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Although there has been some increased attention to the issue of homelessness and homeless shelter services, little effort has been made to understand the operation of rural homeless shelters. This situation persists despite decades of effort showing that the rural environment provides a very different context for the delivery of services than an urban environment. This study hypothesized that contextual differences in rural environments would produce various strategies of service delivery among homeless shelters. A typology of rural environments was created. Homeless shelters within each of four cells of the typology were selected. Comparative case study analysis provided partial support for the hypothesis.  相似文献   

A statewide survey (response rate = 79.5%) of the emergency shelters designed for homeless individuals was conducted in Massachusetts to determine the prevalence of serious mental illness among residents and extent to which they received psychiatric services. An average prevalence rate of 22%, ranging from 1% to 70%, was reported despite the fact that 87% of the shelters restricted admission of those exhibiting severe behavioral problems. Nearly three-quarters of the shelters reported providing some mental health services as part of their program, and 80% had established ties with professional mental health agencies. Linkages with these mental health agencies greatly enhanced placement options for mentally ill persons. When queried on the most pressing community-based service needed for the homeless mentally ill, nearly two-thirds of the shelters reported a need for additional housing alternatives.  相似文献   

Survey data from a national sample of homeless family shelters (N = 59) were analyzed to describe the family support programming available to residents. Data were reporled on facility and resident characteristics and family support programming, as well as on facility admission criteria and program participation requirements. Four independent valiables (length of stay, shelter capacity, sponsorship, and program philosophy) were examined for their relationship to the family-oriented services offered. Facilities sheltered an average of 17 families, with a range of 2-200; the average length of stay for families was slightly over 5 months. Regarding family programming, services of an educational nature were more popular than those focused on providing support or therapy/intervention; services to parents to further adult development were more often offered than those either directed to parents in their parenting roles or to the family as a unit. Vbtually all shelters (98%) applied eligibility criteria to families seeking admission. The most common reasons for exclusion were active drug (86%) and alcohol (83%) abuse by a family member; 40% also refused acceptance to falnilies with adolescent n'lales. Seventy-eight percent of facilities mandated panicipation in some support services. Smaller shelters operated with greater numbers of exclusions (x = 5.98773; p < .05); larger shelters had higher percentages of mandatory family programming (x =

9.21823; p < .06). These findings shed light on shelter directors' beliefs about the etiology of family homelessness and proper steps to solve the problem.  相似文献   

The paper explores the link between women abuse and homelessness. Although the examples are drawn from Canada, the argument is that the plight of abused women is similar throughout North America. First, I discuss the stereotypes about homelessness and the conservative governments' stance toward the homeless. Second, I introduce abuse of women as another road to homelessness. Third, I review the literature on dependent children from abusive homes as victims and witnesses who need social protection. Fourth, I establish the important role shelters play for women fleeing abusive relationships, by tracing the history of shelters. The tenuous position of the shelters in relation to conservative governments is emphasized. The paper ends with the consequences of fear of homelessness for women and their children, and the public policy implications of the close link between abuse and homelessness.  相似文献   

The paper explores the link between women abuse and homelessness. Although the examples are drawn from Canada, the argument is that the plight of abused women is similar throughout North America. First, I discuss the stereotypes about homelessness and the conservative governments' stance toward the homeless. Second, I introduce abuse of women as another road to homelessness. Third, I review the literature on dependent children from abusive homes as victims and witnesses who need social protection. Fourth, I establish the important role shelters play for women fleeing abusive relationships, by tracing the history of shelters. The tenuous position of the shelters in relation to conservative governments is emphasized. The paper ends with the consequences offear of homelessness for women and their children, and the public policy implications of the close link between abuse and homelessness.  相似文献   

In the present study, young (n = 34) and older(n = 70) adult volunteers at either animal (n= 48) or human (n = 56) homeless shelters were asked to complete measures of caregiver stress/satisfaction, volunteer motives, and social desirability. Young compared to older volunteers assisting animals, but not humans, reported a significantly higher caseload and spending significantly more time per visit with their clients. In addition, young volunteers reported significantly higher levels of caregiver stress with humans more than animals. Also, volunteers at human (but not animal) homeless shelters claimed the need for meeting social expectations as a motive for community service. Furthermore, younger compared to older volunteers reported gaining relevant career experience, obtaining a knowledge of the plight of others, relieving aversive emotions, and meeting normative expectations as significant motives for volunteering. These results may have important implications for recruitment and training of community volunteers at homeless shelters.  相似文献   


