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Michael Robinson   《Serials Review》2009,35(3):133-137
Established in 1994 through the amalgamation of several teacher training colleges, The Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd) is the major multidisciplinary teacher education provider in the Hong Kong SAR. Despite this, the Institute does not have a particularly high research profile when compared with its peer institutions in Hong Kong and around the world. Its research publishing achieves modest exposure and impact in international educational research literature. The Institute has a goal to attain the title of a “university of education” and has identified an improvement in its research output and profile as critical to achieving this. In this context the HKIEd Library embarked on the redevelopment of its institutional repository, changing its direction from being an archive of institutional publications to one which brought together and offered access to the sum total of published output of the Institute since its foundation, in a deliberate effort to promote Institute research. This paper explores the particular approach taken by the Library to the development of the institutional repository, how the repository contributes directly to and aligns with the research strategies of the Institute, and the impact the Repository has had so far on improving the profile of research at HKIEd.  相似文献   


Established in 1994 through the amalgamation of several teacher training colleges, The Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd) is the major multidisciplinary teacher education provider in the Hong Kong SAR. Despite this, the Institute does not have a particularly high research profile when compared with its peer institutions in Hong Kong and around the world. Its research publishing achieves modest exposure and impact in international educational research literature. The Institute has a goal to attain the title of a “university of education” and has identified an improvement in its research output and profile as critical to achieving this. In this context the HKIEd Library embarked on the redevelopment of its institutional repository, changing its direction from being an archive of institutional publications to one which brought together and offered access to the sum total of published output of the Institute since its foundation, in a deliberate effort to promote Institute research. This paper explores the particular approach taken by the Library to the development of the institutional repository, how the repository contributes directly to and aligns with the research strategies of the Institute, and the impact the Repository has had so far on improving the profile of research at HKIEd.  相似文献   

Since 2006, Research Online, the University of Wollongong's open access institutional repository has utilised Bepress' Digital Commons software to make available published research outputs and digital theses. This article discusses the outcomes of recent academic demand for its use as a publishing tool of university journals and conference proceedings. The Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice is provided as an example. Digital Commons includes the editorial management software, EdiKit, which assists in managing submissions, editorial functions, and peer review. Also considered are changes to scholarly communication patterns arising out of the new open access, electronic only, publication regimes.  相似文献   

Eric M. Hanson 《Serials Review》2017,43(3-4):278-281

In this interview from March 2017, Kay Teel, metadata librarian for serials and arts resources at the Stanford University Libraries, discusses the issues involved in providing access to serials through an institutional repository.  相似文献   

本文利用2004-2012年79个国家构成的非均衡面板数据,采用面板负二项回归模型,探究了FDI和制度环境对创业活动的影响,分析了基于信号传递理论、公共选择理论和FDI溢出效应的三种补偿机制,区分了补偿作用的长期性与短期性,并讨论了补偿作用在不同国家的差异性.研究结果表明:FDI对创业活动具有显著的挤入效应,且这种挤入效应在创业时间更长、创业成本更高及借贷法律指数更弱的国家得到增强,即FDI对低水平的制度环境存在补偿作用,其补偿机制具体包括增强创业信心、改善创业环境和提高生产率;在短期和长期内,FDI对创业活动的挤入效应及对低水平制度环境的补偿作用均存在,且在长期内补偿作用更显著;此外,与发达国家相比,这种补偿作用在发展中国家更强.  相似文献   


From the spring of 2002 to early 2004, Innovative Interfaces, Inc. worked with several libraries in a development partnership to create an electronic resource management (ERM) system. The new ERM system is designed to track licensing and purchasing information about electronic resources, define relationships among aggregators, publishers, or vendors and the resources they provide, and to selectively display information in the Web OPAC for public services staff and patrons.  相似文献   

文章在增广索洛模型的基础上,结合内生增长理论和新制度经济学,分析了中国的经济增长机制.然后利用panel data建模方法,在允许各省经济异质的情况下,对中国经济增长进行了经验分析,得出了更高的条件收敛速度和合理的产出份额,为中国各地区的均衡发展提出了相应的建议.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the developmental strategies, challenges and directions of the institutional repositories of the higher educational institutions in Hong Kong. The study integrates the size, content, full text and public accessibility of these repositories. The paper also compares archived output with research output as registered by the Hong Kong University Grants Committee. Percentages of archived work are low for journal and conference papers, but moderate for graduate theses. These deposit rates reflect the differing institutional policies. In recognizing these challenges, the Hong Kong Open Access Committee has been formed to address regional issues in knowledge sharing.  相似文献   

文章以中国沪深A股上市企业于2016年之前完成的跨境并购交易为研究样本,基于制度理论,研究东道国与母国之间的正式制度距离对并购绩效的影响及其内在作用机制,并分析并购方企业国有性质和高管政治关联的调节作用。结果表明,正式制度距离对并购绩效产生直接负向影响,制度距离通过结构整合的中介作用对并购绩效间接产生正向影响。结构整合在正式制度距离与并购绩效之间的作用机制为"遮掩效应"。并购方的国有性质能够减弱正式制度距离对绩效的直接负向影响;并购方高管的政治关联能够增强正式制度距离对结构整合的负向影响。  相似文献   

