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We review the literature on determinants of ethnic/national self-identities and self-esteem as a prelude to examining these outcomes among a large, statistically representative sample of second generation adolescents in Madrid and Barcelona. While these psycho-social outcomes are malleable, they still represent important dimensions of immigrant adaptation and can have significant consequences both for individual mobility and collective mobilizations. Current theories are largely based on data from the USA and other Anglophone countries. The availability of a new large Spanish survey allows us to test those theories in an entirely different socio-cultural context. The analysis concludes with a structural equations model that summarizes key determinants of national identities and self-esteem among children of immigrants in Spain. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The policy makers usually assume that the nuclear family model is almost universally favoured in our industrial and urban society. Governmental agencies are thus left with the responsibility taken over in the past by the extended family. Gerontological literature studied the family support available to the elderly. In general, research results have supported the modified extended family model. Here, the multigenerational household is defined as a living arrangement in contradiction with the nuclear family model, but able to provide support to the disabled elderly. With three random samples of non-institutionalized francophone elderly, it was possible to estimate the number of elderly people living in multigenerational households. It was observed that the elderly in such households are older and more functionally impaired than the elderly living in other kinds of households. Thus, the multigenerational household offers a potential for support neglected by policy makers. Governmental agencies should see themselves as supporters of family involvement with elderly members rather than as surrogates for the family. Les planificateurs assument que la famille nucléaire est le modèle presqu'unique adopte par les families de sociétés industrielles et urbaines. Les agences gouvernementales doivent done prendre la reléve de la famille ètendue. Les recherches en gérontologie ont pourtant démontrv que l'aide familiale est disponible aux personnes âgées. En fait, la famille contemporaine assure la plus grande part de l'aide aux personnes âgées. Le ménage multi-générationel se pose en source importante de support pour la personne âgée qui en est membre. L'observation de trois échantillons aléatoires de personnes âgées urbaines et francophones permet une estimation du nombre de personnes âgées habitant dans un ménage multigénérationel. En plus, ces personnes sont plus âgées et ont plus d'incapacités fonctionnelles que les personnes âgées seules ou vivant avec leur conjoint seulement. En conséquence, la famille nucléaire n'est pas un modèle empiriquement adéquat. Les recherches ont plutôt proposé le modèle de la famille étendue modifiée. Les agences gouvernementales devraient concevoir leur rôle en fonction du support qu'offre la famille â ses membres âgés plutôt que de se définir comme substituts familiaux.  相似文献   

"This paper attempts to review briefly the past and the prospective changes in the sex-age composition of the population of India and to speculate about their socio-economic implications. The basic data are drawn from the decennial censuses and the Sample Registration System; but the discussion extends beyond them."  相似文献   


The objective of this study is to identify the factors that contribute to the successful or unsuccessful integration of the Chinese diaspora in France. There is already a significant amount of literature that probes into the immigrant experiences of various other groups in France. However, the Chinese diaspora in France has remained insufficiently studied. This study aims to address this gap. The main findings of this study are that 1) unsurprisingly, the older the age of arrival, the less well integrated immigrants are in French society, 2) somewhat surprisingly, the less well integrated an immigrant is, the more likely he or she is going to believe that France is a tolerant and open-minded country, and 3) counterintuitively, the more deeply a member of the Chinese diaspora is immersed in French society, the more likely he or she is going to believe that France is hostile to people of Asian heritage.  相似文献   

《The aging male》2013,16(4):191-194

Introduction: To evaluate surgical risk and post-operative quality of living status in patients over 85 years of age after transurethral vaporization resection of the prostate (TUVRP).

Methods: Sixty patients over 85 years of age underwent TUVRP were compared with 228 patients less than the age of 80 years. Group A was 60 patients greater than 85 years of age, Group B was 137 patients from 71 to 79 years of age, and Group C was 91 patients from 60 to 70 years of age.

Results: In Group A, pre-operative ASA grade was higher than the other two groups, compared with Group C, p?<?0.01. Operating time was 40.03?±?18.90?min, compared in the three groups, p?>?0.05. Follow-up was obtained in 49 (81.67%) patients; of them 10 patients were deaths with a survival time of 22.90?±?11.14 months. In the 39 survivors, post-operative IPSS score was 11.17?±?6.9, compared with Group B, p?>?0.05 and Group C, p?<?0.01. Quality of Life (QOL) index was 1.11?±?0.80, compared with Group B, p?<?0.001 and Group C, p?<?0.01. Barthel Index score in 16 patients was >60 and the score was 82.81?±?8.56 pre-operatively. The patients with >60 were increased to 19 cases and the score was improved to 90.93?±?7.58 (p?<?0.001) in follow-up.

