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试论困境儿童的国家救助——以儿童福利理论为视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
困境儿童的救助工作是我国儿童福利事业发展中的重要组成部分。做好困境儿童的救助工作是党、政府、国家、社会和公民共同的责任,因此,必须把对困境儿童的救助工作提升到国家战略的角度来考虑。既要正确认识困境儿童群体的异质性,设计多元化的政策和服务,尽快建立和完善普惠型困境儿童救助政策体系,又要承认困境儿童的能力和优势,允许部分困境儿童自主地选择接受受助方式;还要以儿童视角来保障困境儿童游戏娱乐的权利。  相似文献   

The aims of this article are to review the current body of knowledge on group interventions for children with separated or divorced parents and to provide new insights into the evaluation of their efficacy. This review draws on a method of systematic narrative review (SNR). We provide a narrative synthesis of evidence from 29 studies conducted between 1980 and 2014, which were included in the SNR consistently with the inclusion criteria established. Three dimensions were considered: intervention characteristics, study characteristics, and intervention outcomes (i.e., types of outcomes and efficacy). Our findings showed a general inconsistency among the studies, which was discussed in the light of some important methodological issues.  相似文献   

This article presents an Italian group intervention for children of separated parents and describes preliminary findings about its efficacy. After briefly discussing the state of art for interventions of children of separated parents, the core characteristics of the group intervention are explained and each meeting is described. Then, pre–post research is presented to provide empirical support for this approach. Results reported that participation in the group strengthens the social and interpersonal self-concept dimension in the majority of children. Results are discussed considering both empirical and clinical implications.  相似文献   

It has been estimated that families with children now account for 40% of the population who become homeless. Given the consistency of research showing the potentially damaging effects of homelessness as a stressor upon the social and emotional development of children, the question of importance is how to best intervene to reduce the likelihood or severity of such possible negative consequences. The approach taken here involved the development of a Shelter-Based Stress-Reduction Group Intervention Targeting Self-Esteem and Behavior Problems Among Homeless Children. Data were collected on 52 elementary-schoolage children from family-shelter facilities in Central Florida. The child’s level of psychosocial functioning was assessed using the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory (CSEI) and Achenbach’s Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Although the repeated measures ANOVA techniques applied to those subjects were nonsignificant, the relatively small sample size in study conditions led to consideration of the magnitude of effect sizes obtained in treatment and comparison groups. The changes in the intervention group’s mean scores on key psychosocial outcome variables of interest were consistent with hypotheses, providing suggestive evidence of the potential utility of stress management training.  相似文献   


The current literature indicates that children of incarcerated parents are negatively responding to parent-child separation and vulnerable to myriad adverse psychological, emotional, and behavioral outcomes. African American children are the most greatly impacted by this social issue as they account for over 50% of all children of incarcerated parents. Despite the risks, many of these youths appear to cope with parent-child separation. There is a paucity of literature that employs a risk and resilience conceptual model to explicate the variability in developmental trajectories. This article reviews the literature on risks and resilience among African American families. An interpersonal-ecological conceptual model that emphasizes the reciprocal interaction between the person and social context is employed. Moreover, African American resilient factors that potentially mediate the relationship between parental incarceration and environmental risks and developmental outcomes are discussed.  相似文献   

Parents of mentally retarded children face many special stresses. They have traditionally been offered information about their children but little opportunity to explore their own needs and difficulties. Such an opportunity was offered to parents, as couples, in group settings. The leaders concluded that the most effective approach was an eclectic one including Rogerian reflection, Freudian interpretation, Ellis' reality therapy, Gestalt techniques, and learning theory-based behavior modification. Most parents proved to be compassionate and insightful group members with a great deal to offer each other.  相似文献   

Using a temporal lens, the article shows how fathers’ incarceration leads to a loss of attunement to the temporal rhythms of their children's everyday lives. This lack of synchrony has implications for both the being and the becoming of the child. Through in‐depth interviews, the article draws on data from a Danish study of mothers and children, aged 5–27, whose father/stepfather was incarcerated. Findings show the significance of a multifaceted understanding of time showing the implications of fathers’ imprisonment for children, suggesting that policy initiatives would be enriched by a focus on challenges to synchrony from the child's perspective.  相似文献   

