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张猛 《经营管理者》2012,(2X):279-279
由美国次贷危机引发的国际金融危机,是改革开放以来中国所遭受的最严重的外部经济冲击,经济增速下滑已经成为中国当前经济运行中的主要矛盾。在阐述国际金融危机传染机制的基础上,具体分析这次国际金融危机给中国经济发展所带来的挑战与机遇,据此提出中国应对国际金融危机的措施。  相似文献   

本文依次介绍次贷危机对中国金融机构的影响、次贷危机后中国的对策和次贷危机带给中国经济的启示,文章最后小结一下。  相似文献   

反思中国危机管理机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
石硕 《科学咨询》2003,(13):20-21
SARS突然袭来,中国成为受这场全球性公共卫生危机冲击最大的国家. 这场危机不但考察了中国政府的危机应对能力,而且对中国的公共卫生管理系统提出了挑战和质疑,暴露出中国在应对大规模公众危机上缺少足够的的经验,而更重要的,是缺少一个专业的危机预警和处理机制.  相似文献   

李国英 《科学咨询》2007,(13):32-34
危机管理是现代企业必修课,只要企业存在,危机就是不可避免的.因此,企业要有居安思危的意识,建立完善的危机管理系统,提升其危机管理能力.本文分析了企业危机管理的内涵,对中国企业在危机管理方面存在的问题进行了深刻的剖析,针对问题提出了增强中国企业危机管理能力的对策.  相似文献   

近几年中国各地公共危机事件频繁发生,造成了重大人员伤亡和财产损失。国家公共危机治理能力的提升迫在眉睫。“未雨绸缪,防患未然”,危机治理的核心问题在于中国公共危机预警系统还不够完善。本文结合现实情况和已有案例,提出了构建基于中国国情的公共危机预警系统的建议。  相似文献   

以因特网为代表的新经济的兴起,使当今世界各地的联系加强,"蝴蝶效应"越发明显。针对公共危机事件的在当下的特性,笔者将以日本的危机管理体制为借鉴,阐述中国公共危机管理的现状,并探讨中国公共危机管理必须纳入常态管理的原因,最后提出如何建立中国特色的常态公共危机管理体系的措施建议。  相似文献   

作者:韩和元出版社:北京大学出版社出版时间:2013年1月虽然人们将爆发的危机命名为美国次贷危机、美债危机、欧债危机,可为什么中国的经济同样那么艰难?如果说,中国经济下滑的重要原因在于外部环境的恶化,那为什么中国的股价下跌得比美国和欧洲的大部分国家都要严重呢?作  相似文献   

2007年4月,美国新世纪金融公司申请破产,标志着次贷危机正式爆发。一年多来,这场危机的影响愈演愈烈,形成一种"蝴蝶"效应,引发了国际金融风暴。深入探讨次贷危机的形成机制和传导机制,搞清次贷危机的有关细节,重构次贷危机发展的历程,对于我们把握次贷危机的未来发展,判断这一危机对中国的可能冲击,特别是对重新思考中国今后金融体系改革的方向应该具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

《影子里的中国——即将到来的社会危机》是一本经济学家、政治学家、国际学者共同把脉政治时局和经济轨迹、预测未来危机的著作。本书澄清了当下中国的改革理论,从"中国轨迹"到"世界上最危险的邻居",从"即将到来的中国危机"  相似文献   

本文对次贷危机产生原因及影响做了详细的介绍。从次贷危机对中国各企业的影响为例,论述了其在中国企业发展与调整其战略的应用.最后,总结了分析次贷危机理论之后,中国如何调整整体经济策略,尽快实现经济复苏。  相似文献   

从技术赶超视角,探讨我国先进制造企业技术能力的阶段性变化特征,在对三一重工进行探索性案例分析的基础上,应用隐马尔可夫模型(HMM),构建企业技术能力层级阶段的隐含状态与观测状态矩阵,并对模型进行评估和解码。研究发现:我国先进制造企业技术能力,可依次划分为经验学习、探索研究、自主研发与技术引领4个阶段,各阶段间可逐级跃升,也可跨越;处于不同阶段的企业其技术赶超路径具有差异,应选择适宜的模式以突破“赶超瓶颈”。  相似文献   

梁利峥 《经理人》2012,(3):38-43,18
当全球光伏行业进入深度调整期时,英利集团董事长苗连生却放出豪言:"早等这个时候了",他将光伏行业的危机看成英利的重大发展机遇,因为伟大的企业往往都是在危机中诞生的。苗连生控股的在美上市公司英利绿色能源(股票代码:YGE),由2011年2季报盈利  相似文献   