Conclusion: Surgical risk in patients over 85 years of age was higher than patients less than the age of 80 years. A safety TUVRP could improve their voiding function and activities of daily living.  相似文献   

Objectives: To assess the magnitude of active TB disease and latent TB infection (LTBI) in young adults of college age. Participants: Individuals who were aged 18–24 years in 2011 were used as a proxy for college students. Methods: Active TB cases reported to the 2011 US National TB Surveillance System (NTSS) were included. LTBI prevalence was calculated from the 2011–2012 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The 2011 American Community Survey was used to calculate population denominators. Analyses were stratified by nativity. Results: Active TB disease incidence among persons aged 18–24 years was 2.82/100,000, 18.8/100,000 among foreign-born individuals and 0.9/100,000 among US-born individuals. In 2011, 878 TB cases were reported; 629 (71.6%) were foreign-born. LTBI prevalence among persons of 18–24 years was 2.5%: 8.7% and 1.3% among foreign-born and US-born, respectively. Conclusion: Active screening and treatment programs for foreign-born young adults could identify TB cases earlier and provide an opportunity for prevention efforts.  相似文献   

I test whether older individuals who report that their firms favor younger workers in promotion decisions are harmed by this oftencited discriminatory practice. Using the Health and Retirement Study, I determine whether such workers are more likely to experience lower wage growth, to separate from their employer, or to retire early, in comparison with workers with similar demographic and job characteristics. The evidence is consistent with lower wage growth and a greater likelihood of early retirement. Much of the effect, however, is likely to stem from a high correlation between delayedpayment contracts and promotion practices. I thank Jeff Biddle, John Goddeeris, David Neumark, John Strauss, and Jeff Wooldridge for helpful comments and suggestions. I gratefully acknowledge fellowship support during the completion of this paper from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.  相似文献   

一、劳动价值论学说关于土地在价值创造中作用的认识 劳动价值论学说是以劳动为根本出发点来解释商品的价值尺度和商品价值量确定的,威廉·配第、亚当·斯密、大卫·李嘉图和卡尔·马克思是其在经济学说史上的主要代表,但他们在其学说中都没有回避也不可以回避一个问题:如何认识土地在价值创造中的作用.因为一个人赤手空拳是生产不出任何东西的,所以要讨论商品价值的形成就离不开对最基本生产资料--土地的讨论.  相似文献   

Alterations in stream environments can alter fish food availability, but there is little research data related to the impacts of urbanization on fish diets in tropical streams. Thus, we sought to compare the diet of ten fish species in urbanized and non-urbanized streams reaches. Fish stomach contents were obtained for four urban and five non-urban stream reaches from two medium-sized cities. We verified the similarity of diet composition from urbanized/non-urbanized streams. In-stream features mainly related to the substrate highlighted a perturbation gradient: gravel, pebbles and cobbles were associated to the wider urban reaches while silt were representative in the narrow pools from non-urban streams. Fishes changed their diet in response to urban and non-urban treatments. Omnivorous fishes consumed more detritus and Chironomidae and less terrestrial adult insects in urban reaches, while invertivorous fish consumed more terrestrial adult insects and Trichoptera larvae in the non-urbanized stream reaches. Although the management of the physical structure of streams in Brazil has been basically focused on riparian reforestation, our results suggest that a restoration plan for urban streams cannot be limited to reforestation of its surroundings, but also need to consider the physical structure of the channel, especially the substrate, which contributes to promote in-stream variability.  相似文献   

Objectives: To investigate the prevalence and severity of varicocele in adult population over the age of 40. We also measured testicular size, consistency, and total testosterone levels with an aim to observe the effect of varicocele on testis as men age.

Methods: Two hundred twenty-four patients with varicocele, 241 patients without varicocele who admitted to our clinic were enrolled in the study. We stratified participants by four age groups (40–49, 50–59, 60–69, >70?yr). Patients were grouped according to varicocele grade and laterality. The morning testosterone level was drawn. The subgroups were compared with each other.

