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Delegation is not a soft skill. Physician executives who do not delegate well and strategically cannot expect to achieve the top jobs now or in the future. It's not enough to have great communications skills to convey your vision. You won't achieve that vision alone; you must have a great team to bring that vision to fruition. However, you can't delegate your first and most important step--self-assessment. To maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses, you'll need a clear view of what makes you tick. Then start thinking about your executive role in these terms: Conceptualize work mandates as projects; choose people who are better than you for your team; and try to work yourself out of a job. By learning to delegate, physician executives can make their own careers (as well as those on their team) richer and more fulfilled.  相似文献   

To be successful in a new job out-of-town, physician executives need to develop a plan for a smooth transition into the organization. A checklist to prepare yourself for the new position should include: Updating your research; (2) staying in close contact with your new boss; (3) visiting the office; (4) hiring your own support person; (5) planning the first week; (6) telling the troops how to manage you; (7) making early decisions; and (8) meeting your peers. The focus should be on the job and connecting with your new boss, medical staff, and coworkers--and not exclusively on the environment of your home-to-be.  相似文献   

Exploring the larger subject of executive professionalism should include the whole range of behavior issues that affect others' perceptions of you. In this competitive environment, with limited time to manage relationships, physician executives must take control of all aspects affecting their credibility and communications. This is not to suggest that you become the stereotyped, air-brushed news anchor, all style and little substance, but that you create a total package, one in which the "inside" and the "outside" of your presentation are complementary. Focus your attention on how well you have developed these factors as a physician executive: Appearance; demeanor; professionalism; and integrity. To create a "total package," it is helpful to consider the following recommendations: Write "commercials" for yourself and your organization; use every interaction as a selling opportunity; make every context a platform; don't hide from criticism--seek it out; and use every opportunity that comes your way to listen.  相似文献   

Perhaps empathy has been overdone in recent years. Most of us would admit to some cynicism or disbelief when we hear the words, "I know how you feel." Having said that, however, I actually do know how you feel. If I can't identify exactly where you are coming from, I do know where you are likely to be going and how bumpy the ride is likely to be. I'm a physician and a physician executive. I am also an executive search consultant who is daily in the field interviewing physicians who may or may not be the right individuals for a client's situation. If I don't exactly feel your pain, at least I know its sources. I know how difficult it is to make the move from challenging clinical work to an administrative role in health care. While, as a group, physicians are multiskilled and multitalented, it's an unfortunate fact that some of the skills and talents that made you an excellent physician may be blocking you from succeeding in an executive capacity. My hope is that, through an occasional entry in this column, I can share my experiences and relate the remarkable wisdom of the impressive physician executives whom I meet every day. The first issue I'm opening up for discussion is employment interviewing: Why the interview is so important, what the interviewing process is, and how you can become more adept in this critical skill area.  相似文献   

Searching for your next job is never easy. You generally need all the help you can get. Often, that means working with physician recruiters who have the connections to help you land a great position. But dealing with recruiters can be both rewarding and frustrating. In two ACPE CyberForums facilitated by Barry Herman--one in 1999 and another just a few months ago--participants talked about the role of recruiters, offering advice and tips that can help physician executives carry out a successful job search.  相似文献   

Today, interest in defining the role of the physician executive and ensuring this individual is effectively integrated into the organization is high for good reason--the ranks of physician executives are growing. What attributes should health care organizations look for when hiring physician executives and what should they should expect of them once they are on the job? Physician executives should: (1) have demonstrated clinical and management skills; (2) have a comfort level with participatory decision-making; (3) have superb interpersonal skills; and (4) be a champion of the patient. Physician executives should expect the following support from their organizations: (1) varied roles and responsibilities; (2) mentoring by other senior executives; (3) lifelong learning opportunities; and (4) complete support of the management team.  相似文献   

How can physician executives get the kind of management experience they need to move to the next level? Is the MBA the end all or can significant management experience and top assignments impress recruiters and CEOs? Here are some important questions to ask yourself about each job you have held as you prepare to move forward in your career: How did I improve the organization? How did I contribute to greater efficiency? How did I affect productivity? How did my work increase the bottom line? Thinking about these questions can help you put teeth in your résumé and get you where you want to go. When you can answer those questions from your own experience, you will have created a powerful career track record that is likely to impress the next CEO whose staff you want to join.  相似文献   