曾几何时,美的集团在中国家电市场攻城略地,将整个家电江湖搅得血雨腥风,营业额高歌猛进,似乎不把海尔从头把交椅拉下誓不罢休。如今,大裁员的背后折射出其经营管理的困顿。这背后,是营销驱动的粗放式扩张,以至于渠道模式翻来覆去的变更与动荡  相似文献   

Conoco manufactures lubricants and oils from petroleum and markets them to the mining, trasportation, recreation, construction and related industries. In the wake of the 1990 amendments to the Clean Air Act, the company became concerned that certain customers would be obligated to discontinue the use of lubricants that contained chlorinated solvents. Specifically, Conoco realized that numerous state and local environmental quality standards were becoming stricter with respect to open gear lubricants dropping to the ground from the gears on large power shovels and drag lines used in mining and construction. Although these applications were often in avid regions, groundwater contamination was an issue in other regions. Therefore, if the company did not initiate the development of alternatives to current products, it might lose market share to competitor's products. Fortuitously, a new line of feedstocks came to the attention of Conoco in the form of a chemical by-product stream from a business unit of its parent company, DuPont. The two companies ultimately used this chemical by-product stream to develop a new product to solve the problem.In this case study, we describe a DuPont/Conoco effort to develop a more environmentally friendly niche lubrication product that could be used to mitigate certain heavy machinery environmental problems and create a more competitive slate of products to facilitate sales of an entire line of lubricants. Likewise we examine how Conoco employed part of a chemical by-product stream from another part of the company as feedstock for the new product.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Risk analysis》2001,21(5):979-982
Book reviewes: Ester van der Voet, Jeroen B. Guinee, and Helias A Udo de Haes, Heavy Metals: A Problem Solved? Methods and Models to Evaluate Policy Strategies for Heavy Metals Charles N. Haas, Joan B. Rose, and Charles P. Gerba, Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment Felix Redmill and Tom Anderson, (eds.) Aspects of Safety Management  相似文献   

很多制药企业都在过冬,缩减投资,礼来却在中国大规模扩张站在上海市中心的新办公室里,从21楼向外望去,眼前的景象常常令戴文睿感到兴奋,有时也很困惑—在那些直冲云霄的高楼大厦中间,  相似文献   

Is there still something specific East German in the need for counseling? There is a specific East German background, considering the adaption of issues, contents and methods of counseling of East German top management, enterprises and institutions. In the last ten years, development in East Germany was above all a make up for the development of West German conditions. Today the trends in West and East Germany are equally faced with the reorganization of processes resulting from global standards. These are confronted with a hardly stabil economical and social basis in East Germany. The general need for counseling is determined by psychological counseling and change management.  相似文献   

Industry structure analysis provides a tool for managers and leaders to more clearly understand the context in which day-by-day decisions are to be taken. It encourages a systematic analysis of ‘whither an enterprise?’ in the sense of ‘in what direction’ and ‘wither an enterprise?’ in the sense of ‘to what purpose’. Industry structure analysis applied to London reveals those forces which may doom current approaches to the solution to inner city problems to early failure and suggests new areas for the application of effort. As we enter a decade in which economic, political and social upheaval will be the norm, such a tool could be of use in helping managers in other enterprises to chart a surer course through uncertainty.  相似文献   

Power in organization counseling. A qualitative study in a hospital in East Germany Power is a main topic of this analysis of a consulting process in an East German hospital: How power is appearing within organizational consulting? What is the power the client has, and the consultants have? And what is the interrelation between power and the resistance to change? In recourse to the theory of micropolitics, power is understood as the combination of rules and distribution of resources within an organization. The consulting process itself is interpreted as the consultant’s introduction to the ongoing game the organization is playing. The qualitative case study of the consulting process in an East German hospital clearly shows, how ineffective interventions remain, if the consultants fail to recognize and take into consideration the valid combination of rules and distribution of resources. In the presented case this combination is based on the peculiar history of East Germany. It was only after the project had failed that the consultants realized that they had been practiced upon.  相似文献   

Most employers provide some number of paid sick leave days for their employees. If employees use their sick leave days by calling in sick on days they are feeling well, productivity (in terms of either goods or services) may be reduced. In this study, conducted at a preschool, productivity was defined as the number of children enrolled each month. In baseline, the 13 full-time employees were absent 4% of the time and 75 children were enrolled. The effectiveness and cost of two voluntary incentive programs designed to reduce employee absenteeism were examined for 4-½ years in a single case experimental design. The absenteeism of employees who volunteered to participate in the incentive program was .7% and overall absenteeism during the incentive programs was 2-½% while costs remained constant. Twenty-six percent more children were served. Employees preferred monetary to non-monetary incentives.  相似文献   

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