Results: Overall, varicocele prevalence was 48%. Of the patients, 104 had unilateral, 120 had bilateral varicocele. Of the patients with varicocele, 62 (13.30%) were found as grade 3, 99 (21.10%) were grade 2, and 63 (13.60%) were grade 1. The percentages of smaller testes in grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3 varicocele group were 20.60, 79.80, and 88.70 and a significant association was detected. Age stratification of the data revealed the smaller and soft testis prevalence as well as higher grade varicocele prevalance increased in older age groups.

Conclusions: Varicocele presence is associated with lower testicular size, softer testicular consistency, and lower testosterone levels, especially in older patients with bilateral and high-grade varicocele.  相似文献   

Review of Economics of the Household - In early 2020, a novel coronavirus quickly spread across the globe. In response to the rapidly increasing number of confirmed U.S. cases, state and local...  相似文献   

Longitudinal data from a representative sample of community-residing older persons were used to document changes in patterns and costs of care, both informal and formal. It was found that use of formal services was usually in conjunction with, and secondary to, informal care. Limited availability of informal care as well as increased disability raised the odds of using services. Substitution of formal services for informal care was limited and usually temporary. Total costs of community care, including living expenses, were generally less than the cost of nursing home care.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to assess the impact of economic changes in the 1990s and 2000s on the welfare of married households, taking into account the relative earnings structure of husband and wife. Modeling the household members’ joint labor supply, we find that families in which the wife is the higher wage earner experienced as much welfare gain in the 1990s and significantly higher welfare gains in the 2000s as families in which the husband is the higher wage earner.  相似文献   

This cross-sectional study aimed to assess the impact of age and gender on 4 measures of grip and pinch force of well elderly community dwellers and to provide normative values. The hypotheses were that age and gender affect pinch and grip force and that these 2 factors might interact. Hand strength of 224 seniors 65-92 years old was tested. Grip and pinch force decreased in successively older age groups past 65 years. Men's grip force exceeded that of women in all age groups. Men's hand-force decline was steeper than that of women over successive age groups, suggesting that gender differences in force decreased with age. Trends were the same for all 4 types of grip- and pinch-force measurement but were most clearly visible in grip and key-pinch force. Norms were provided for seniors age 65-85+ years in 5-yr increments.  相似文献   


This article explores how human rights framing by the transnational agrarian movement La Via Campesina (LVC) has evolved over the last 20 years. It discusses how the movement has worked towards institutionalizing new categories of rights, such as the ‘right to food sovereignty’ and the ‘rights of peasants’, thereby contributing to the creation of new human rights standards at the United Nations (UN). It also critically addresses some of the challenges the movement has been confronted with when framing its demands in terms of rights. Its overall argument is that LVC has managed to tap the potential of the rhetoric of rights to find common ground, thanks to its innovative use of non-codified rights. This has enabled activists to ‘localize’ human rights and make them meaningful to their various contexts. However, it contends that further advancing the movement's goals will require serious consideration of some of the key limits of the human rights framework.  相似文献   

Previous studies have found evidence for an optimal size of government with respect to GDP growth. In this paper, I look at the impact of the size of government consumption expenditures on social welfare as measured by the Human Development Index. Utilizing dynamic GMM estimation in a panel data framework, I find that evidence for an optimal size of government with respect to social welfare.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the Croatian fishing sector. The study describes aspects of Croatian fisheries and fish farming, including the structure of the demand, trade, fish processing, and market competitiveness. The analysis of the sector points to an increasing capture trend, especially for bluefish, a stagnation in freshwater fish production, and a growth of market share. The Republic of Croatia has continued to increase penetration in European markets particularly for high-value products such as seawater products. The paper concludes with a business overview analysing the performances of Croatian fishing firms. The analysis of market competitiveness confirms that a net widening between production and productivity trends exists.  相似文献   

国外志愿者动机研究及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
志愿者(Volunteers),又称义工,是指不为物质报酬,基于良知、信念和责任,自愿为社会和他人提供服务和帮助的人。志愿者服务活动具有巨大的精神价值和经济价值。已受到各国政府和社会的重视。而志愿者的动机由于直接和志愿行为的激发、维持有关,因此,逐渐成为国内外学者的研究重点。如今,国外已形成了对志愿者动机较为系统的研究。而国内在此领域研究还基本处于起步阶段。因此。本文综述了国外相关研究.包括三种传统的志愿者动机模型和三种经济学取向的志愿者动机模型.分别从理论和实践的角度阐述了国外志愿者动机研究对中国志愿服务事业发展的启示。  相似文献   

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