谢鸿光 《统计研究》1996,13(4):76-79
Being the vice editor-in-chief of the China’s statistical republic house, the author summarizes achievements of fifteen years since the birth of China’s Statistical Yearbook and illustrates the opportunity and targets at present.  相似文献   


In the spring of 2003 the University Libraries at University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), conducted a Serials Assessment Project which combined technology with effective communication between library users and subject librarians to successfully identify journals that could be cancelled, should cancellations be necessary due to budgetary constraints. Although the library had conducted similar assessments in 1998 and 2000, a fresh look at past assessments resulted in an innovative approach. The project and experience proved to be tremendously positive for both the library and its users. This article describes the planning and process by which the UNLV libraries designed and conducted the 2003 review of UNLV's serials collection, comparing it to methods used in the two previous assessments.  相似文献   

彭道宾 《统计研究》2011,28(2):98-105
 中央苏区调查统计工作具有鲜明的特色,充分发挥了信息、咨询、监督等功能,对我们当前正在进行的统计改革和统计现代化建设,提供了许多有益启示。  相似文献   

张美慧 《统计研究》2021,38(7):3-18
数字经济供给使用表是数字经济卫星账户的核心表式,具有统计协调和分析工具的双重作用,能够准确监测数字经济产业发展规模及传统产业与数字经济的融合程度。目前,国际上对数字经济供给使用表的研究尚处于初期探索阶段,还未有国家编制出基于实际数据的数字经济供给使用表,经济合作与发展组织(OECD)对数字经济供给使用表的理论框架进行了前瞻性探索,但系统的数字经济供给使用表构建指南还亟待完善。本文首先从供给和使用层面构建数字经济供给使用表概念框架,界定数字经济特征活动的概念和范围,梳理OECD 划分的数字经济供给使用表中的产品清单和数字经济产业分类;阐释数字经济最终消费、固定资本形成、贸易活动的内涵和种类。其次,围绕“产品×产业×特征活动”三重维度,设计数字经济供给使用表整体架构、阐明其核心指标。再次,编制数字经济供给使用表实例,剖析编制流程、总结编制要点。最后,提出结论和建议。本文尝试完善数字经济统计核算体系,为提出促进我国数字经济高质量发展的政策建议提供核算方法参考。  相似文献   

贾怀勤等 《统计研究》2021,38(12):30-41
数字贸易是构建“以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进”的新发展格局的新模式和新业态,也是各国参与国际竞争与合作的重要领域。然而,国际社会对数字贸易概念的认识还比较模糊,直接影响着数字贸易市场拓展和规则制定,数字贸易测度也成为国际贸易统计领域具有挑战性课题。本文在回顾和梳理国际社会关于数字贸易概念和测度方法既有论述的基础上,提出了数字贸易的“二元三环”概念架构,构建了测度数字贸易规模的指标体系,开发了以“实际数字交付比率”为关键的数字贸易测度法,并使用中国“两化融合”平台数据库的数据,对中国2018—2019 年数字贸易进出口总额进行了试测度。本文的研究成果对我国数字贸易测度研究以及有关部门建立数字贸易统计监测制度具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

组织支持、组织文化认同和情绪工作作用机制研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以服务行业工作人员为研究对象,通过实证分析对组织支持、组织文化认同和情绪工作间的作用机制进行研究。结果表明:同事支持、上级支持和企业支持对表层行为有显著负向影响,上级支持和企业支持对深层行为有显著正向影响;组织文化认同的行为性认同维度对表层行为有抑制作用,认知性认同、情感性认同和行为性认同则能有效激发员工的深层行为;组织支持通过组织文化认同的部分中介作用对表层行为和深层行为产生影响。  相似文献   

一、十年来全国统计工作恢复和发展的简要回顾党的十一届三中全会作出了把全党、全国工作重点转移到社会主义现代化建设上来的战略决策,使我国政治、经济、文化进入了全面发展的新时期。统计工作随着社会主义现代化建设事业的发展,得到了迅速恢复,并进入了新的发展时期。为了适应国家经济建设的需要,国务院于1979年10月20日发布了《关于加强统计工作充实统计机构的决定》,要求建立一个强有力的统计系统,实行统一领导、分级管理的体制,健全统计机构,加强统计力量,坚持实事求是,加强统计监督。国务院的这一果断决策,使我国统计工作从此得到迅速的恢复。  相似文献   

One of the pivotal devices B. Traven employs in his short story 'The Cattle Drive' is a contract between the cattle owner and the trail boss who brings the livestock to market. By specifying a per-diem rate, the contract appears to encourage a wage-maximizing trail boss to delay the delivery of the cattle. However, a statistical model of the contract demonstrates that a rational trail boss has an incentive to maintain a rapid rate of travel. The article concludes that statistics can be applied in non-traditional ways such as to the analysis of the plot of a fictional story. The statistical model suggests plausible alternative endings to the story based on various parameter assumptions. Finally, it demonstrates that a well-crafted story can provide an excellent case study of how contracts create incentives and influence decision-making.  相似文献   

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