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We test the hypothesis that the Great Contraction would have been attenuated had the Federal Reserve not allowed the money stock to decline. We simulate a model that estimates separate relations for output and the price level and assumes that output and price dynamics are not especially sensitive to policy changes. The simulations include a strong and a weak form of Friedman's constant money growth rule. The results support the hypothesis that the Great Contraction would have been mitigated and shortened had the Federal Reserve followed a constant money growth rule.  相似文献   

The information available to private agents determines the effectiveness of various types of monetary policy. In an economy in which private agents have differential information sets, the ranking of three classes of monetary policy rules critically depends on the specification of agents' information sets. A price rule, for example, minimizes the variance of output around its full information level when agents observe both the interest rate and money stock. More generally, if all three monetary policy variables (the money stock, the price level and the interest rate) are contemporaneously observed, the policy ranking is indeterminate.  相似文献   

We study how fluctuations in money growth correlate with fluctuations in real output growth and inflation. Using band‐pass filters, we extract cycles from each time series that last 2–8 (business cycles) and 8–40 (longer‐term cycles) years. We employ annual data, 1880–2001 without gaps, for 11 industrial countries. Fluctuations in money growth do not play a systematic role at business cycle frequencies. However, money growth leads or affects contemporaneously inflation, but not real output growth, in the longer run. Also, formal break tests indicate no structural changes for the longer‐term money growth and inflation relationship, despite changes in policy regimes.(JEL E3)  相似文献   

This paper examines certain aspects of the operation of the gold standard and its effects on the United Kingdom in the period before World War I. Reduced-form tests and estimates of output and money-demand equations are presented. The major conclusions are (1) Prices and interest rates in the United Kingdom can be represented as being determined independently of the money stock and output in the United Kingdom; and (2) Evidence concerning Lucas's version of the natural-rate hypothesis indicates various inadequacies.  相似文献   

Money talks, but it does not give itself away. Lately there has been much talk about money, and even less agreement than heretofore about what it is. Because of the growing immateriality of money, the difficulty of defining it has waxed rather than waned with increased knowledge. This, of course, has not made the development of monetary theory or the determination of monetary policy any easier. Milton Friedman and Anna Jacobson Schwartz (hereafter referred to as F-S) prefer an empirical definition of money to a priori definitions, such as the generally acceptable means of payment.1 However, they fail to demonstrate either that complete freedom from a priori conceptualization is possible or that such procedure can avoid circularity of reasoning.2 If there is no "right" definition of money (F-S, 1970, pp. 137, 145–146, 151, 197–198), there is no "empirical" definition in the absence of the "right" monetary theory.  相似文献   

In the postwar period high rates of inflation are associated with high levels of inflation uncertainty. In this paper I argue that the inflation rate and inflation uncertainty are linked by forecasters' uncertainty about the impact of money growth on the price level, and I present evidence indicating that this has been the case. As long as the impact of money growth on the price level remains unpredictable, then even predictable money growth will cause inflation uncertainty with its accompanying adverse effects on employment and output.  相似文献   

This paper employs theoretical neoclassical and Keynesian models which have been expanded to include near monies to demonstrate that the interest elasticity of money demand is a peripheral issue to more fundamental differences between monetarists and Keynesians. The analysis indicates that the money supply is endogenously determined by income in such models, i.e. the reverse causation argument applies, and money is therefore an inappropriate instrument of monetary policy. The analysis also reveals that necessary and sufficient conditions for fiscal policy to be impotent are that the interest elasticities of money demand, money supply and all near monies must be zero.  相似文献   

We examine the linkage between Federal deficits and money growth by allowing the Fed's response to any given deficit to vary systematically according to how the deficit is generated and the Party affiliation of the current president. In equations for Ml and monetary base growth, the structural deficit is consistently significant and invariant across political changes, while the cyclical component of the deficit (or a direct measure of the business cycle) is significant only during the tenure of Democratic presidents.  相似文献   

The effects of stochastic output shocks on the behavior of ex-change rates and nominal price levels is studied within the context of a two-country, cash-in-advance model. The analysis of this model, in contrast to the existing cash-in-advance literature, demonstrates that exchange rates can be more volatile than price levels even though agents' elasticity of substitution between foreign and domestic goods is greater than one-half. This possibility arises when output shocks are autocorrelated and are due to revisions in expectations that affect the terms of trade and/or the velocity of money.  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of nominal rate of return uncertainty and inflation hedging as potentially important factors explaining the pattern of money demand. Using U.S. quarterly data over the period 1952.2–1982.4, it is shown that in conformity with theoretical considerations the nominal rate of return uncertainty variable tends to have a significantly positive effect and the inflation hedging variable (the covariance between nominal rate of return and inflation rate) a significantly negative effect on the demand for money. These findings seem to be reasonably robust in terms of various definitions of income, interest rates, inflation rate and money variables as well as in terms of different estimation methods.  相似文献   

