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Workflow mapping can yield valuable results wherever complex processes are used. Some of its many benefits include knowledge retention, identification of inefficiencies, and more effective decision making. However, despite the promise of improved productivity and stewardship of library resources, tackling diagrams of complex and often long-unexamined workflows can seem too daunting a task to even attempt—at least without the right tool. This review takes a look at the robust features for flowchart creation offered by Lucidchart, a free online software that greatly reduces the challenges of constructing complicated diagrams. Lucidchart’s intuitive interface and built-in library of templates and design elements bring the benefits of visual mapping well within the reach of busy librarians and managers attempting to chart, understand, and streamline workflows in their units.  相似文献   


The authors discuss the development of a related set of institutional repositories among several liberal arts college libraries. Contrary to the usual focus on faculty publications, the primary goal of these repositories is the promotion of student work, especially undergraduate theses. Discussion of issues concerning selection of materials and archival policies is included along with practical considerations of workflows and reflections on the advantages and disadvantages of the particular software platform (Digital Commons). Marketing the repository and the subsequent addition of other materials, including e-journals, are discussed in light of ambiguity about its purposes among campus faculty and students.  相似文献   


This edition of “From Picas to Pixels” takes an in-depth look at some innovative oral history collections at the University of Texas at Austin. Focusing on one collection in particular, the Texas Legacy Project, Quinn Stewart tells us about old and new ways to encode and offer up high quality transcribed video. Also discussed is the new technology application, Glifos Social Media Creator, that makes these new collections possible. Other ongoing oral history projects at the University of Texas at Austin are addressed.  相似文献   

宇宙有什么 宇宙如何形成与发展?自然界物质基本性质为何?人类在无垠宇宙中处于什么样的地位?这是许多人心中的好奇与疑问,为解此困惑,千百年来人们不断以科学方法及哲学解释来寻求答案,其中伽利略、喀刻卜勒和牛顿成功地运用数学来强化他们对宇宙现象之解释.伽利略曾说过一段话,简洁清晰地表达出数字在文艺复兴时期的崇高威信:"要了解‘自然'这本书,须先学习理解书中所用的语言,并逐字阅读;自然之书是用数学语言写成的,它的文字是三角形、圆形、和其他几何图形,没有数学,人类是无法领悟任何一个字汇的;没有数学,人类将徘徊在漆黑的迷阵中".数学离不开数字,而数字又是统计的生命,透过统计数字来解码宇宙万物与物质基本性质,是最自然不过的事.  相似文献   

数字金融、数字鸿沟与多维贫困   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何宗樾等 《统计研究》2020,37(10):79-89
以互联网为基础的第三次技术革命,推动了数字金融的发展,对居民经济行为的影响巨大,因而也可能具有减贫作用。本文首次利用中国数字普惠金融发展指数和中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)的匹配数据,通过克服内生性的工具变量估计,探讨了数字经济发展对家庭多维贫困的影响。然而,与预期不同,本文的初步研究发现数字金融发展提升了贫困发生的概率,也加深了多维贫困的程度,且影响逐年增大。不过,进一步研究表明,数字金融发展可能存在结构性问题:数字金融发展给能够接触到互联网的居民带来便利以及机会,挤占了未能接触到互联网的居民原先所可能获得的资源,这种数字鸿沟使得位于贫困线附近和贫困线以下的居民由于数字金融的发展而愈加贫困。观察背后机制发现,数字金融发展主要导致了面临数字劣势的贫困居民失业概率的提升。因此,在推进数字金融发展的同时,应着力提高金融服务的覆盖率和可得性,尤其对于农村的贫困人口而言,积极应对数字经济对就业市场的挑战,引导其成为脱贫攻坚的重要支撑。  相似文献   

Many of the tasks encountered in image processing can be considered as problems in statistical inference. In particular, they fit naturally into a subjectivist Bayesian framework. In this paper, we describe the Bayesian approach to image analysis. Numerical examples are not included but can be found among the references, in the previous Special Issue of this Journal and elsewhere. It is argued that the Bayesian approach, still in its infancy, has considerable potential for future development.  相似文献   


From the spring of 2002 to early 2004, Innovative Interfaces, Inc. worked with several libraries in a development partnership to create an electronic resource management (ERM) system. The new ERM system is designed to track licensing and purchasing information about electronic resources, define relationships among aggregators, publishers, or vendors and the resources they provide, and to selectively display information in the Web OPAC for public services staff and patrons.  相似文献   


