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正自2010年微博开始流行以来,一种新媒介形态渐入公众视野。这就是以微博、微信为代表的"微"传播现象日趋增多,"微时代"应运而生。当前,如何正确认识和应对微时代,化风险挑战为发展机遇,这对于各级领导干部而言是一个需要认真思考和对待的现实课题。微时代的到来犹如一把"双刃剑",在给人们带来诸多"福利"的同时也潜藏着一系列危  相似文献   

“根据DCCI 2012年最新调查发现,在中国的互联网用户中,19岁及以上的微博用户占比已经达到88.81%,微博用户量约为3.27亿。”移动互联网技术的飞速发展以及智能移动设备(智能手机、平板电脑等)的逐步普及,为微博在中国的快速发展提供了技术支撑。如今,我国已经进入以微博技术为代表的“微时代”,这给国民生活方式和各行各业带来了深刻变化。  相似文献   

微博,字数虽少,却可以微言大义、掷地有声、引起共鸣。在“微时代”,为文不妨学学网友写微博,文风定有改进。  相似文献   

随着互联网时代的到来,信息技术给人们的生活、工作以及学习带来了翻天覆地的变化。当前,信息技术已经走进教育界,用自己独有的优势创造了一个“微时代”,即微课已经成为幼儿教育教学的主流平台,发挥着至关重要的教育影响和价值。本文将针对“生活中的幼儿园微课运用研究”这一问题,进行详细阐释!  相似文献   

裴仁君 《秘书之友》2014,(10):26-28
正一、微时代已悄然来临今天这个时代,有人将其定义为知识经济时代,有人说这是个信息时代,也有人说我们已处于读图时代,各种说法不胜枚举。而就在当下一个描述我们这个时代的新名词渐渐流行起来这就是"微时代"。环顾周围你就会发现,现在以"微"字开头的新名词、新事物越来越多,微博微信、微话剧、微小说、微电影、微课、微企微广告、微管理、微财经、微营销、微旅行、微美容……一个个"微××"如雨后春笋般不断涌  相似文献   

人人都有麦克风,人人都是自媒体的微时代骤然来临。微博,在无数人的指尖跳动中架起了纵横交错的网络高速通道,这不仅改变了传统的人际关系形态,冲击着原有的社会舆论格局,同样也影响着政府与社会公众的互动方式。微博具有以信息裂变方式传递和扩散民意的功能,而政务微博和领导干部微博则成为民意  相似文献   

于涛  赵旭 《经营管理者》2012,(8X):297-297
随着新一代信息技术的发展,以"微博"、"微信"为媒体的新型信息传播方式的产生,吸引了大学生群体的广泛关注和普遍喜爱,同时也形成了新的信息交互时代—"微时代"。"微时代"的到来不仅提供了更加便捷的信息交流平台,也对高校大学生思想政治教育工作带来了全新的工作挑战和要求。  相似文献   

<正>随着互联网的迅猛发展,特别是微博等新兴媒介的的出现,其方便快捷、传播迅速、互动性强的特点使其广泛渗透到我国的政治、经济、文化等领域,使人们处在一个"人人都是通讯社、个个都有麦克风"的"微时代",颇具时尚元素的政务微博也应运而生。虽然政务微博作为政府部门及官员与公众交流互动的平台带来了众多好处,但其在政务沟通的过程中依然存在着信息更新不及时、互动不足、用语不当、各自为政等问题。这些问题  相似文献   

新世纪是信息化的时代,各种微生活已融入到人们的日常工作中,如微博、微信等以及微电影、微党课、微视等当前一些流行起的"微"方面的东西。微时代的显著特征就是快速、自由、即时、互动,而这些特点又也青年对新事物的追求相吻合,因此大受喜爱。伴随着科技的进步和发展,人们已全面步入到信息时代中,各种"微工具"的出现,如微博、微信等都对当前青年员工的"三观"产生了极大的影响。同时,这也对企业的思想政治工作提出了更新的挑战。  相似文献   

微博江湖中的官员微风暴 截至今年6月底,中国网民4.85亿,微博用户数量从2010年底的6311万爆发增长到1.95亿。在浩大的微博“江湖”中,行走着一群身份特殊的人。这些独具“微”力的人,  相似文献   

How people leave a devastated area after a disaster is critical to understanding their ability to cope with risks they face while evacuating. Knowledge of their needs for communications about these risks is particularly crucial in planning for emergency responses. A convenience sample of 1,444 persons who survived the World Trade Center (WTC) attacks on September 11, 2001 were surveyed to ascertain their initial and ultimate destinations once they had left the buildings, how they arrived there, the role of types of obstacles they encountered, and the need for information and the seeking of other people as potential factors in influencing the process of leaving immediately. This survey was part of a larger, original survey. Results showed differences in how people traveled by mode to initial and ultimate destinations, how immediately they left the area, and factors associated with when they left. How they traveled and when they left were associated with where people lived, their tendency in times of stress to seek out other people including who they knew in the immediate area (e.g., co‐workers or friends), the physical conditions surrounding them, and the importance to some of waiting for more information. Many people indicated they did not leave immediately because they had no information about where to go or what services would be available to them. Perceptions and communications about risks they were facing were reflected in the choices they considered in how and when to leave the area. These findings have numerous ramifications for understanding and guiding personal behavior in catastrophic situations.  相似文献   