In many empirical studies the short-run demand for money includes a lagged dependent variable; this is usually attributed to some cost of adjusting money balances toward their desired level. This short-run money-demand equation is sometimes used as a structural equation in models in which market clearing is also assumed (in the sense that money supply equals short–run money demand). In this paper, a theoretical counterexample demonstrates that this use of a short-run money demand equation is not generally valid. This finding challenges the usual interpretation of the lagged dependent variable.  相似文献   

This study reviews empirical evidence from four research methods related to the impact of money on short-term nominal rates. The studies consistently fail to find evidence supporting the much hypothesized short-term, negative relationship between money and nominal rates since at least April 1975. Reasons for the absence of a negative relationship include the tendency of financial markets to anticipate corrective action by the Fed whenever Ml deviates from targeted growth ranges and a rapid adjustment of inflationary expectations to changes in money growth.  相似文献   

This paper examines the demand for money in Bolivia during the 1980s, a decade of extreme instability with annual inflation rates reaching over 20,000 percent, and a subsequent stabilization, with annual rates falling to less than 25 percent and remaining so for more than five years.
Our empirical analysis makes use of error-correction approaches, time-varying-parameter estimation with Kalman filtering, and GARCH models of expected inflation and inflation variance. We find that expected inflation and inflation uncertainty both matter for money demand. Time-varying estimates show that the reaction to monetary disequilibria was significantly faster during hyperinflation.  相似文献   

We develop a dual payment New Monetarist model, where an electronic money (e‐purse) competes with fiat money (cash). The two payment instruments differ in terms of security, cost, and acceptability. Strategic complementarities lead to multiple monetary equilibria. We establish the conditions under which e‐money can coexist with, or replace fiat money, and explain the reasons for the e‐purse failure/success in a few countries. We also compare welfare when one currency or both circulate. When the risk of theft of cash is endogenous, e‐money cannot replace cash entirely; however, low inflation can facilitate the adoption of e‐money in parallel with fiat money. (JEL D83, E40, E50)  相似文献   

Much recent empirical work on hyperinflation has centered on the direct and indirect effects of uncertainty on the demand for money. We test the hypothesis, originally put forward by Klein, that uncertainty positively affects the demand for real balances. A variant of Cagan's demand for money function is utilized and operational measures of uncertainty are derived by fitting autoregressive integrated moving average models to the inflation series for each of three hyperinflation nations. We find that the most reasonable measures of variation do not significantly enter the money demand function for any of the three hyperinflations studied.  相似文献   

This paper extends the Williamson-Wright model to study interaction between money and middlemen in an economy with qualitative uncertainty concerning the consumption goods. It is shown that with private information as the only trading friction, given that expert middlemen endogenously arise, people may still be willing to adopt indirect exchange involving money. Generally recognizable money improves welfare by promoting useful exchange and economizing on the cost of agents becoming middlemen. In an economy with trading frictions caused by private information and a double coincidence of wants problem, we show that there is room for both intermediary institutions. ( JEL E40, D82)  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that a change in the stochastic process generating money can alter the relationships between money and inflation and between inflation and interest rates. The extent to which inflation is forecastable is shown to depend significantly on the extent to which money is forecastable. Thus, the greater the persistence and forecastability of money, the greater the likelihood of observing a statistically significant Fisher effect.
US. data over the 1953–86 period are used to demonstrate that instability in the Fisher effect coincides with changes in the stochastic process generating money. There is a significantly stronger Fisher effect during a subsample in which money—and hence inflation—are more predictable.  相似文献   

Commercial bank behavior is not adequately dealt with in existing macro models of the financial sector. The central role of a demand for excess reserves (or free reserves) function in models of the money supply process is particularly suspect. In this paper, it is argued that changes in commercial bank behavior induced by alterations in economic and financial conditions and various banking regulations, along with the central bank's approach to policy, have combined to alter the excess reserve function and the relationship between bank reserves and the money supply. Empirical work presented suggests that the "demand" for excess reserves has indeed undergone structural change. Thus, the study indicates that conventional approaches to commercial bank behavior and the demand for excess reserves need to be reworked.  相似文献   

The effects of changes in money supply variability are examined for a macro model of monopolistic competition. Increases in money supply variability raise demand uncertainty causing individual firms to produce more for inventory. In addition, expected profits decrease, inducing a number of firms to leave the economy. Aggregate income then falls in spite of an increase in firm-level production. The result on aggregate income is standard, but the results on inventories and the number of firms in the economy distinguish this monopolistic macro model empirically from conventional macro models when changes in money supply variability occur.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of shortages on the demand for money of Soviet citizens. It is the first to examine the demand for money in a centrally planned economy using cross-section data in which alternatives to income and interest rates are used to explain money demand. We find demand for broad money and liquid assets depends on income, illiquid wealth, participation in the underground economy, and the severity of quantity constraints as well as demographic factors. Our findings show that quantity constraints decrease demand for the national currency and increase demand for convertible currencies and barter transactions.  相似文献   

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