The purpose of this pilot study was to use a bottom up, or grounded, approach to understand, from the perspective of the individuals living in the homeless community, what they feel would enable them to become housed and stay permanently housed. Organizations which serve homeless individuals often use a top down approach and implement programs without asking the homeless what they most need to find permanent housing. This project used intensive interviews to determine the needs of unhoused individuals in a mid-sized city with a tourist-centered economy in the south eastern United States. Working local homeless shelters, and various other intermediaries we collected data from 102 homeless individuals and 11 service providers. The major theme that emerged in our research is that the homeless individuals we interviewed were, for the most part, they were able to meet many of their basic needs, such as securing food, clothing, a place to bathe and wash their clothes, as well as obtain physical and mental care. However, they perceived lack of reliable and affordable transportation to be a significant barrier to obtaining and maintaining employment, making and keeping appointments, and maintaining their social support network.  相似文献   

Homelessness has been a perennial concern for sociologists. It is a confronting phenomenon that can challenge western notions of home, a discrete family unit and the ascetics and order of public space. To be without a home and to reside in public places illustrates both an intriguing way of living and some fundamental inadequacies in the functioning of society. Much homelessness research has had the consequence of isolating the 'homeless person' as distinct category or indeed type of individual. They are ascribed with homeless identities. The homeless identity is not simply presented as one dimensional and defining, but this imposed and ill-fitting identity is rarely informed by a close and long-term engagement with the individuals it is supposed to say something about. Drawing on a recent Australian ethnographic study with people literally without shelter, this article aims to contribute to understandings of people who are homeless by outlining some nuanced and diverse aspects of their identities. It argues that people can and do express agency in the way they enact elements of the self, and the experience of homelessness is simultaneously important and unimportant to understand this. Further, the article suggests that what is presumably known about the homeless identity is influenced by day-to-day lives that are on public display.  相似文献   

The histories and service needs of 2 groups of homeless women, those unaccompanied by minor children (n = 46) and those accompanied by minor children (n = 22), were compared, on the basis of their responses to a biennial survey of homeless people in a midsize city in the southeast United States. Mothers of children aged 2–10 also completed a measure of stress symptoms for their children (n = 20). Irrespective of family status group, problems such as substance abuse, history of mental illness, health problems, chronicity of homelessness, and crime victimization tended to cluster together. The findings also suggest that declining and/or inadequate levels of public benefits, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, and Medicaid-funded health care in particular, have adversely affected the 2 groups, particularly families with children. The young children in this sample experienced elevated levels of stress, and significant associations were found between children's stress levels and certain risk factors of their mothers. Implications for service delivery are discussed.  相似文献   

Homelessness is one of the most pressing social problems today. Society has responded to the problem with the creation of homeless shelters. yet, the nature of the operation of the shelter is not defined. This study explored the operations of two single adult homeless shelters to understand how they operate in addressing the problem of homelessness. The study identified two different types of services, one called "house" and the other ((home." House services provided basic food, shelter, and linkage to social services, which fulfilled the basic definition of the problem of homelessness as defined by the Institute of Medicine. Home services provided the basic services of house but also went one step beyond by providing these services within the context of a supportive environment, thus creating informal social supports. The study discusses the implications of each of these modalities in addressing the problems associated with people who are homeless as well as the differences in policies and structures which contribute to one shelter providing house and the other home services.  相似文献   


Social workers are increasingly called upon to provide services to homeless families, the vast majority of which are mother-headed. Drawing on empirical findings from the literature on homeless families and the practice literature on solution-focused and strength-based practice, this article describes and illustrates how principles and techniques of these two approaches to practice can be used to empower homeless mothers to resolve their housing crisis and restabilize their families after an episode of homelessness. Examples are given for how social workers can use these principles and techniques in various stages of the helping process.  相似文献   

This paper examines the interplay among schizoid personality traits, chronicity of homelessness, and engagement in treatment in a homeless mentally ill population. Both qualitative and quantitative information will be provided about a sample of 125 homeless mentally ill individuals receiving psychiatric treatment in a comprehensive services drop-in clinic. Naturalistic observations and a case vignette suggested that schizoid traits were prevalent and may have been playing a role in treatment engagement and chronicity of homelessness. This hypothesis was tested using quantitative research methods. The results showed that schizoid personality disorder and schizoid personality traits were prevalent in the sample. The presence of schizoid traits was positively correlated with chronicity of homelessness. Further, two schizoid traits (being content without sexual involvement with others, and lacking close friends or confidants) were positively correlated with remaining in treatment at 3 months. Implications of these findings for future research and treatment design will be discussed.  相似文献   

One hundred, thirty-four undergraduate students participated in a field experiment designed to examine the effects of extended, prosocial communication with homeless persons, upon attitudes toward the homeless problem, of behavioral intentions towards the homeless, and of causal attributions about homelessness. It was expected that prosocial interaction with the homeless would produce shifts in attitudes and behavioral intentions toward the homeless and homelessness and result in greater attributions of external causes to explain homelessness. Nineteen experimental participants worked 15 hours at a local homeless shelter. Their responses to a posttest questionnaire that measured a range of attitudinal and behavioral orientations toward the homeless were compared with control participants who did not work at the shelter. Subsequent analyses furnished strong evidence of positive changes in attitudes and intentions toward homelessness among the shelter workers. These participants evaluated homeless people as less blameworthy and more socially attractive than did control participants; moreover, shelter workers indicated more personal responsibility and behavioral commitment to helping the homeless than control participants. They also perceived the homeless problem to be more serious and were more likely to attribute homelessness to bad luck than control participants. However, the two groups were equally likely to attribute homelessness to various external causes such as the economy, housing costs, and governmental policies. The results are interpreted as having policy implications for volunteer service.  相似文献   