Senior physician executives were surveyed in 1998/99 to ascertain that they see as their greatest value to their organizations. They believe that their most significant contribution is their accumulated knowledge and experience--both in medicine and management. This medical management perspective is considered the key advantage of serving on the senior management team and helping to shape the organization's decisions and direction. Additionally, they rated their relationships with physicians as a critical aspect of their position. They were also asked what activities they most enjoyed. The number one response was working with the physicians on the medical staff and in the community. This includes the day-to-day involvement as a leader, as a mentor and educator, and overall as a liasion to the organization's practitioners. The activities that they found most rewarding were also those they perceived to be of greatest value. If these physicians are correct about what is valued in their organizations, they are the right people in the right jobs--and they enjoy what they do.  相似文献   

Organizations progress through a series of growth stages as they mature. How they handle themselves in each stage will determine how well they function within a stage, how rapidly they progress to new stages, and whether they succeed to a new stage at all. Those organizations that adjust to growth most effectively become the standard setters that other organizations follow. Health care organizations, to compete effectively in a changed and changing environment, must seize opportunities to achieve excellence and reach the third stage of organizational development.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to investigate whether employees experience emotional drain when they witness unpleasant interactions between coworkers. This was tested in a sample of staff in a UK hospital department, which included nurses, doctors, specialists and administrative staff. The study used a diary method in which participants recorded their reactions to over 1000 interpersonal interactions between coworkers across 15 work days. Multilevel analyses indicated that staff felt significantly more emotionally drained after witnessing unpleasant interactions compared to pleasant ones. This effect was mediated both by what the staff felt in response to what they witnessed and by the extent to which they controlled their feelings. Staff felt more emotionally drained when they took the perspective of the target to a greater extent and when they witnessed interactions directly (first-hand) rather than indirectly (hearsay). Witnesses appear to be vulnerable to emotional depletion because they experience an affective reaction and self-regulate their own emotional response to what they have seen or heard. This third-party effect on the witnesses of unpleasant interactions has the potential not only to have a negative effect on the individual but to pervade the organisation.  相似文献   

We've had calls from physicians who finally have the medical management job they always wanted and then a month later they wondered why they wanted it. I asked seven physician executives to come together as a group and talk to me about this issue. I also asked them what skills they needed most when they first got the job and, as time passed, which skills continued to be most useful. I have not used their names because they were open enough to talk about some very sensitive issues.  相似文献   

The well-trained group of professionals had worked hard at the business they knew well. Their efforts had paid off--they were highly respected for their quality; their business grew; they had a close, trusting relationship with their customers; and they had the satisfaction of running their business as they alone knew to be best. As they looked ahead, they saw the personal security of a bright, safe future, of more of the same success. Then, slowly at first but building steadily to a feverish pace, their business and their lives were uprooted and torn apart in an all-encompassing economic and social earthquake. Now, with a force the professionals could hardly believe, let alone keep track of, the very definition of their business was changing, the trusting relationship with customers began to break down as massive numbers of new and different competitors vied for their business, many new players began to control how they ran their business, and security vanished into a confusion of competition, entrepreneurship, and risk.  相似文献   

How does one deal with problems of risk transfer if it is the case that increasing risks to future generations decreases the risks to present generations, and increasing the risks to present generations decreases the risks to future generations? In the case of high‐level nuclear waste and spent fuel, for example, should billions of dollars be spent to secure the wastes and protect future generations, or should the same monies be spent on present‐day needs, under the assumption that future generations will be better able to deal with the waste than we are at present? Although these questions may appear insoluble, they become less so when one recognizes several common ethical and logical errors that beset many discussions of technological risk and duties to future generations. After briefly explaining the grounds for inter‐ and intragenerational equity, this analysis argues for three propositions about many treatments of inter‐ and intragenerational ethics: (1) these discussions often err because they frame policy arguments in terms that ignore rights and focus on maximizing welfare or utility, (2) they err because they frequently frame policy arguments in ways that set inter‐ and intragenerational welfare at odds, when they are not, because they ignore ameliorating practices and the conditions for proxy consent, and (3) they also err because they engage in risk practices that do not match their risk rhetoric.  相似文献   

How do planners compose plans that fit complex environmental systems? How do they align mismatched ecological and governance landscapes? We studied a small group of practitioners planning for groundwater sustainability to explore these questions. We recorded and transcribed their talk as they worked with geovisualization tools to diagnose and resolve future water shortages. Our findings showed how these planners crossed scales and levels as they reconsidered the relationships between groundwater supplies and consumers. While they recognized the urgency of aquifer overdraft, they complained about a lack of fine-grained hydrogeologic data, which they rely on for managing local water shortages.  相似文献   

How do you transition from physician executive to physician CEO? Three physician CEOs were interviewed to explore the skills they needed to land in the top position. They share their views on what it takes to be a successful CEO. They describe the skills that they needed when they moved into the CEO role and how they acquired them. Some of the qualities it takes to be a CEO include the ability to: Articulate your values; use your people skills; describe a vision; solve problems; listen; walk around; and use analytical skills.  相似文献   

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