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Differences in levels of academic achievement according to socio‐economic status (SES), and parental education in particular, have been a persistent feature of Australian education systems. Young people with highly educated parents are more likely than their peers with low‐educated parents to attain high levels of achievement at school. Students with low levels of achievement are less likely than their high achieving peers to complete Year 12 and are more likely to experience negative post‐school outcomes. The SES of the neighbourhood, and in particular, the school attended, has also been found to have an effect on levels of both academic achievement and attainment. For this paper, we conduct analyses of National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy test scores for four cohorts of secondary school students attending government schools in the Australian Capital Territory to examine the associations between parental education, school attended and levels of educational achievement. Our findings show that students with university‐educated parents achieve at much higher levels than their peers with low‐educated parents and that attending a school with a higher proportion of students from educationally disadvantaged families has a negative effect on educational achievement.  相似文献   

随着高校招生规模的扩大,高校收费制度的实施和标准的逐年提高,使原本存在的高校贫困生问题更加突出。解决高校贫困生问题是现代人才培养和体现教育公平性的需要,本文以“高校贫困生问题”为题,探索解决“高校贫困生问题”的有效办法,具有十分现实的意义。  相似文献   

The distribution of school funding has been a controversial topic for decades particularly since the Australian Government introduced a new funding model for private schools in the late 1990s. Recent research shows that changes in the funding of private schools have encouraged growth in the number of private schools allowing parents with the financial means to select from an increasing range of options for their children. For this article, I conduct analyses of data from the 2003 cohort of the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth project to examine differences in the outcomes of students according to the type of school attended. The results presented in this article show that students with highly educated parents were more likely than other students to attend independent schools. After controlling for the level of economic, social and cultural status of the school population, type of school attended was not associated with academic achievement, as measured by the Programme for International Student Assessment tests. Furthermore, there was no statistically significant association between type of school attended and employment status, occupation or earnings at age 24, net of level of educational attainment.  相似文献   

Objective. Decades of research suggest that parental involvement is vital for positive student academic achievement and thus one often‐proposed solution to alleviate the poor educational outcomes of minority students is to increase their parents' participation in school. Building on a psychological motivation argument, I investigate how the symbolic effects of minority representation impact minority parent involvement. Method. I test my hypotheses with original survey data from 324 Latino parents in Chicago. Results. My analysis suggests that, as hypothesized in the symbolic representation literature, Latinos in positions of power within schools send important heuristic cues to Latino parents that change their orientations to participation and ultimately manifest as increased school involvement. Conclusions. These results support education policies that attempt to increase the minority presence in schools at the administrative and governance levels, and highlight the need for greater enforcement of current diversity requirements under NCLB.  相似文献   

Individuals' expectations are strong predictors of their behaviors; educational expectations predict enrollment in postsecondary education. Yet in many cases, a youth's previous educational expectations are not met or are exceeded. This study examines correlates of educational expectations and unexpected educational attainment using longitudinal data from Monitoring the Future, a U.S. national study. Demographic characteristics, educational experiences in high school, and other risk and protective factors were related to expectations for educational attainment during high school. Logistic regressions indicated that high school curriculum, average grades, educational aspirations, and parents' educational level were particularly strong indicators of youth not meeting their expectation to graduate from a 4-year college, or graduating from college despite expecting not to graduate by age 25/26. We discuss the implications of unexpected pathways in terms of discontinuity during transitions and consider the implications for improved educational and career counseling during high school .  相似文献   

School's out! Why earlier among children of lone parents?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The aims of this population-based study were to analyse educational attainment at ages 24–25 among children of lone parents in comparison with children living with two biological parents, to increase understanding of the factors that seem to be of major importance in increased risks of lower educational achievement and to examine how the life circumstances of non-custodial parents influence possible differences. We found that children who grew up with only one parent showed lower educational attainment than did children in two-parent families. Poorer educational performance on the part of the offspring of lone parents can be explained to a large extent by socio-economic disadvantage, especially a lack of economic resources. However, achievement varies according to cause of lone parenting, and findings strongly indicate that adjusting solely for custodial parents' circumstances may lead to under-estimation of the relationship. Lone parenting seems to have a more detrimental effect on girls' education, and also within groups of children with highly educated parents than among those with a relatively low level of education.  相似文献   

王进  陈晓思 《社会》2013,33(5):159-180
近几十年来,随着女生受教育权利越来越得到重视,男女生在受教育机会方面趋于平等,但学校中却出现了男生平均成绩相比女生普遍偏低的现象,学生学习成绩的性别差异越来越明显。本文采用学校固定效应模型,分析不同的班级环境对学生学习成绩造成的影响及其性别差异。研究结果显示,男生学习成绩落后的现象多存在于学习环境相对较差的学校。进一步加入中间变量,初步探析其形成机制后发现,在较差的学校中,男生容易在同伴群体中形成反学校的认知、态度和行为,女生则较少受到这种影响,因而容易造成学习成绩上的性别差异。  相似文献   

