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Let (T1,T2) be gap times corresponding to two consecutive events, which are observed subject to (univariate) random right-censoring. The censoring variable corresponding to the second gap time T2 will in general depend on this gap time. Suppose the vector (T1,T2) satisfies the nonparametric location-scale regression model T2=m(T1)+σ(T1)?, where the functions m and σ are ‘smooth’, and ? is independent of T1. The aim of this paper is twofold. First, we propose a nonparametric estimator of the distribution of the error variable under this model. This problem differs from others considered in the recent related literature in that the censoring acts not only on the response but also on the covariate, having no obvious solution. On the basis of the idea of transfer of tail information (Van Keilegom and Akritas, 1999), we then use the proposed estimator of the error distribution to introduce nonparametric estimators for important targets such as: (a) the conditional distribution of T2 given T1; (b) the bivariate distribution of the gap times; and (c) the so-called transition probabilities. The asymptotic properties of these estimators are obtained. We also illustrate through simulations, that the new estimators based on the location-scale model may behave much better than existing ones.  相似文献   

Doubly truncated data appear in a number of applications, including astronomy and survival analysis. For double-truncated data, the lifetime T is observable only when UTV, where U and V are the left-truncated and right-truncated time, respectively. In some situations, the lifetime T also suffers interval censoring. Using the EM algorithm of Turnbull [The empirical distribution function with arbitrarily grouped censored and truncated data, J. R. Stat. Soc. Ser. B 38 (1976), pp. 290–295] and iterative convex minorant algorithm [P. Groeneboom and J.A. Wellner, Information Bounds and Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1992], we study the performance of the nonparametric maximum-likelihood estimates (NPMLEs) of the distribution function of T. Simulation results indicate that the NPMLE performs adequately for the finite sample.  相似文献   


Function-based hypothesis testing in two-sample location-scale models has been addressed for uncensored data using the empirical characteristic function. A test of adequacy in censored two-sample location-scale models is lacking, however. A plug-in empirical likelihood approach is used to introduce a test statistic, which, asymptotically, is not distribution free. Hence for practical situations bootstrap is necessary for performing the test. A multiplier bootstrap and a model appropriate resampling procedure are given to approximate critical values from the null asymptotic distribution. Although minimum distance estimators of the location and scale are deployed for the plug-in, any consistent estimators can be used. Numerical studies are carried out that validate the proposed testing method, and real example illustrations are given.


Quasi-likelihood was extended to right censored data to handle heteroscedasticity in the frame of the accelerated failure time (AFT) model. However, the assumption of known variance function in the quasi-likelihood for right censored data is usually unrealistic. In this paper, we propose a nonparametric quasi-likelihood by replacing the specified variance function with a nonparametric variance function estimator. This nonparametric variance function estimator is obtained by smoothing a function of squared residuals via local polynomial regression. The rate of convergence of the nonparametric variance function estimator and the asymptotic limiting distributions of the regression coefficient estimators are derived. It is demonstrated in simulations that for finite samples the proposed nonparametric quasi-likelihood method performs well. The new method is illustrated with one real dataset.  相似文献   

As direct generalization of the quantile regression for complete observed data, an estimation method for quantile regression models with interval censored data is proposed, and the property of consistency is obtained. The property of asymptotic normality is also established with a bias converging to zero, and to reduce the bias, two bias correction methods are proposed. Methods proposed in this paper do not require the censoring vectors to be identically distributed, and can be applied to models with various covariates. Simulation results show that the proposed methods work well.  相似文献   

Nonparametric estimation of the probability density function f° of a lifetime distribution based on arbitrarily right-censor-ed observations from f° has been studied extensively in recent years. In this paper the density estimators from censored data that have been obtained to date are outlined. Histogram, kernel-type, maximum likelihood, series-type, and Bayesian nonparametric estimators are included. Since estimation of the hazard rate function can be considered as giving a density estimate, all known results concerning nonparametric hazard rate estimation from censored samples are also briefly mentioned.  相似文献   