In this interview, Simon Tanner, senior consultant with Higher Education Digitization Services at the University of Hertfordshire in the United Kingdom, discusses the economics and market issues related to pricing of digital resources. Serials Review 2003; 29:121–126.  相似文献   

生命进化知识解码(上)生命探索 自古以来,人类对生命之探索一直很有兴趣。大家都知道母鸡生蛋,蛋孵小鸡,树木结出果子,生产种子,种子种植成树木。然而,最初的鸡或鸡蛋从何而来?最初的树木或种子从何而来?在探索生命过程中, 140年前达尔文提出的“进化论”思想无疑的带来极大的震撼,引发人们对过去与未来的省思。但可能很多人不知道,统计数字与进化论之发展,两者间早就有密切之关联。在古希腊时代,巴曼尼狄思认为宇宙是一套永恒不变的绝对系统,现象领域中所见到的变化,不过是一些不能变的微粒,经过重新“排列组合”所产…  相似文献   

赵彦云 《统计研究》2020,37(5):117-128
互联网技术革命已经收敛到数据资源、数据生产要素、数据资产,正在通过新科学、新技术、新产业推动人类社会的巨大进步。本文针对互联网技术革命作用的基本架构做出系统研究,提出数字化、全面量化、广义统计、数族协同一系列关键领域的分析研究,追求解析互联网技术革命的重大发展趋势、重要途径和主要科学手段,以及走向智能化的设施支撑和社会生态系统平台的优化及演化作用,特别阐述统计学科在互联网技术革命中基础地位和巨大发展空间,为统计实践工作和战略定位提供理论依据。  相似文献   

We investigate the estimation of specific intrinsic volumes of stationary Boolean models by local digital algorithms; that is, by weighted sums of local configuration counts. We show that asymptotically unbiased estimators for the specific surface area or integrated mean curvature do not exist if the dimension is at least two or three, respectively. For three‐dimensional stationary isotropic Boolean models, we derive asymptotically unbiased estimators for the specific surface area and integrated mean curvature. For a Boolean model with balls as grains, we even obtain an asymptotically unbiased estimator for the specific Euler characteristic.  相似文献   

数字鸿沟与中国经济增长   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过实证研究发现:随着信息分化水平的演进,中国和世界平均水平的数字鸿沟开始出现缩小的趋势;数字鸿沟的变化趋势与中国经济增长的关系呈现出一种倒"U"形。然后,分析数字鸿沟变化受到对外贸易水平、金融发展水平、信息产业薪酬、信息知识普及率等因素影响的程度。实证研究的结果表明,针对数字鸿沟,要采用多方面的配套政策。  相似文献   

信息通信技术和数字技术的发展扩展了贸易的方式,衍生出了数字贸易,也对传统的贸易统计提出了挑战。原有的统计核算体系虽然在某些方面已经体现了数字化的特征,但是却无法反映数字贸易的全貌。测度数字贸易就要清晰界定其概念内涵,采用科学规范的测度方法以及可行适用的数据获取手段,OECD-WTO-IMF的《数字贸易测度手册》提供了很好的国际可比的做法。文章通过文献归纳,比较了国际国内对数字贸易内涵理解的异同点,阐述了测度数据的来源问题,重点总结了数字贸易测度的难点以及针对性的建议。  相似文献   

Jue Wang 《Serials Review》2013,39(3):161-164

Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) are persistent identifications that are assigned to any entity in order to manage intellectual content on digital networks. The DOI system has been managed by an open membership consortium, the International DOI Foundation (IDF), founded in 1998. Usage of the DOI system is cross-industry beyond academic publishing. This article provides an overview of what a DOI is; the structure of DOI; DOI registration agencies (RA); metadata associated with DOIs, and advantages for libraries.  相似文献   

The tumultuous changes in the scholarly communications ecosystem have disrupted traditional library assumptions and established new workflows and user expectations. In response, the Auraria Library at the University of Colorado Denver initiated a collaborative design (co-design) initiative to re-invent structures, processes, services, and roles throughout the entire organization. Fostered by appreciative inquiry, enabled by social learning, and furthered by shared leadership, redesign initiated sustainable information exchange, reflective dialog, and knowledge creation practices.  相似文献   

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