大学生诚信缺失的原因与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
温锋 《唐都学刊》2006,22(5):42-44
大学生诚信缺失表现在思想、学习、生活等方面,不仅反映了当前大学生令人担忧的思想道德状况,同时折射出高校思想道德教育的不足。导致大学生诚信缺失的主要原因有社会消极因素的影响、学校教育的失误、制度建设的缺失等。在分析当前大学生诚信缺失的表现和原因的基础上,提出要重建大学生诚信道德,必须从以下几个方面着手:营造良好的社会信用环境,加强大学生诚信道德教育,发挥教师的诚信典范作用,建立大学生个人信用档案,从而将诚信道德教育和建设真正落到实处,切实提高当代大学生的诚信道德品质。  相似文献   

王甫勤  时怡雯 《社会》2014,34(1):175-195
家庭背景通过子女教育实现优势地位的代际传递,以往国内研究认为,这种代际传递主要通过教育分流和文化资本、社会资本机制得以实现。本文根据威斯康星教育获得模型的研究成果,引入大学教育期望作为家庭背景影响子女大学教育获得的中间机制。研究采用2010年“上海居民家庭生活状况调查”数据。分析发现,在少年时具有大学教育期望的人,最终获得大学教育的机会明显增加,而个人大学教育期望的产生又主要同家庭背景和父母期望有关。具有优势地位的父母(尤其是接受过高等教育的父母)对子女上大学的期望较高,并激发了子女上大学的期望。同时,具有优势地位的父母能更多地参与到子女的教育过程中,为子女创造更多的支持条件,这些都有助于子女维持和实现自己的教育期望。因而,整个代际传递的逻辑可以表述为:家庭社会经济地位越高的子女,其上大学的期望也越高,这种期望最终会转化为大学教育获得的优势。  相似文献   

认同被视为个人对外在环境和自身状况的综合反映,相当程度上能够表现出个人心理层面社会融合的状态。本文以N学院在校全部聋人大学生为研究对象,通过304份问卷调查,对他们身份认同进行研究,结果表明:聋人大学生身份认同呈现四个倾向分化并处于一定困境之中;听力损失年龄在四个认同倾向上影响并不显著,性别、听力损失程度、家庭背景、家庭教育、学校受教育方式、学业成绩以及社会交往等因素对身份认同影响比较显著。政府、学校及家庭等相关人员要关注聋人大学生身份认同困境并寻找对策以促进他们融入社会。  相似文献   

China’s educational enterprise has achieved great successes since reform and opening up in 1978, but the constraints imposed by a number of factors mean that the problem of unequal distribution of high quality educational resources among groups from different strata is becoming increasingly noticeable at the basic education stage, leading to socioeconomic segregation in schools. We utilize baseline data from the China Education Panel Survey for 2013-2014 to investigate this phenomenon in junior high schools and its influence upon students’ educational expectations. Our findings show that marked segregation currently exists at the junior high school level. The extent of the segregation varies from region to region and place to place (urban or rural), and school socioeconomic composition (SEC) exerts a significant influence upon students’ educational expectations. The higher the school’s average SEC or the greater its heterogeneity, the higher the educational expectations of its students. The effect of school SEC upon the educational expectations of students varies depending on the characteristics of different student groups; students who have lower cognitive abilities and fall behind at school are more likely to benefit from an increase in school socioeconomic status (SES) and heterogeneity. Because educational expectations are a decisive factor in academic achievement and educational attainment, the influence of school socioeconomic segregation upon educational equity should not be overlooked. Lessening the degree of school socioeconomic segregation and encouraging integrated schools would be an effective measure for ensuring educational equity in China.  相似文献   

Objectives. Some have hypothesized that unrealistic expectations regarding their futures may explain the weak link between expectations and realizations among low‐income (particularly minority) youth. Unfortunately, there is little evidence characterizing students' expectations around the time that they make college decisions that would allow one to study this hypothesis. Methods. In this exploratory article, I analyze data on income expectations from a small sample of low‐income minority high school seniors in Baltimore City, MD; and use data from Dominitz and Manski's sample of higher‐income white students in Madison, WI, and the NELS88 for comparisons. Results. I find little evidence that the income expectations of lower‐income minority students are so different from those of higher‐income students. Rather, the expected returns to postsecondary education appear similar between the two samples of high school seniors. Analysis of a nationally representative sample of high school seniors suggests that lower‐income students do not place less weight on expected economic returns to college when making their plans than do more advantaged students, although low‐income students are less able to translate their college plans into actual college attendance. Conclusions. These results suggest that differing income expectations do not explain the weaker relationship between expectations and educational attainment among low‐income students.  相似文献   

Objectives. To evaluate whether Catholic high school attendance, relative to public high school attendance, affects the quality of four‐year college that students attend. Methods. We use quantile regression, which allows the relationship between Catholic high school attendance and college quality to vary along the conditional college quality distribution. Results. We find the relationship between Catholic high school attendance and college quality is larger and more significant at the top half of the conditional college quality distribution than at the bottom half. Conclusions. An understanding of the potential benefits of Catholic schooling is essential to an informed debate about school‐choice programs such as educational vouchers. One potential benefit associated with Catholic schooling is matriculation at more selective colleges and universities. We find some evidence that such a benefit exists.  相似文献   