The authors propose a class of procedures for local likelihood estimation from data that are either interval‐censored or that have been aggregated into bins. One such procedure relies on an algorithm that generalizes existing self‐consistency algorithms by introducing kernel smoothing at each step of the iteration. The entire class of procedures yields estimates that are obtained as solutions of fixed point equations. By discretizing and applying numerical integration, the authors use fixed point theory to study convergence of algorithms for the class. Rapid convergence is effected by the implementation of a local EM algorithm as a global Newton iteration. The latter requires an explicit solution of the local likelihood equations which can be found by using the symbolic Newton‐Raphson algorithm, if necessary.  相似文献   

Interval-censored data arise due to a sequence random examination such that the failure time of interest occurs in an interval. In some medical studies, there exist long-term survivors who can be considered as permanently cured. We consider a mixed model for the uncured group coming from linear transformation models and cured group coming from a logistic regression model. For the inference of parameters, an EM algorithm is developed for a full likelihood approach. To investigate finite sample properties of the proposed method, simulation studies are conducted. The approach is applied to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s hypobaric decompression sickness data.  相似文献   

A method for nonparametric estimation of density based on a randomly censored sample is presented. The density is expressed as a linear combination of cubic M -splines, and the coefficients are determined by pseudo-maximum-likelihood estimation (likelihood is maximized conditionally on data-dependent knots). By using regression splines (small number of knots) it is possible to reduce the estimation problem to a space of low dimension while preserving flexibility, thus striking a compromise between parametric approaches and ordinary nonparametric approaches based on spline smoothing. The number of knots is determined by the minimum AIC. Examples of simulated and real data are presented. Asymptotic theory and the bootstrap indicate that the precision and the accuracy of the estimates are satisfactory.  相似文献   

In this paper we compare four nonparametric quantile function estimators for randomly right censored data: the Kaplan–Meier estimator, the linearly interpolated Kaplan–Meier estimator, the kernel-type survival function estimator, and the Bézier curve smoothing estimator. Also, we compare several kinds of confidence intervals of quantiles for four nonparametric quantile function estimators.  相似文献   

Right, left or interval censored multivariate data can be represented by an intersection graph. Focussing on the bivariate case, the authors relate the structure of such an intersection graph to the support of the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimate (NPMLE) of the cumulative distribution function (CDF) for such data. They distinguish two types of non‐uniqueness of the NPMLE: representational, arising when the likelihood is unaffected by the distribution of the estimated probability mass within regions, and mixture, arising when the masses themselves are not unique. The authors provide a brief overview of estimation techniques and examine three data sets.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the setting where the observed data is incomplete. For the general situation where the number of gaps as well as the number of unobserved values in some gaps go to infinity, the asymptotic behavior of maximum likelihood estimator is not clear. We derive and investigate the asymptotic properties of maximum likelihood estimator under censorship and drive a statistic for testing the null hypothesis that the proposed non-nested models are equally close to the true model against the alternative hypothesis that one model is closer when we are faced with a life-time situation. Furthermore rewrite a normalization of a difference of Akaike criterion for estimating the difference of expected Kullback–Leibler risk between the distributions in two different models.  相似文献   

In analyzing interval censored data, a non-parametric estimator is often desired due to difficulties in assessing model fits. Because of this, the non-parametric maximum likelihood estimator (NPMLE) is often the default estimator. However, the estimates for values of interest of the survival function, such as the quantiles, have very large standard errors due to the jagged form of the estimator. By forcing the estimator to be constrained to the class of log concave functions, the estimator is ensured to have a smooth survival estimate which has much better operating characteristics than the unconstrained NPMLE, without needing to specify a parametric family or smoothing parameter. In this paper, we first prove that the likelihood can be maximized under a finite set of parameters under mild conditions, although the log likelihood function is not strictly concave. We then present an efficient algorithm for computing a local maximum of the likelihood function. Using our fast new algorithm, we present evidence from simulated current status data suggesting that the rate of convergence of the log-concave estimator is faster (between \(n^{2/5}\) and \(n^{1/2}\)) than the unconstrained NPMLE (between \(n^{1/3}\) and \(n^{1/2}\)).  相似文献   