What are the three hiring trends that trouble both human resources people and top management? From the "exploding job offer," to new hires who renege on their acceptances, to "front loading," these trends are predicted to continue, so where does this leave you in the salary negotiation process? From communicating often to interviewing more carefully, some suggestions are explored to help physician executives address these disturbing trends. There's still a sub rosa theory that only undesirable candidates back out of an offer. But that's no longer true and that attitude may make you short-handed!  相似文献   

The MBA mystique     
Is an MBA the solution for you? Do physician executives need to have a business degree to compete in today's competitive marketplace? What are clients looking for when they make hiring decisions? The answers may surprise you. This column is an attempt to dispel myths about physician executives and the MBA degree. Clients want to attract and hire physician executives who possess sometimes intangible skills--with or without the MBA credential. These intangible skills include the ability to educate other physicians to the new health care realities, a sales orientation emphasizing effective communication that focuses on patients and payers as customers, comfort with ambiguity, flexibility, and tact and sensitivity in negotiations.  相似文献   

Six senior physician executives were interviewed to see how they were doing or not doing performance reviews in their organizations. There seems to be a trend toward doing them, but it is in the beginning stages. Of the physician executives surveyed, the experience ranges from formal lengthy evaluations with rating scales to reviewing a short list of goals. Several are in the process of developing new systems or revising old ones. Probably the most useful part of a performance evaluation is the conversation between the physician executive and the person he or she reports to. If you can stop approaching performance evaluations as passing negative judgments on people, but as having a conversation to hear their concerns, learn what their goals are, and offer ways to help them achieve their potential, they can be useful, enjoyable experiences for both people.  相似文献   

Whether you realize it or not, you are in the middle of a negotiation every time you are asked to do something. Negotiation skills are important for physician executives, both in their professional and personal lives. The Successful Physician Negotiator: How to Get What You Deserve provides useful examples of how to negotiate and helps you get in the proper mindset to get it done effectively. While the book explores the concept of cooperative negotiation, which is important if you want to have a long-term relationship with a person, it's also important to have other tactics. You need to understand your opponent by gathering information about his or her values and work situation. You can gather information when talking to your opponent, but you also need to do some "behind the scenes" preparation before the encounter begins. Other recommendations include: don't negotiate in your office, use time to your advantage, be able to keep silent when necessary, have options, be able to say no and walk away, keep your cool, and take notes.  相似文献   

Richard L. Reece, MD, interviewed Robert J. Hudson, MD, on April 24, 2000 to discuss his experiences as a physician executive who has made the career transition from practicing physician to managed care executive to biotech entrepreneur. Along the way, he's hired and fired others, and been fired himself. Painful as it is, many physician executives' career realities include being fired. Organizations, after all, are living organizations--they grow, wither, and molt. And as they molt, organizations shed and regrow new skin. What do physician executives do when they've been fired? They go through their own cycle and retreat, reflect, and re-emerge, often reinventing themselves as they go. An essential part of this process is looking within to plumb likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, nightmares and dreams, and positive and negative experiences. For most executives, out of these experiences has come a circle of friends and a Rolodex. Start by reaching out to the circle, by going through your Rolodex, and you can broadcast the news of your rebirth.  相似文献   

David White in The Heart Aroused: Poetry and the Preservation of Soul in Corporate America explores ways for professionals to take their souls to work, instead of checking them at the door. "We simply spend too much time and have too much psychic and emotional energy invested in the workplace for us to declare it a spiritual desert bereft of life-giving water." Several ideas are presented to help physician executives preserve their souls in an increasingly corporatized U.S. health care system: (1) Figure out what you are meant to do as your life's calling; (2) know what you think and want; (3) share some of what you think at work, while being careful to not lose your job unless you choose to; (4) be a trustworthy listener and find one; (5) get yourself outside; (6) pay attention to your physical space; and (7) develop some new hobbies or refresh old ones. "One of the disciplines of building a rich soul life seems to be the simple act, on a daily basis, of remembering what is most important to us."  相似文献   