吴晓刚  李忠路 《社会》2017,37(5):139-164
本文通过对“首都大学生成长追踪调查”中三所精英大学(北京大学、清华大学和中国人民大学)具有代表性样本的数据分析,从教育公平和人才选拔效率两个角度检验了自主招生政策实施的效果。研究结果表明,从教育公平的方面来讲,获得自主招生破格录取的学生更有可能来自父母受过高等教育的家庭、城市家庭和好的重点高中。从人才选拔效率的角度来讲,获得自主招生破格录取学生的学业表现、社会活动能力、非认知能力、毕业后的计划和实际去向与统招学生却并无显著差别。本文的发现对于如何完善自主招生政策、促进教育公平、科学选拔和培养优秀人才等议题具有重要的政策启示意义。  相似文献   

Objective. I examine the association between total time on welfare and recipients' college attendance and graduation over a 20‐year period. Methods. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, I model the determinants of college enrollment and graduation among welfare recipients, and the association between the total number of months a recipient receives aid and her college attendance and graduation. Models examine separately the effects associated with longer stays on aid while recipients attend school as well as reduced recidivism associated with college attendance and graduation. Results. Findings indicate that attending college is associated with more months on aid, but graduating largely offsets this increase through reductions in return to aid. Conclusions. Policymakers' concerns that including postsecondary education as a TANF activity would undermine the short‐term focus of the program are not fully supported. A greater concern is the low rate of graduation among welfare recipients, who reap the most benefits from college attendance and sacrifice the fewest months on aid.  相似文献   

贺光烨 《社会》2018,38(2):213-241
高等教育的扩张大大缩小了两性受教育程度的差距,年轻一代的女性接受大学教育的比例甚至超过了男性。研究高等教育横向分层维度对理解劳动力市场的性别不平等尤为必要。基于“首都大学生成长追踪调查”数据,本研究从大学专业隔离的角度入手,分析大学毕业生初职获得的性别差异。分析发现,首都高校存在明显的专业性别隔离:女生更多地集中在文学、历史、艺术等专业,而男生更多地集中在理工科类专业。大学专业对毕业后个体能否进入男性主导职业具有显著影响。相较于男性,女性进入男性主导职业的概率更低,在控制了专业后,这一差异显著降低。非线性Blinder-Oaxaca分解结果进一步显示,若男女在专业分布上没有差异,不同性别群体进入男性主导职业的概率差异会减少40%~50%。该发现对理解城市高等教育水平劳动力市场中职业性别隔离现象的形成机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Objective. With the growing number of older students attending college, one major issue concerning these nontraditional students is their overall low completion rates. We examine factors affecting nontraditional students' degree completion. Methods. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, we examine the effects of student characteristics on the probability of finishing college with event history models. Results. Part‐time enrollment significantly deters college completion, whereas the number of prior enrollments facilitates it. Being relatively young, having high cognitive ability, and a high‐status occupational background also increase the chance of completion, but these effects partly differ by gender. On the other hand, being divorced and having young children, the factors often negatively associated with women's socioeconomic status, suppress degree completion for both genders. Conclusions. Based on these results, we discuss how higher educational institutions and employers might be able to help increase the rate of completion among nontraditional students.  相似文献   

中高本协同人才培养是适应我国产业转型、经济结构调整和社会民生事业发展对高层次技能和应用型人才需求的必然。广州城市职业学院在系统研究我国中高本协同人才培养的理论和实践历程的基础上,与多家本科、中职院校协同开展中高、专本人才培养,构建了完善的协同育人工作机制、人才培养过程的衔接机制,创新招生和学生管理模式,其积极探索为我国高层次技能和应用性人才培养提供宝贵的经验和示范效应。  相似文献   

马林  吴晓娜  赵蕾 《社会工作》2011,(18):64-65
社会的发展使传统的大学生思想政治教育工作模式已逐渐不能适应和满足学生的需求。学校社会工作理念的引入,尤其是个案、小组工作方法在大学生思想政治教育工作实践中的运用可以有效促进资源整合,保证学生获得"以人为本"优质服务,赋予了大学生思想政治教育新的内涵,有效地帮助大学生解决各种困难和实际问题。并有助于开创大学生思想政治教育工作的新局面。  相似文献   

Case records and interviews concerning educational achievements of 1087 foster care alumni are presented. Youth were served by a voluntary agency in 23 communities across the USA between 1966 and 1998. Because the alumni were older than most foster care follow‐up studies, a more extensive picture of educational achievement was possible. High school graduation and college enrolment rates were comparable to or even greater than those of the general population, but the number of alumni completing high school with a Graduate Equivalency Diploma and the college dropout rates were a concern. Predictors of high school completion while in foster care, such as fewer placement changes, extracurricular activities and independent living training, are presented, along with recommendations for improving educational and vocational preparation.  相似文献   

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