We propose a new estimation method to estimate the nonparametric functions in additive models, where the response is subject to fixed censoring. Under some regularity conditions, we show that the proposed estimator is uniformly consistent with certain convergence rates. The simulation study shows that the proposed estimator performs well in finite sample sizes. We also analyze a dataset from an HIV study for an illustration.  相似文献   

Two nonparametric estimators o f the survival distributionare discussed. The estimators were proposed by Kaplan and Meier (1958) and Breslow (1972) and are applicable when dealing with censored data. It is known that they are asymptotically unbiased and uniformly strongly consistent, and when properly normalized that they converge weakly to the same Gaussian process. In this paper, the properties of the estimators are carefully inspected in small or moderate samples. The Breslow estimator, a shrinkage version of the Kaplan-Meier, nearly always has the smaller mean square error (MSE) whenever the truesurvival probabilityis at least 0.20, but has considerably larger MSE than the Kaplan-Meier estimator when the survivalprobability is near zero.  相似文献   

We introduce a class of models for longitudinal data by extending the generalized estimating equations approach of Liang and Zeger (1986) to incorporate the flexibility of nonparametric smoothing. The algorithm provides a unified estimation procedure for marginal distributions from the exponential family. We propose pointwise standard-error bands and approximate likelihood-ratio and score tests for inference. The algorithm is formally derived by using the penalized quasilikelihood framework. Convergence of the estimating equations and consistency of the resulting solutions are discussed. We illustrate the algorithm with data on the population dynamics of Colorado potato beetles on potato plants.  相似文献   

The Cox proportional frailty model with a random effect has been proposed for the analysis of right-censored data which consist of a large number of small clusters of correlated failure time observations. For right-censored data, Cai et al. [3] proposed a class of semiparametric mixed-effects models which provides useful alternatives to the Cox model. We demonstrate that the approach of Cai et al. [3] can be used to analyze clustered doubly censored data when both left- and right-censoring variables are always observed. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimator are derived. A simulation study is conducted to investigate the performance of the proposed estimator.  相似文献   

When prior information on model parameters is weak or lacking, Bayesian statistical analyses are typically performed with so-called “default” priors. We consider the problem of constructing default priors for the parameters of survival models in the presence of censoring, using Jeffreys’ rule. We compare these Jeffreys priors to the “uncensored” Jeffreys priors, obtained without considering censored observations, for the parameters of the exponential and log-normal models. The comparison is based on the frequentist coverage of the posterior Bayes intervals obtained from these prior distributions.  相似文献   

A mixture model is proposed to analyze a bivariate interval censored data with cure rates. There exist two types of association related with bivariate failure times and bivariate cure rates, respectively. A correlation coefficient is adopted for the association of bivariate cure rates and a copula function is applied for bivariate survival times. The conditional expectation of unknown quantities attributable to interval censored data and cure rates are calculated in the E-step in ES (Expectation-Solving algorithm) and the marginal estimates and the association measures are estimated in the S-step through a two-stage procedure. A simulation study is performed to evaluate the suggested method and a real data from HIV patients is analyzed as a real data example.  相似文献   

Cramér–von Mises type goodness of fit tests for interval censored data case 2 are proposed based on a resampling method called the leveraged bootstrap, and their asymptotic consistency is shown. The proposed tests are computationally efficient, and in fact can be applied to other types of censored data, including right censored data, doubly censored data and (mixture of) case k interval censored data. Some simulation results and an example from AIDS research are presented.  相似文献   

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