Women in a domestic violence shelter in Georgia were recruited to participate in a series of comprehensive, sex-positive, educational workshops. The purpose of the series was to provide a place for survivors of domestic violence to discuss positive and negative aspects of their previous sexual experiences and to offer a forum in which all aspects of sexuality, including pleasurable sexuality, could be discussed. The focus of the program was to educate women in the group on a wide array of topics from negative sexual rights (e.g., the right to be protected from or ability to protect oneself from sexually transmitted infections) to positive sexual rights (e.g., the right to experience pleasure). The program was based on previous strengths-based educational formats and tools. Positive feedback from informants included the applicability, accessibility, and engaging format of the program. Women reported that this program was informative and structured in a way that safely encouraged open discussions among participants, as well as encouraged open dialogue with their children.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the evaluation of some of the elements of a multi-component program aimed at improving the accessibility of health and social services for the homeless. The program involved provincial, regional and municipal authorities and more than 20 non-profit and public agencies. In accordance with the overall approach of the program, the principle of stakeholder participation in the evaluation was emphasized by the funding agencies. However, even if the evaluation started under promising conditions, including administrative support, a strong commitment from the involved agencies and experience in formative evaluation within the research team, participation of stakeholders from charitable non-profit agencies met with many difficulties. Using a case study approach, this paper attempts to analyze and discuss how the organizational context of the evaluation, certain stakeholder characteristics and methodological features may have impacted on the evaluation process.  相似文献   

This paper explores an important contradiction in the operation of youth homeless shelters: while employees may champion autonomy, stringent regulations constrict independence. Inherent in shelter life is a struggle between more symbolically powerful staff members, who exercise authority and judgment over residents in accordance with societal norms, and youth, who are compelled to feel at once independent and subject. Power differentials and the transmission of messages about worth, deservingness, and compliance should be scrutinized by shelter staff members and top leadership. Understanding how the most effective staff-resident collaboration can be initiated will require sincere consideration of the extent to which “necessary” limitations of personal liberty within an environment that pushes autonomy actually represent manifestations of symbolic processes of power.  相似文献   

余剑  杨忠伟  熊虎 《城市观察》2013,23(1):142-149
本文在对我国城市化质量进行分析的基础上,回顾总结现有城市化模式,指出我国的城市化模式有主动城市化与被动城市化之分,接着具体阐述了现行不同城市化模式的概念与内涵,并对比研究被动城市化和主动城市化在形成动力机制、表征以及存在问题等方面的差异。最后,以实现可持续发展城市化为目标,根据不同城市化模式其自身所特有的问题提出深层次城市化的建议和对策。  相似文献   

Homeless persons living in US. innercities are at risk for human immunodeficiency virus (HW) infection, but few studies have examined the continued risk behaviors of HIV infected homeless men. We investigated the sexual behavior of 32 homeless men who had tested HIV seropositive. Twenty-five percent of HW positive men reported a history of injection drug use, 34% had sex with men, over 40% had participated in commercial sex, and 59% had been treated for a non-HIV sexually transmitted disease. HIV seropositive men also reported recent sexual behavior, with 62% having sex in the previous month and 50% currently sexually active. Condom use was inconsistent among seropositive men; 44% of vaginal and 50% of anal intercourse occasions in the preceding three months did not involve condoms, and 28% of HW seropositive men did not use a condom during their most recent sexual encounter. Substance use was frequently associated with unprotected sexual behavior among HW seropositive men. Finally, measures of life satisfaction showed that HIV seropositive men were most satisfied with their relationships, mental health, and spiritual well being. These data suggest a need for intensive behavioral.interventions tailored for homeless HW infected men and we recommend that existing substance use treatment and holistic care be incorporated into behavioral interventions for HW infected men.  相似文献   

This investigation uses case studies and comparative analysis to review and analyze aging policy in Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, and Mexico and uncovers similarities and relevant trends in the substance of historical and current aging policy across countries. Initial charity-based approaches to poverty and illness have been gradually replaced by a rights-based approach considering broader notions of well-being, and recent reforms emphasize the need for national, intersectoral, evidence-based policy. The results of this study have implications for understanding aging policy in Latin America from a welfare regime and policy makers’ perspective, identifying priorities for intervention and informing policy reforms in developing countries worldwide.  相似文献   

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