This article reports on a qualitative study of adult children who were estranged from at least one parent. Twenty-six Australian participants reported a total of 40 estrangements. Of these, 23 estrangements were initiated by the participant and 16 were maintained by the participant after being initiated by the parent or occurring after a mutual lessening of contact. Participants reported three core reasons for estrangement: (i) abuse, (ii) poor parenting, and (iii) betrayal. However, estrangement was predominantly situated in long-term perceived or actual disconnection from the parent and family of origin. Most participants had engaged in cycles of estrangement and reunification, using distance to assess the relationship and attend to their own personal development and growth across time. Estrangement was generally triggered by a relatively minor incident or a more serious act of betrayal considered to have been enacted by the parent.  相似文献   

美国作为联邦制国家,其联邦、州及地方各级政府的权力分配是影响公共救助事业的关键因素。在无家可归儿童救助领域,美国各级政府建立起权责明确的职能部门,并通过项目管理的模式,形成了联邦政府主导、州与地方政府协调管理、非营利组织具体执行的分工协作式的无家可归儿童救助系统。美国政府在无家可归儿童救助事务方面的机构设置、项目运作、成效评估等几方面的经验值得我国在建设流浪儿童救助体系时学习借鉴。  相似文献   

Based on a post-test experimental study of 1,893 children of divorced parents across 15 countries, I examine influence of a spiritual education program (SEP) on their resilience building. I have used 4 scales to study the resilience and strengths of the treatment group children. Results of the analysis of variance and t test showed that treatment group children scored better on the scales compared to the control group. Through 4 structural equation models, I show that the scores of the treatment group children were influenced by parenting arrangements, economic class, SEP, and self-practice. Children who lived with single parents or had nonresident cooperative coparenting arrangements scored higher on the scales vis-à-vis those who had custodial and frequently conflicting coparenting arrangements or those whose parents had repartnered and they had stepparents. Upper middle-class children responded better to SEP than their elite class counterparts. Further, treatment group children who did 2 or 3 rounds of the SEP during the course of the study vis-à-vis once, and those who said that they self-practiced the program lessons regularly scored higher on the scales. The findings highlight the importance of spiritually sensitive interventions for resilience building of children of divorced parents.  相似文献   

Few treatment programs exist for very young children with serious sexual behavior problems. Fewer still have produced data relating to their effectiveness, and the sparse data that have emerged have focused on global social adjustment or improvement rather than on sexual behavior- specific changes. This study tracked both frequency of problem sexual behaviors and care giver estimates of the propensity to re-offend of six initial clients referred to a treatment-intensive foster care program for sexually reactive children and pre-adolescent sexual offenders. A simple pre-post (basepoint-treatment) design was used, and in-treatment data gathered over a two-year interval are presented. Initial results indicate that the problem sexual behaviors of most of these youthful clients were effectively and immediately suppressed in the context of their treatment intensive foster placements, but that the program's impact on the clients' propensity to re-offend given the opportunity—a crude measure of treatment internalization—was much less immediate, less pronounced, and less predictable across clients. Recommendations based on these data are offered concerning the viability of foster care intervention for sexualized and offending children, as well as optimal durations for such treatments. The strengths and weaknesses of the novel progress tracking method are discussed.  相似文献   


This article reviews the scientific literature that focuses on school-age children of parents with substance use disorder (SUD). The review examined the subjects, instruments, and results of 10 scientific studies published from 1985 to the present (2006). Generally, school-age children of parents with SUD demonstrated a variety of emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and social problems. Specifically, (a) children of drug users (CODs) were at higher risk than children of alcoholics (COAs) for psychopathology and functional impairments, and (b) Children of parents diagnosed as having SUDs (particularly alcohol), along with anti-social personality disorder (ASPD) showed more negative psychosocial outcomes than children whose parents did not have ASPD. Recommendations for future research and implications for social work practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This qualitative research examined parenting, parental conflict, and parent–child relationships following separation in the context of Australian government reform in 2006 and subsequent changes to the Family Law Act (1975). Participants were English-speaking men and women, age 16 to 27 years. The research was guided by attachment theory and social conflict theory, and embedded in grounded theory. The Cooperative Competitive Parental Conflict model emerged from the data. Two factors moderated the parent–child relationship: emotional security and responsive parenting. The research found it was not parental conflict, but how parental conflict was handled, that created the psychological burden for a child.  相似文献   