How can physicians begin crafting a career with intention and careful thought? Before you go leafing through The Physician Executive or the New England Journal of Medicine's Positions sections, you'll need to conduct a thorough career evaluation of where you are and where you want to go. There are more career tracks in more types of organizations available to you as a physician executive than ever before. There is also considerable turbulence, creating unexpected opportunities. The times have never been better for aggressive, energetic physician executives who want to move up and out.  相似文献   

If you're satisfied with your physician executive job, one factor contributing to your happiness may be that you're still seeing some patients. Check out the results of a national survey that examines why some physician executives are more satisfied with their jobs.  相似文献   

Today's health care market is volatile, and the job of a physician executive is becoming more risky. Recognizing signs of trouble and taking immediate action is essential. Ten early warning signs that you could be fired are: (1) Net profits dip unexpectedly; (2) investment income can't cover operating losses; (3) bond rating is downgraded; (4) revenues are not rising as fast as costs; (5) senior executives leave the team; (6) wage increases don't improve nursing vacancy rate; (7) unions begin whisper campaign; (8) medical staff elect an SOB; (9) hospital is slapped with a costly lawsuit; and (10) recruiters call to check on your status. Physician executives are quickly learning what it takes to overcome tough challenges and prevent premature job termination: Communication; no-surprise performance; continuous monitoring of key indicators; openness and plain talk; and no-more-business-as-usual attitude. What can you do to make your job loss as painless as possible? (1) Negotiate a contract upfront; (2) don't lose your temper; (3) ask for your wish list quickly; (4) be reluctant to sue your former employer; (5) tell your family as soon as possible; (6) take only a brief vacation; (7) consider a temporary assignment; (8) be prepared to be re-employed by your former employer; and (9) keep a positive attitude.  相似文献   

The role of the senior physician executive is well established in American hospitals and health systems. There is little research, however, on overall physician executive job satisfaction, their perceptions of their organizational role and job performance, or their views of the medical staffs with which they work. A recent survey of physician executives examined these and other areas. It found physician executives to be quite satisfied with their jobs. What follows is a summary of the findings. An article based on the survey will be featured in a future issue of The Physician Executive.  相似文献   

How do you define organizational politics? The underground system of communication, the grapevine, what's really going on in the organization, rumors, knowing who really has the power? However you define it, all sources agree you'd better not ignore it. According to one physician executive: "Organizational politics is how things really get done, who really has the power, how decisions get made. Things are not always what they appear to be on the organizational chart." Presented here are some thoughts about organizational politics from physician executives and their stories of when it helped or hurt their careers or prevented them from accomplishing something in their organizations.  相似文献   

Health care is all about sales--everyone today in the competitive arena of health care is a salesperson. Your selling days began when you applied to medical school. Your product was yourself, and you worked hard to sell it. That was only the beginning. In your daily work as physician executives, you are selling yourself and your ideas-your ideas about relationships, management structures, partnership issues, merger questions, etc. It's a complicated world, and the concepts are often abstract and difficult. But it is your job to communicate with others to get things done. It is the most important part of your job. It is selling, in fact, at a sophisticated level. How do you communicate and sell yourself and your ideas effectively? Here, some ideas on how to listen and communicate.  相似文献   

Physician executives are suffering from creeping task migration--putting in too many hours for few appreciable results. Controlling this increasing workload has become one of the most important issues in health care, brought on by too few people trying to do too much. The only way to lessen the workload is to take charge, analyze, and act. Bosses won't care about the details. Several suggestions are presented to help physician executives downsize their workload while not reducing their output: (1) Compare your priorities with your boss's; (2) lighten up on the perfectionism; (3) change expectations; (4) look for "orphans" to cut--those projects that nobody is invested in; (5) don't target symbolic events; and (6) use logic to drive change. If you spend the next few months getting rid of the ineffective, inefficient, and redundant, you'll be ahead of the game. This is an ongoing task, and much easier done every three or four months than once a year.  相似文献   

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