,提出了基于广义线性模型(generalized linear models,GLM)的贝叶斯变量与模型选择方法.首先,针对模型参数的不确定性,选择了经验贝叶斯先验.其次,在广义线性模型的线性预测器中对每个变量设置了二元变量指示器,并建立起变量指示器与模型指示器之间的转换关系.然后,利用变量指示器与模型指示器的后验概率来识别显著性因子与选择最佳模型.最后,以实际的工业案例说明此方法能够有效地识别非正态响应部分因子试验的显著性因子.  相似文献   

This study formulates a novel mixed-integer programming lot-sizing model for arborescent supply chains with discrete-period variable demand and then develops an efficient two-phase heuristic method, in which a combined multi-period demand ordering policy, rather than the lot-for-lot ordering policy usually assumed in previous papers, is adopted. Two important properties are introduced and used to obtain a better initial feasible solution. The good performance of the proposed heuristic method is verified through a comparison with the optimal solution method. It is also shown that the performance of the proposed combined multi-period demand ordering method is superior to that of the lot-for-lot ordering method. Sensitivity analysis is conducted to explore the impacts of changing the values of relevant parameters on the total supply chain cost, the total number of orders and the total number of opened members. Finally, a well-known logistics company in Taiwan is chosen to demonstrate the excellent performance and the aptness of the proposed ordering method.  相似文献   

The local Whittle (or Gaussian semiparametric) estimator of long range dependence, proposed by Künsch (1987) and analyzed by Robinson (1995a), has a relatively slow rate of convergence and a finite sample bias that can be large. In this paper, we generalize the local Whittle estimator to circumvent these problems. Instead of approximating the short‐run component of the spectrum, ϕ(λ) , by a constant in a shrinking neighborhood of frequency zero, we approximate its logarithm by a polynomial. This leads to a “local polynomial Whittle” (LPW) estimator. We specify a data‐dependent adaptive procedure that adjusts the degree of the polynomial to the smoothness of ϕ(λ) at zero and selects the bandwidth. The resulting “adaptive LPW” estimator is shown to achieve the optimal rate of convergence, which depends on the smoothness of ϕ(λ) at zero, up to a logarithmic factor.  相似文献   

Given the high prevalence of tuberculosis (TB) and the mortality rate associated with the disease, numerous models, such as the Gammaitoni and Nucci (GN) model, were developed to model the risk of transmission. These models typically rely on a quanta generation rate as a measurement of infectivity. Since the quanta generation rate cannot be measured directly, the unique contribution of this work is to develop state estimators to estimate the quanta generation rate from available measurements. To estimate the quanta generation rate, the GN model is adapted into an augmented single-room GN model and a simplified two-room GN model. Both models are shown to be observable, i.e., it is theoretically possible to estimate the quanta generation rate given available measurements. Kalman filters are used to estimate the quanta generation rate. First, a continuous-time extended Kalman filter is used for both adapted models using a simulation and measurement sampling rate of 60 s. Accurate quanta generate rate estimates are achieved in both cases. A more realistic scenario is also considered with a measurement sampling rate of one day. For these estimates, a hybrid extended Kalman filter (HEKF) is used. Accurate quanta generation rate estimates are achieved for the more realistic scenario. Future work could potentially use the HEKFs, the adapted models, and real-time measurements in a control system feedback loop to reduce the transmission of TB in confined spaces such as hospitals.  相似文献   

We develop a new specification test for IV estimators adopting a particular second order approximation of Bekker. The new specification test compares the difference of the forward (conventional) 2SLS estimator of the coefficient of the right‐hand side endogenous variable with the reverse 2SLS estimator of the same unknown parameter when the normalization is changed. Under the null hypothesis that conventional first order asymptotics provide a reliable guide to inference, the two estimates should be very similar. Our test sees whether the resulting difference in the two estimates satisfies the results of second order asymptotic theory. Essentially the same idea is applied to develop another new specification test using second‐order unbiased estimators of the type first proposed by Nagar. If the forward and reverse Nagar‐type estimators are not significantly different we recommend estimation by LIML, which we demonstrate is the optimal linear combination of the Nagar‐type estimators (to second order). We also demonstrate the high degree of similarity for k‐class estimators between the approach of Bekker and the Edgeworth expansion approach of Rothenberg. An empirical example and Monte Carlo evidence demonstrate the operation of the new specification test.  相似文献   

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