回顾美国儿童保护制度的历史轨迹,不难发现,它最早可以追溯到17世纪初的殖民时期,至今已有四百多年的历史。美国的儿童保护制度大致经历了萌芽时期、形成时期、过渡时期和现代化时期四个历史阶段。从最初零星的保护到民间组织发挥主导作用,从儿童保护的低潮到政府发挥主导作用,美国儿童保护制度历史演进中蕴含着丰富的社会、经济和文化内涵。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effectiveness of the 2nd and 3rd editions of the Children First parent education programs for parents experiencing divorce or separation. Participants were 678 parents experiencing separation or divorce in 2 Midwestern counties. Changes from pretest to posttest on participants’ knowledge, attitudes, and likelihood of adaptive coparenting were assessed. Both editions of the program had a significant positive effect on all 3 measures of adaptive coparenting. The effect sizes from pretest to posttest for the 2nd edition were small, whereas the effect sizes for the 3rd edition of the program were nearly twice as large. Superiority of the 3rd edition might be due to an increased focus on explicit training on adaptive coparenting behaviors.  相似文献   


The present study measured outcomes of a group treatment for five-to eight-year-old sexually abused children. Although research completed in the last 10 years has produced some outcome studies on the effectiveness of group treatment for this population, no previous research has measured the effectiveness of psychoeducational interventions, such as the teaching of sexual information and abuse prevention strategies which are often included in this type of treatment. Also, the effects of different lengths of treatment have not been studied. The results of the current study found that children improved significantly from pre-treatment to mid-treatment on measures of problematic behavior, sexual information and abuse prevention. The children also made significant improvements from mid-treatment to post-treatment and from pre-treatment to post-treatment on all of the outcome measures with the exception of mid-treatment to post-treatment changes on the maternal acceptance self-esteem subscale. These results suggest that young children do benefit from a sexual abuse group treatment and that a longer treatment may be more beneficial.  相似文献   

目前,政府通过发展社会保障以增进社会和谐的政策方向基本确立,倡导残疾儿童社会保障制度的适度公正机制是基于经济发展和现代社会平等两者之间的权衡。目的是使社会成员都能够普遍以适度标准不断享受经济社会发展的成果,从而有效地实现社会整合。我国已经初步具备实现残疾儿童社会保障制度的适度公正目标的条件,基于此目标,残疾儿童的社会保障制度仍存在以下制约瓶颈:相关社会保障制度建设法规滞后;政府保障主体地位缺失,财政经费投入不足;残疾儿童参与社会保障层次低、覆盖面窄;保障政策执行部门行政多头管理。因此,残疾儿童社会保障制度的制度设计需要着重于:保持经济发展水平下残疾儿童保障支付享受标准;倡导公正和能动的残疾儿童权利保障价值取向:界定政府责任边界和立法,广泛动员社会力量;整合政府部门残疾儿童社会保障资源。  相似文献   

The authors discuss the implications of divorce and the effect that divorce has on the relationships between family members. Parents are encouraged to develop appropriate co-parental boundaries that direct and influence subsequent interactions between family members. Using an integration of solution-focused therapy and structural family therapy, a variation of the miracle question is suggested as a means to help parents gain confidence in making changes in behavior. The miracle question also is intended to help parents set new goals for themselves and increase the ability to cooperate and communicate as co-parents. A case study provides an example of this idea.  相似文献   

This article is based on a small‐scale study evaluating the work of an emotional literacy project in the North West of England. It focuses on the research process and the challenging experience of involving children as peer researchers. The author draws on theoretical and epistemological insights from feminism and the sociology of childhood to explore some of the enduring tensions and contradictions facing adults involved in children’s research. The primary intention is to use post‐research reflections to raise questions and stimulate debate amongst children’s researchers rather than offer solutions. © 2010 The Author(s). Children & Society © 2010 National Children’s Bureau and Blackwell Publishing Limited.  相似文献   

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